Friday, August 23, 2013

But....Healthcare Works So Well Over There We're Told.....

 "Last month, Sir Bruce Keogh, medical director of the NHS, issued a forensic report, commissioned by the government, which found that 14 under-performing hospitals in England had substandard care, contributing to the needless deaths of nearly 13,000 people since 2005.
Earlier this year, it was reported that a single hospital in Staffordshire recorded 1,400 "excess" deaths.
Following the July report, letters from patients and relatives of those who died flooded in to newspapers, Sky News and the BBC. Many confirmed poor treatment, if in fact they or their loved ones were able to receive timely care at all. The lack of adequate nursing staff, cuts to elder care budgets and a rise in immigrant populations are a few of the factors that have exacerbated the problem......"
"What happens when big, lumbering, inefficient government seeks to provide health care. Why should the U.K.'s horrid experience with NHS matter to Americans?
Because if, in a much smaller country horror stories abound, how much worse could it be when our big, lumbering, inefficient government launches Obamacare? What impact will it have on U.S. hospitals and health care providers? Instead of merely mandating insurance coverage to the uninsured, will our government eventually begin dictating what surgeries and treatments it will pay for based on what a bureaucrat deems cost-effective?
It's only a short step from overseeing health insurance to more intrusive oversight of medical care in general.
Everyone in the U.K. might have access to health care, but they are often forced to accept inferior health care. Will Obamacare result in Americans patiently waiting four-and-a-half months between a referral and an appointment with a specialist or surgeon?
Will Americans have to wait weeks, or months, for treatment or surgery, in some cases, risking death? With Obamacare scheduled to begin phasing-in on Oct. 1, in order to avoid what Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., has called a "train wreck," these questions need answers." - CAL THOMAS, Washington Examiner

Fishnet Friday

The Man is Still Clueless Without a Teleprompter

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mole People Are Stealing Our Trees


That's Right Chief.......It was her Burning Nipple Tassels.

Go Go Amy’s show turned out to be a no no after her breast contraptions caused the venue at Dundee’s Abertay University to be emptied. The fire alarms were set off after the temptress set her twirling nipple tassels ablaze.
Hundreds of customers were left disappointed and instead of getting hot under the collar, they were escorted outside.
Show planner Ky Thomasson-Kay told the Sun: "They weren’t meant to use fire in the act but I think they just completely forgot. When the alarm went off everybody had to go outside. It was incredible. ‘It was one of those priceless moments that people will be talking about for years."
Amy had been performing at the Dundee Tattoo Convention. She can normally be found entertaining guests as a member of the Pretty Things Peep Show.

Now I'm no expert on Burlesque, but bare skinned  fire eating strippers with flaming nipple tassels just doesn't sound like a good combination to me.....just sayin.

An Ominous Specter Hovers Over a Nation

The Department of Justice has become a rat’s nest of sinister intrigue and malfeasance – indeed the Obama/Holder union and appurtenant minions have all the appearances of a crime consortium. Political Gangsterism runs like a thread through the Department of Justice and the malfeasance of the agencies and agents thereof runs the gamut of questionable – if not outright criminal activities; gun-running, subversion of justice, illegal hiring practices and perjury before congressional committees come immediately to mind.

That none have been prosecuted, censored, reprimanded or dismissed for such causes seems to convey the message that these miscreants are beyond any form of accountability or reproof for their blatant in your face infractions. Holder lies in the face of congressional committee members then gives them a virtual middle-finger when they call into question his prevarications. The U.S. Code contains a silly statute that makes it a crime for a citizen to lie to an F.B.I. agent, but the agents and officers of the various agencies within the Department of Justice seem to be able to lie to congressional investigators with impunity.

There is something wrong with that scenario, don’t you think?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Obama Enlists Help to Fill Key Government Jobs

After President Obama lamented the roadblocks by Republicans he see’s as hindering his filling key spots in his agenda to move it FORWARD, he enlisted the aid of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, new owner of the Washington Post, to help launch a nation wide non-talent search and hiring by Executive Order.

The White House said the initiative showed Obama’s commitment to finding jobs and getting people back to work just as the “real” unemployment numbers jumped to 14.5%, and 125% for teen age African Americans.(latter figures provided by the Congressional Black Caucus, and verified by the Rainbow Coalition, OWS and OFA)

New Government Employees Receiving Final Instruction Before Assignments

Some of the choice job opportunities include:

Prime Ambassadorships Open for Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Somalia. - Successful candidate will have rudimentary accounting experience, ability to make change, and basic math skills to understand current rate exchanges. Prior humanitarian experience as Santa during Christmas at Wal Mart, Target, or K-Mart helpful, but not required. Perfect for the activist who thought they’d ‘never be able to afford to go home again!”

