Thursday, February 12, 2015

Congress To Finally Investigate Eric Holder’s Bank Shakedown Settlements


Well, it’s about time.  Truly this administration has charted a bizarre path with regard to the big banks. One day Wall Street and the White House are buddies. The next day the banks are portrayed as villains. It’s been an odd tango of money, power, and domestic realpolitik.

Very Chicago.
From IBD
In an Aug. 27 editorial, “Holder Cut Left-Wing Groups In On $17 Bil BofA Deal,” we revealed that Holder’s record $17 billion deal to settle alleged mortgage abuse charges against Bank of America included potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in set-asides for “a national network of left-wing community organizers.”
Instead of going to so-called victims of the so-called fraud, Holder steered huge sums to affordable-housing activist groups approved by HUD, which is mired in a separate lobbying corruption scandal, including:
• La Raza, which pressures banks to qualify more low-income Latino immigrants for home loans.
• National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Washington’s most aggressive lobbyist for the disastrous Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).
• Neighborhood Assistance Corp. of America, whose director calls himself a “bank terrorist.”
• Operation Hope, a South Central Los Angeles group pressuring banks to make “dignity mortgages” for deadbeats.
• Mutual Housing Association of New York, or MHANY, a spinoff of an Acorn housing unit.

Joe Biden Gives a Shout Out to His "Old Butt Buddy"

I'm really gonna miss this guy when he's gone....
h/t WZ

Media Suddenly Interested in Vetting College Years

Scott Walker has come from out of nowhere (if you weren’t paying attention), survived three elections in four years as a Republican in a blue state, and is making waves with statements and policies that drive the Left insane. However, there is one thing that makes Walker different from other potential presidential candidates – he never finished college. And, the college life of a presidential candidate didn’t seem to concern the media in 2008 when no one decided to vet Obama’s collegiate career or figure out what the hell he might have done (aside from drugs!) in college. In 2016, it suddenly matters.
"Today, Walker, 47, is the governor of Wisconsin and a strong contender for the GOP’s 2016 presidential nomination. He is known for an astounding political hot streak: Since 1993, he has run 11 races for state legislature, county executive and governor — including a highly unusual recall election in 2012 — and he has won them all.
But before that streak came a string of defeats — the campus election, his failure to finish college and his first campaign for state office."
It’s funny. Barack Obama had absolutely no accomplishments prior to running for office, and we were told nothing of his educated life by a media whose job is supposed to be informing the public. Scott Walker, meanwhile, dropped out of college, gave a reason as to why, and it warrants a full investigation by the very same media that protected Obama’s past. The media, once again is showing a distinct bias, and will make no change no matter who calls it out or how loudly it is called out.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Side Effect of Wheaties or Kardashian Girl by Osmosis?

A Personal Opinion on the Brian Williams Debacle:

By Robert Janicki

Put aside Williams' charm, personality and sense of humor, and his occasional self deprecation for the moment, and look to Williams the journalist and then pivot to his second and possibly greater role as a celebrity.

This celebrity role of Williams, seems to have eclipsed his role as a journalist. Somewhere along the line in time, Williams' celebrity overtook his role as journalist.  I have seen Williams appear many times on various late night broadcast TV or cable TV comedy shows. He has all the tale telling requisites and timing of the very best comedians of our time. He could easily be another Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart.

And that seems to be the genesis of Williams' conflict between celebrated TV news anchor and multifaceted celebrity across a greater social spectrum. Williams, at some level in his role as journalist, may have believed that he was running out, or coming up short, of heroic and self aggrandizing stories to enhance his dual role of journalist and, by association, his celebrity and needed more and greater tales to perpetuate his celebrity persona, if not his role as professional journalist and top ranked news anchor position.

It seems that being the top broadcast network news anchor was not enough to feed his alter ego of celebrity. Williams needed to expand his celebrity and that's when he went over the line of reality and into a world of self delusion of some sort. Either Williams is self delusional or he purposely has tried to delude the public to enhance his persona.

Is Williams a narcissist? I don't know, but I do know that people that live in those higher reaches of celebrity have at the very least, elements of narcissism. All one has to do to substantiate this assertion is to look to Barack Obama and his complex makeup of narcissist behaviors. Looking to the future as it rolls around in six months, I cannot see Williams coming back as the anchor of the NBC Nightly News and here's why.

Expect many more of Williams' lies and fabrications to pop up as every amateur sleuth turns up video clips on what will turn out to be an avalanche of previous prevarications, fabrications or misstatements by Williams. It will happen. Some will be inconsequential and others will have greater substance and significance. Time will not be kind and forgiving for Williams. Quite the opposite will be true, as more of Williams' prevarications come to the light of day and are published for all to see.

The problem for NBC is not just a matter of having the public forgive Williams, as much as it is having the public forget Williams' serial lying over more than a decade. I think that may well be a hurdle too high to overcome.

