Friday, January 15, 2021

CNN Proves Their Unparalleled Reporting Abilities Again.

In what's become more and more frequent for them online, CNN was forced to issue an embarrassing correction to a story Thursday that falsely claimed Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu of California valiantly “grabbed a crowbar” and took up a heroic defense position leading readers to believe that the congressman was bravely waiting to ward off those who breached the Capitol building.

Going as always for the coveted Pulitzer prize, the CNN reporters Jeremy Herb, Phil Mattingly, Lauren Fox and Manu Raju pieced together quite a timeline of the events of the incursion and Lieu’s role during the chaos.

Rep Ted Lieu (D-Cal)
Congressman Ted Lieu (D-Cal) & Constituent

The CNN correction clarified that Lieu was apparently never in any danger at all. It appears that while he never held a blunt defensive object, Lieu was never in any danger of starving.
"CORRECTION: A previous version of this story misstated that Rep. Ted Lieu grabbed a crowbar before leaving his office. He grabbed a ProBar energy bar."
In reality Lieu was no Charles Bronson after all. He and his chief of staff hunkered down in House Rep. Cicilline’s office in the Rayburn House Office Building, the CNN report said after the correction.  Apparently it was after grabbing the protein bar that Lieu, joined by Cicilline, promised Democrats would again impeach President Donald Trump.

The network was obliterated online by people who didn't give CNN's amateurish reporting any slack for apparently, on purpose or not, portraying Lieu as a heroic symbol of defiance to those who eventually breached the House chamber. Even some at the NYT took a shot:

In regard to the ProBar Energy Bar the Democrat was apparently wielding, the company states its products are "delicious, on-the-go, plant-based food that is essential for a healthy and balanced life. "

[Western Journal]
H/T Sweeney Toad

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Deplatforming Reaches New Heights of Absurdity

Summit - Conservative commentator and former baseball star Curt Schilling says that AIG canceled his insurance policy over his "social media profile," a new level of deplatforming not yet seen. "The agent told us it was a decision made by and with their PR department in conjunction with management."
While innumerable Trump supporters have lost their Twitter and Facebook accounts due to social media censorship and cancel culture, cases of individuals being cut off by banks and other financial services are now growing too. The purge has gone beyond the realm of simply silencing people on major platforms for their opinions, but punishing them for expressing them by trying to make their lives unlivable.

Numerous respondents to his tweet pointed out the obvious – that without insurance it’s impossible to mortgage a home or register a vehicle. Other leftists applauded the move and said that Schilling deserved it for his support of Trump. "You’ve definitely earned it," remarked one.

What happened to Schilling is yet another chilling example of how Chinese Communist social credit score system is being implemented in America.
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

If For Nothing Else, We Owe Him A Debt of Gratitude For Driving Them Crazy.

Earlier this year, ground zero for crazy, better know as Salon, interrupted its regularly scheduled programming of repeatedly announcing how terrible white people are to bring us this: "Trump’s assault on the country’s mental health is part of a much larger pattern: the Republican Party and the conservative movement have, for decades, advanced an agenda which has hurt the overall health and well-being of most Americans....."

It’s quite odd how the people who imagine themselves our political betters, the ones to whom we should defer, are very often neurotic monomaniacs whose minds seem bizarrely fragile and forever on the verge of coming undone..... Alyssa Milano quickly comes to mind. But she's just one of legion

Mr. Tiedrich plays guitar and tweets about Donald Trump many times, incessantly, everyday.  Ms Vee meditates and eats vegetables.

I suppose if your peer group is one that requires endless, competitive signalling via breathless claims of how monstrous and fascistic the current resident of the White House is, and how mentally debilitating even thinking about him is which you nonetheless do day in and day out,  then the prospect of losing that object of hate and status, must be a cause of….. mixed feelings.

But, that most of them are just acting seems quite possible also. Pretension and role-play are major signatures of the woke, and of leftism more generally.  If, as Ms.Vee and others claim, the thought of DJT induces panic attacks, psychological crises, and difficulties breathing for years, then clearly there’s something wrong with you.

