Monday, July 21, 2014

Not Told the Truth About Who's Coming Over The Border

"New data shows the White House has painted a false picture of the Central American migration by hiding a huge spike in 'family units' who are illegally crossing the Texas border. The much-faster growth in 'family units' has been hidden by White House and agency officials, who have tried to portray the influx as a wave of children fleeing abuse and violence."
The data, which was dumped by the U.S. border patrol late Friday afternoon, shows that inflow of youths and children traveling without parents has doubled since 2013.
But the number of migrants who cross the border in so-called 'family units' has spiked five-fold to 55,420, according to the border patrol’s data, which came out amid a storm of news about the shoot-down of a Malaysian aircraft in Ukraine, delays in failed U.S. nuke talks with Iran, and on Hamas’ continued war against Israel. - Neil Munro, The Daily Caller 

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Middle Finger Theater Presents........

Kim Jong-un's New Music Video
with special guest - B. H. Obama

Friday, July 18, 2014

Hillary's New Pal

Loyalist Time Magazine is Calling Obama a Coward

Why stop at "coward?" What about traitor, liar, embarrassment.... 

Besides being wrong about everything, the biggest slam on Obama is he essentially does nothing. He’ll make a few speeches blaming Republicans for his failings, then whisk off for golf, vacations, and fundraising. Conservatives have noticed this behavior since the beginning of his first term, but now with his inaction on the border crisis, the liberals are waking up to it, and they’re just as pissed off as the rest of us.
Surprisingly, Time Magazine has issued a kick to Obama’s groin with a piece called The Border And Obama. In it, author Joe Klein calls Obama a coward and begs him to do something, anything, presidential. And those are some of the nicer things he says about our Procrastinator-In-Chief.
I almost couldn’t make it to the juicy stuff because this article starts out as a very pro-illegal alien piece that advances the bogus theory that the hoard of Central American children are fleeing war torn lands. But as Klein gets into the fact that religious organizations are taking an active roll in the crisis, he takes Obama to task for doing absolutely nothing.
Barack Obama should see the Catholic Charities mission in McAllen. His job, after all, is to rise above the rancor and, well, lead. You don’t do this by making a speech to a favored audience. You do it by taking action, setting a personal example. The President has gone to the scene of other human tragedies. He has acknowledged the suffering personally in the past. But not now, and you have to wonder why.
Klein thinks he knows why Obama refuses to address the border crisis:

Keep Your Eyes and Ears Open People!

Early in May, soon after talk of planned furloughs of thousands of border patrol agents and before wide public concern over the massive invasion of illegals, the International Association of Fairs and Expos started contacting the administrators of State Fair Facilities nationwide. Contacted on behalf of the Dept. of Homeland Security, administrators were asked about their facilities and told they would be contacted by a Representative of  DHS. It was not until the dispersion of illegals into non border states and the uproar that has ensued did the phone contacts come to light in some local media sources. 

One such facility contacted is in my home town, the famous Hirsch Coliseum, located on the grounds of the Louisiana State Fair. 

Shreveport's Iconic Hirsch Coliseum is being considered for housing illegal immigrants from Central America.
"Shreveport is being considered as one of many host cities to help house tens of thousands of unaccompanied young children from Central America flooding over America's borders.
KSLA News 12 has learned the International Association of Fairs and Expos contacted Shreveport's iconic Hirsch Coliseum at the Louisiana State Fairgrounds to see if it could be used as temporary housing.
"Even if we could serve in that capacity right now, let's say it happened tomorrow, we'd only be able to serve for the month of August and maybe halfway into September," said Chris Giordano, general manager of the Louisiana State Fair."
"I was told that someone from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security would be contacting me.
When contacted by KSLA about the potential takeover by the government for the purpose of housing illegals, front runner to be next Governor of Louisiana, U.S. Senator David Vitter had this to say:
"It doesn't fit in for Louisiana at all. It's outrageous, we need to solve the problem. The President needs to detain and deport these illegals, not simply move them to Louisiana or anywhere else and house them indefinitely."
"I think it's outrageous that we're housing these folks on a long-term basis, in some cases releasing them into society.
Sen.Vitter says his office contacted Homeland Security and asked detailed questions about any plans they had involving Louisiana.

The area is also the home of Barksdale Air Force Base, another prime target of warehousing illegals, only without any community input on the matter. 

It pains me deeply that the iconic building where was first uttered the phrase "Elvis has left the building", where Hank Williams Sr. gave one of his last concerts, and where every major music act from the Rolling Stones and Louie Armstrong on down rattled the roof from the 1950's through the 1990's would possibly  become a flophouse/outhouse for people the Obama administration are using as pawns in their scam of fundamental change. 

