Saturday, February 7, 2015

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same.....

Google Earth Pro, Once $300, is Now Free

You can get it by going to this location and noting the download link and the license key: Google Earth Pro Account Self-Service

h/t vanderleun


Friday, February 6, 2015

Brian Williams Reminisces........Updated

Brian Williams Interviews Mark Twain 

Brian Williams in Munich

Brian Williams at the D-Day Invasion 

30 Seconds Over Tokyo - Brian Williams with the Doolittle Raid

Brian Williams on the Grassy Knoll

Brian Williams at the making of Sgt. Peppers  

Brian Williams at the Moon Landing

Brian Williams at Woodstock

Williams on The Brady Bunch When America's Mom Carol Brady Showed Her Tits to All America

Brian Williams After Taking Heavy Ground Fire From Rebel Comanche Indians  

Brian Obviously Missed Something in the Translation

Brian Williams in Tokoyo

On the President's National Prayer Breakfast Comments:

by Robert Janicki

On Thursday, at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama, with a straight face and in his best preacher pontification mode, put forth the idea that there is a moral equivalence between the brutal murderers of ISIS and the Christian Crusaders, among other allusions in history, which, in fact, are not comparable.  

Obama then flashed forward from the Christian Crusades of 900 to 1100 years ago in the Holy Land to make his point more meaningful and timely in more recent events.  Obama then gratuitously threw in the religious Inquisition in Europe and then moved to the period of American slavery and Jim Crow laws to further his argument that we're all imperfect and perhaps we should not judge ISIS on a religious basis, but rather on the basis of a political ideology.  Its's hard to determine what point Obama was making with these later historical allusions, since it was just so much drivel.

Obama's historical delusion of moral equivalence swept reality under the carpet despite the hundreds of millions of Muslims today that actually support in part or in whole, what goals and objectives ISIS is trying to achieve through their inhuman savagery.

It was obvious that Obama was simply engaging in a polemical argument of equivalency to give, albeit false, credence to his argument in separating ISIS from Islam.  Of course Obama never said that the analogy he put forth was really a moral equivalence between the two movements, since the Christian Crusades were, indeed, based upon religious grounds and his claim is that ISIS is a political ideology, but that did not prevent Obama from trying to make that ludicrous comparison.  

Obama's equivalence argument falls apart from the very beginning because he has repeatedly said the ISIS is not a religious movement under the banner of Islam, but is a perverted political movement hiding behind the religion of Islam.  So Obama's attempt at moral equivalency between the religious crusades of the Christians and the actions of ISIS, falls apart by his own definition of ISIS as a political ideology, rather than as being a movement influenced by Islam, the so called religion of peace.

This disparity in Obama's logic will, unfortunately, fall upon the deaf ears and deluded minds of the ignorant and stupid, who cannot see the fallacy of his perverted argument and will buy his bullshit lock, stock and barrel.

It's argued by some that Obama must be a stealth Muslim, since he supports Muslims over Christians.  I don't think Obama is a Muslim or a Christian.      How can a person sit in a pew in the Church of Hate lead by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached the Marxist secular religion of Black Nationalism, rather than any known Christian Protestant sect and claim be a Christian?  Forget about the fact that Obama has failed to attend any church in over 6 years in office.  So where does that leave Obama?

I believe that Obama at his core is a political secularist with no deep belief in any organized religion.  Obama is  an intransigent political ideologue, who merely uses religion as he finds it necessary to accomplish his political goals.  All this fits into Obama's narcissism, nihilism and his Messianic complex. 

Obama doesn't believe in any god, since he believes he is God.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Brian Williams Reminisces

Brian Williams in Munich

Brian Williams at the D-Day Invasion 

A Mechanical Engineer, a Golfer and a Planetarium Gift Shop Mgr. Walk Into a Bar......

Out to Save Mankind from Itself 

John Kerry Voted Dead Last in Terms of Effectiveness

Least effective U.S. Secretary of State of the past 50 years

Foreign Policy magazine this week announced the results of its 2014 Ivory Tower survey of 1,615 international relations scholars from 1,375 U.S. colleges. The survey quizzed respondents about recent historical events and future policy challenges.  Among the questions ask in the survey: who was the most effective secretary of state over the past 50 years?

Not good news for for the Earl of Ketchup.

The winner of the polling was Nobel Peace Prize winner Henry A. Kissinger, who was secretary for four years during the Nixon and Ford administrations. Kissinger got 32.21 percent, extraordinary in such a large field.

Don’t Know” came in a relatively distant second, with 18.32 percent.

James Baker, Secretary of State in the George H. W. Bush administration, who was actually the most effective secretary in the last 50 years, came in third at 17.71 percent, just behind Dr. Know.

Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton tied for fourth at 8.70 percent. (no doubt voted high by female scholars for obvious reasons).

And Pulling up the rear, Lawrence Eagleburger came in 12th place with only 0.31 percent.

And dead last, was John Kerry. He got a total of two votes of the 660 scholars who responded.

It can't be very comforting to Sec. Kerry that he polled behind  Eagleburger, who was only secretary of state for six weeks. (insert laugh track here)

And to think, this is the man who democrats put their faith in to defeat George Bush and become the 44th President of the United States......

You can read more about the survey Here

I Deny All Knowledge.....

It is known to regular readers of this blog that the Hilton Chain of hotels seem to have a personal vendetta against DMF and have blocked this website on their hotel public computers as recently discovered by regular reader Grunt of Monte Cristo. 

Now comes the news that the weasel of the Hilton Family, none other than little Conrad Hilton just got himself arrested for a brawl on a Trans-Atlantic British Airways flight. 

Now as someone who has spent a large part of their life in the air flying both commercial and private, Diogenes has made many good friends who work in the commercial aviation industry. 

These facts should not be construed in any way shape or form to imply Diogenes would stoop so low as to conspire, nor imply Diogenes has any knowledge of anyone on their behalf covertly slipping a Mikey in Mr. Hilton's drink, causing him to be “uncoordinated, delusional and paranoid” while erratic and yelling  “I will [expletive] fight you,” and “I am going to [expletive] kill you,” and “I will [expletive] own anyone on this flight; they are [expletive] peasants --resulting in him being securely duct taped to starboard wing for the duration of the flight.

I repeat, Diogenes denies all knowledge of any conspiracy involving tainting anyones drink on any flight anywhere in the world for the purpose of publicly humiliating someone of high stature for fun.  It's only a rumor...... 

 Images by Grunt of Monte Cristo

Makes You Long For A Real Leader......

image via Weasel Zippers
Fox News:
"Jordan’s King Abdullah is a former general and special forces commander who experts say has the resolve to follow through on his vow to crush ISIS.
Following the release of a ghastly video showing a captured Jordanian air force pilot being burned to death, the 53-year-old monarch warned that retribution will be swift. And with an army of more than 100,000 well-trained soldiers, tens of thousands more in reserves and a capable air force, Abdullah’s kingdom is more than up to the task, Middle East experts told
The king is very serious about being a military guy.  For much of his life, he thought he was going to be a special forces commander and for some time he was.   
He didn’t do that from the back of chauffeured cars. He did that from Black Hawk helicopters and command posts at the site of terrorist raids....."
Meanwhile, President Obama will be “redoubling efforts” against ISIS.