Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread

Your Beloved Editrix Turns Thing Over to You the Readers 
    You Got Something to Say, Then Say it!
And As Always, Keep All Weapons In Plain Sight.
This Week Your Open Thread is Sponsored By:
The Downtown Majestic Mart Psychiatry Associates (aka The Psychonaughts)
Specializing in Woke Psychosis, Liberal Hysteria, Acute Trump Derangement Syndrome, 
Zero Gravity Biopsychosocialyzing and the widest array of Psychotropic Meds in DC. (Free Delivery) 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

I'd Say It's Better To Be MAGA King Than a Potato

Threatening Punches For Those Well Above His Weight Class, Potato Brain Takes On MAGA

Joe Biden is the greatest avatar of American decline since James Buchanan, whose title as Worst President Ever Biden will steal away in under 18 months in office. But what’s perhaps most frightening about Biden, given the advanced state of mental discombobulation his wife, party and handlers have disregarded in foisting him on the American people is the utter lack of self-awareness he shows with comments like his attack on DJT as the “MAGA King.” Donald Trump didn’t create the MAGA movement. He might have given it a name, but it existed long before he came along.

What people think of as MAGA was present with the Tea Party. The ruling class, of which Joe Biden is a lesser member, did everything they could to squash the movement. Republican establishment politicians tried to co-opt it and generally shined Tea Partiers on to get elected, only to ignore them after the fact. And nobody did a damn thing about the corrupt Obama-Biden administration’s abuse of the IRS as a political weapon against Tea Party organizations.

But, they failed to kill the movement. And DJT wasn’t the only  presidential candidate who appealed to it. Remember that if Trump hadn’t won the 2016 nomination, Ted Cruz would have. The spirit of the movement had grown so large by 2016 that one of the most qualified presidential fields in American history ate dust from Trump and Cruz’ heels because most Republican voters were so disgusted with the Rhino establishment politics.

Of course, the Left did what it does best to DJT. They calumnized, demonized and tried to destroy him. It wouldn’t have worked but for COVID, and even then it took, in Biden’s words, an unprecedented voter fraud operation which is now being exposed. 

But the movement still hasn’t died. It’s grown. Potato brain and his leftist freaks made that possible. And this fall there’s a wave election brewing which could relegate the democrat party to political irrelevance in a way not seen since the era dawned by Buchanan’s transformationally awful presidency. This is Joe Biden’s legacy.

It’s being forged amid disastrous news on the economic, foreign policy, national security and social fronts. Nothing works. Everything is stupid. We’re governed by people who suck on the national level and Americans are sick of it. There is a growing national sense that Biden is illegitimate, that his potato brain isn’t sufficient to the job, that his party is run by morons and freaks and that the country is on the verge of collapse. And his response is to call the MAGA movement, which has always sought American economic revival, a bunch of racist, terrorists and hurl lame insults at Trump.

No President has ever spoken of such a number of American citizens in such disgusting and divisive ways. 

This won’t end well for Biden. But what’s worse is it won’t end well for us. You can’t have an corrupted incompetent liar who can’t tell what time it is running the country. At least it’s clear change is coming in the midterms, and with enough turnover in Congress and the right candidate, the White House in 2024.

[Encyclopedia of US Politics]
[DMF Institute for the Study of Proglodytes]

Monday, May 16, 2022

Clarence For The Win! 😎

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Friday, May 13, 2022

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

 ~ No Tuxedos Required ~

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Middle Finger Symphony Music Chair of Music

Thursday, May 12, 2022

My Last and Final Word on the Issue

Throwback Thursday: The Guy Who Once Sold His Own Driveway is Now Your President

NOTE: In all that is coming to light because of Hunter Biden's laptop concerning the Biden family financial grift and funny business, as well as our witness to Biden's reckless and foolish leadership, this chapter in "The Continuing Adventures of Joe Biden" seems timely and makes more and more sense as days go by. So here we present a refaire for those who are not familiar with this classic Bidenism.
 We all have known someone like this. They think they know a lot more than they really do. And when they talk about how things work, it's with so much confidence that you figure there must be some genuine smarts behind it. But in actuality, they are just full of shit. They manage somehow to stick around a long time, so it’s hard to imagine the person is completely clueless and inept. But once you start really paying attention to the things they say, you begin to wonder. What would happen if you put the person in charge of something challenging?

When Joe Biden was vice president, he wasn’t in charge of anything. When he was in the U.S. Senate, he wasn’t in charge of anything. And he hasn’t had a job in the private sector in more than 50 years. To find out how Joe handles actual responsibility, we have to look a little deeper.

National Review's Kyle Smith reminds us that Joe Biden has already shown us what he’s made of. Joe once thought he saw a huge real estate opportunity and displayed his managerial ineptitude on a grand scale. It was a fixer-upper he thought he could buy cheap and make a few simple tweaks to. Kinda the way the Joe of today sees the presidency.

As Smith recounts in lurid and often comical detail, this did not go well at all:
"A couple of years into his Senate career, Biden had a dream of living grandly by buying on the cheap a former du Pont manse, together with a huge chunk of land, for $200,000. The house was boarded up and soon, probably, to be torn down. But Biden saw something in it. Sure, it needed some fixing up. Never fear, Joe is here! Joe is a can-do fellow. 
The first winter he and Jill spent in the house, it used up 3,000 gallons of fuel oil. It turned out the third floor was wide open, to the stars. Squirrels were living up there. Oops. The judgment on display here is not great. Next year, Biden starting selling off bits of the land for development to pay for improvements such as storm windows. 
Small problem here: One of the lots he sold off was his own driveway, and the new owner blocked it off so he couldn’t pass through it. So Joe built a second driveway, which turned into a swamp in winter. 
He sold off another piece of property that, it turned out, included the front of that second driveway, so he couldn’t use that one anymore either. So he built a third. He hated that one for being a dumpy little thing. 
Eight years went by, and he made a deal to buy back the original driveway, the one he sold off when he first bought the house. Which cost him a fortune in landscaping to reshape."
It’s worth the time to click over and read the whole thing.

Now to be fair, this was a long time ago. You might say, OK, Joe has learned a thing or two since then, he’s more experienced now. He must have a better understanding of how things work than he did back then. That’s a reasonable theory.

But Joe still runs around proposing insane ideas to problems he doesn’t understand. Witness his “plan” to address COVID, which consists of a) a bunch of things DJT is already doing; and b) a nationwide mask mandate Joe would lack the authority to impose as president. Sounds like the guy who bought that house back in the ’70s.

This is a guy who complains that “families are reeling” and notes how many people are on unemployment. Yet he wants to confiscate more capital from the companies that could be hiring them. Kind of like the guy who sold a piece of land to get money and found out he had sold his own driveway.

[National Review]
[Cain Gang] 
H/T Broadside Betty

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~