Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread

Your Beloved Editrix Turns Things Over 
To You, The Readers. 
You Know The Routine. You Know the Rules.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Saudis Give Biden the Finger.

Excerpts from RedState: 

"A sea of mediocrity is currently flowing in Germany as the G7 leaders, including Joe Biden, have come together to once again virtue signal climate change and abortion, while generally making your life worse. As usual, there will be lots of tone-deaf pictures and statements, while zero real-world problems are solved. That’s the G7 in a nutshell.

It was one of those moments where you can only be embarrassed that even the French have a better handle on reality than the US president."
"When Macron is having to step in as a voice of reason, you know the US has fallen far off its once-lofty perch. Joe Biden is singularly responsible for that decline, and even in the face of a world-energy shortage that is sending economies into turmoil and could possibly cost millions of lives due to exposure and food shortages, the president is as aloof as ever.

Biden’s grand plan to fix everything to this point, as you pay $5 or a gallon of gas? To beg the Saudis and Emiratis to produce more oil halfway across the globe.

And just to put the finishing touches on this masterpiece of stupidity, Biden spent the last two years trashing the Saudis and snuggling up to Iran. That means that even if the Saudis had more production capacity they likely wouldn’t offer it to us anyway. That’s how idiotic the president’s foreign policy has been.

For 50 years, this absolute mental midget has bungled every single major geopolitical question, and it’s no great shock he’d screw this up as well......." 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Don't like the SCOTUS Decisions this Week? Blame a Greedy Liberal

Excerpts from PJM

The liberals had it all. Abortion was legal everywhere, gay people were getting married, and there were tons of gun laws on the books. It was lefty heaven. Then they got greedy.


Legal abortion wasn’t enough. Leftist goblins pushed for the “right” to kill a child days before she was born. Even the “I’m pro-choice up to a point” crowd was repulsed. But portly, green-haired, unf***able lefty women pressed onward. They “demanded” abortions up to the point when the kid was in third grade. That’s when they blew it.

But leftists can’t help themselves. They are greedy people who were never told “no.” Blame them for the death of Roe v Wade.

LGBT Fascists

The greed continued. Gay people fought for the right to get married. They got it. Then they let their LGB movement get hijacked by the “Ts.” Trans people weren’t happy to live their lives in peace and privacy. They fought for the “right” to relieve themselves in the opposite sex’s restroom. And they got it. But that still wasn’t enough.

Women’s Sports.

Hungry for even more power, they screamed “transphobe!” at everyone who chose not to play along in the “trans women are real women” charade, and they pressed to have people fined or fired for not playing make-believe with them. If Carl is Carla now, you better play the crazy game too or you might lose your house.

Gun Control

The left had been stacking up “Ws” in the gun control department as well. Then they turned our cities into third-world sh*tholes. Crime became rampant as feral Trayvons run wild, shooting innocent children in drive-bys. Prosecution decreased in the name of racial justice .

If you don’t like the SCOTUS decisions this week, go thank a greedy, purple-haired freakshow leftist for making them happen. If you do like the decisions, pour a drink and have a great weekend! There is nothing more entertaining than a lefty meltdown!

Friday, June 24, 2022

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

~ No Tuxedos Required ~

There's two songs almost guaranteed when the first few notes ring out at a weekend southern barbecue or fish fry that will even get grandma to set down her red plastic cup of sweet tea and grab the closest person and start dancin'. Believe me on this one! Enjoy. DS


Brought to You By the MFST Committee for Awesome Tunes.
(BluesJunky Chairman)
The YouTube poster made this vid private last night after I had formatted this post, so you'll have to click the Watch Link below to see it now. 

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Ringling Bros & Barnum & Bailey, We Found your Clowns!

This person is put forward in the media as a constitutional expert (cause he wrote him a book) when in fact is just another crazy bigot like the media loves. In actuality, this loudmouth clown is a contributor to the commie rag "The Nation" which is all you really need to know about it him. And I question who ever had the idea to give this Zerlina chick a TV show. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread

Your Beloved Editrix Reluctantly Turns Things
Over  To You, The Readers.
You Know the Rules. You Know the Routine.
This Week Your Open Thread is Brought To You By
Your Full Service Supplier of Garden Pleasure:

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

A Toast to Summer

“Hold summer in your hand, pour summer in a glass, a tiny glass of course, the smallest tingling sip, for children; change the season in your veins by raising glass to lip and tilting summer in.” - Ray Bradbury