Friday, October 23, 2020

It Must Be Embarrassing To Be Drop-Kicked on International Television

Before the smug “journalists” at CNN accuse others of peddling Russian disinformation, perhaps they should take a closer look in the mirror.   During Thursday’s evening broadcast of “Amanpour,” a CNN International show hosted by Christiane Amanpour, the host suggested that the emails regarding Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, are “Russian disinformation.”

It didn't go well for Ms. Amanpour......


On a Side Note:  A Former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Policy & Research for two presidential administrations, William Harrison, said Joe Biden earned about $2.5 Mil. each in 2018 and 2019 and about $8 Mil. in 2017.

Biden claims he made it from speeches, which he charged $50-$75K each to make. Payments were made to Celticcapri Corporation, an S-Corporation he controls as a “pass through” entity to receive payments which are in turn “passed through” to his personal accounts. When money is funneled through an S corporation, the recipient doesn’t owe Social Security or Medicare taxes on it, nor can the source of revenue be traced.

That means biden made 80–100 speeches every year at $50-$75K a pop. If so, who were they for and where were they.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

They Really Do Think You're Stupid

Fifty people from the vaunted US intelligence community including serial liar James Clapper and dour-faced John Brennan signed a letter claiming the recent claims about Hunter Biden, from his very own laptop, is Russian disinformation. In other words, move along…nothing to see here.  Those pesky Russians and their leader, the evil Vlad Putin, are up to their old tricks again. It is 2016 all over again.

We are supposed to ignore that these Hunter Biden emails, which seem to suggest “the big guy” (Sleepy Joe) was up to his eyes in influence-peddling, are bogus.

You see, every Ukrainian energy company advertises for new talent by recruiting candidates with a penchant for impregnating strippers and who seemed to have a thing for crack cocaine at one time. Some added requirements: you don’t have to speak Ukrainian, you don’t have to show up for work, and you don’t have to know anything about the energy sector. The slam dunk for being hired? If your dad, or “the big guy,” is Vice President of the United States, you get a signing bonus and $50,000 a month.

By the way, ignore those 26,000 emails Hunter Biden’s former partner, Bevan Cooney, gave the media showing that besides Hunter’s dealings in Ukraine, “the big guy” and Joe’s living son were also involved in some shady dealings involving China.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Lincoln Project Soft Skulls Help Spread Foreign Disinformation

If you needed more proof that Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt the other nasty knuckle draggers at The Lincoln Project are really nothing more than a bunch of overpaid trolls,  look no further than the tweet they tried to delete, that basically peddled Iranian disinformation, soon after the Director of National Intelligence said they had proof that Iran has been sending spoof emails to U.S. registered voters. The disinformation that was tweeted was designed to intimidate voters, create social unrest and chaos in the election process.

Because that doesn’t sound like election interference or anything.

So, does this mean Twitter will lock The Lincoln Project’s account? 

Wilson and his comrades pretend to lead as the true arbiters of anti-Trump Republicanism, and subsists mostly on fawning coverage in the TDS infected left-wing media, works strictly in opposition to those on the right, has come out to endorse Joe Biden, and collects the vast majority of its funding from Democrat sympathizers. You have to admire that level of grifting. Getting rich off of doing hack work to line your pockets with the largesse of liberal hysterics…....

[The Tweeter Machine]

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Keith Olbermann Continues His Descent Into Madness

It almost feels like Christmas in October when your favorite kickballs start crawling out of the shadows to weigh in on the 2020 election. We just heard from one of our old favorites from the past, the mad midget Robert Reich, and now the once famous snarling unhinged left-wing psycho, all wrapped in outrage, Bathtub Boy Keith Olbermann last week surfaced once again to display some serious psychological madness, sounding like the rantings from an occupant of a padded room.

Olbermann’s first foray into crazed commentary and calls for legal action against the left's opponents was a  few days ago when he  proclaimed that Trump supporters and enablers were “maggots” who should all be removed from society.

But yesterday, during an unhinged rant about DJT and his response to the Chinese Lung Rot, Olbermann ramped up the crazy to 11, saying that DJT should be given the “death penalty.”

Mr. Olbermann is not well. He is proof that bullying is a bad thing. Slapping ears in class, knocking books out of the nerds hands and making him cough up his lunch money gets you an Obermann.

