Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Caucus of Congressional Black Folks Demand Feds Take Control of Local Law enforcement Agencies

The Congressional Black Caucus led by the likes of Maxine Water, Shelia Jackson Lee and Elijah Cummings are well known for putting forth monumental stupid ideas, but their newest idea of federal government intervention into the American way is as reckless and stupid as ever.

Rep. Elijah 'is this microphone on' Cummings

In a letter to President Obama, black lawmakers are demanding that the feds wrestle control of local law enforcement away from community police agencies. Great Idea. Turn community policing into the business of the most corrupt Department of Justice in history, led by a lawless race baiting Attorney General, who himself should be behind bars. 
"In cities across America, local law enforcement units too often treat low-income neighborhoods populated by African Americans and Latinos as if they are military combat zones instead of communities where people strive to live, learn, work, play and pray in peace and harmony."
"The Administration must appoint a federal Czar, housed in the U.S. Department of Justice, who is specifically tasked with promoting the professionalization of local law enforcement, monitoring egregious law enforcement activities, and adjudicating suspicious actions of local law enforcement agencies that receive federal funding. 
"DOJ must set and implement national standards of investigation that are democratic (involving independent review boards broadly representative of the community served), transparent, and enforceable."
And of course, all must be subject to CBC version of government reeducation:
"Law enforcement personnel in every department in the country, under guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), should be required to undergo racial bias training as a part of ongoing professional development and training."
Mr. Cummings and the geniuses in the CBC seem to not understand policies in place for the DOJ to investigate at will what they deem unjust. Nor does he understand the rights of States and local municipalities to police the streets without a Soviet type DOJ "Political Officer " looking over their shoulder. 

You can read the entire letter HERE

Monday, August 25, 2014

.....and the Store Video was Just a Reenactment of Jesus and The Money Changers.

200 Years Ago Today Washington Was On Fire

National Journal
Washingtonians' August tradition of abandoning their city for more pleasant surroundings is nothing new; it's nearly as old as the Capitol itself. But 200 years ago, it wasn't because of the weather that nearly every resident fled, including President Madison. It was because of an invading British army. 

During the week of Aug. 20, 1814, British troops moved quickly up the Eastern Shore of Maryland, where they met little resistance. An American militia led by Brigadier Gen. William Winder, who little more than a year earlier was a Baltimore lawyer, gathered for a battle near the town of Bladensburg against a British force that included seasoned veterans of the Napoleonic wars. They quickly dispatched the poorly trained and ill-equipped American troops. By 8 p.m. on Aug. 24, the British had marched the five miles into Washington and were at the doorstep of the Capitol. Most citizens had deserted the city by this time, including President Madison.

The building was still unfinished at the time; the iconic dome and rotunda had not yet been built. According to the architect of the Capitol, British soldiers focused on main rooms in the building, and spared the lobbies, hallways, and stairs they would need to escape.

In the South Wing, soldiers barged into the House of Representatives chamber on the second floor. They gathered wooden furniture, placed it in a pile, slathered it with gunpowder paste, and lit the pile on fire. The fire was so hot that, with the exception of the clerk's office, most of the other offices in the South Wing were left without being lit ablaze by enemy soldiers.

The North Wing at the time was home to the Senate chambers, the unfinished Library of Congress, and the Supreme Court on the first floor. All of the rooms were destroyed using materials from within, including the 3,000 books stored in the Library of Congress. Finally, the temporary wooden walkway between the Capitol's two wings was set ablaze and the soldiers moved on, marching northwest up Pennsylvania Avenue to destroy other government buildings, including the president's residence, now called the White House.

Damage was severe within the major rooms but the structure of both wings remained intact, thanks to fireproof materials such as marble, sandstone, zinc, copper, and iron used by architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe. Two centuries later, architecture that survived the fire, such as the "water leaves columns" in the Small House Rotunda and "corn cob" columns near the original entrance of the North Wing, are still visible.

Far Left Intellectual Loon Calls BoBo a Sell-Out

"And we ended up with a brown-faced Clinton. Another opportunist. Another neoliberal opportunist. It’s like, “Oh, no, don’t tell me that!” I tell you this, because I got hit hard years ago, but everywhere I go now, it’s “Brother West, I see what you were saying. Brother West, you were right. Your language was harsh and it was difficult to take, but you turned out to be absolutely right.” And, of course with Ferguson, you get it reconfirmed even among the people within his own circle now, you see. It’s a sad thing. It’s like you’re looking for John Coltrane and you get Kenny G in brown skin."- Cornel West

The Vanity of a Democrat's Insanity

by Robert Janicki

What is it about Democrats and their propensity toward inane, if not absolutely insane comments?  Take this latest comment:

From the Washington Free Beacon.
A prominent Philadelphia union official said that police officers should “suffer” in the wake of the Ferguson riots.
Stewart Acuff, organizing director of the National Union of Hospital and Healthcare Employees local 1199, says police should “suffer” in order to win justice for Mike Brown, the 18-year-old unarmed man shot dead in a small Missouri city.
The cops are pawns who should suffer for what they did.#TrayvonMartin #MikeBrown #EricGarner #inequality
— Stewart Acuff (@stewartacuff) August 18, 2014
In addition to his current local organizing role, Acuff is a former organizing director for the AFL-CIO, according to the Labor Union Report.
Does this fool realize or even care that many law enforcement agencies are unionized?  He sounds just like the vigilante mobs in Ferguson, MO.  Perhaps he needs to be treated in the same lawless manner he suggests cops should be treated.  It sounds like it would be a "proportional response" to me.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Rev. Al Sharpton's Greatest Hits #36

