Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Sisyphus of Kabul (Part One)


"Yea and I beheld Sisyphus in strong torment, grasping a monstrous stone with both his hands. He was pressing thereat with hands and feet, and trying to roll the stone upward toward the brow of the hill. But oft as he was about to hurl it over the top, the weight would drive him back, so once again to the plain rolled the stone, the shameless thing. And he once more kept heaving and straining, and the sweat the while was pouring down his limbs, and the dust rose upwards from his head..." -- Homer, "The Odyssey", Book XI.
Excerpts by Our Friend The Overlord @My Planet, My Rules
I would like to speak for a while on the subject of futility.

But first, a little background for those who do not know very much about their future dictator. It is necessary to get this out so that you may understand my current state of abject, murderous rage.

The Overlord is a 9/11 "survivor".

I put that in quotes for the following reason: I was not inside the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11th, 2001. In fact, I had just exited the building at the time Mohammed Atta and his 19 religious douchebags unleashed their Kamaikazes for Allah Shitstravaganza.

I had just left the Concourse beneath 1 WTC and was passing by the southeast side of 7 WTC when the first plane appeared directly overhead. I am alive by a matter of yards. Perhaps 40 feet. The half-a-dozen or so people 40 feet behind me were not so fortunate........."

The images now coming from Kabul, the stream of information now flowing through out of the idiot boxes to our brains, all can be reduced to a single word. 

For the last 20 years have been nothing if not an exercise in futility. In the process of "destroying the Taliban" we have, instead, destroyed ourselves. In the attempt to spread "democracy" to every shitty sandhole this side of Suez, we have fatally torpedoed our own Republic. We have, finally, although I think we all had a slight inkling of this thought before it all happened, discovered that the people we have entrusted with our safety, our security and "Our American Way of Life" are not up to the task... they never have been. 

But then again, they never were much interested in such pedestrian goals.

How do I know?

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Monday, August 16, 2021

Joe Biden Retreats Back To Camp David After Scolding Ungrateful Nation That Doesn’t Understand Why He’s Smarter Than Us…

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Friday, August 13, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BluesJunky - Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

Thursday, August 12, 2021

After a One Day Work Week, 46* Heads Back Home to Delaware

The border is being overrun, violent crime rising, inflation endangers economy, renewed pandemic fear, Taliban rearms with abandoned US military equipment. After just returning Tuesday from 4 days in Wilmington, yeah, time for more vacation.
His handlers are working it to keep 46* out of the public eye.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Your Thursday Open Thread - No Mask Required

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers. 
 Cause She's Got Business and Shit to Attend To.....

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Connecticut’s New Social Equity Council Plans Affirmative Action Priority for Drug Dealers

The last time we visited the elder statesman of the racial grievance industry, MSNBC host and race-hustling extortionist Rev. Al Sharpton, his beef was not enough black people selling dope, and was calling for more diversity in 'White-Dominated Weed Industry'.

The SJW Connecticut legislators have taken up his cause and worked to ensure “social equity” was included in the legalization of recreational marijuana and want the very activity that incarcerated generations of predominantly black and brown people to be first in line for permits to sell weed and not disproportionately excluded from business opportunities.” 
“We’ll finally have, within the community of Black and brown, a way to wealth creation. I think this is the opportunity to truly see the 40-acres and a mule of our ancestors.” Joseph Williams - UConn Small Business Development Center.
The new law allows people age 21 and older to possess or use marijuana up to the specified possession limit of 1.5 ounces on their person and five ounces in their home or car.  Heavily armed, 5 ounce carrying, rolling neighborhood pot dispensaries. What could go wrong? 

While blacks may be underrepresented in the legal marijuana business, they are dominant when it comes to self-employed street corner pharmaceutical and marijuana sales. And after Barack Obama did very little to help blacks for 8 years, it seems that the state of Connecticut could find a better cause to forward the black community then pushing affirmative action in the weed dealing business.

Meet the Covid Vax Version of Obamacare’s Famous Poster Child “Pajamaboy”

46* did not return from Delaware Sunday and the WH have had consecutive days with no public events and early press lids. They gave have no further guidance on POTUS’s movements for the rest of the week.  Probably Because he saw this...... 

In other news, Obamacare’s famous poster child “Pajamaboy” re-registered as a Republican today, out of sheer embarrassment.