Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Todays Other Important Supreme Court Ruling.......

WASHINGTON- After reviewing the countless tax dollars wasted by state and federal governments passing oppressive laws only to have them later ruled unconstitutional by unelected senile people in expensive black robes, the Supreme Court has deemed the current legal system an "unconscionable waste of time". To simplify matters, they’ve interpreted a key point in the Preamble to the Constitution as a rule of thumb. 

Everybody has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the government is empowered to defend the same, and”, continued Justice Sotomayor and Buzzy Ginsberg who wrote the unanimous opinion, “if you ever- even if you hold office- take life, inhibit liberty, or inflict undue suffering against others - than it’s an eye for an eye- straight Talmudic on your tuckass”. Opinion rendered, case closed!!"  

The reaction from lawmakers nation wide to the news has  been swift. "Less work, more golf time!"

Seeing how many goobers are wee-we’d up over gay marriage and abortion…......

via Talk Straight
"….yet how few of those pied piper following mice were silent over Benghazi, the IRS and NSA scandals, the arming of terrorists in Libya, the slaughter of Christians in Egypt, the way the Obamas spend tax payer dollars on personal vacations and concerts while the rest of us look for work….
…convinces me you are all little more than sheep that bray at the command of your master.
Dance, little monkeys, dance!!"

Raising a Future Low Information Voter........

Pentagon Celebrates Gays in the Military: They're Just Fabulous!

The Washington Times  - "The Pentagon on Tuesday toasted gays in the military, with a top adviser to President Obama declaring the country is “safer” now that they may serve openly in the ranks.

“Because we repealed ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ our military … is stronger and our country is safer, more equal and more just,” said Valerie Jarrett, the keynote speaker at the Pentagon’s gay pride celebration. It was the Defense Department second annual gay pride gathering since September 2011, when Mr. Obama signed the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” a ban on gays serving openly in the military implemented during the Clinton administration."

The 7th Gay Airborne held their first annual 'Rue Paul Fabulous Fashion Purse'
400m relay near the Pentagon Auditorium.

This year’s 35-minute gathering in the Pentagon auditorium was more low-key and shorter than last year’s event, which featured a gay Marine officer, an Air Force lawyer and a lesbian West Point graduate. Wednesday’s speakers were assembled by a new group, DOD Pride, and featured three senior officials, topped by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.

“We’re very proud of everything the gay and lesbian community have contributed and continue to contribute,” Mr. Hagel said. “With their service, we are moving closer to fulfilling the country’s founding vision that all of us are created equal.”

Sgt. Jay Asbee and Lt. Lee Genes of the 4th Mountain Rump Ranger Division 
observe a group of hunky British commando's returning from patrol
near Abdulville Afganistan,  hoping for some action themselves soon

"Eric Fanning, the Air Force undersecretary and acting Air Force secretary, noted that two years ago gays could not serve openly. Now, a secretary of defense was speaking at a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender celebration."

Navy Corpsman David Filmee and his transgender partner, seaman Danni Gripp
shoot off the submarine tender tugboat, USS Barney Frank

"Ms. Jarrett told of meeting gay service members at the White House, including a Marine Corps captain.“When he deploys in August, he’ll be taking his husband with him,” she said.
Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Tammy Smith, the first openly gay general officer, stood in the audience with her partner, to a round of applause. “Stand up. Come on,” Ms. Jarrett said. “Whoo. Whoo.”

Ms. Jarrett, one of Mr. Obama’s closest confidantes, called the repeal of the gay ban “one of the most significant civil rights accomplishments of the president's career.”

The Political Cost of Senator Marco Rubio's Immigration Flip-Flop:

"Back in February, not long after Rubio announced the Gang of Eight immigration proposal, 73 percent of Republicans surveyed by pollster Scott Rasmussen had a favorable impression of the Florida senator. In a new Rasmussen survey released Monday, that number had fallen to 58 percent -- a 15-point drop.
Moreover, the intensity of support among Republicans who still view Rubio favorably has also dropped. In February, 44 percent of Republicans had a very favorable opinion of Rubio. Today the number is less than half that -- 21 percent. ...
Back in 2008, and again in 2012, Romney's opponents never let him forget the flip-flop that marked his move to the national political stage. In coming years, the same might become true for Marco Rubio."- Byron York, The Washington Examiner Chief Political Correspondent

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Supreme Court Comes to Grips with Reality

by John Yoo

Today, the Supreme Court struck down the most onerous element of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in Shelby County v. Holder. The Act had required several states and localities, almost all in the former states of the confederacy, to seek permission from the Justice Department or a federal court before changing any electoral procedure. This included the drawing of electoral districts. A separate provision, still in force after Shelby, prohibits individual measures to block access to the ballot on the grounds of race.

