Friday, October 24, 2014

Ten Buck Friday

Help Turn A Blue State Red

Okay, there will be only one more TB Friday after today to remind you to give a contribution to worthy fiscal conservative Senate candidates before the critical mid-term election.

Republicans need just six seats to oust the corrupt, senile moonbat, Dingy Harry Reid as Majority Leader and put the fool back in his place. Let's help move Harry out of the Senate Leader's office for good!

This week we look to the Senate seat in New Hampshire. Can you contribute just $10 to Senate candidate Scott Brown ? Real Clear Politics has Brown down by 1.6 (up 3 points from a week ago) but rates the race as a toss up. You can contribute to Scott Brown here.  

The Ten Buck Friday bloggers are also appealing to our readers to strongly consider contributing $10 to one or all of the campaign of the candidates listed below. Some races are still listed as toss-ups, but recent polls are very very encouraging, and need help to keep the ball rolling for last minute ad blitzes. You can do more than just vote. 

Their Opponents Represent The Obama Agenda

It's no time to get complacent. This is your chance to help start taking back our government, with eyes of 2016.

You can check at the latest updated Real Clear Politics poll Here

Contribute to Dan Sullivan  Here
Contribute to Tom Cotton Here
Contribute to Joni Ernst Here
Contribute to Bill Cassidy Here
Contribute to Thom Tillis Here

(If you mark your contribution as "Ten Buck Friday", they'll see the blogosphere give them a little bump.)

And be sure to visit our fellow Ten Buck Friday bloggers:

* Adrienne's Corner * Fishersville Mike * For God, Family and Country *  Laughing  Conservative * Left Coast Rebel  * Mind Numbed Robot * Political Clown Parade *Polination  * Proof Positive  * Theo Spark * Texas Conservative News  * Wyblog

Thursday, October 23, 2014

BOO-HOO: He's Really Sad He Wasn't Able To Disarm You Before Fleeing Office

Eric Holder, the first sitting U.S. Attorney General ever found in criminal contempt of Congress, regrets that he was unable to strip Americans of the firearms that the citizens would find most useful in defending themselves from tyrannical government officials such as himself:
If there’s one thing that Eric Holder regrets during his time as attorney general for the United States, it’s his failure to press through a Second Amendment crackdown on the heels of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that left 20 children and six adults dead, he said.
“I think the inability to pass reasonable gun safety laws after the Newtown massacre is something that weighs heavily on my mind,” Mr. Holder said during an interview with CNN.
He was speaking of the White House push to pass a federal background check mandate for all commercial gun sales, as well as an outright ban on so-called assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition magazines, in the wake of the December 2012 school tragedy.
Curiously, Mr. Holder had very little to say about Operation Fast and Furious, Operation Gangwalker, or any of the other alleged ATF gun-walking plots that sent tens of thousands of weapons to foreign narco-terrorists and domestic gang members in an apparent scheme to manufacture violent crime statistics to justify the gun control laws he so desperately championed.

Holder announced his plans to retire as Attorney General after watchdog organization Judicial Watch sued and won access to a list of documents related to Operation Fast &Furious (the best know of an estimated ten gun-walking operations) between the Obama White House and Department of Justice. The Administration attempted to block access to the list using Executive Privilege, but failed. 

Thank You Larwyn's Linx for the Linkage

Rosie O'Donnell Ejected from World Series Game

Barred From MLB Parks

Kansas City- MFNS - Coming close on the heels of her much ballyhooed controversial return to the television talk show 'The View'  Rosie O'Donnell was ejected from the second game of the World Series last night.

Seven people were treated for minor injuries and nineteen others treated for severe nausea after Ms. O'Donnell stood up during the 7th inning stretch, turned, opened for coat and  flashed the crowd seated behind her box seat. A loud gasp, then screams came from behind the third base dugout as people enjoyed the break in action.

Bob Globben, a KC season ticket holder for the past 21 years said " in all my days I have never seen anything that hideous displayed at a ball park since Rosanne Barr grabbed her nuts after screeching the National Anthem. Shit man, there were people yelling and running in all directions....people were puking everywhere." 

