Friday, January 30, 2015

Attorney Generals Office Report Says Sharyl Attkisson Lives in Fantasy Land

More Bullsh*t from Eric Holders Office

You may recall former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s videos as well well as testimony before a congressional committee about her computer being hacked and her personal and professional privacy intruded on. Well, today the Justice Department’s Inspector General released a report on their investigation: Justice Department’s IG Report Disputes Attkisson’s Computer-Intrusion Allegations.

"Many of the allegations made by former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson regarding alleged computer intrusions by the U.S. government are disputed in a report by the Justice Department’s inspector general. “The OIG’s investigation was not able to substantiate the allegations that Attkisson’s computers were subject to remote intrusion by the FBI, other government personnel, or otherwise,” reads the inspector general’s report.
In her book “Stonewalled,” Attkisson had issued a wide-ranging set of claims — that her CBS News work computers and her personal computer had been hacked, that a strange wire was found hanging from the cable TV/broadband box outside of her home and that her phone service went fuzzy. The inspector general’s report found that the cable in question was a “common” cable used by Attkisson’s broadband provider. Here’s how the report sums up the situation:
Lastly, Attkisson reported to the OIG that a “suspicious” cable was attached to her Internet Service Provider’s connection box installed on her house. She opined to the OIG that perhaps this cable was being used to “tap” her house. Further investigation by the OIG revealed that the cable was a common cable used by the provider and could not be used to monitor or otherwise affect the phone or internet service at her residence.... Read more

And in response to Attkisson’s videotape of an alleged hacker deleting content from her computer screen, the report says that the activity was caused by “the back space key being stuck.”

Now my question is, how could they be so confident the back space key was stuck if they weren't watching?

More Groups Demand Sacred Status for Their Prophets, Idols and Mascots

by Grunt of Monte Cristo

MFNS - The  Pew Research Center published poll results showing a surprising number of Americans take a anti-First Amendment stance regarding the recent Charlie Hebdo massacre in France.  Although a majority say it was acceptable for the French cartoonists to publish images of the Islamic prophet, nearly a third or all Americans, and 50% of all women, said it was “not okay.”

In the aftermath of these events, which show a shocking willingness among Americans to be buffaloed into limits on their own everyday behavior based on the demands of a pseudo-religious, mostly outlaw political system, a number of groups have come forward to demand that their own icons be treated with similar respect by all people, or possibly suffer consequences.  The following graphic illustrates six of the most prominent.

1. Ernesto “Che” Guevara: This petition was presented to President Obama by Raul Castro, who was a close friend of Che and a fellow revolutionary.  He points out, quite correctly, that Che is worshiped as a demigod in Cuba, and demands that “capitalist U.S. tee-shirt hawkers cease using Che’s sacred image on all products and send the profits to Cuba.”  He also asked that all images of Che be destroyed, reverently by burning, while sprinkling the flames with coca powder.  Obama has offered to help with this process, personally, if requested by anyone.

2. Neil deGrasse Tyson:  Ann Druyan, Carl Sagan’s final wife and the force behind the resurrected Cosmos TV series, has insisted that all images of Dr. Tyson be destroyed out of respect and recognition of the unique pinnacle of genius and heightened awareness achieved by NDT, even though he still occasionally works part-time in the Cal Tech Observatory Gift Shop to make ends meet.  Ms. Druyan is strangely okay with displays of the pagan images on Dr. Tyson’s vest, so feel free to continue using those images.

3. Cows:  That’s right; all cows.  Hindus the world over have declared that all cattle, being sacred to their religion, shall henceforth be protected from all disrespect.  That means that all cattle ranching must cease, milk ads must not use images of the sacred beasts, and leather goods will be banned.  They also point out, correctly, that theirs is an actual ancient religion, not something dreamed up by a mentally-disturbed, cradle-robbing caravan raider from the 7th-century.

4. Napoleon Bonaparte:  French Nationalists have been waiting for this moment for a long time.  They insist that the Emperor be recognized for the divine deliverer that he is, and that his images not be used to make him appear short or to confuse him with any of the other Napoleons of popular culture.

