Friday, August 19, 2022

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

 ~ No Tuxedos Required ~

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread

The Cat is Drunk Again, and the Dog Won't Stop Talking About Georgia Football.  So I, Your Beloved Editrix Needs To Step Away and Turns Things Over to You, The Reader.

So Don Your Blogging Thongs and share your Links and Bicker.
(All Formerly Stated Rules, Regulations and Requirements Remain in Effect)

Media: We come not to bury Liz, but to praise her......

Chris Wallace: Cheney's concession speech was a "declaration of war on Donald Trump” 

9pm - Liz walks in........flicks the light switch........which sends an echoing click through her empty room. The silence is so loud, her heels on the floor send ripples out across the hardwood, bouncing off the far wall and colliding back on themselves. She opens the fridge and pours a large tumbler of wine and sits down kicking her shoes off........then guzzles the whole glass. She gets up and sulks toward the shower, carrying the bottle with her....stopping to kick the wall and mumble something about Lincoln.

Liz's obvious substance abuse problem (pepperoni) likely contributed to her defeat.

Democrat and the sycophant media admiration for her is directly proportional to her disdain for DJT. Otherwise, to them, she's no better than your average hillbilly from Bugtussle.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Kamala Harris, Space Oddity

Powerline- I used to think that the most absurd collected quote book was The Quotable Kofi Annan, which the UN put out in 2003. It contained gems such as, “To make sure that the intergovernmental machinery has the support it deserves, we must also make sure that the United Nations Secretariat is much more nimble and responsive to changing needs.” With profundity like that, we know that we are in the presence of no ordinary mind.

But I underestimated the potential of Kamala Harris, whose prodigious propensity for word-salading has gone galactic, as this new clip demonstrates:

Monday, August 15, 2022

Merrick Garland's Panty Raid.

Maybe Merrick is a great admirer of J. Edgar Hoover and likes to wear dresses and stuff.  Garland is a Democrat after all, so you never know with them. Maybe he’s a sick perv and likes to scratch and sniff. Who knows?

One could only hope the Merrick wanted to raid Trump’s Mar-A-Largo to add some of Melania’s clothing to his personal boudoir, but we ought to be extremely cautious that Gestapo Garland isn’t abusing his authority for far more nefarious purposes.

Dictatorships come into power quickly and rely on accusing people of “treason,” “insurrection,” and many other anti-government activities. The question is, are we educated enough in history as a society to reject such attempts at total government control? Regardless of party doing it, we should recognize that once government goes to declaring people as traitors, that it’s common that government turns against its own supporters. Does anybody outside of a sensationalizing media weasel really buy into the idea that this was about nuclear codes?

A Good Monday Morning

Friday, August 12, 2022

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

 ~ No Tuxedos Required ~

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

Thursday, August 11, 2022

What Your Favorite Classic Rock Band Says About You.

Complied by Middle Finger News Entertainment Reporter, Roach Clip Johnson, During a Series of Recent Lucid Moments

The Doors: You have been bitten by an animal while trying to get it stoned.
Jimi Hendrix: You are under 20 or over 65.
Black Sabbath: Your greatest joy is painting in unventilated rooms.
The Grateful Dead: Your stories about the ‘70s make your daughter’s roommates at Tufts very uncomfortable.
T-Rex: No matter how much you clean, there will always be trace amounts of glitter on your stove and blender.
Pink Floyd: Your garage is full of failed versions of your stereo/barbecue hybrid.
ZZ Top: Your favorite Hank Williams is Hank Williams, Jr.
Chicago: You are incapable of talking about Chicago without mentioning their horn section.
Crosby, Stills & Nash: You own an oversized hat.
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: You own three or more oversized hats.
Jefferson Airplane: You make your living buying and selling oversized hats.
Bad Company: You have sustained several alcohol-related injuries involving sheetrock.
Lynyrd Skynyrd: You somehow have both long hair and a sunburned scalp.
Steely Dan: You have snorted cocaine off a copy of Remembrance of Things Past.
Yes: Your ideal partner would be into both tantric sex and fat guys.
Creedence Clearwater Revival: You are frequently missing part of an eyebrow.
Van Halen: You have a Peeing Calvin bumper sticker on your Ford F100.
Bachman-Turner Overdrive: You have an actual urine stain on your Ford F100.
AC/DC: You are the cause of the urine stain.
Santana: You have had an hours-long conversation with someone before realizing it was just a pile of clothes.
The Band: You have misspelled your name while carving it into a picnic table.
The Doobie Brothers: You have swallowed exactly two spiders—one accidentally, one on purpose.
Bob Seger: You lost your virginity in a Chevette with a spoiler.
Alice Cooper: You have burned yourself while urinating on a campfire.
Tangerine Dream: You have spent over 30 minutes petting a tennis ball.
Traffic: You have several incense scars.
Emerson, Lake and Palmer: You have several self-inflicted incense scars.
Blind Faith: You constantly misuse the word “penultimate.”
Joni Mitchell: You have accidentally eaten more than half of a scented candle.
Steppenwolf: You have three or more cigarette burns in hard-to-reach places.
Joe Walsh: You have fired a gun while in your underwear.
Ozzy Osbourne: You have barbecued a frozen pizza at 3 a.m.
King Crimson: You have spent an entire afternoon watching a screensaver.
Stevie Nicks: You have thrown a mood ring in anger.
Bruce Springsteen: You have tasted more than one color of crayon.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~