Saturday, November 14, 2020

Tammy Kicks CNN Square in the Nads. And it's Glorious!

CNN's Christiane Amanpour took to the air and compared DJT supporters to Nazis purging Jews as she showed Kristallnacht imagery of exactly what "antifa" and BLM have been doing for months now. Tammy Bruce completely shreds her and her ethics-challenged network.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Friday, November 13, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Democrats’ Guide to Losing Gracefully

Below are excerpts from the Ann Coulter column of 11/12/2020. I have never really been a big Coulter fan as I find her crass, and off putting in a Hillary Clinton way.  BUT, she seems more often than not directly over the target and droppin' bombs. This is one of her more informative kicks to the groin of the dems recently......
I hope someone is recording the media’s demands that Trump supporters ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION! inasmuch as the Democrats refuse to accept the results of any presidential election they lose, unless it’s a landslide, and sometimes even then. 
After George W. Bush won the 2000 election — despite the media depressing Bush turnout in Florida by calling the state for Gore when polls were still open in the conservative panhandle — Gore contested the election until Dec. 13, the day after the Supreme Court called off the endless recounts (in only certain Florida counties) demanded by Gore. 
The next day, Gore conceded. But that still wasn’t the end of it! Weeks later, the Congressional Black Caucus tried to prevent congressional certification of the Electoral College for Bush, raising objection after objection on the House floor. 
Over the course of the next year, the Florida ballots were painstakingly recounted, paid for by the same media outlets (New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post and the Associated Press) currently telling you to shut up and accept the results. 
When Bush was reelected in 2004, Democrats again refused to accept the results of the election, and again attempted to block Congress’ counting of electoral votes, this time with the connivance of Sen. Barbara Boxer.   Their smoking gun? The election results in Ohio didn’t match the exit polls!......"
Here's her list of the last 11 Presidential Election Results, according to Democrats:
 — 1972: Nixon landslide — no provable cheating.
 — 1976: Carter won — FAIR ELECTION, CLEAN AS A WHISTLE!! 
 — 1980: Reagan won by traitorously colluding with Iran to prevent the release of American          hostages before the election!
— 1984: Reagan landslide — no provable cheating.
— 1988: Bush 41 won in a landslide because of his racist Willie Horton ads.
— 1992: Clinton won with 43% of the vote — FAIR ELECTION, CLEAN AS A WHISTLE!!
— 1996: Clinton won with 49% of the vote — FAIR ELECTION, CLEAN AS A WHISTLE!!
— 2000: Bush 43 was “selected, not elected” after the Supreme Court stole it for him.
— 2004: Bush won because of Diebold hacking the voting machines in Ohio.
— 2016: Trump won after colluding with Russia to persuade them to purchase $200,000 in        Facebook ads.

If that’s how we’re supposed to “accept the results of the election,” then WOW — game on!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Exactly What Would It Take to Convince Anyone of Election Rigging?

The media and Big Tech are working overtime to censor, crush reports and dispute any evidence of voter irregularities. So a lot of people don’t even know what is being alleged in the numerous sworn affidavits. I desperately want to believe that people, if presented the evidence, will accept it. Or at the very least be open to it, awaiting further confirmation.  

Now before I go any further, I want to ask a simple question: Remember that a) lying in a sworn affidavit to a court is a crime. And b) doing anything that is seen as helping Trump will subject you to all manner of hell.  In light of that, do you believe the countless witnesses who now have sworn to seeing illegal activity leading up to and through the election would lie?  

Now, for those fair-minded people who support Biden, may I ask a few questions?

Pray Tell. Do you believe...

......It would be wrong for election supervisors to coach workers to correct mail-in ballots for Biden, but not for Trump?
......That it would also be wrong for election workers to coach voters to vote for Biden and Democrats, and follow them to the ballot station?
......It would be wrong for poll workers to go out to a Biden-Harris van in the middle of the night and fill out ballots?
......That it would be likewise wrong for poll workers to fill in the names of people who hadn’t yet voted when a “voter” comes in who is not on the voter rolls?
......It’s wrong for poll workers to ignore matching signature requirements?
......That it’s wrong for counting centers to keep Republican poll watchers from observing hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots? ......It was wrong for Philadelphia Democrats to ignore a court order that demanded poll watchers have their rightful access?
......That it’s wrong for a Democratic- controlled ballot-counting center Fulton County, Georgia to tell GOP observers they were done counting for the night
….then resume counting the minute the observers left?
......It was wrong for Nevada voting officials to fabricate proof of residence data for non-eligible voters?
......That it was likewise wrong for postal supervisors in several states to order workers to post-date late arriving ballots, so it would falsely appear they arrived on time?
......It is wrong to cast ballots using the dead?
......That it is wrong to count ballots from people ineligible to vote in a particular state?
......It is wrong for a state supreme court to ignore state law and the U.S. constitution to change the voting rules right before an election? Rules guaranteed to make the process more susceptible to fraud?