Tammie Trimmer of near by Overland Park said "it was the grossest thing you can imagine. I broke out in a cold sweat and thought I was going to pass out. My little boy was screaming "is it over mommy.. make it go away!" He's traumatized and may have to seek professional help when he grows up."

Most fans were still too sick to speak to us , but Henry Tumanela of Springfleild Mo. told us "I spent two tours in Nam and saw some pretty scary stuff..but never like today when she opened up her coat. I'm still shaking and my vision has been blurred every since I looked in her direction."

A Major League spokesman said it unfortunate we have to bar Ms. O'Donnell from MLB parks, but people who come to the ballpark to enjoy America's Great Past Time don't expect to be visually assaulted and puke up their $160.00 of refreshments from our many full service concession stands conveniently located around the park for the fans convenience.

Visiting pitcher, Juan Greenberg of the San Fran Giants told us  "Hell, I was about to climb up in the stands and throw the bitch out myself for thumping peanuts at me in the Bull Pen and screaming that Madonna can throw harder then I can! That's when I heard screams from the crowd."

Homeland Security Panty Raid

With the security of America in shambles, it's good to know Homeland Security is keeping us safe from illegal underwear.

via 100% Fed Up
A lingerie shop owner in Kansas City says her store was raided by Homeland Security agents Monday morning over a few dozen pair of panties she made in honor of her hometown baseball team. Peregrine Honig, owner of Honig’s Birdies Panties shop in Crossroads, said she designed the Lucky Royals boy-shorts that were set to go on sale Tuesday.
That is until federal agents showed up at her door and demanded she surrender the illegal undergarments.
“They came in and there were two guys” Ms. Honig told the Kansas City Star. “I asked one of them what size he needed and he showed me a badge and took me outside. They told me they were from Homeland Security and we were violating copyright laws.”
The panties, printed in Kansas City by Lindquist Press, read, “Take the Crown,” with “KC” across the bottom, the newspaper reported.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

WH Steps Up Presidential Security With Outside Contractor

Déjà vu All Over Again

After four years of failed policy and the disaster that was the  Obama Administration, many people were shocked when Barack Obama won re-election in 2012. There were rumors of voter fraud in precincts where more people voted than actually existed.

Then there’s this:
"Admitting his confidence in Cook County ballot integrity is shaken, State Representative Candidate Jim Moynihan (R-56), was shocked when he tried to cast a vote for himself and the voting machine cast it for his opponent instead.
“While early voting at the Schaumburg Public Library today, I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” said Moynihan. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”
While using a touch screen voting machine in Schaumburg, Moynihan voted for several races on the ballot, only to find that whenever he voted for a Republican candidate, the machine registered the vote for a Democrat in the same race."
Read More 

The Weirdest Media Spin Yet for Obama

Don Surber
The day after a largely black audience walked out on him in Maryland, President Obama went on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show in an effort to get black people to like him again.
 Yes folks, Obama has fallen that low.
 Sharpton asked him why he is supporting all these white folks who are running from him.
 From the president: “The bottom line is, though, these are all folks who vote with me; they have supported my agenda in Congress. So this isn’t about my feelings being hurt. These are folks who are strong allies and supporters of me. I tell them -- I said, you do what you need to do to win. I will be responsible for making sure that our voters turn out.”
 Obama’s handmaidens in the press immediately cringed, with the Washington Post headlining its report: “Obama giftwraps another sound bite for Republicans.
Aaron Blake wrote:
"While Obama’s previous comment suggested the election was indeed something of a referendum on him, these comments suggest not only that, but that Democratic candidates are actually on-board with him -- something most of them have made pains to argue is not the case.
 Obama’s comments are the kind of thing Democrats might privately say to assure donors and the party base, but wouldn’t really say in public.
 At the same time, he’s really only saying something that most political observers already believe to be true -- that however much distance these Democrats are seeking from the president, they will generally be on-board with his agenda. Almost all Democrats in Congress, after all, vote with their party the vast majority of the time."
 You see, the problem is not his incompetence or the dishonesty of Democrats who say one thing but will do another -- such hypocrisy is accepted by the Washington Post when a Democrat shows two faces. No the problem is Republicans will sound bite the president.
 Oh noes!
Readers must admit this is the weirdest spin yet in 10 years of spinning for this empty suit, beginning with his over-rated speech at the 2004 DNC convention.
Don Surber 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Panic Mode

