Showing posts with label Loonie Leftist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loonie Leftist. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Don’t Oppress My People With Your Norms Of Punctuality

The pathologies of the left are now apparently hellbent on radicalizing just about everything. And will seemingly perform any contortion to that end. From Tulane University, the very heart of White Devil Babylon - uptown New Orleans - student Shahamat Uddin (pronouns “he, him, his”) howls in protest:
"Punctuality centers whiteness. It is far easier for white men to get to work on time than Black people who are having to change their hair to fit the workplace’s professionalism standards."
It’s a hair thing, yes, and therefore terribly political, a hill to die on. But it’s even more than that. It’s also the devastating suspicion that you might be more likely to get hired if you remove your nose piercing, if only during office hours. So now, dressing and acting “professional” is racist … and "rooted in white supremacy."

Tulane University. Where tuition is a mere $60,000 a year. And where the oppressed huddle for comfort against the Cold Winds of Whiteness.

Shahamat Uddin is Bangladeshi...he's just a very tan Caucasian guy. With straight hair. From that country next to India. A nose ring is Hindu, I think...maybe? Religion, not color.

White people with nose rings are also asked to remove them in most instances. He wants special dispensation for race? And why is he banging on about Black people and their hair? You see, wondering whether that nose piercing will be frowned upon, by employers or their customers, constitutes "systemic white supremacy," a crushing phenomenon “that is barring us from maximal success.”

It’s a "sacrifice," an outrage, proof of being downtrodden. Because nose jewelry is pivotal to both optimal functioning and mental wellbeing. And questions of whether such piercings are ideal for a given workplace - however unspecified and theoretical those questions may be - amount to further, damning proof that "this country was not made for me."
"I have learned when and where it is to my own disadvantage to be too Brown or too gay or too immigrant." 
Once again, Tulane University. Where tuition is a mere $60,000 a year. And where the oppressed huddle for comfort against the Cold Winds of Whiteness.

The leftist fixation with race and supposed racial victimhood, and with identitarian theatre generally – as if being black or gay or whatever were the most important and interesting thing about a person - is monotonous. I just wish they’d vary their pretensions and neuroses now and then.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

We Watched So You Didn't Have To. Democrat Debate #72. Pillow Fight in Des Moines.

Since I was taking at easy this evening while recuperating from all the Napoleon Liqueur someone kept putting in my celebratory orange juice last night, I decided to tune in to "The Most Trusted Name in News" CNN, and lo and behold, there was a debate about to break out.  Not feeling a lot like getting up to retrieve the remote, I just settled in for hopefully a laugh or two.  It turned out unfunny and a bit pathetic.  I mean, no Marianne Sparkledust Williamson?  No Spartacus??  But I did think it was a nice touch for a democrat event to have running during the breaks the 'Freedom From Religion Foundation' commercial with the dancing fairy Ron Reagan Jr. reminding us he was a proud atheist and didn't mind burning in hell. Really nice touch there CNN. 

For those who didn't punish themselves like I did, for you the sum of my remembrance....

The dems seem to agree that everything that is good and working well in the country is bad, and they are against it. The rich are too rich. Government isn't working, so they say it needs to be bigger. They all bashed the very policies and tax codes they helped write over the last decades and with their rantings and ravings about America's healthcare system are admitting Obamacare was indeed the sham it was said to be. They all pretty much agreed we need not nuke the mullahs, and should go back to talking to the Iranians because they won't get no nukes if we tell them not to.

Joe 30330 seemed kinda lost for most of the night. Is it just that it’s a given and no one cares? He looked flamed out and ready for his juice box and a nap. The dems are so desperate they'd nominate a 150 lb leaky sack of medical waste if they thought it had a chance against DJT.  All I really remember Joe saying was Trump's economy was bad for America.     

Senator Bernie inform us he was 'Sick and Tired' of America's sh*t more than once and that we need more free stuff. When ask why he would be a better Commander and Chief than the present one, he said because he'd vote against every war.....Okay.  Like a carnival barker Bernie promised he could beat Trump with his Socialist Utopia because his Socialist Utopia was really a Democratic Socialist Utopia. Bernie was not asked about the gulags and anti-Nazi reeducation camps. Guess they ran outta time.

Senator Lizzy....someone take the f**kin' purple jacket away from her and burn it! Gawd, doesn't that woman own any other clothes??

Lizzy wants to defend America from Wall Street, and rape corporate america to give everyone high taxes and crappy healthcare, and all kinds of expensive free stuff. She even proposes that the government go into the drug manufacturing business to lower cost.  Gee, what could go wrong there?  Out to gain the effeminate male democrat voter (excuse the redundancy) she pledged to save us from toxic masculinity and white supremacy.  And when questioned about Bernie's supposed remark "A women couldn't get elected president" after Bernie denied it, she showed a bit of Lizzy restraint and stopped just short of calling Bernie a lying sack of sh*t.

Then there's Mayor Pete.  I'm sorry but he gives me the creeps.  His speech patterns, mannerism and delivery look like every over-acted TV courtroom drama defense lawyer trying to get his obviously guilty client off the hook. I cannot listen him. The closed caption read that the black people who know him, support him, which is probably news to the blacks who know him.  Pete says he's witnessed it first hand and we need to fight Climate Change because some streets flooded in South Bend a couple of times. 

Oh, another Ron Reagan "proud atheist and don't mind burning in hell" commercial.

Some rich guy who looks like Jimmy Durante, named Tom something, says he got reamed for being proud of making a butt loads of millions from fossil fuels, but says he had a 'Come to Jesus Moment' and now is going to save the world from Climate Change and DJT and something....Climate Change.... something...... get rid of the tariffs, and something about ethanol. Yawn.

Senator Amy. Who could forget Sen. Amy. She said she's sure (with your help and money) that she can beat DJT,  because she's a woman and has a Va-jay-jay just like the Lady Governor of Michigan who has one too, and who beat a republican man.  Senator Amy always looks so insincere, like a worker in a government office. Senator Amy also reminds me of one of the Sisters at my Catholic School in Belgium. She was a real bitch.

Before the dem's pillow fight was all over with my eyelids got heavy and the lights went out. I think the real winner of the night was the non-viewing public. But I'm here to attest that I did live through it.  You're welcome.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Left and Their 'Tin Foil Hat' Problem.

Nuttier Than Your Average Squirrel Turd - MSNBC Loonie Central's Joy Reid 

by Clint Fargeau

A philosopher once observed: “If someone falsely accuses you of doing something, it’s a good bet they are doing it themselves.” Those who have the misfortune to peruse the organs of Leftist opinion will find no shortage of op-eds descrying the crazy conspiracy theories of conservatives.  Silly conservatives. Bunch of paranoid loons they are.

The barrage of leftist gaslighting over the last three years supports the philosopher's  more intellectual formulation of “He that smelt it dealt it.” Most of us are painfully familiar with the more infamous examples of conspiracy theorizing on the Left. To wit:
Donald Trump is a closet white supremacist in league with neo-nazis–like Ben Carson, a black man, and Stephen Miller, who is Jewish–to make America white again.
And on the really fruity end of the spectrum:
Jews control the weather; their nation state secretly plans to exterminate Arabs; and the whole lot of them have hypnotized the world with Hebrew mind control.
These conspiracy … “theories”, or more like “fever dreams” … spill forth not from basement bloggers in tinfoil hats but from supposedly nailed-down folk. Politicians, mainstream journalists, and (formerly) respectable intellectuals juice these lemons day after day, in defiance of common sense, hard evidence, or even a compelling pattern. Their constituents drink this sour mixture, proclaim it ambrosia, and cry for more.

The opinion leaders on the Left rail incessantly against “The Rich.” But when they say “The Rich,” they don’t mean the population with assets in excess of X million dollars. Those would just be people who happened to be rich. They mean “THE CONSPIRACY OF The Rich”–bastards who connive to suck up all the goodies. Collusion is how they got rich, not a combination of luck, intelligence, and hard work.

“Eat The Rich” cheerleaders like Robert Reich, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Elizabeth Warren talk like “The Rich” share a party line–complete with gold-plated Bat-phones–earnestly discussing as a group: “How can we keep the little guy down and murder the climate at the same time?”

Another long-running “conspiracy of” category is “White People.” Activists, politicians, and opinionators reference “(the conspiracy of) White People” on topics ranging from police shootings to NFL owners who manifestly plotted to exclude Colin Kaepernick from his rightful place chucking a ball on the TV. NFL owners can’t possibly have thought separately and individually that hiring Kaepernick–who damaged the entire league and who spouts Marxist, anti-white, anti-police garbage at every opportunity–might turn out to be a poor choice, leading to perennial headaches for any team stupid enough to toss him a jersey.

Leftist conspiracy mongers credit conservatives and Republicans with borderline-magical abilities to leverage powerful forces for sinister plots and schemes. In so doing, they have turned their constituency into a hysteria feedback movement. Their sole source of energy now appears to be: “Nazis and robber barons in the bushes! Treasons and plots! Grab your Reynolds Wrap and prepare for resistance!”

Perhaps most odd from a conservative viewpoint is that many of the “conspiracies” Leftist opinion makers “uncover” are open, commonly held beliefs on the Right. Opinion makers on the Left don’t listen to conservatives. Then, stumbling upon conservatives’ openly expressed views, they mischaracterize those beliefs as hidden and secret motives. The devious plotter living in every conservative means that nothing they say may be accepted at face value. The devious plotter living in every conservative means that nothing they say may be accepted at face value.

Francis Wilkinson’s hilariously ignorant opinion piece in Bloomberg exemplifies the left's paranoia at work. Wilkinson’s title– "The True Aim of the Gun Sanctuary Movement", Wilkinson theorizes that Second Amendment advocates (or as he calls them the “guns-everywhere-for anybody movement”) don’t *really* believe in the Constitution; they just want to subvert the American majority.

*Sigh*. Okay Francis, you got us. Conservatives really don’t believe in the wisdom of the Constitution, that bit of “legal finery.” We are conspiring in secret to give every felon, child, and psychiatric inmate an AR-15 and turn cities into dystopian slaughterhouses. Darn it. We almost snuck that one by, but Wilkinson was too smart for us.

A note to the Guns-Everywhere-for-Everybody Cabal: we will not meet this Friday, because Wilkinson’s column has made us sad and angry. But next Friday, come with your best ideas to trick the Left into believing we support the constitutional right to self-, home, and community defense on its merits. We will meet in room 302, right next to the Evil Jewish Bankers Who Control Everything Society.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

This One Has Race Hoax Written All Over It

Those who have paid any attention to the spate of Race Hoaxes, if just in the last year or so, have probably noticed that the media perpetuate racial animosity through breathless reporting of these alleged incidents and used to lecture the nation about the evils of “just another day in America.”  But like petty criminals, race hoaxers usually are stupid people. And once everything comes out in the wash, very evident clues shine bright.

Sometimes, like in the example below, clues can come from verbage, (like is heard everyday and night on any MSNBC & CNN panel discussion) and maybe timing of the hoax. (the leftist pivot to 'White Supremacy ') This one looks very suspicious to me. You tell me.  (bold emphasis below is mine)   
The Hill - Police in Charlotte, N.C., are investigating after a threatening letter was sent to numerous lawmakers of color in the city, including Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles (D) . City officials told The Hill that African American members of Charlotte's city council received a letter filled with racist remarks, advocating that the lawmakers, all of whom are Democrats, be "tarred and feathered and run out of town." 
The letters, which made numerous references to the lawmakers' ethnicities, were also sent to Councilwoman Dimple Ajmera (D), who is of Indian descent, according to a city spokesperson. 
Among the topics in the letter, the author expressed praise for President Trump's recent tweets aimed at four minority congresswomen that urged them to "go back" to other countries."I do believe you need to go back to where you came from if you don't BEGIN to show this great country some RESPECT and HONOR," the letter read. "We'll round you up and send you screaming to the concentration camps where you belong," it continued.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if this turns out to be the act of a failed journalist, or out of work Black Studies major. Hoax or not, there's no need at all for this kinda crap!

It also worth noting that Charlotte N.C. will be the site of the 2020 Republican National Convention. Could it be that it's never to early to start stirring up the natives......

You can read a lot more Here in The Charlotte Observer. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Little Weasel Returns With Another Anti-Trump Tome

When we last saw the little weasel, Michael Wolff, who admits he's “barely a journalist” and believes that his job “has nothing to do with truth”, he was being humiliated and kicked off a February 2018 edition of Squinty & Meat Puppet in the Morning. The controversial author of the salacious tome "Fire and Fury" who for a time had the Left and some Anti- Trumpers peeing in their pants with exhilaration for it's revelations, said to be sourced from within the White House, returns with a new book titled Siege: Trump Under Fire, due out June 4th.

And if an early blurb is any indication, it's sure to be more equally fictitious brain drippings. The book has already come under fire from it's first leaked revelation in the leftist rag Guardian that makes an explosive claim about an action special counsel Robert Mueller strongly considered taking against President D.J.T.
"Wolff claims that Mueller drafted an obstruction of justice indictment against Trump, before ultimately deciding not to proceed with it. The indictment, according to Wolff, would have charged the president with three counts including; witness tampering, witness retaliation, and corruptly influencing a pending proceeding. 
The Guardian viewed documents relating to Wolff’s claim. Yet Mueller spokesman Peter Carr denies the very existence of these documents. 
“The documents that you’ve described do not exist,” Carr told the Guardian. 
Wolff claims that the draft indictment alleges that Trump began obstructing justice in the first week of his presidency. He wrote that Mueller concluded Trump took “extraordinary lengths… to protect himself from legal scrutiny and accountability, and to undermine the official panels investigating his actions."
Who in their right mind would give this kind of information, even if true, to a known liar and lunatic to expose like Micheal Wolff? I have not looked at any biographical info on this weasel, mainly because it's obvious the sixties were good to him, and has a very imaginative mind. But writers got write. Right? And I doubt we will see much of Mr. Wolff publicizing the book on TV, well maybe on Conspiracy Central, MSNBC, who daily tries polishing their Turd of an overthrow.

And just for shits and giggles, let's watch Mr. Wolff get humiliated on live Television once again, shall we?

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~