Saturday, October 29, 2011

Educational Crash Course #96

Another Installment of Diogenes'
  Public Service Educational Series:

'Computer Science 101'

Next in Series: Media Journalism
with the Reverend Al Sharpton

.......Class Dismissed!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Meanwhile, Back on the Campaign Trail


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another Laughable Rant of a Washed-up Leftest Hollywood Actor/Geo-Political Analyst and Expert

From Huffington Blows 
By Steven Webber - You know....The Guy that did that show...uh....

Roger Ailes didn't so much as take a page from Lee Atwater's book as Andy Kaufman's.

It's the most hilarious show in town: the rhetorical gymnastics executed by the Right, taking every hard-fought victory for the United States after decades of reputation-destroying policy failures and outrageously unhinged attitude and twisting, hammering, chopping and screwing them into the feel-bad fabrications about that "evil other" Barack Obama.

Bin Laden's been gone, Qaddafi's ka-dead, and the Arab Spring's been sprung; the unjustly motivated war in Iraq slated to be over; the American people are aroused and assembling. And yet the corporate media is taking the same sought-for outcomes which have wildly eluded the Right and reconstituting them into their kooky contrivances, constructing their alternate realities at odds with what is actually happening in the streets and in the people's houses that line them.

And the comedy continues. Yes, despite real foreign policy victories resulting from direct US intervention or the genius of "leading from behind," achieving goals with uncharacteristically minimal muss and fuss (events that Fox News would have celebrated with a Sousaesque mixture of drenched pants and Old Glory pyrotechnics) the message they transmit is, let's say, somewhat less than positive. They blame Obama for his inability to fix the economy while actively preventing him from doing so. Ba-DUM-bum!

And as the joke is becoming ever more clear and the laughs are starting to come faster and louder, those chosen by the Right to shepherd the next chapter of their Assault On America are reacting to their audience's restlessness and slipping in puddles of their own flowing flop-sweat: Rick Santorum dedicating his life to dragging the country back to a time when people wore big buckles on their hats; Herman Cain giving CEO's even a worse name than they already have; Mitt stuffing his suit with whatever fluff he happens to be standing in at the time; Rick Perry about to go full birther; Michelle Bachmann unable to hide her love of wild-eyed fundamentalism; the now painfully obvious abortion fetish and the glorification of Ayn Rand's malignant, narcissistic sociopathy which permeates all dyed-in-the-wool GOPers; and -- of course -- the relentlessly reflexive kneecapping from the FOX folks and related fiends. It's sedition as vaudeville.

The scale of Right Wing sociopolitical sabotage necessitates a Nuremberg-scale trial for all the corporate agents and treasonous capitalisto-fascist architects of our democracy's current and most pressing misery. From the blatant Republican policy doublespeak emanating from think-tank sponsored word doctors to the outright obstruction and lies expectorated by Republican congressional representatives and senators, the very concept of governance can only be considered once the culprits are removed. Driven to real madness by unadulterated greed they have embraced an ideology, the success of which hinges upon the very ruin of this nation.

But the real joke is that these guys just plain suck at making people laugh except by accident. And the irony is that all these greed-saturated corporate brainiacs should know that you can make as much money -- more, even! WOW! -- by raising people's consciousnesses and expanding their intellects, by inspiring hope and creativity and extolling the virtues of humility and mercy and thrift and cooperation, rather than constantly using obsolete, dumb ass bully tactics to make their money.

But no. It's easier to batter the audience than lift 'em up. It is to laugh.


Monday, October 24, 2011

If I Were Ignorant, I'd Wear a Mask Too!

"By wearing the film’s mask, the OWS protesters define themselves precisely. They are a group who misrepresent the world in order to promote what sounds like freedom but would, in truth, be slavery.........." Andrew Klavan

From Pajama Media:
"Some of the Occupy Wall Street protesters have been wearing the Guy Fawkes mask from the film V for Vendetta. I think this is appropriate. I have not read the graphic novel on which the movie is based and make no comment on it, but the film itself, which wears the mask of a liberating screed, is in fact one of the most purely fascist American films ever made. It is a despicable apologia for murderous violence against free institutions, and presents a pitifully unrealistic rationalization for some of the most oppressive ideas currently in vogue."
"Like all leftist art, V for Vendetta achieves its occasionally powerful effects by re-writing reality to fit the upside-down progressive imagination. For instance, the film suggests Christianity lies at the heart of political oppression. But in Realworld, no matter what you might like to believe, the simple fact is that Christianity has been in on the ground floor of every truly free society on earth since the fall of Rome. (The one arguable exception is Israel — go figure.) The film depicts the west’s war with Islamo-fascism as an Orwellian mix of racist propaganda and eternal mock-warfare. That in itself is an Orwellian lie. Whatever its merits as a religious philosophy, Islam has produced violent and oppressive states since its beginning — and was oppressive even in its cultural heyday, now almost nine centuries ago. It's difficult to imagine any genuine vision of a free world that does not include the suppression of Islam's violent extremists."
Read more here..

Thursday, October 20, 2011

President Recommends Slacks for Slackers

Middle Finger News Service - President Obama is urging anyone seeking the many jobs he's  created, to ditch the unemployed look and dress for success if they really want a spot back among the American working class elite.  

Last night, Obama told supporters who paid exorbitant sums of money for a mediocre chicken dinner and to hear him try to speak:
"Listen, people, I'm creating the jobs out there - if you really want back into the American work force, you need to trade in those lounge pants for a pair of slacks and show the rest of us you really want it. This isn't class warfare, this is just some friendly advice from a wealthy employed American to 9.1% of the country."
Obama's non-campaign/campaign bus trip comes as his $447 billion jobs bill remains stuck in the Senate two weeks after introducing it because Senate Democrats "hadn't gotten around to it" yet. Senate Majority Leader "Dingy Harry" Reid (D-NV) acknowledged the delay, saying he and the others had been "a little sidetracked" watching Ken Burn's "Prohibition" series on PBS. 
 "You never know when a future employer could be in the 12 Items Or Less line in front of you at Wal-Mart. You just  never know. I'm not saying you need to be all dolled up when you're filing for your third unemployment extension, but those ratty sweats you're wearing, they were made by offshore workers - dressed in slacks. I think you catch my drift."
Obama has also found himself in a deadlock with congressional Republicans who think the government should let the unemployed dress how they want since they have so little else to hold onto. However, the president says it's this exact mentality that has led to the fashion crisis in Europe and the widespread acceptance of large men in tiny speedos.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A First Lady's Work is Never Done

Our nations First Lady wears many hats, and takes  the responsibilities of her given position seriously. With the President on the road promoting his jobs bill, and the Vice president out doing whatever he does, she takes the opportunity to do some important work for the nation in their absents. 
Michelle Obama painting over Joe Biden's 
crayon graffiti in the West Wing restroom