Democrats Shuffle Their Deck of Race Cards
"Faced with a deeply unpopular President and a potential GOP wave, Democrats are digging deep to motivate their lackadaisical base. As always, the most prominent play is the race card.
In North Carolina, fans of incumbent Senator Kay Hagan are passing out disturbing fliers in African-American neighborhoods. “Kay Hagan Doesn’t WIN! Obama’s IMPEACHMENT Will Begin! Vote in 2014” says the text, which is printed over a photo of a white crowd lynching a black man."
"The local chapter of the NAACP doesn’t see a problem with the flier. President of the Fayetteville chapter, James Buxton, told the Observer, “That’s what the community feels. That if the Senate is taken over by the Republicans, and it remains the Republicans (in the majority) in the House of Representatives, they’re going to impeach him.”
County Republican Party Chairwoman Linda Devore saw things a little differently, saying, “I think it’s unfortunate to use this kind of emotion as a means to getting people out to vote. It’s bad information.”
The Fayetteville police are looking into the matter as “hate materials,” and expect federal authorities to be involved as they view the flier as an implied threat against the president.
If conservatives want to set the record straight, the GOP should reprint the lynching photo with the headline, “Remember When North Carolina Was Run by White Democrats? Vote Republican!” 

But that's not all, this from Judicial Watch:

NAACP: Create Confusion By Deliberately Misleading Voters
"According to a letter from a lawyer for the State of North Carolina to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a speaker at a recent NAACP conference in North Carolina urged audience members to mislead the NAACP’s own members into believing they do not need to register to vote in advance, or that they do not need to vote at their assigned polling place. Why? The letter alleges: To create confusion and animosity during the upcoming mid-term elections in North Carolina, and to use the evidence of that confusion in the ongoing litigation between Eric Holder’s Justice Department and North Carolina and to show that North Carolina’s election integrity laws are discriminatory."

This is getting more and more interesting by the day......

President Pinball: Inept and Incompetent

by Robert Janicki

Pinball is a completely reactionary endeavor. The player, in order to win at some level, must rapidly react to constantly changing events on each and every pinball played, until it no longer is in play.  Unfortunately, our Pinball President doesn't have the necessary skill set to react in a timely fashion to the many changing real world circumstances, which seemingly appear everyday, whether they are on the domestic scene or across the globe in our foreign relations policy challenges.  Unfortunately for America and the world, President Pinball has not been up to meet these wide ranging challenges.

What's worse is that President Pinball's dithering reduces the options available to him.  In a rapidly changing environment, time is of the essence.  Dithering and delaying in hopes of a situation resolving itself, is simply a recipe for disaster.  It's like the hope in "Hope and Change".  Hope is not and never has been a strategy for success in anything.  America's enemies do not wait for a response from President Pinball.  They have a strategic action vision and plan before them with various operational tactical plans to immediately initiate depending upon the circumstances that present themselves.

As has been alluded to in the past, President Pinball is playing checkers while our enemies are playing chess.  It's a mismatch that can never catch up, let alone win the game of freedom vs. tyranny on the world stage.  President Pinball is playing a game that will only draw out the hostilities we see daily in Syria and Iraq, rather than resolving them while protecting millions of innocent civilians.  Essentially, President Pinball has told the world that Syria and Iraq are not the problem of the U.S., but rather the problem of the local parties on the ground in these affect areas.

This is so typical of President Pinball.  When he can't handle the heat in the kitchen, he simply declares that the kitchen is not his problem.  In a globally connected world community, this is just another marker that illuminates to the world that President Pinball is ineffective as the leader of the free world and not to be trusted as an ally.