5. Michelle Obama’s Ass:  Fans of the Fabulous First Lady request that she continue to be given shameless over-exposure, all except for her large posterior.  They request that it be deleted from all photographs using Photo-Shop or Pixelmator or equivalent.

6. Denise Milani:   If you have to ask why this Sun-kissed, Aphrodite of Czech models shouldn't be given goddess status, then you must be a liberal.  Just ask Janicki.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Rachel Maddow Tests Balls In A Men's Room

Ricky Maddow, MSNBC's gender confused Starlet....Star....anchor goes all Mythbusters in this segment on the under-inflated foot-the-ball scandal, testing out the hypothesis that a New England Patriots employee may have done something nasty to the footballs in a stadium restroom.  

With the help of TRMS web producer Will Femia, Ricky tests whether it is indeed possible for one man to deflate 11 footballs by exactly 2 PSI in just 90 seconds, which is just one theory of this latest hennas crime to bubble forth from professional sports. 

We won’t spoil the results — not that Maddow  cares about them because as a Bostonian, she’s already certain the Patriots are innocent. But this is cable TV investigative time-killing at its finest.

Shockingly edited from the MSNBC video is the very end of the segment, Maddow’s handoff to Lawrence O’Donnell, in which O’Donnell said, “Now I’ve seen everything: The Rachel Maddow Show playing with balls in men’s rooms.”

“Yeah,” Maddow  replied, “You wouldn’t expect it from everything you’ve heard about this show, would you?” 

American Soldiers Liberate ISIS Sex-Slaves

The U.S and the Fight Against Islamic Militancy:

"The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency slammed the Obama administration on Monday as 'well intentioned' but paralyzed and playing defense in its the fight against Islamic militancy.
"Recently retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn called for the U.S. to lead the charge in a sweeping, decades-long campaign against the Islamic State Group, al-Qaeda and its ilk -- a fight like the one against the former Soviet Union, against a enemy 'committed to the destruction of freedom and the American way of life.'
 "'There is no substitute, none, for American power,' the general said, to occasional cheers and ultimately a standing ovation from a crowd of special operators and intelligence officers at a Washington industry conference." 
— Kimberly Dozier, Former CBS and AP Correspondent 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mooshell Abides by Saudi Dress Code

Now, If We Could Only Get Her To Do It Here Also....

Blue States and Mental Disorders

No surprise here....liberal blue states have higher percentage of people riding social security disability for mental disorders then red states.....

One in three, or 35.2 percent, of people getting federal disability insurance benefits have been diagnosed with a mental disorder, according to the latest data from the Social Security Administration (SSA). 
The largest "diagnostic group" for disabled beneficiaries was a mental disorder. Of the 10,228,364 disabled people receiving federal disability benefits in December 2013, according to the report, 3,599,417, or 35.2 percent, were diagnosed with a mental disorder.   
Washington, D.C., the seat of the federal government, ranked in the top-ten list of states where disabled beneficiaries were diagnosed with mental problems. At the bottom of the list were Alabama (28.8% diagnosed with a mental disorder); Georgia (29.1%), South Carolina (29.7%), and Arkansas and Louisiana (30.2% each)
Disabled beneficiaries have increased 49.7 percent from a decade ago in 2003 when there were 6,830,714 beneficiaries; and the number is up 14.3 percent from the 8,945,376 beneficiaries in 2009, the year President Obama took office.

Texas Largely Responsible for the +1.2M net US Job Increase Since 2007

Despite the Obama Administrations tauting of a bunch of fly-by-night taxpayer cash grabbing solar energy company failures, much to their dismay, good jobs numbers have come because of employment created in the demon fossil fuel industry.

"The Texas Workforce Commission released state employment data today for the month of December, and job growth in the Lone Star State continues to lead, and in fact carry the nation’s improving labor market as the chart below shows." 

