Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Weiner Rises: Coming Run for Mayor Anticipated with New Twitter Account

Little Anthony Weiner used to use Twitter under the handle @RepWeiner. We all know how that ended......resigning from Congress after he tweeted a photo of his **** to his 50,000 followers, setting off an avalanche of lies, cover-ups, and general unethical douchebag behavior.
But now Weiner is back with a brand new Twitter account. He's using the handle @AnthonyWeiner, and his account is verified. Weiner is rumored to be considering a run for New York City Mayor. 
We outside NY can only pray he wins - you know there will be comedy gold in them hills, but for those who would have to live through it in the big apple, you have my sympathies. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

No coincidence Earth Day is Lenin’s birthday


By David Ziemer - April 22 is Earth Day. Very appropriately, and not by any means coincidentally, Earth Day is celebrated on the birthday of the socialist tyrant Vladimir Lenin.

It’s appropriate that the two are celebrated on the same day, because there is no relevant difference between the socialist and environmentalist agendas in this country. Saving the environment is simply a euphemism for eviscerating the rights of property owners and creating a dictatorship.

But you already know that; the purpose of this column is to illustrate how much of our current debate on a host of contentious issues can be explained by looking to the environmental movement.

Essentially, the insatiability of the environmentalists for restricting property rights is a powerful motivation for activists of all stripes to reject any initiative of their opponents, however reasonable.

Whatever anyone’s agenda may be, the environmentalists have taught us all that acceding to the opponent does not satisfy the beast’s hunger, but only makes the beast stronger and more dangerous.

I remember drinking out of the Milwaukee River when I was young. Let me tell you, it was not the relatively pristine waterway that it is today; it was disgusting. But if you were thirsty enough, you drank out of it anyway.

I remember when the whole city of Milwaukee smelled like filth because of the air pollution – all day, every day. Now, the government occasionally declares “Action Days.” Of course, even on the worst “Action Day,” the air is fine – infinitely better than it was every single day back in the 1970s. And if the government didn’t announce them, no one would even know that, by some Earth muffin’s arbitrary standards, the air was “unhealthy” that day.

And yet, the environmentalists will not declare victory. Instead, they have invented the myth of anthropogenic global warming. Property owners have discovered that their compromises with the environmentalists did not solve anything. Their agenda will never end, until western civilization is destroyed and we return to the Stone Age.

It is because the environmentalists’ insane agenda is so clear, and has so far been so successful, that other activists, like supporters of abortion rights and the right to bear arms, know they must employ knee-jerk reflexive opposition to any and all proposals of their opponents.

Suppose, for example, that opponents of the Second Amendment propose a restriction on gun ownership that is genuinely a reasonable one. Many supporters of the right to bear arms have to oppose it anyway, simply because they know what the real goal of their opponents is – to totally disarm the citizenry and leave it wholly at the mercy of a socialist police state.

It is the same with abortion. Many abortion rights activists don’t actually oppose any and all limitations on abortion. But they must oppose any restriction of abortion-on-demand, because they know that the ultimate goal of their opponents is criminalization of all abortions. And once they get that, their goal will be to increase the maximum prison sentences for women who get abortions. And once they get that, they’ll lobby for mandatory minimums. And so on.

These folks know, from the success of the environmentalists in eliminating property rights, that every success of their opponents will merely embolden them. Their opponents will never decide that what they’ve accomplished is good enough and go home; they will always be there, always pushing for more.

So, if you’ve ever wondered why it seems that reasonable people have lost the ability to reach reasonable compromises, look to the environmentalists for your answer. That is the lesson to be learned on Earth Day.

h/t The Peoples Cube

A Good Monday Morning

Intruder Exchanges Gunfire with Security at Tennessee Nuclear Power Plant

Via Poor Richards News

Now here’s an unsettling story to start your week off. An intruder on the grounds of the TVA Watts Bar Nuclear Plant shot at a security officer before escaping on Sunday morning.

"An unidentified suspect fired multiple rounds at a security officer on patrol at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant early Sunday morning, and at least one round hit the security officer’s vehicle, an official said.
The Tennessee Valley Authority nuclear security officer fired back, also shooting multiple rounds. The suspect appeared to have initially been on the ground but may have fled in a boat, TVA spokesman Jim Hopson said.
The shots were fired just after 2 a.m. this morning on the east side of the 1,700-acre plant, near the Tennessee River, toward the plant’s southern boundary, TVA said. The officer was several hundred yards outside the protected area where the reactor and power equipment are located.
Hopson said some information can’t be released yet, such as the identity of the security officer, or it is not available, such as the total number of rounds fired. Hopson didn’t have a description of the suspect.
“Many of the details I won’t be able to share,” he said. “The investigation is still ongoing.”
TVA declared an “unusual event,” the lowest of the four Nuclear Regulatory Commission emergency classifications.
“There was no threat to public safety during the incident and no threat to the security of the plant due to the location outside of the plant perimeter,” TVA said in a Sunday morning statement. “An investigation is under way.”
TVA said the plant remains under a heightened state of security."
Read More... 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Boston Area Stoners Recount Harrowing 18 Hour Lockdown

Massive Law Enforcement Presence Interrupts Regular Bong Hits

BOSTON - As the country eagerly watched authorities go about the hunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev,  some Boston area residents were under a strict lock down for almost 18 hours. The harrowing experience was especially hard on the cities stoner community because of cabin fever/stir-craziness and the fear of police house to house searches.  Waterpipes, rolling papers and bongs neatly hid away and out of sight, left stoners disoriented and confused.