President Pinball came into office promising to bring the world together.  The reality is that the world is now far more unstable and divided than when the president took office.  The decline in world stability and security is not just some mere happenstance.  President Pinball's feckless leadership has created a vacuum in foreign relations and our enemies have taken this opportunity to advance the dark forces under their command, including the savage barbarians of Islam, as they occupy significant portions of Syria and Iraq.

President Pinball has told our enemies what he will not do, rather than going about the business of attacking our enemies on all fronts with all means possible.  It was Teddy Roosevelt that said, "Speak softly, but carry a big stick".  President Pinball refuses to carry a big stick and sends hollow threats to our enemies.  As the U.S. and it allies conduct air strikes against ISIS, it should be noted that ISIS has constantly been evolving in its tactical response to these air strikes.  Meanwhile President Pinball has pinned his hopes on continuing to exercise a limited military air option, essentially by remote control, without benefit of having the tactical eyes in the field to provide precise guidance for military air strikes.

As a military strategist and tactician, President Pinball has all the skills of a community activist to bring to bear, which is to say, none at all.

Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right and owes me 20 bucks.

No-way is Joe Biden going to Contract Ebola

My Apologizes in Advance

Monday, October 20, 2014

Words of a Political Genius

Obama: I'm Confused Here......

While on a fund-raising trip, the president took time Monday morning to vote early in his home district Chicago. Obama seemed confused at the whole process and required a bit of help from polling volunteers before filling out his ballot.

The President having trouble casting his 27 votes for US Senator before poll volunteers realized he was on a Republican Voting Machine, which are not plugged in.....

The White House's Ebola Messaging Problem

 "Much public skepticism about the governments response to Ebola stems from the dogmatic pronouncements of Obama administration officials. In a video message early last month on stopping the virus, for example, President Obama asserted that 'we know how to do it.' He was wrong. 
To fix his messaging problem, President Obama has appointed political fixer Ron Klain as its new Ebola response 'czar.' Mr. Klain's most significant contribution to public-health spin control came when he was Vice President Joe Biden's chief of staff during one of the worst public-health communications missteps of recent memory. 
During the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, Mr. Biden said on NBCs 'Today' show that 'I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now.' The White House press office scrambled to walk back Mr. Bidens words, which threatened to disrupt public transportation and air travel." — Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Former FDA Deputy Commissioner 

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Outgoing Democrat Sticks It To His Own Party

by Robert Janicki

In a perverse way, you have to love Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa).  Harkin, a liar and all around mean spirited human being, has managed to stick it to his own party on his way out of the senate as he retires on January 3, 2015, with the new congressional term.

"Retiring Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, has angered his fellow Democrats by keeping the nearly $2.4 million in his personal campaign account rather than donating it to the campaign of Bruce Braley, the party's nominee to succeed him.
Harkin, who is retiring after five terms in office, plans to instead donate most of the funds to Drake University to help create a political institute in his own name...."
A couple of things about Harkin stand out in my memory.  The most egregious was Harkin's claim that he was a combat pilot during the Vietnam War.  The fact is that Harking ferried in aircraft from Japan to Vietnam.  He never saw combat.  That's what I call an "act of stolen valor", trying to ride the coattails of those who actually flew and put their lives at risk in combat air missions over Vietnam.

Another act of Harkin's was purely political and involved ridiculous pork barrel spending.  Harkin entered a bill costing several million dollars to create an indoor jungle in Iowa to study tropical agriculture.  How this would equate to Iowa agriculture never was explained, but it would have had Harkin's name on it.

Harkin's withholding his campaign war chest to donate to Drake University is Harkin's last egotistical act to burnish his name and reputation in Iowa.  Although Harkin may have campaigned and held fundraisers for Senate Democrat candidate Bruce Braley, Harkin's campaign war chest might be what it would take for Braley to defeat feisty and talented Senate Republican candidate Joni Ernst.  

Braley is cut from the same cloth as Harkin, in that he will do or say anything to smear his opponent.  Like Harkin, Braley has an ego as large as all outdoors.  Unfortunately for Iowans, Braley's talent in no way matches his inordinately overblown ego.

*Editors Note - We'll end with saying something nice - "Thanks Tom,  for helping turn Iowa Red."

Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy,
as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks.