Thursday, May 22, 2014

The New Obama Narrative: Epic Incompetence

"We’ve learned the hard way that Mr. Obama’s skill sets are far more oriented toward community organizing than they are to governing. On every front, he is overmatched by events. It’s painful to watch a man who is so obviously in over his head."

by Peter Wehner

"The last eight months have battered the Obama administration. From the botched rollout of the health-care website to the VA scandal, events are now cementing certain impressions about Mr. Obama. Among the most damaging is this: He is unusually, even epically, incompetent. That is not news to some of us, but it seems to be a conclusion more and more people are drawing.

The emerging narrative of Barack Obama, the one that actually comports to reality, is that he is a rare political talent but a disaster when it comes to actually governing. The list of his failures is nothing short of staggering, from shovel-ready jobs that weren’t so shovel ready to the failures of to the VA debacle. But it also includes the president’s failure to tame the debt, lower poverty, decrease income inequality, and increase job creation. He promised to close Guantanamo Bay and didn’t. His administration promised to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed before a civilian jury in New York but they were forced to retreat because of outrage in his own party. Early on in his administration Mr. Obama put his prestige on the line to secure the Olympics for Chicago in 2016 and he failed.

Overseas the range of Obama’s failures include the Russian “reset” and Syrian “red lines” to Iran’s Green Revolution, the Egyptian overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, and Libya post-Gaddafi. The first American ambassador since the 1970s was murdered after requests for greater security for the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi were denied. (For a comprehensive overview of President Obama’s failures in the Middle East, see this outstanding essay by Abe Greenwald.) The president has strained relations with nations extending from Canada to Germany, from Israel to Afghanistan to Poland and the Czech Republic to many others. All from a man who promised to heal the planet and slow the rise of the oceans.

But that’s not all. The White House response to everything from the VA and IRS scandals to the seizure of AP phone records by the Department of Justice is that it learned about them from press reports. More and more Mr. Obama speaks as if he’s a passive actor, a bystander in his own administration, an MSNBC commentator speaking about events he has no real control over. We saw that earlier today, when the president, in trying to address the public’s growing outrage at what’s happening at the VA, insisted he “will not stand for it” and “will not tolerate” what he has stood for and tolerated for almost six years. His anger at what’s happening to our veterans seems to have coincided with the political damage it is now causing him."

(Commentary Magazine) 

CNN Tells Republicans Go Sell Crazy Somewhere Else

CNN boss Jeff Zucker has let it be known that his network won’t be bullied by Fox News into covering Benghazi and that CNN won’t be covering Benghazi unless it becomes legitimate news. During a recent interview, CNN boss Jeff Zucker said, “We’re not going to be shamed into it by others who have political beliefs that want to try to have temper tantrums to shame other news organizations into covering something,” he said. “If it’s of real news value, we’ll cover it.”

This came from the man who runs a network that spend endless weeks obsessing over a missing airplane.
What Zucker was saying is that if Benghazi were to become a legitimate news story, CNN would cover it, but right now, Benghazi isn’t newsworthy, so no matter how much Fox News screams at the top of their lungs, CNN won’t be covering the story.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dems Announce Starting Lineup for Team Pelosi

After threatening to boycott the upcoming Republican led Benghazi hearings, Nancy Pelosi must have realized that she'd be denying herself valuable face time from the media daily to give her spittle version of the days events, and gallantly  announced "Team Pelosi", the Democrat starting lineup for the big show. 

At quarterback is the always entertaining Rep. Elijah '"Hello is this thing on? " Cummings (D. Maryland) known for his expertise at not knowing when to shut up and feigning outrage at Republican committee chairman. Also announced as team member is Rep. Linda Sanchez (D. Cal) the less excitable sister of screeching banshee, Rep. Loretta  Sanchez (D. Cal.).
Other members are second-string house committee backbenchers, Tammy Duckworth (D- Illinois) Adam Smith (D-Washington) and Adam Schiff (D-Cal.) total unknowns to me and I'm assuming there as sacrificial collateral damage and keep the more power drunk House members from falling on their face like a wasted prom queen when the SHTF.

I'm sorely disappointed the Insane Troglodyte, Alan Grayson didn't make the cut. Surely he would have made possible dull hearing moments much more embarrassing events for the Dems, and an added baritone voice in the sure to come chorus of "We Have Already Covered This Before" you will hear over and over and .........  

He's So Angry He's Mad as Hell!