Minimum requirement: $500,000 in bundled funds for Organizing for America (OFA), verifiable GED or equivalent, current driver’s license, proficient in cut and run tactics, knowledge of tribal dancing, occasional cannibalism, and community activism.

Reply with black & white photo to
Salary commensurate with aptitude. Will train left leaning person.

Homeland Security Director & 15 other openings! - Candidates will have overbearing personalities, limited management skills, and ability to follow orders from above while inspiring fear and terror in subordinates. English as a second language a plus, but not required. If you were labeled a ‘school yard bully’ these positions are just up your back alley! Imagine your life with a liberal housing allowance, pension benefits worth retiring early for and flying first class to the exotic south west, and the Baja peninsula on a generous per diem for on the job training.

Ability to talk out of both sides of your mouth will count toward Bi-Lingual ability, and preference given for prior experience in seeing the way court system works from ‘the other side.”

Gender determination not required but extra points to candidate who dresses ‘left’.

Future Openings:

Vice President 2016. - Candidate must be affable, able to take a joke, and play straight man to humorless Lesbian President by Acclimation.

Duties to include leaking state secrets for political advantage, blaming administration 8 years ago for continued economic implosion, failed middle east policies, and 225,000 black on black murders resulting in the expansion of voter rolls in Chicago.

Prior experience as stand up comic in Hollywood, prolific fund raiser, and proficient in the proper use of the F word a plus. Hair plugs acceptable but full head (oxymoron) gains advantage for position as Hair apparent. Ability to lie well and willing to fall on sword to protect integrity of regime over scandals assures position and 72 bisexuals somewhere ‘up there,” if there is a God.

Body-Man/Woman 2016 - Tired of the usual dog and pony bestiality you’ve been subjected to on Craigs List? This career opportunity is just right for you!

Successful candidate will be able to go ‘both ways’ depending on the whim of the employer. Able to take a tongue lashing in good humor, willing to degrade themselves doing menial tasks and acting submissive in sexual fantasies.

Non smoker, but ability to tolerate cigar smoke a must! Prior experience in Menages and Cluster F****s required, although will train right candidate on unpaid intern basis.

Computer Savvy required with special credit for Desk Top sex given priority for advancement.

Benefits include monthly blood tests, vouchers for Planned Parenthood, clothing allowance from Victoria’s Secret and Adam & Eve, Tiffany rhine stone collars , autographed copy of the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy, disposable butt plugs, bust and butt enhancement, and liberal exotic travel.

Reply in confidence for personal interview and audition to Hummer_Hummer_Hummer@white house.orgy.

Natural Born Idiots

 DiploMad 2.0
"Don't want to get into a long constitutional and legal debate here, but I do want to make a little comment about the current furor over whether Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is eligible to run for President.
First, forgive me for a little Diplo-Bombast. This little blog spotted the attack on Cruz coming way back when. I wrote a piece, August 1, 2012, titled, "The Media: They Just Can't help Themselves . . .." I noted then that the liberals, by way of the ultra-liberal L.A. Times was out to get Cruz, who had still not even been elected Senator, and wrote,
The LAT piece claims that since Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada while his father, a Cuban refugee, worked in the oil business, he is not a "naturally born citizen," even if his mother was a US citizen--which she was. Amazing the stuff they will come up with to try to destroy a rising GOP star. The liberals have to destroy women and minority conservatives above all others; not to do so would give the lie to their narrative that the GOP is the party of rich white guys. Look at the hatred directed at Palin, Bachmann, West, Rice, Cain, Rubio, and now Cruz.
 The liberals think this is some clever retaliation for the "birther" attacks on Obama. They conveniently forget, however, that the "birther" stuff emerged from Hillary Clinton's primary campaign and was based upon, as I wrote on May 18, 2012 , a bio blurb by Obama's publisher ........" Keep Reading

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Magazine Claims Muslim Brotherhood has Infiltrated Obama Administration

An Egyptian magazine claimed last January that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration and DHS are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.

While it was reported on some Jihad watching websites, the media never picked up on it. 

The IPT Blog
"The Dec. 22 story published in Egypt's Rose El-Youssef magazine (read an IPT translation here) suggests the six turned the White House "from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood."
The story is largely unsourced, but its publication is considered significant in raising the issue to Egyptian readers.
The six named people include: Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.
Alikhan is a founder of the World Islamic Organization, which the magazine identifies as a Brotherhood "subsidiary." It suggests that Alikhan was responsible for the "file of Islamic states" in the White House and that he provides the direct link between the Obama administration and the Arab Spring revolutions of 2011......"
Read More 

h/t Bad Blue

Monday, August 19, 2013

Edukating the Future Low Information Voter

It’s a program that those with math phobias are sure to love. Welcome to Common Core, the Obama administration’s new curriculum for public schools, where even wrong answers are acceptable.