The Act made sense in 1965, when Jim Crow still prevented blacks from registering and voting in the South. But it doesn't anymore. One chart of voting registration by race, at page 15 of Chief Justice John Roberts' majority opinion, says it all:

After 40 years of the Voting Rights Act, African-American voting registration in the original Jim Crow states is actually the same or higher than whites. In the last election, African-American turnout was higher than white turnout in five of these six states. In the sixth state, the gap was less than 0.5 percent.

Shelby shows the Court -- albeit by a 5-4 majority -- finally came to grips with reality. The Voting Rights Act worked. But it was an extraordinary remedy that intruded on state sovereignty over elections. Like all extraordinary remedies, it was only for unusual times. Those times, despite those who have an interest in keeping racial preferences going for as long as possible, have come to an end.

One question, however, remains open: Will this be bad for Republicans in the South? The Voting Rights Act resulted in an alliance between the NAACP and the Republican Party in the 1980s and 1990s to pack minorities into voting districts. This had the effect of ensuring that minorities would be elected to Congress (to the delight of the NAACP), but diluted minority influence elsewhere by reducing their numbers in all other voting districts (the GOP's end of the bargain). The end of the Voting Rights Act might have the long-term effect of making staunchly Republican congressional seats in the South more competitive and reducing the number of safe seats for members of the Congressional Black Caucus. I would say that is another victory for the nation wrought by Shelby.

City Council Drafts Plan to Attract Better Looking Hookers to Area

Middle Finger News Service

N.O. La. - Calling it an essential element for building future growth and prosperity, the City Council of New Orleans is putting special emphasis toward bringing more attractive prostitutes to the city.  The bipartisan effort has support from city and state government, as well as private sector groups.

“I think the prostitution sting we had downtown a few weeks back was the last straw,” explained Councilman Bo Breaux. “Those mugshots were a black eye for the city...not an attractive hooker in the bunch. In fact, the only one who looked even mildly cute had driven over from Ascension Parish . It’s not surprising no one wants to hold a convention here. Not even a Baton Rouge Shriner would solicit those gals.” 

The city has applied for state money and has plans to apply for federal job stimulus money for the program to mentor local young ladies who are considering a career in 'The Worlds Oldest Profession'. Efforts will also be put into recruiting attractive hookers from other cities in the region and nationwide.
The Chamber of Commerce is also on board with the plan. In conjunction with local businesses, they’ve created a young working girls  networking group called H.O.H.O.H., an acronym for “Harnessing Our Hot Own Hookers”.  HO spokesman Tricia Lockwood said that this is an important element, “We want attractive young ladies from surrounding states who are considering a careers in hooking to realize everything New Orleans has to offer. We need to reach out to them before they make their way to Chicago or New York.”

“This plan is important for city growth in so many ways,” said Mayor Mitch Landrieu. This plan will go a long way to overcome that dipshit Ray Nagan's affrimative action progam for hookers. Our plans, in fact, fit  into existing plans to revitalize Bourbon Street, to bring young professionals to town, and even to build light rail. Think about how much more fun that train ride would be with a couple of scantily clad professional ladies on board.”

The final votes for on a request for state funding will happen later this month after several Louisiana State Legislature   members gather for a fact finding tour in Las Vegas. 

* UPDATE - Former Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, always interested in state politics and affairs, has thrown his weight and expertise to the issue.  Clinton issued a statement Monday saying he loves the Great State of Louisiana and it's citizens, and looks forward to visiting New Orleans in the future to lay plans and stand tall along side state and local lawmakers on an important jobs program the state needs.

Monday, June 24, 2013

A Cultural Exchange in the Age of Obama

Mr. Garvey would certainly have a field day with my name!!!!

Raising Child Propagandist

 "Teens Trained To Be (ObamaCare) Messengers To Family Members”
Save for the insertion of the term "ObamaCare", the title is an exact LAUSD quote. As is the caption on the image below.
“Teens are part of a ‘pilot’ program to test whether young people
can be trained as messengers…”
–Gayle Pollard-Terry, a LAUSD spokesman

Unpaid, underage state slave propagandists. Can we say indoctrination laced exploitation?
‘Yes we can’!