Each of those statements is asserted in 131 sworn affidavits from poll workers, poll watchers and whistleblowers or happened in broad daylight. So please answer me honestly: How many of these wrongs laid out are you willing to outright dismiss? Doesn’t fairness dictate you at least listen to what these people have to say? 

How many people must swear under penalty of imprisonment for perjury before you acknowledge the vote tallies are horribly tarnished? Would Any of This Be Suspicious?

[The Stream]

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

When Your Boyfriend Texts You About the STD Test in Middle of Your Cable News Interview

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Monday, November 9, 2020

ZERO Media Ethics: Paid MSNBC Contributor Has Been Writing Biden’s Speeches

The New York Times revealed in Monday's edition that the former $2 Newsweek editor, Politically Correct Historian, and paid MSNBC/NBC contributor Jon Meacham, while appearing almost daily as a contributor to the networks political coverage has been writing speeches for Joe Biden, including his much heralded Saturday night “victory speech”.

The networks never disclosed the fact that Meacham, one of the more vicious Trump critics and a fixture on 'Squinty & Meat Puppet in the Morning', was actually a paid Biden campaign member.

This failure of disclosure and lack of ethics isn't entirely surprising and network seemed not to care that Meacham openly endorsed Biden during the campaign and spoke at the Democratic National Convention.  And that’s in addition to the fact that their ethically-challenged ranks include the disgraced plagiarizer Mike Barnicle, notorious homophobe Joy Reid, who makes Alex Jones sound like William F. Buckley, America's leading race pimp & tax evader Al Sharpton and the legendary lying Brian Williams.

Meacham teamed up with Lying Brian Saturday night to gloat on the election results and chime in on Biden's most excellent "Presidential Victory Speech" he failed to reveal he crafted. This is but a brief glimpse of the media smoke that will be blown to cover the Biden/Harris sideshow these next 4 years.


A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, November 8, 2020

A Well Known Member of the Media Shares Their Thoughts on the 2020 Election

These are the thoughts below of a media member, not just a reporter with a laptop, one with major airtime on an alleged News Network.  After what we have seen and heard the last 10 months, I find it's not difficult at all to believe most major national media think along the same lines in relation to their jobs of informing the public. They have not hid it well. This one in particular...... 

A Twitter Feed Thread Reader Unroll

1)  Been trying to keep it out of my mind, but had things gone the other way? Tonight I'd be thinking about how we would cover tripled mass death once Trump fully unleashed his herd immunity plan, whether Russia would see all sanctions dropped, whether Barr would start arresting Dems

2)  including former Obama officials left and right on made-up charges, and millions would suffer once SCOTUS eliminated healthcare while congress sat idle.  I'd fear a frenzy of police violence against protesters and Black people. And the world would be done with us. We'd be alone.

3)  And in the streets today and tonight, instead of jubilant crowds, dancing and singing, there might be armed gunman roaming the streets swinging AR-15s over their shoulders and guttural shouting about how libs better watch out because Trump said "stand back and stand by" so...

4)  Neo-Nazis would be fully unleashed. Stephen Miller would be able to shut down all non-white immigration and mass-deport DACA recipients. Trump would go full autocrat and it's not clear we'd have any meaningful voting rights left. And now we know Republicans would abet it all.

5)  If things had gone down differently, we would be covering a country that would no longer be a democracy in any reasonable sense. It's not clear a full Kleptocrat Trump would ever leave. That's what today would have been like had Biden and Harris not won. That's not hyperbole.

6)  Thank God none of that happened. But as many have warned, we came as close this week as we ever have to losing our democracy. 70 million Americans voted to just give it away, in order to preserve their vision of a white-dominated, 1950s America.

7)  That means our democracy is super fragile. Not everyone is even invested in it. So we need to stay woke and stay vigilant. The enemy isn't just without, it is within our society; lurking in people's fears and prejudices, ready to be used and abused by bad men.

8)  We will soon be rid of one bad man (though he has 72 more days to wreak havoc). But bad men remain in power still. They are still there, and in some cases, safely re-elected and free to do whatever it is they want, to glop up more power for themselves. It's pretty frightening. But for now, I'm just relieved that the worst didn't happen.

Now you might expect statements like this to come from a bitter, liquored up Hillary Clinton or one of the many unhinged soft skull virtue signaling Hollywood pretenders.  But it's not. It's but a sign of journalism's slow suicide.  It's the sick mental excretions of a petty and vicious race baiter and inventor of 'Time Traveling Hackers' she blamed for exposing her past online bigotry and homophobia, who was promoted to a network political analyst, then awarded with an evening network program.  And sadly, with the power and protection of her melanin count will soon be out front and center to defend at all cost Biden/Harris no matter what, no matter the evidence of any corruption, incompetence or scandal and will convince many their eyes and ears lie to them.