Congressional Neanderthal Volunteers for Benghazi Committee

Rep. Alan Grayson (Lunatic-Fla.) is willing to serve disrupt the committee established by House Republicans to investigate the 2012 attacks in Benghazi. In a Radio interview
Grayson said he has actually already talked to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Political Correctness and Dr. Ben Carson

Last night I had dinner with an old friend, a Regional Vice President of a large Book Chain. A life long liberal who admits to being embarrassed these day to say so, she told me something quite interesting that she found upsetting, personally and professionally. 

We have all heard of Ben Carson, one of the most celebrated neurosurgeons in the world. His book 'Gifted Hands' is the story of an innercity kid, with all the breaks seemingly against him, who through faith and hard work  became director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital at age 33.

Gifted Hands, has been an inspirations to a generation that chose to listen to what he had to say, and undoubtedly influence many along the way.  It has been a staple of high school reading list for many years, especially predominately black schools. But no more. 

Large classroom institutional orders bought through book stores by school system administrators for his book are dropping dramatically. Once a book that remained in the top 100 of Amazon's book sales (consistently between #50 and 60) now has fallen to #261 and dropping. Why you ask? A black kid from Detroit makes good in the world and his story is no longer relevant? 

Ben Carson has been critical of not just the Health-care reform in it's present form, but also Barack Obama and his lack of leadership and direction he takes America. And to boot, he was never the Affirmative Action Plantation Negro many made him out to be. He is now no longer the hero, just another so-called Uncle Tom tool of the right with a PC bulls-eye on his back. Some speak of him as a possible VP candidate.

What is sad is the obvious prejudice of left-wing educators pointed at the very man, a black man, who's accomplishments are stellar in a world of poverty and hopelessness some who read his book come from.

This is the world of the leftist, and what they have created.

The Real Reason Hashtag Campaigns Like #bringbackourgirls are so Popular?

Because lazy, uninformed people get to feel like they're doing
something helpful without lifting a finger

The cast of The Expendables 3 on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival.

Millions Missing in State Dept. Aid Relief to Haiti

I'm Sure the Race Baiters at MSNBC Will Latch on to This Real Soon

"A few Alternative Media are attempting to push the story out into Mainstream waters, and rightfully so. The hundreds of millions of dollars apparently bilked off the tragedy that was the Haiti earthquake of four years ago, is worthy of serious attention, and the Clintons are right up to their eyeballs in it…"
This man was head of the IHRC who reported to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
The Wall Street Journal just picked up the story, and had this to say about it:
"The news website Tout Haiti reported last month that two prominent lawyers have petitioned Haiti's Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes, demanding an audit of Bill Clinton's management of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC). There are powerful interests that won't want to see the petition succeed and it may go nowhere. But the sentiment it expresses is spreading fast." 
Four years after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake toppled the capital city of Port-au-Prince and heavily damaged other parts of the country, hundreds of millions of dollars from the State Department's U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), allocated to the IHRC, are gone. Hundreds of millions more to the IHRC from international donors have also been spent. Left behind is a mishmash of low quality, poorly thought-out development experiments and half-finished projects....."
"One former Haitian official puts it this way: "I really cannot understand how you could raise so much money, put a former U.S. president in charge, and get this outcome."
Most people are unaware that Bill Clinton, as head of the IHRC, acquired HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars from the U.S. State Department at a time when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.

Clinton’s ties to Haiti and millions in economic “aid” date back to Bill Clinton’s administration when he helped place Jean Bertrand Aristide back into power of that island nation. Shortly after, Clinton Machine donors began scooping up lucrative business contracts signed off by Aristide. Yeah, let sink in. I know, had me shaking my head too.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Harry Reid Seeks Help for Koch Addiction

French Government Refuses to Fly US WWII Vets to Normandy for D-Day Anniversary

There are not many surviving D-Day Veterans left, and they should be given the high honor and gratitude due them of all freedom loving peoples. What they witnessed and had to do on that June morning, no man should have to endure. But freedom was at stake and they answered it's call. And now, again, by of no ones doings but their own, a dark and evil virus seethes in the belly of Europe, and I fear once again the next generation shall be called to do the same.... 