I don't expect this to be the last we hear from bathtub boy before he finally jumps.....

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

In a Normal Election Year, Biden Would Be the Laughingstock That Even The Media Couldn't Defend

Stepping off his plane in Beijing 2011, Biden was met by a Chinese military honor guard
before being whisked off to the U.S. Embassy

 I don’t know how much Jen O’Malley Dillon gets paid, but it’s not near enough. Having the embarrassing job as manager for the Joe Biden campaign, O’Malley Dillon is charged with making sure her candidate says and does the right things, and fix things when he doesn’t. She's fighting a losing war.

In a normal election year, Joe Biden’s presidential campaign would’ve been the laughingstock of both sides. It’s a campaign so filled with gaffes, blunders, outright lies and teleprompter issues that, at times, it’s hard to take it seriously. While DJT has been criticized for not being “presidential,” the Biden campaign has been anything but.  Both before and after the banshee Kampala Harris was added to the ticket.  Every time Biden speaks in public, or from his basement, I’m sure his campaign staff is biting their lip, fingers crossed, hoping he doesn’t F**k up or, even worse, say something that is sure to alienate the masses.

In all fairness, a campaign for any political office is a grind, especially the presidency. When a candidate is constantly in the public eye, mistakes are going to happen. The President, who is in the spotlight more than anyone, even messes up on occasion. But while many of Biden’s gaffes are seemingly harmless, even if they send his campaign staff scrambling, there are some recent statements from the former VP who should know better, that are downright troubling – mistakes or not.

For example on Oct. 10, during an interview which Biden mistakenly addressed the people of Arizona while in Nevada, he said voters “don’t deserve” to know his stance on expanding the Supreme Court.  It’s unfathomable to think that someone running for the highest office in the land would tell voters they don’t deserve to know his position on the most talked-about issue at the time.

In the span of three days, Biden said voters don’t deserve to know his position on court-packing, 56 percent of them probably shouldn’t vote for him and, to top it all off, they don’t have good memories. To witness a presidential candidate have such a dismissive attitude toward the backbone of our democracy – voters – is concerning. To see Biden display such behavior on multiple occasions indicates his intolerance and disdain for anyone who disagrees with him.

That doesn’t seem very “presidential” to me anyway you look at it.

[Western Journal]
[Dank Archives of DMF]

Monday, October 19, 2020

How High Of A Heel Would You Like On Your Jackboots, Professor Reich??

The last time we visited one of our favorite kickball of the past, the former Clinton toadie Robert Reich, he was on the CNN spouting crazy, claiming the anti-Trump protest were actually a right-wing plot to delegitimize liberals. Needless to say, we had a real field day with that one. So much so, one loyal DMF reader humorously accused me of abusing short people.  But undeterred, today we again visited Dr. Reich's Booster Seat and what struck us as one remarkable tweet that has gone unnoticed.

Like a miniature villain from a dystopian future science fiction movie, Reich is proposing that when DJT is removed from office we create a form of a Ministry of Truth, totalitarian “commissions” & “committees” to identify, expose and punish DJT supporters and anyone that dares to oppose leftist ideals. He isn’t even attempting to disguise it.

And here people have been hunting all over the internet for the Fascist's and there was one right here out in the open posting on twitter.
Erase history?  This sounds disturbingly familiar. A guy with the last name Reich wants to make sure you’re punished for thoughts he disagrees with.  The simulation is running out of ideas.

This is absolutely chilling and disgusting coming from a former high ranking government official.  Does the Good Professor really think that in this day and age of frothing at the mouth Marxist and people unwilling to object to their supporters setting buildings on fire with police inside would actually be satisfied with a just a South African type "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" for their political opponents?? 

In a liberal society, we can't afford to have an organization in charge of deciding what is true. If someone did set it up, it would promptly be taken over by political interests & used to force their way in society. The fact that Reich doesn't see just how evil and undemocratic this idea troubles me even more than the fact that he so freely voiced such an outrageous idea.

Will there be struggle session where people can confess their sins against the left, or everyone goes to the gulags? Will we receive barcode tattoo?

Yes! And once we've regained power and imprisoned our political enemies THEN we can do reconciliation: a program for those we've imprisoned that gives gestures of compassion in exchange for legally-binding declarations of loyalty.

We'll call the program the "Ministry of Love."

A Good Monday Morning