Keep Your Eyes and Ears Open People!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Obama Silents Critics: Pays Visit to Border

 Bowing to criticism from both Republicans and Democrats in Congress, President Obama
today visited the United States border while on his fund raising swing.  Obama, along
with WH photographers,  went on a two-hour tour given by several members of
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 

‘I Need Some White Privilege’

“White privilege” is being used by the left whenever they want to portray the image that anybody who’s white and successful got that way only because they’re white, despite any hard work they may have done to reach their goals. 

There’s a woman who believes she’s been slighted in life by “white privilege,” and she started a crowdfunding campaign to make up the difference in earnings that she feels she’s entitled to.

GoFundMe user Yaya M launched an I need some white privilege!” campaign on Wednesday in an effort to raise money she feels that she has been denied due to her lack of white privilege, and it’s every bit as ridiculous as you would expect.

"Although I have layered oppressions that have affected my ability to access my slice of the American Pie™, no issue has affected me more readily than my lack of white privilege."
"In return for paying for my white privilege, I would love to give you some "black privilege" in return! Yes, it is difficult being a black person but there are some neat perks, as you will discover if you donate!"
And of course, brain dead lefties morons are giving her money...

Abraham Lincoln on Obamaism

How is it that congressional Democrats, who once applauded Bill Clinton’s populist triangulations, migrated their enthusiasms in a mere decade from “the era of big government is over” to “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone”?

How did the party of “the first balanced budget in a generation” become utterly unconcerned about a never-ending string of the largest budget deficits in human history?

And how is it that the same people who enacted the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and wished abortion to be “safe, legal, and rare” flew into paroxysms of rage when the Supreme Court ruled that, under RFRA, a devout employer may not be compelled to pay for other people’s abortifacient drugs?

In 1859, Abraham Lincoln observed a similar process of political support for a charismatic leader begetting a fundamental transformation of “moral tone and temper.” Substitute “Obamaism” for “Douglasism” in the passage below and see if you understand how yesterday’s Democrat Leadership Council yielded so smoothly to today’s neo-Marxist Democratic Party.

"I have said that in our present moral tone and temper, we are strong enough for our open enemies; and so we are. But the chief effect of Douglasism is to change that tone and temper. Men who support the measures of a political leader do, almost of necessity, adopt the reasoning and sentiments the leader advances in support of them." —Notes for his speeches at Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio, September 16–17, 1859 [CW3]

Dear Republican National Committee......

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Maybe We Should Have a Presidential Training Simulator

He Drives Like He Governs 

Barack Obama (I'm not interested in photo ops) drives a Saturn SL1 vehicle simulator during a tour of the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center in McLean, Va.

Dems Continuing War on the Constitution

"The impossible just got legs for a potential possibility; and not a good one at that. In a bare-faced political move, forty-six elected Democrats in our United States Senate; that’s EIGHTY-SEVEN PERCENT of all Democrats, are willing to make a change to our most predominant, most revered and oldest established legal document, the United States Constitution, all for their desire for more political power in our government.
These self-loathing discriminators, just for personal gain, would change the most important document in the American arsenal of judicial decrees, destroying any and all credence in the minds of the American people. They would ban free speech for Americans if they chose not to like it. No political discourse would ever reach our newspapers or airwaves if those Democrats chose to block it. Two sides to every political discussion would be gone forever if banned by our Constitution as the Democrats are successful in their banning efforts.
This is brazen and unmitigated impudence and gall. Has God suddenly decreed that ONLY discourse spoken by Democrats can be aired or printed? If this Democrat proposed constitutional amendment is passed we would only be allowed to hear THEIR side of any political discussion. How kingly, or dictatorially decadent can we sink to?"
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CDC: Gay Population 2.3%, not 30%

Everyone knows there are gays and lesbians in everybody’s family. And no office would be complete without a sassy gay character. And just about every other kid in high school is wresting with his sexuality. I know. I watch TV.

Except it isn’t true, and the Centers for Disease Control just proved it.

A new comprehensive study by the CDC with over 33,000 participants has confirmed earlier estimates; less than 3 percent of the U.S. population self-identifies as gay, lesbian or bisexual. Earlier, much smaller-scale surveys have put that number at 4 percent.

The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), published July 15 by the CDC, was the first large-scale study of it’s kind. Data was collected from the Census Bureau, as The Washington Post reported, and 33,557 adults between the ages of 18 and 64 participated in the study, which included in-person interviews as well as follow-up phone questions.

The NHIS study found that, while 96.6 percent of adults identified as “straight”, 1.6 percent identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent called themselves bisexual. 1.1 percent responded “I don’t know” or said they were “something else” not listed.

That sure doesn’t sound like society according to Hollywood, or the news media, which have young Americans convinced 30 percent of the population is gay.

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