The Los Angeles Unified School District will use a state grant to train teens to promote ObamaCare to family members. Covered California, the state’s health insurance exchange, announced grants of $37 million on May 14 to promote the nationally unpopular law.
LAUSD will receive $990,000. The district listed as a primary outcome for its project, “Teens trained to be messengers to family members.”
Covered California spokeswoman Sarah Soto-Taylor said staff have not questioned this goal.
“We have confidence that the model LA Unified brought to the table will be successful in reaching our target population, which includes family members of students,” she said.
LAUSD will also use tax-paid staff to promote ObamaCare through phone calls to students’ homes, in-class presentations, and meetings with employees eligible for ObamaCare’s taxpayer-covered healthcare, the grant award says.……
Teens are part of a ‘pilot’ program to test whether young people can be trained as messengers to deliver outreach and limited education to family and friends in and around their homes,” said Gayle Pollard-Terry, a LAUSD spokesman, in an email. “Teens will be educating adults that they already know (e.g., family or friends) and not other adults.”
During school hours kids are basically held hostage. Will parents have the option of opting out? If so will there be consequences? If the regime’s track record is any indication, count on it.

A Good Monday Morning

Dianne Feinstein Says "The Chase is on"

Armed and Dangerous Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein

Sen. Dianne Feinstein  told Bob Bob Schieffer on Sunday's "Face the Nation, that "the Chase is on"  after National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden skipped out of Hong Kong and reportedly arrived in Moscow early Sunday morning.
  "I want to get him caught and brought back for trial, and I think we need to know exactly what he has - he could have a lot, lot more," she said. "But I think the chase is on."
Could Mrs. Feinstein be nervous that Snowden will blow the lid off the NSA scandal and implicate the Intelligence Committee members? 

Latest reports say Snowden could be headed for Ecuador .

and this from CBS News
The United States "doesn't know what happened," CBS News White House correspondent Major Garrett explained, having crafted under the extradition treaty charges that would be applicable in Hong Kong. "It put together what it said and thought were really good charges that represented everything we could legally prosecute Edward Snowden under," Garrett said, "thought there was an agreement with the Hong Kong authorities.
"...It looks like there was a technicality," he continued. "There was a lack of an Interpol warrant in addition to the charges rendered by the United States government, and that might have created a seam, a very small seam in which the Hong Kong authorities allowed themselves to let Edward Snowden out of there. It is also the belief within the administration that Hong Kong was getting weary of the saga and would prefer Edward Snowden to get out. He's gotten out, and he's now somebody else's problem - mainly the United States'.
Looks looks like the Chinese and Vald Putin may have both just given Barack Obama and his Orwellian spooks a great big ol' Middle Finger. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Another Beheading in England

by Dale Hurd of CBN News

Lancashire, England - A 20-year-old British man has been arraigned in the murder and decapitation June 4th of an 18-year old Sheffield, England woman named Reema Ramazan.

Haven't heard of it? Up until a few days ago,
Ramzan was "just" a stabbing fatality. Now we learn that Aras Hussein cut off her head. It was the second beheading involving a British Muslim in a little over two weeks, after the murder and decapitation of British soldier Lee Rigby, May 22.

This apparent cover up is an example of what has been a massive, orchestrated disinformation campaign by British authorities and their allies in the media to blackout or minimize, and in many cases refuse to prosecute, Muslim crimes. I've come to northern England to investigate how authorities covered up the
Muslim sex grooming gang epidemic, in which white British girls are made the sex slaves of what the authorities euphemistically call "Asian" gangs (they're Muslim). Astonishingly, police are still not tackling the problem head-on, and still more girls will have their lives ruined because of it.

The media is also
failing to report the depth and breadth of the public fury here over the Rigby murder. If those demonstrations were about some loony left-wing cause, you'd see them splashed across every TV screen.

Some argue that the British police are in chains to their politically correct bosses in government. No doubt. I think they also fear civil war. But trying to cover up an Islamic crime wave and the anger that is now seething among the native English doesn't prevent civil war; it brings it. Just sayin'.


The Brits are scared shitless over their muslim invaders, and are just hastening the day their necks are bent for the sword. - DS

Mr. Jefferson Visits The White House

Political Clown Parade

"I understand, my dear sir, that you recently gave a very confused speech to university students upon their graduation.
You seemed quite fretful at the time. Perhaps it was because you felt the winds of change rustling against your brow. You lamented, nay, chillingly suggested to these impressionable young men and women that they had grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that you felt was at the root of all the problems of this great republic.
You sir, went on to say that those same voices would warn that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner.
I thought I should pay you a visit in an attempt to school you on the subject of tyranny; something about which, I am intimately familiar......"  READ THE REST