Saturday, September 22, 2012

Traumatized for Life in 3.....2......1...


It's Time to Step It up, Mitt


Once you take into account the usual post-convention bounces in poll numbers, it is fair to say that the gap between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney remains within the margin of error. Last weeks weak job numbers, however, guarantee that the economy will remain the priority issue for most voters, and the race is expected to stay a close one until the first debate between the two candidates.

This being said, this election will be about more than economic indicators at the end of the day. Character and vision will take on an importance of their own when we enter debate season. Mitt Romney still hasn’t succeeded in conveying a clear idea of the kind of president he will be.

After the last three years Obama cannot regain the luster of 2008, where his historic quest attracted a herd of new sheep, and he hasn't succeed in showing that he has a record and accomplishments to defend. The Republican account of a Carter-like leader with a far left radical agenda seems to be a narrative that (conveniently filtered through the media) plays only to hard core conservatives. Against the record of the Golfer and Chief, a more compelling Romney should have given the Romney a decided advantage coming out of the convention season. But that did not happen.

Focus is now shifting to the first presidential debate, which will be held on Oct. 3. Until then, both parties will concentrate on the key swing states, with Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, North Carolina, Wisconsin and New Hampshire quite possibly shaping the outcome of the election.

Unlike Sarah Palin in 2008, it appears that vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan seems to not have generated enthusiasm beyond the Republican base, but could play a part in bringing support in swing states. Palin had her shortcomings, but it is on the record that her performance at the RNC in 2008 gave a needed post-convention bounce to the Republican ticket. The failure of Lehman Brothers in mid September 2008 did much to curb that enthusiasm, but Ryan, a far superior candidate than Palin, seems listless at this stage of the campaign. Hopefully the debates will show the enthusiastic Rep. Ryan of the congress.

Joe Biden may sometimes appear over-exuberant, and he does convey the aura of a crazy uncle who had one to many after dinner, but is we saw in 2008, if he can find the podium , he's a decent debater.

So the first debate will become a make or break moment for Romney-Ryan. Romney has steadfastly held to his position on his tax returns until Saturday, but has failed to give the country a clear Romney at this late stage of the campaign.

No matter how well Romney does in the debates, the media will not admit he did well, but the first debate will give him another opportunity to engage with the American public without a filter. 

It might be his last chance.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Democrats and their "new normal" economy

City Square

A variety of news articles are talking about high unemployment and slow growth being the "new normal" for the US economy. They are echoing Pres. Obama from his 2010 interview on CBS's 60 Minutes. As reported by the Washington Post:
 "What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high," Obama said in an interview on CBS's "60 Minutes."People who have jobs see their incomes go up. Businesses make big profits. But they've learned to do more with less. And so they don't hire. And as a consequence, we keep on seeing growth that is just too slow to bring back the 8 million jobs that were lost."
Notice Obama's exceptionally superficial economic analysis. The economy is stagnating, he claims, because businesses have "learned to do more with less" as if competitive businesses had ever behaved otherwise.

 The liberal concept of a "new normal" and its substitution for rational economic thought is not new. Michael Barone, for example, reviews  the 1930s and how liberals at that time also thought that stagnation was the new normal:

"Why did Roosevelt's second term turn out so poorly? Basically, because his policies were so unpopular. His 1935 labor act led to violent sit-down strikes in auto, steel and rubber factories, in which union victories were resented by the wider public.
His high tax rates on high earners -- the great white whale of the Ahab-like Obama -- plus something called the excess profits tax and the threat of onerous new regulation discouraged business investment, leading to what some called a capital strike.
In that setting, many liberals, as historian Alan Brinkley writes, "reached the pessimistic conclusion that stagnation had become the normal condition of modern industrial economies."
Sounds like Bill Clinton's argument: No one could do better. Democrats do the same thing (pursue anti-business policies) over and over again and each time are surprised to find the same result (economic stagnation). Apparently, talking about "new normals" is a psychological defense mechanism that allows their minds to avoid reaching the obvious conclusions.

Image via Moonbattery

French Unveil Famous Erotic Portrait

I was talked into doing this, it was not my idea, 
but after I did it I couldn't help but laugh!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Obama You Don't Know...

The Washington Examiner

"Few if any of his predecessors took the oath of office with higher public hopes for his success than President Obama on Jan. 20, 2009.
 Millions of Americans hailed his election as an end to partisanship, a renewal of the spirit of compromise and a reinvigoration of the nation's highest ideals at home and abroad. Above all, as America's first black chief executive, Obama symbolized the healing of long-festering wounds that were the terrible national legacy of slavery, the Reconstruction Era and Jim Crow. We would be, finally, one nation.
 But after nearly four years in office, Obama has become a sharply polarizing figure.
 His admirers believe he deserves a special place alongside Wilson, the Roosevelts and LBJ as one of the architects of benevolent government. His critics believe he is trying to remake America in the image of Europe's social democracies, replacing America's ethos of independence and individual enterprise with a welfare state inflamed by class divisions.
In an effort to get a clearer picture of Obama -- his shaping influences, his core beliefs, his political ambitions and his accomplishments -- The Washington Examiner conducted a four-month inquiry, interviewing dozens of his supporters and detractors in Chicago and elsewhere, and studying countless court transcripts, government reports and other official documents."
Read More Here


Taliban Air Force Loses First Engagement

Punji, Afghanistan - Air Force F-16's scrambled from Bagram Air Base Thursday as American AWAC radar planes picked up a strange ‘bogey’ heading over the Kush mountain range from the Pakistan border area at high speed.