We’ve all been taught that 2+1=3, but under Common Core the answer could be 4, or pretty much any number you want to offer – as long as you can explain how you calculated the problem, according to a video posted by The Daily Caller.

In the video, a curriculum coordinator in the suburban Chicago community of Grayslake explains that right answers don’t really count in math.

“Even if they said, ‘3 x 4 was 11,’ if they were able to explain their reasoning and explain how they came up with their answer really in, umm, words and oral explanation, and they showed it in the picture but they just got the final number wrong, we’re really more focusing on the how,” the coordinator, Amanda August, says in the video.

Someone in the audience asks if teachers will correct students who don’t know basic math, and August replies, but doesn’t really answer the question.

A Good Monday Morning

Free Cheese in a Socialist Mousetrap

“There is always free cheese in a mousetrap.”
– Retired Marine Colonel Martino
CFP- Ileana Johnson Paugh

Public,  self-described as “advocates for a healthier and more equitable world,” sent a fundraising letter to Democrat voters, claiming that “millionaires who run the largest corporations on Earth want to slash the social insurance programs the rest of us rely on.” By slashing, they are referring to the logical proposal to increase eligibility age for Medicare, to correlate Medicare to income, and to modernize/privatize it.

Who are these “mega-corporations” that apparently want to destroy our healthcare? Public Citizen points out that CEOs of AT&T, Boeing, Dow Chemical, Exxon, Mobil, General Electric, JPMorgan, and Wal-Mart have no idea “what it’s like to worry if you can retire with dignity and security.”

So far, class division and envy rhetoric, blaming the “evil” rich for the world’s problems and social injustice, has worked for progressives because they appeal to the lowest information voters, people who watch “reality” television and take their news information from comedians on the alphabet soup channels, the media machine of the Democrat Party.

It is not the CEOs who have destroyed the middle class and the opportunity to succeed in America, it is the race baiters, politicians, and the community organizers who keep the low information voters misinformed and beholden to their supposed saviors, the very people who control them and benefit from their misfortunes.

Somebody needs to tell low information Democrats that medical care is not a human right, it is a service, provided by medical professionals who expect to be paid for their service, expertise, and the many years they’ve spent in medical school studying diligently for exams, writing papers, dissecting, doing 36-hour rotations at hospitals for free, paying high tuition fees, and buying high-priced specialty books. These medical professionals have loans to repay, families to feed, bills to pay, office overhead costs, malpractice insurance (due to the extremely litigious society that we live in), and employees who must be paid for their work as well.

Somebody should also tell uninformed Democrats that Medicare was not designed as a universal, single-payer health insurance system and that it is President Obama who is stripping Medicare of $719 billion over the next ten years in order to fund his unaffordable Affordable Care Act. Additionally, Americans have not asked for a single-payer, national socialized health care system but they got it, it is the law; even if ACA is defunded completely, all Americans must still pay the tax next year if they do not have proof of insurance.

 Millions of illegal immigrants take advantage of our generous health care system and overuse emergency rooms as their private doctors and as their OBGYNs, forcing taxpayers to foot the bills for the delivery of anchor babies and the care of their mothers while Americans buy insurance for their families. Americans, who cannot afford premiums because they fall below the poverty line, receive medical treatment through Medicaid.

“The private, for-profit health insurance establishment” has been able to offer free medical care to all people who could not afford to pay but needed care. Nobody died unnecessarily because they were turned away as the Public Citizen fundraising letter implies.

Unfortunately, with the new ObamaCare, rationing will become the norm and people will be turned down for treatment based on their age and utility to society, they will become “units.” There is a 15-member death panel written into ObamaCare. We will find out soon enough when the unfortunately-named Affordable Care Act starts enrolling people on October 1, 2013.

Unions want ObamaCare repealed or defunded because their members wish to keep their current Cadillac health insurance plans and their doctors, as promised by the President. Congress, who wrote the bill, does not want ObamaCare for themselves and their staffers. They have strategized and manipulated behind closed doors until the President gave them a special status and a 75% subsidy towards the annual premium.

Giving potential donors misguided statistics on the status of our healthcare, Public Citizen’s President ends his message of gloom and doom with the chilling “onward.” “Onward” is an interesting variant to “forward,” euphemisms recognizable to me as socialist slogans.