Sister Toldjah
It’s the 70th anniversary, and the men who carried out the landings are in their 80s and 90s, now. You would think, given France’s miserable performance during the war, they could show a little respect and gratitude to those who risked their lives to kick the Nazis out of their country (1). But, no. They're French, after all.
Frog Eating Ingrates:
"Seven decades after Allied troops stormed Normandy’s beaches and saved France from the Nazis, the surrender-happy nation is turning its back on hundreds of US veterans who want to return next month to mark the invasion’s 70th anniversary.
France has broken its promise to pay for the vets to fly to this year’s commemoration, according to Rep. Michael Grimm.
“Our chief-of-staff heard it from the French Embassy in DC — that they would be flown out to France [for free],” said Nick Iacono, a spokesman for the Staten Island congressman.
But when The Post contacted the embassy Friday, the French turned up their noses as if smelling rotten Camembert.
“The French government never offered to pay for the plane tickets of the veterans traveling to France for the 70th commemoration of D-Day,” said Dana Purcarescu, a spokeswoman for the French Embassy in Washington."
Let’s hope this is the result of some sort of miscommunication, and not the slap in the face it appears to be.
But, I doubt it. This is France we’re talking about. They’ve made condescension and insult into an art form. And, for the record, I think the French government owes the same respect and honor to the surviving members of the British, Canadian, and Polish armies that also risked everything on D-Day.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, May 18, 2014

NYC Inaugurates 'Rude Little Pig' Civic Award

(MFNS) – The New York City Visitor’s Bureau has announced it's  new annual civic award designed to reward a recipient, while at the same time alerting the public to a person who, should they see him or her in public, should be avoided at all costs.

The first winner of the new award has been announced and is NYC's most famous street hazards, angry white guy and liberal one percenter, actor Alec Baldwin.

Baldwin has built quite a reputation in ‘The Big Apple’ as someone who is always one remark away from becoming a mass murderer. His hair trigger temper is not to be toyed with as the beloved actor can explode without warning and without provocation. Simply asking if the actor is having a nice day can potentially land a person in full traction at the hospital.

Mr. Baldwin’s  latest episode resulted in an arrest after the funnyman was caught exercising his 1% privilege cycling the wrong way on a city street, but without possession of his ID. He was outraged when one of NYC’s finest presented him with a citation because he felt the officer should have known who he was without identification.

Past transgressions involve Baldwin shouting and calling his daughter names on a widely released voicemail message and nearly coming to blows with reporters on the city streets. His tantrums have become legendary and a brave few even consider it a badge of honor to be on the receiving end of one of his tirades.

Advice to visitors, should they encounter the loosely-hinged actor in public, includes jumping into the nearest taxi, dialing 911, employing the stop-drop-and roll technique, or playing dead. Be sure to alert others in your vicinity that the asshole is nearby.

Known as “The Rude Little Pig Award”, the organization will name a winner each year who represents the very worst in New Yorkers and someone who most people would want to have a restraining order issued against. Next year’s field is wide open but the front-runner at this time is rumored to be Mayor de Blasio.

© 2014 Middle Finger News Service

O' Continues to Push for Internet IDs

A Great Way to Shut Down Dissent

The Obama administration continues it's push of the idea of a Online National ID.  Since 2010, we’ve heard about the “National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace,” or NSTIC, which assigns computer ID numbers to every user who must register with real names. It is now being piloted in Pennsylvania and Michigan. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) helped states  put this in place and are looking for others to participate, including corporations.

They say it’s to make the Internet more secure  

Yeah, the same people that fight against Voter ID's... and spy on us daily.

"Those of us who have watched the NSA’s abusive collection of data on every American and their targeting of Americans and journalists by the IRS and DOJ see a more sinister use such as targeting opponents and shutting down dissent or making it easier to tax everyone who uses the Internet.
The idea comes out of China and Chinese users do say they are much more cautious about what they say.
The original Homeland Security plan stated that they planned to make bloggers “authenticate” themselves prior to posting their thoughts on the Web.
Corporations like google – google works on projects with the NSA – like the idea. They say passwords will no longer used, instead devices such as smartcards with embedded chips,tokens that generate random codes or biometric devices will be used instead. The architecture of the Internet will also change.
If you think that won’t cost you, think again. Say farewell to the relatively free Internet. The devil will be in the details but once in place, the government can expand it any way it wants. We also know that they want to shut down bloggers. An effort is being made to do that by Dianne Feinstein and other Democratic Senators who want to pass laws defining what is acceptable media and who is a journalist, carefully omitting alternative media and bloggers from the list....."
This is an issue to be concerned about but, as usual, with the pen and phone dictatorship Mr. Obama has in place, we will have no say, our elected representatives will have no say , and only the collectivists in the White House will get to decide."
(Independent Sentinel)