  Member of the Intellectual Stable of MSNBC

Mother Earth Suspect in Own Murder Conspiracy

Large Amounts of Methane Discovered
Seeping from Atlantic Sea Bed 

"Scientists have discovered methane gas bubbling from the sea floor in an unexpected place: off the East Coast of the United States where the continental shelf meets the deeper Atlantic Ocean.
“This is a large amount of methane seepage in an area we didn’t expect. That raises new questions for us.”
The methane is emanating from at least 570 locations, called seeps, from near Cape Hatteras, N.C., to the Georges Bank southeast of Nantucket, Mass. While the seepage is widespread, the researchers estimated that the amount of gas was tiny compared with the amount released from all sources each year. In a paper published online Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience, the scientists, including Adam Skarke of Mississippi State University and Carolyn Ruppel of the United States Geological Survey, reported evidence that the seepage had been going on for at least 1,000 years.
Methane is a potent, if relatively short-lived, greenhouse gas, so the discovery should aid the study of an issue of concern to climate scientists: the potential for the release of huge stores of methane on land and under the seas as warming of the atmosphere and oceans continues.
“It highlights a really key area where we can test some of the more radical hypotheses about climate change,” said John Kessler, a professor at the University of Rochester who was not involved in the research."

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Worst of Demagogues

The worst of the lot are not from the envious poor, but from among the embarrassed wealthy. 

This fully explains the high-low composition of the Democratic party, with super-wealthy elites at one end and lofo and lower IQ hordes at the other. You could say that the difference between the two is that the elites are bankrupt in every way except financially.

This little formula explains why the wealthiest counties in the nation trend Democrat, just as do places like Ferguson. The two are locked in a deathly parasitic embrace, for liberals destroy and have destroyed the very people they most rely upon to support them at the polls, and the underclass can be relied upon to support the very people and polices that ensure its own continued ruin. The resultant civilizational collapse is what they call "progress."

Is greed a sufficient reason to account for wealth? If so, then every human being would be wealthy. But envy is a sufficient reason to account for poverty, and the left's core idea -- well, to be perfectly accurate, it is not an idea. Rather, envy is a human instinct that cannot be eliminated, only indulged or overcome. A necessary condition of national wealth is breaking through the envy barrier, so that people can become successful and wealthy without incurring the primitive "evil eye" of the envious.

 But at the same time, the successful must tolerate the inevitable envy of others without surrendering to the impulse to make the envy go away by feeding it. This only fuels the envy, which is precisely why so many race riots broke out after the greatest successes of the civil rights movement. (And to be clear, the cosmic imperative to exercise charity toward one's fellow man has nothing to do with appeasing envy; they arise from radically different places.)

After 1965 the movement transitioned from advocating universal principles to nurturing universal envy and resentment. If an Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson -- or Jeremiah Wright -- are actually your "leaders," then that is a hint that you have spiritually hit bottom.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Avenging What's-His-Name

Op-Ed and Opinion

"In my day, looting actually meant something"

Mr. Cannibus
by Rebus Cannibus

I look at the events unfolding in Ferguson, Missouri, and I just shake my head. Those shaggy headed nincompoops have no respect for the art of forming a mob, breaking into a business, loading your arms with as many goods as you can carry, then fleeing — all in the name of political dissatisfaction. In my day, looting actually meant something.

When I was a young man growing up disaffected and angry in Los Angeles in the 1960s, my friends and I would spend hours each night engaged in heated debate about how to best express our frustration. I clearly remember the night we developed — with no small degree of trepidation, mind you, for we knew very well the gravity of our discourse — a new, meaningful mode of political dissent.

Much as a Buddhist might set himself on fire to protest the treatment of his community, we decided we could set fire to our entire community, rampage the very shops we relied on, our own shops, owned by our neighbors and family members. The poetry of such an act could not be misunderstood. The hand that strikes itself is the angriest.

When the time was right and riots broke out in Watts, we engaged thusly, looting with moral certainty, successfully garnering the national attention we deserved. We were no longer “angry youth,” but rather we were “looters,” a force with which to be reckoned. To the establishment we said, “You can no longer hurt us, for we are hurting ourselves.”

Such political dissent was employed sporadically in the subsequent decades, always with the clear implication that the act of looting is a symbolic act, an act of self-sacrifice. Looters were not stealing to get things for free; they were stealing to say to the world, “Hey, it’s about time you looked at us, and if I have to carry a heavy, brand-new 42-inch TV halfway across town to prove it, by golly, I will.”

Youngsters today have it all wrong. If you watch any of the the looting footage from Ferguson, the teenagers making off with boxes of Nikes or handfuls of beer and cigarillos are running with impish grins on their faces, looking like damn mice when the cat’s away. They do not respect the solemnity of their task.  Even worse, some of the looters are covering their faces as if to say, “What I am doing is wrong, and I am therefore too ashamed to let people see my identity.” I know this because I’ve seen the videos of youngsters foolishly pulling their shirts over their heads as they dart into a Quikie Mart, only to emerge a moment later with nothing more than a bag of Starburst candies and a Monster energy drink. Pathetic.

It’s a shame what looting has become.  

* Mr Cannibus is a writer, philosopher and retired lawn maintenance technician