And if you feel a need to repeatedly and very publicly pretend that the thought of DJT induces panic attacks, psychological crises and difficulties breathing for years …... well, there’s definitely something wrong with you.

Either way, they’re going to miss DJT. The left always needs an Emmanuel Goldstein.  

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Has Parler Peed in the Leftist' Punch Bowl??

Social media company Parler, which has been under attack from the far-left for their egregious sins of allowing views opposed to their own, may have have secured a new home after Amazon pulled the plug on hosting the company. The Washington Examiner reported Monday evening Parler is in the process of meeting requirements for securing hosting of their site by Epik, an internet webhosting company that also hosts Gab.

Predictively, the nasty left-wing media activist at VICE weren't happy about the news as were commies at The Southern Poverty Law Center, who has criticized Epik for hosting other social media sites associated with the over used word "far-right." The company, which is based in Seattle, argues that it hosts these sites due to its commitment to the idea of free speech.

The company also defended Parler, arguing that it was not being treated fairly by Big Tech companies like Twitter and Facebook. It said these entities operate by an “undeniable double standard” when it comes to their enforcement of their rules.

Still, anyone who has been paying attention knows that the far-left and its adherents in the activist media have been laying in wait to shut Parler down. Progressives have railed against the company, complaining that it became an echo chamber for conservatives who were fed up at the biased censorship at Twitter and Facebook.  Of course, it never crossed their minds to consider the fact that their politically-motivated silencing of conservative accounts made platforms like Gab and Parler necessary in the first place.

The left did not try to destroy Parler because they had anything to do with political violence from the right.  They are not as concerned over conspiracy theories as they might want us to think.  Their motivation should be clear to everyone by now: They do not want conservatives to express their views on platforms they do not control.

For the time being, it seems that they have failed in their attempt to wipe Parler off the internet permanently. But they have already openly discussed going after email providers and financial institutions that do business with platforms they don’t like.

Power To The Correct People!!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Firefox Joins the Internet Stalinist

Mozilla Says ‘Deplatforming’ Trump Not Enough, Wants to 
Shield Internet from ‘Bad Actors’ as Users

The developers of the Firefox browser, the non-profit Mozilla Corp, jumped on the Stalinist bandwagon and announced more must be done to keep Donald Trump and other “bad actors” out of your precious cyberspace. They don't give any hint as to who will determine who's a "bad actor" or not.

In the blog post titled ‘We need more than deplatforming, the open-source software community said that Twitter’s decision to permanently ban Trump from its platform didn’t go far enough in weeding out “hate” on the internet. Blaming DJT for the events at the Capital Wednesday, the tech group argued that “white supremacy is about more than any one personality.”
 “We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage has been done. Changing these dangerous dynamics requires more than just the temporary silencing or permanent removal of bad actors from social media platforms.”
The group proposed a number of anti-privacy measures to help protect the internet from verboten views, like internet ads should list who paid for them, how much they are paying, who is being targeted and algorithms so that people can examine what kind of content is being promoted. Yeah that's the ticket! Free Speech Be Damned!

Mozilla also tweeted out "claiming that the unrest at the Capitol was the “culmination of a four-year disinformation campaign orchestrated by the President”, while totally ignoring the fact the mainstream media and congressional members use of social media during the four year bombardment of lies and disinformation about the Russia Collusion Hoax that did more to disrupt the country than any one man could ever do. 

Some users shot back at Mozilla's statement on the tweeter:
"your bio is literally "We work to ensure the internet remains a public resource that is open and accessible to all." 
"If you truly had the moral high ground, would you need to prevent your opponents from speaking?" 
"The political left's attempts to silence ideas they cannot, or will not, debate are a confession of intellectual bankruptcy."
I have a better idea Mozilla. How about you stick to making your crappy browser and leave the issue of free speech and direction of the internet to the users. I personally don't use Firefox because I find it clunky, a memory hog and doesn't play well with the professional application I use in my work. It's only redeeming quality in my book is is a very useful bookmark sidebar (copied from the old Opera Browser) that other browser developers would do well to take note of.  So really Mozilla,  I could care less what your fag loving directors think anyway.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

The Late Great Leslie West

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~