Water Town Stoner and MIT student Chas Mcgreedy said " With the cops doing door-to-door searches because of the exigent circumstances of a lunatic bomber on the loose we were in fear the door would be knocked down and in would come Dick Chenney  and we would all be water-boarded and tortured for information and the cops would confiscate our donuts and our 11th amendment rights be violated. Not being able to smoke a doobie for over 18 hours is just....like...it's...like stepping in peanut butter or something. We actually had to sit and watch television while being totally  straight. Like... we watched Jon Stewart and Dave Letterman and we didn't even laugh once man! 

Polly Ester Bing, Boston student and social activist told us the lock-down put a real damper on the excitement of planning the coming Earth Day celebration on Monday. "Like...terrified to fire up a joint all we could do was pretty much throw darts at our George Bush dart board..". She went on to tell us "one of my professors told my class not long ago our eyes were just to young to see that ....like....we are  living in a far right-wing psuedo-martial law society.  Like ...today I believe my eyes are all grown upThe man is a profit.

After the bomber suspect was taken into custody and the lock-down lifted, convenience stores in the Watertown area reported a massive run on Cheetos , Bean Dip and 2 liter bottles of Mountain Dew.  

Photo of Dzokhar Tsarnaev Being Arrested

I’m not sure how this came to turned up on the internet but it looks for real to me. The hoodie he’s wearing appears to match the one from the ATM camera last night:

h/t Poor Richard

Friday, April 19, 2013

Obama’s Lear-Like Rage

Peter Wehner
"In a Rose Garden statement in the aftermath of his failure to persuade the Senate to move on any of his gun control proposals, the president raged, Lear-like, against his opponents. It was a rather unpleasant mix–one part petulance and two parts anger. 
What Mr. Obama has been attempting to do throughout this gun control debate is to build his case based on a false premise, which is that the laws he’s proposing would have stopped the mass killing in Newtown. The families of the Newtown massacre are being used by the president in an effort to frame the issue this way: If you’re with Obama, you’re on the side of saving innocent children from mass killings–and if you’re against Obama, you have the blood of the children of Newtown on your hands.   
Obama’s effort at emotional blackmail has failed, and in bitterly lashing out at those who called him out on his demagoguery, he went some distance toward confirming that he is, in fact, a demagogue. 
Three months into his second term, Barack  Obama is becoming an increasingly bitter and powerless figure. When a man who views himself as a world-historic figure and our Moral Superior commands things to happen and they don’t, it isn’t a pretty sight. 
See Wednesdays Rose Garden statement for more." 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Huffington Post admitted that the liberal media was deliberately ignoring the Gosnell trial because they are afraid of it undermining abortion.

Is the state of abortion so fragile that covering a murder trial, even one involving the exploitation of minority women and the death of at least one, would undermine it? Maybe so. The gruesome testimony in the murder trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell just keeps coming. The savagery that took place in Gosnell’s office is sickening, and this new detail is no exception. Reading this you can certainly see why the media chooses to turn their heads the other way.

Life News - Former abortion clinic worker James Johnson testified today during the murder trial of Kermit Gosnell and provided jurors with a nauseating account of the horrific conditions at the abortion facility.

Johnson worked as a janitor, maintenance man and plumber of sorts and he was the common-law husband of 51-year-old Elizabeth Hampton, who is Gosnell’s wife’s sister. He told jurors some of the morbid details that appear in the grand jury report — including how he threatened to quit working at the abortion clinic because he refused to pull any more flesh from aborted babies out of the plumbing.......
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A Look I Hope to See More Often in the Future.....

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Severe Binocular Shortage Plagues North Korean War Preparation

* Headline Stolen from Vanderleun 

A North Korean soldier looks out of the window of a guard tower, on the banks of Yalu River, about 62 miles from the North Korean town of Sinuiju, opposite the Chinese border city of Dandong, on April 16. 
North Korea issued new threats against South Korea on Tuesday, vowing "sledge-hammer blows" of retaliation if South Korea did not apologize for anti-North Korean protests the previous day when the North was celebrating the birth of its founding leader. - NBC News.com

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Obama Snub: Refuses to Attend Thatcher Funeral

Denise McAllister- 
When he first entered office, President Obama sent back the bust of Winston Churchill. Now he is refusing to attend former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s funeral, and no one serving in his Administration will be going either. Not Vice President Biden, not Michelle, not even Secretary of State John Kerry.
The decision was made before the bombing in Boston.

Who is going? George Shultz and James Baker; both served as Secretary of State while Thatcher was prime minister.

Obama’s snub hasn’t gone unnoticed in Britain. Sir Gerald Howarth, chairman of the Thatcherite Conservative Way Forward group of MPs and peers, said, “The bonds forged between the UK and the US through Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher was instrumental in ending the Cold War and liberating millions of people. That the present administration feels unable to be represented as the world marks the extraordinary contribution Margaret Thatcher made will be a source of disappointment to those who served with her in that great endeavor.”

Former defense secretary Liam Fox, a close ally of Thatcher, said, “I think it would be both surprising and disappointing if after President Obama's fulsome tribute to Lady Thatcher, the American administration did not send a senior serving member to represent them.”
The Republican Party is sending three members of the House of Representatives: Marsha Blackburn, Michele Bachmann, and George Holding. Newt Gingrich will also be attending, along with Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger. None of the former presidents will be going, including George W. Bush.
As Obama stays home, other world leaders will be in attendance: Stephen Harper of Canada, Italy’s Mario Monti, and Donald Tusk from Poland.
When President Ronald Reagan died in 2004, Margaret Thatcher attended his funeral as did Prince Charles, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, Mikhail Gorbachev, Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, French President Jacques Chirac, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, among many others.

Monday, April 15, 2013