Jon Stewart announced that he is leaving Comedy Central by the end of the year. Maybe Williams can pickup that gig. He certainly has the comedic skills of telling tall tales.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

It's Okay if You're Not Old Enough to Get It.....

Word on the Street: Allah Ran Out of Virgins Long Ago

ISIS Running Low On Suicide Bombers....

Daily Mail: 
"The Islamic State is experiencing a shortage of suicide bombers after dozens of fighters deserted the terror group or defected to rival militias.
Reports from inside the ISIS-stronghold of Raqqa claim that a rebellion among a 'martyrs battalion' is a severe blow to the ISIS leadership who recruit foreign fighters for their suicide operations.  According to the respected anti-ISIS activists, Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently, ISIS has seen dozens of militants earmarked for suicide operations flee the battlefield or defect to other groups.
The news comes after ISIS was forced to admit defeat in the key battle for the northern Syrian town of Kobane, where it deployed many suicide bombers in what turned out to be a lost cause...." 

If You Still Doubt We Are Being Led by an Idiot…. Read This.

Iranian Nuclear Weapons are Against Their Religion
"The issues now are sufficiently narrowed and sufficiently clarified where we’re at a point where they need to make a decision. We are presenting to them in a unified fashion, the P5+1 supported by a coalition of countries around the world are presenting to them a deal that allows them to have peaceful nuclear power but gives us the absolute assurance that is verifiable that they are not pursuing a nuclear weapon.
And if in fact what they claim is true, which is they have no aspiration to get a nuclear weapon, that in fact, according to their Supreme Leader, it would be contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon, if that is true, there should be the possibility of getting a deal. They should be able to get to yes. But we don’t know if that’s going to happen."  --- Barack Obama
See video of him actually speaking these words Here

Monday, February 9, 2015

Who Said Joe Biden Doesn't Answer His Mail?

* The original idea for a personal form letter was totally stolen from Steve Martin.
But he's dead, so he will never know.

Pat Caddell: “Republicans are wusses,” and Democrats “dictator to the common man.”

"The country is at a tipping point, “a pre-revolutionary moment,” where citizen power is eroding while Washington is absorbed with keeping its own power." Pat Caddell 

 More people should listen to the famed Democratic political strategist Pat Caddell.  He's right on the money in many respects when he compares Washington DC to Vienna in 1914.  An ossified, self interested capital city which is out of touch with reality. This while the hinterlands rumble with discontent.

Caddell blames both parties.The Republicans won’t stand for anything, funding Obamacare and refusing to hold the president's feet to the fire in the face of obvious and deep corruption. Concurrently the Democrats have embraced special interests even more than in the past and have come to reflect a non-working class (perhaps anti-working class when it comes to illegal immigration) while supporting a president who is clearly out to lunch and Caddell thinks, dangerous.

He's a sane voice in an insane town.

Washington, and Republicans in particularly would be wise to heed Caddell’s warnings. People are fed up with the political class and things are going to change whether the establishment likes it or not.

You can see an interview with Mr. Caddell and what he has to say Here

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Happy Birthday Kim Jong Un

The North Korean Bureau of Middle Finger News Service

(MFNS - Pyongyang) - Today, February 8th in the year of their Supreme Leader 2015, the People of North Korea came together to celebrate the birthday of DPRK Leader Kim Jong-un. While the actual date of his birth is disputed, (some say January) Kim himself sets the date every year, and this year he chose today. 

The Supreme Leader rose early Sunday for his short daily walk to the Pyongyang  Thought Criminal Re-education Academy and back, and then a hearty breakfast before tweeting a birthday announcement to the world......

Because of the guidance and fatherly leadership of Kim, the prosperous North Korean people were able to give lovingly to a secret restoration project on portions of the People's Palace, as a birthday present to Kim.  Dear Leader was not expecting what was in store for him on this years birthday.....

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same.....

Google Earth Pro, Once $300, is Now Free

You can get it by going to this location and noting the download link and the license key: Google Earth Pro Account Self-Service

h/t vanderleun


Friday, February 6, 2015

Brian Williams Reminisces........Updated

Brian Williams Interviews Mark Twain 

Brian Williams in Munich

Brian Williams at the D-Day Invasion 

30 Seconds Over Tokyo - Brian Williams with the Doolittle Raid

Brian Williams on the Grassy Knoll

Brian Williams at the making of Sgt. Peppers  

Brian Williams at the Moon Landing

Brian Williams at Woodstock

Williams on The Brady Bunch When America's Mom Carol Brady Showed Her Tits to All America

Brian Williams After Taking Heavy Ground Fire From Rebel Comanche Indians  

Brian Obviously Missed Something in the Translation

Brian Williams in Tokoyo