Upon a visual inspection of the suspected enemy aircraft from a nearby CIA drone, General Alfred ‘Bootsy’ Moaters ordered the target to be shot down, making this encounter the first Taliban dogfight with an American fighter aircraft so far in the war. Described as an advanced Iranian design, and possible Chinese manufacturer, the single-seater was hit by a burst of 30mm cannon fire.

 After being noted for fighting from caves and for using women and children as shields, the latest Taliban attempts at seizing the strategic air initiative failed miserably after pilot Ali Mohammed took several 30mm cannon shots to his aircraft.  Within moments the craft fell from the sky.  

Lt. Colonel Amos McKinney is credited with shooting down the enemy craft. During the debriefing after the engagement,  McKinney said the ill-fated Taliban pilot briefly deployed his baggy pants in an attempt to parachute safely to the ground, but an over abundance of heavy AK-47 magazines caused the pants to rapidly deflate, dashing his chances of a safe landing. Mckinney said "those flag burning rat bastards are gonna have to get up real early to get one pass the U.S. Air Force."

The Taliban craft was recovered by US Special Forces and, after dry cleaning and patchwork on several of the holes, will be on display on the floor in front of General Moater’s desk.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Stand back Abdul....I got this!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Obama to Apologize to Nation


Middle Finger News Service Exclusive:

Washington - Middle Finger News has learn that apparently the White House has made plans for a  "preemptive strike" before the Presidential debates on what GOP nominee Mitt Romney has dubbed the president's affinity for apologizing for America. Barack Obama will officially apologized to the citizens of United States in a televised speech for being such an asshole as a way of taking the issue back.

"I feel truly sorry that the right is so desperate to remove me from office that they have unleashed  Mitt Romney on the country" said Obama in a prepared statement released by the White House. "I can't help but feel some personal responsibility, and for that I am also sorry for too."

Obama hinted at the statement yesterday, apologizing to a crowd in Wisconsin yesterday for his "outright assholery." "Believe me, no one feels worse about this being an asshole than I do," said the president.

It was widely suspected that Obama was an asshole by many from the time he entered the 2008 presidential race, saying, "In this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror ", then going on to apologizing to the Arab world after being elected.  "Can you believe this asshole?" said Hillary Clinton at the time.

I am so sorry you have had to put up with my assholery these last three years, Obama will reiterated  in his speech to the nation. I will do better in my next term, I promise.

When the news of the apology was leaked to MSNBC commentor Chris Matthews he said "Did Ronald Reagan admit he was an Asshole? NO! Did George Bush admit he was an asshole? Hell NO! How could you not admire the President for such a admiral move as this?" CNN commenter Anderson Cooper told us " I've seen many  assholes over the years and the president is putting his ass in a very uncomfortable position for the sake of the country and his presidency. It's a bold move I'd like to see." 

As far as we know, there are no plans at this time to apologize to the country for Joe Biden.

A Good Monday Morning


Sunday, September 16, 2012

On the Nature of Islam

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proseltyzing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science—the science against which it had vainly struggled—the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome." Winston Churchill 1890
h/t Sister Toldjah

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Stumbling into Waterloo


Jimmy Carter would be pleased with Barack Obama’s foreign policy/national security record, mostly because it’s helping his foreign policy/national security record look almost respectable.
The reality is that both men ignored reality. 

Carter’s policies are best described as appeasement.  In Obama's case, willingness to look the other way during the civilian riots after Iran’s rigged elections, treating Russia like a trusted ally, and the administrations apologies to a terrorist organization for the actions of a third party half a world away is what appeasement looks like.

This map of the Middle East shows 9 nations where violence has either broken out this week or where tensions are rising by the hour.

In 2008, John McCain’s campaign sunk when he badly mishandled the credit crisis. This year, Obama is badly mishandling the Middle East in a time of extreme panic.

If this administration made a mistake on an isolated incident, it’s possible the American people could overlook the mistake. It isn’t likely that they’ll ignore a president's misstatements at a time when an entire region of the world simultaneously erupts in violence. What’s happening now isn’t a misstep. It’s a crisis brought on by wrongheaded thinking over an entire presidential term. Any administration that thinks terrorist attacks are “man-caused disasters” and wars are “overseas contingency operations” is living in fantasy land anyway.

An administration that reads terrorists their rights is woefully weak. An administration that refuses to call Maj. Nidal Hassan’s shooting spree at Ft. Hood a terrorist attack is woefully weak.

Presidential administrations can get through international situations. It’s difficult getting through international crises of their own making.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Obama Presidential Library Is Soliciting Submissions

"It's not too early to begin imagining how former President Barack Obama will adorn his presidential library. He's created quite a legacy for himself! From the failed Stimulus to Solyndra, from the health care takeover to his world apology tour, this president's library promises to make even Jimmy Carter jealous." - Milton Wolf

Milton Wolf's entries...

I Own The World entries...

The Looking Spoon entries...

The People's Cube entries...

Doug Ross entries.....

Here are my first contributions:

and from

See more @


It's Become Increasing Clear

He's Not just a Bad President, but.....