"The Texas Workforce Commission released state employment data today for the month of December, and job growth in the Lone Star State continues to lead, and in fact carry the nation’s improving labor market as the chart above shows. Here are some highlights of the December employment report for Texas:
Texas ended the year with the state’s largest ever year-over-year payroll gain with the eye-popping addition of 457,900 new jobs between December 2013 and December 2014. That’s more than 1,700 new payroll jobs that were added every business day last year in the Lone Star State, and 220 new jobs every business hour or almost 4 new jobs added every minute!
In just the last month of December, which marked the 51st consecutive month of employment growth, Texas added 45,700 new payroll jobs, which was more than 2,000 jobs every business day, almost 260 jobs every hour, and more than 4 new jobs every minute! The strong job growth in December brought the state’s jobless rate down to 4.6%, the lowest Texas unemployment rate since May 2008.
Bottom Line: Texas clearly deserves the title of America’s “economic miracle state.” It’s the most important energy-producing state in the US, and now produces so much crude oil that the state’s daily production of more than 3 million barrels represents more than 37% of the nation’s crude oil and would rank the Lone Star State as the world’s sixth largest oil producer as a separate country. Along with the gusher of shale oil and gas in Texas has come a gusher of more than 1.44 million new jobs since the start of the Great Recession......"   Read More  
Even with the gas and oil boom in the Dakotas has the the rest of the US yet to recovered all of the non-Texas job losses during the recession.   That's the Obama economy in a nutshell.

Latest Study Indicated Reducing Length of Unemployment Benefits Lead to Greater Levels of Employment in 2014.

by Robert Janicki

Something happened in 2014 that conservatives understood and pushed for, but liberals decried as draconian.  I'm talking about cutting off long term unemployment benefits in order to actually stimulate employment.  Long term unemployment benefits were reduced at the end of 2013.  2014 subsequently saw greater employment numbers.  Coincidence?  Not in my book or that of many conservatives.

Liberals decried such Republican action of reducing long term unemployment benefit periods as uncaring and typically characterized Republicans, and especially conservatives, as Neanderthals willing to see men, women and children starve to death as a result of cutting off long term unemployment benefits.  Of course that didn't happen.  

Conservatives have long said that long term unemployment benefits only contribute to long term unemployment, as the unemployed become much more comfortable in picking and choosing employment possibilities, knowing that they have a long term security blanket to fall back on.  

Now comes this latest study that appears to reinforce the conservative belief that cutting the length of long term unemployment benefits actually contributes to reduced unemployment, or, conversely to increasing employment, as more people move to get serious about gaining employment.

This shouldn't come as a surprise, since human nature is to go along with the path of least resistance.  It's difficult to resist unemployment benefits, when more than half the states provide unemployment benefits equal to or greater than what the private sector pays employees on average.

It's interesting to note that the red states that had better rates of employment, concurrently had lower unemployment benefits for a shorter period of time.  There is more than a correlation here.

"A new study attributes the 2014 jobs boom to the expiration of long-term unemployment benefits in late December 2013, a controversial event that Democrats and President Obama warned would hurt workers suffering in the wake of the recession.
Roughly 1.8 million additional jobs were created in 2014 because Congress allowed benefits for workers unemployed 27 weeks to expire, according to the paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research Monday..." Read More

My take away is that people in general will be much more willing to take advantage of unemployment benefits that are closer to what they might earn when employed.  Why work when benefits are at or above what a person could earn in the local labor market?  Of course liberals will decry this latest study as some perverse conservative plan to crush the poor and destroy the middle class.  This is a given response from liberals.  Conservatives are evil, liberals are world class philanthropists (with other people's money) and really do care about people.  That thought, along with a five dollar bill, will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. 

This latest study may not be the most definitive study to date on the negative effects of long term unemployment benefits, but conservative economists believe that subsequent studies will validate this latest finding.  Smaller studies have indicated that those dropping off long term unemployment benefits had a greater rate of reemployment than any other group of unemployed job hunters.