Sunday, March 6, 2011

Yeah, I'm Picking on Big Al Again!


Let's move on from this Charlie Sheen story. It's distracting us from learning about even crazier celebrities.

Useful Idiot and Hugo Chavez tool, Sean Penn
"In his own idiotic way Sean Penn is pulling his international version of Charlie Sheen, but without the panache or the humor....."
Yeah, remember crazyass Venezuelan dictator ass kisser / academy award winner Sean Penn, and his great performance portraying an idiot (not a real big stretch there) who once said Journalists who call Hugo Chávez a dictator should be jailed and Penn's critics should die screaming of rectal cancer. Well he has now teamed up with his pal......yeah, you guessed it, Charlie Sheen, and is gonna take him back down to Haiti to do some charity work. 

That's exactly what an earthquake and cholera ridden island needs is a manic, ranting, coked-out millionaire TV star down there furthering his self-destructive publicity stunt!  

But, dragging crazy Charlie around will get you back into the news, 
eh Sean?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Clinton: We're Going With the Winning Side.

The U.S. State Department issued its strongest message to date about the developing situation in the Middle East by making absolutely clear their intentions "to stand by whichever side winds up winning". 

President Obama joined Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the press conference where she made clear, "We are vigilantly standing on the sidelines and offering the strongest possible monitoring of events from a distance.”
The pro-winning-side message, articulated by Secretary Clinton, was intended to send a clear signal that the United States is willing to put all of its power, might and prestige on the line as soon as matters are settled.

The President, speaking without the luxury of a teleprompter stumbled through a repeat of Clinton's statement and added Uh......The administration backs  Secretary Clinton’s mixed message...uh hundred percent.  The President then went on to apologize to the owners of a middle eastern restaurant down the street from the White House for any perceived  hostile posturing by the U.S.  

Secretary Clinton seemed to rule any possible change in policy concerning the present situation in the future, “We will remain consistent in our policy of issuing meaningless statements at random intervals.”

 Clinton also strongly urge dictators to resist the temptation to pass power on to their sons buy reminding them: “If that had happened on ‘The West Wing,’ that would have been Charlie Sheen.”

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Earl of Ketchup Goes Hawkish

U.S. Senator John Kerry (D-Mass), Duke of Heinz, Earl of Ketchup today said the U.S. Military should set up and maintain a No Fly Zone over Libyian airspace.
Sen.Kerry, a [Navy] veteran turned anti-war activist and critic of the use of the military by Reagan, Bush 41 and campaigned for the presidency in part against Bush 43's efforts at waging of war on terror (while never criticizing the bombing of civilians during Clinton's misuse of the air force in Kosovo and ignoring the rivers of Rwanda running red with blood and headless bodies) now wants to inject us into a senseless operation and endangering our fighter pilots over Libyan airspace. 

NO, Senator Kerry! This is a problem better addressed by NATO, the European forces of NATO! Europe imports more of their oil from Libya then America and  could be confronted by mass immigration that could come their way from north Africa, so let them let deal with it.
It's their backyard. 

Let the French Italians, Germans and  Belgians pilots take the high risk operations of disabling the Libyan air defenses, which must be done first . We have more important things to tend to, like fighting the war on terror for them! 

 And is it just me, or is it coincidental that anti-war demonstrations tend to disappear and some democrats get all brave, gutsy and hawkish when their guys occupy the White House? Just a thought.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why I Won't Be Seeing Stars Tonight....Again.

Is There a Doctor in the House?

It's that time of year again that the Orthopedic Doctors in Beverly Hills and surrounding areas of Hollywood Dream Land love the most. It's "Look How Great an Actor We Think We Are" season is upon us. Their wealthy Hollywood patient load, suffering from self-inflicted shoulder injures received patting their egotistical selves on the back, increase dramatical (pun intended). 

There was a day, and not that long ago, in the world of movie make believe when stars were glamorous and the Academy Awards were given based on the quality of the performances. Politics was unspoken by most the actors (and no one really cared) and performances could be enjoyed without bias.  But like a lot of America, I no longer pay attention to them and even try to separate these thespians from their anti-American liberal agenda campaigns and enjoy their endeavors. They have long ago lost my respect and I find them in general to be whining bores living in the lap of luxury, pushing their agendas while condemning the country that gives them the freedom to do so.  There is just something about actors who kiss banana republic dictators asses telling me anything about being an American.  STFU and act, if that what you call it. 

Being a professional musician, I'm as well aware as anyone things in society have changed since the 1960s. But how really dumb have we become that we have to plop ourselves in front of the boob tube to watch three plus hours of self-congratulatory speeches, bad jokes and musical numbers that have little to do with movies and are just time fillers.  And as for the Red carpet interviews,  don't these actresses know that their hair stylists are in fact a bunch of gay misogynists who are laughing behind their backs? Geez! 

The sad truth is that I have always been a film buff and it is painful to admit that I rarely go to a theater anymore because there is just nothing to see that is worth the trip. Yet the awards shows have multiplied and even though the ratings show our disinterest they still manage to get air time. 

The Academy of Arts and Sciences lost all credibility with me as a judge of artistic merit in 1999 when it decided that "Shakespeare in Love" deserved the Best Picture award over "Saving Private Ryan", a brilliant portrayal of military sacrifice in WWII. "Shakespeare" had been heavily marketed by its producers,  and the following year the same poor judgment awarded the Best Picture to "American Beauty" an amoral film that glamorized underage sex. Personally I would have preferred it go to "The Sixth Sense" or "The Green Mile", both a unique audience pleasing experience. But what do I know. 
It's become evident over recent years that the Oscars reflect the personal political agenda of the Hollywood Left rather than an objective judgment on the Oscars which should be awarded for great feats of acting; for performing roles that are difficult yet successfully executed. Let's face it, how difficult was it for Kim Basinger to portray a hooker in "L.A. Confidential"? Hmmm?

I think I'll start reading that new book on Cleopatra sitting on my coffee table or do something adventurous like trying to give the cat a bath, and leave the TV off tonight.  

Friday, February 25, 2011

When You Piss Off the Mimes, You Know it's Serious.

Union Street Mimes join protest in Wisconsin:
National Street Mimes Union Secretary Chuckie Bowles had the following to say about Gov Walker's plan to limit collective bargaining in Wisconsin:
 "                                       .               ,                                          !!

                      ,                       ,                ?
 '         ,'                                                             !?!?" 

Read the entire story Here.              

Picture of the Week.

The process being played out in Madison...
has done us a great public service, however unintentional; it has exposed the naked hypocrisy of the unions, and given us yet one more example of what's wrong with our so-called 'Political Leadership'.
This battle is not about economics (even if economic factors have brought the Madison Protests to the fore), or even of fundamental fairness; it's about maintaining a series of often-outrageous privileges which can no longer be justified, and about the ability of the Unions to buy the politicians who will continue the gravy train.

If anyone ever needed a list of reasons as to why the rest of the planet is kicking our ass economically, and why employers are willing to risk breaking the law and hire illegal immigrants, or flood the State Department with H1-B requests, you need only show up at any mass meeting of Unionized Workers. There you will find, in microcosm, everything that's wrong with the American labor market. 

Picture source: Moonbattery

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Broken Record Budget

From Capitalist Preservation