Like a miniature villain from a dystopian future science fiction movie, Reich is proposing that when DJT is removed from office we create a form of a Ministry of Truth, totalitarian “commissions” & “committees” to identify, expose and punish DJT supporters and anyone that dares to oppose leftist ideals. He isn’t even attempting to disguise it.
And here people have been hunting all over the internet for the Fascist's and there was one right here out in the open posting on twitter.
When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) October 17, 2020
Erase history? This sounds disturbingly familiar. A guy with the last name Reich wants to make sure you’re punished for thoughts he disagrees with. The simulation is running out of ideas.
This is absolutely chilling and disgusting coming from a former high ranking government official. Does the Good Professor really think that in this day and age of frothing at the mouth Marxist and people unwilling to object to their supporters setting buildings on fire with police inside would actually be satisfied with a just a South African type "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" for their political opponents??
In a liberal society, we can't afford to have an organization in charge of deciding what is true. If someone did set it up, it would promptly be taken over by political interests & used to force their way in society. The fact that Reich doesn't see just how evil and undemocratic this idea troubles me even more than the fact that he so freely voiced such an outrageous idea.
Will there be struggle session where people can confess their sins against the left, or everyone goes to the gulags? Will we receive barcode tattoo?
Yes! And once we've regained power and imprisoned our political enemies THEN we can do reconciliation: a program for those we've imprisoned that gives gestures of compassion in exchange for legally-binding declarations of loyalty.
We'll call the program the "Ministry of Love."
We already have an action plan and will implement it as soon as the election is over. Reeducation camps have been set up in strategic locations.
— Ministry of Truth (@MinistryofTru16) October 18, 2020
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