Friday, May 13, 2016

Photo: The Moment They Hear the Sound of Deadly Gas Being Unleashed

 A Royal Fart  Echoes Through the Room. Just Seconds Before Panic Hits the Group


Y'all Give Earl a Big Round of Applause!

A few years ago, I came across an image that really made me laugh out loud. A reverse image search led me to "Earl of Taint".  The few post I found there were absolutely hilarious. Earl and I quickly became friends, and I, one of his Biggest Fans. His unique wit and talent put him in a special class. And he has gone on to carved out his own niche in the world of humorous conservative agitprop. (take a scroll through his archives)

If you are not already a fan of "Earl of Taint", you haven't been there!

Today is Earl's 4th Blogiversary. And I Congratulate you Earl on a job well done, and we look forward to seeing what comes from that 
unique mind of yours in the future. ♥

Now, Y'all go by and give Earl a Shout!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Going All Medieval on Modern Technology's Ass

A re-enactor participating in the International Festival of Historical Reconstruction of the Early Middle Ages in Russia was so irritated by a drone buzzing overhead he decided to go all  Medieval on it......a perfect shot.

(h/t American Mirror)

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Creates 20-man Staff to Dig Up Dirt on Trump

A Billionaire Clinton Enabler - You Might Want to Rethink That Next Purchase

Billionaire Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, owner of the Washington Post and a BIG donor to the Democratic Party, has ordered an army of 20 staffers to scour Donald Trump’s life for any perceived dirt they can find on the presumptive nominee.

Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward told the National Association of Realtors Convention in Washington on Wednesday: 
“There’s a lot we don’t know. We have 20 people working on Trump. We’re going to do a book. We’re doing articles about every phase of his life.”
Woodward specifically said he has been investigating Trump’s real-estate deals in New York, according to a report in the Washington Examiner.

Bezos’, is reportedly under pressure from shareholders to stop selling products associated with Trump. According to the New York Post, a group claiming to represent 1,500 Amazon shareholders has asked Bezos to end the site’s marketing of Trump shirts, hats, ties and other products promoting the Trump campaign.

In February, Trump accused Bezos of buying the paper to increase his political influence. Trump told supporters during a rally in Fort Worth, Texas:
“He wanted political influence so that Amazon will benefit from it – that’s not right. And believe me, if I become president, oh, do they have problems. They’re going to have such problems.”
In his statement to the Washington convention, Woodward reportedly claimed the newspaper is also seeking to get the “essence” of Hillary Clinton. But Woodward dismissed any concern about Hillary’s use of a private email server to send classified information:
“I don’t think anyone feels that there was intent on her part to distribute classified information in a way that was illegal or jeopardized security."
And I'm sure we all remember the Washington Post doing such a bang-up job of scouring the background and getting to the "essence" of Barack Obama in 2008???

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton is Putting David Copperfield to Shame

Her Vanishing Voter Trick.

Granny Clinton's base of support is disappearing right before our eyes, but unlike Copperfield, Clinton isn’t putting on an act. On Tuesday, Cankles lost the West Virginia primary to the hippie marxist Bernie Sanders 51% to 36%.
That’s a stark contrast to 2008, when she trounced Barack Obama, 66.9% to 25.7% (John Edwards received 7.3%).
But perhaps what’s more telling is the raw vote total.
In 2008, she received 240,890 votes. Yesterday, Clinton netted 84,176 votes, according to NBC — a 65% decline. Other numbers show how the angry sands of the American landscape has shifted under her feet. According to data obtained at the polls yesterday, 33% of Democrats say they will vote for Donald Trump in November. Only 44% of Dems say they’ll vote Clinton. Twenty-one percent say they’ll support neither.
Of course it's really a politically stupid move to tell voters your going to kill there industry and put them out of work like she did the West Virgina coal miners. Duh!
[American Mirror]

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Buzzy Ginsburg Said She Doesn’t Want To Pee With Guys

The Notorious RBG - Justice Buzzy Ginsburg
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not interested in sharing a bathroom with men. This is important because if issues with transgenders and access to restrooms comes before the Supreme Court, Justice Ginsberg’s opinion will matter a great deal.
In a Washington Post article in 1975, Ginsburg wrote to dispel the fear at the time that the Equal Rights Act would “require unisex restrooms in public places. Her response: “Emphatically not so.”
The now-Supreme Court justice continued, “Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy.”
“Individual privacy, a right of constitutional dimension, is appropriately harmonized with the equality principle,” Ginsberg claimed. “But the ‘potty issue’ is likely to remain one of those ultimate questions never pressed to final solution.”
According to University of California, Los Angeles Law School professor Eugene Volokh, “I do think it’s worth noting that, when sex equality rules were championed in the 1970s, now-Justice Ginsburg — one of the most prominent feminist lawyers of her era — rejected as “emphatically” unsound the argument that those rules might lead to males being allowed to use women’s restrooms.”

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Mystery of the Grassy Knoll Shooter Solved

It was all borne of Mind Control Drug Laced Ovaltine and
little Ralphie Parker's obsession with rifles..... 

The Bizarre Trump Consensus

The rate at which anti-and pro-Trump Republicans have traded arguments over the course of this campaign is head-spinning. The pro-Trump right has found a bizarre set of allies on the left. Cautious liberals might like their chances in November, but many are warning their allies not to sleep on Donald Trump. In fact, conservatives who are skeptical of the reality television star’s prospects in the general election are unconvinced of his electability for the same reason that some Democrats are entirely certain Trump is easily beatable: the GOP candidate’s liberal inclinations.
Trump’s ability to appeal to white working-class voters who once made up the backbone of the Democratic coalition that has led some center-left observers to caution humility ahead of November.
Between Democrats and pro-Trump Republicans, there are a number of non-superficial agreements. Their most enduring schism appears to be their mutual desire to defeat one another at the polls. One curious source of agreement between these two warring factions is that Trump bucks conservative orthodoxy just enough to make it a competitive race in November. With that concession, the left has already won a fight more far-reaching than any one election cycle. 
- Noah Rothman

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Something Weird Going on in Crazyville

With all our our attention focused on the Drama / Pissfight of the Trump-Cruz nomination battle, few of us payed little attention to what has been going on over in the Capital of Crazyville, the Democrat party. With Hillary having a firm thigh lock on the nomination and the Bernie forces having begun to see the light, without much notice the granddaddy of leftist loony websites, firmly in loser Bernie Sander's corner, believe the establishment standard bearer of the Democrat Party isn't progressive enough and tainted goods are suggesting.........and I shit you not............Why not vote for Donald Trump?   

But just not necessarily for the reasons you might think: 
A liberal case for Donald Trump
"There are perhaps no three words more jarring to liberals than “President Donald Trump.” The GOP front-runner and presumptive nominee has undoubtedly made enemies with his nativist rhetoric and bellicose persona. That said, now that the race between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, with the former secretary of state essentially guaranteed the nomination, many liberals and progressives are preparing, once again, to vote for the lesser of two evils. The choice may not be as clear as some Democrats believe — especially if Democrats can take back the Senate and assure themselves of a check on a GOP House.
Once you’ve let that sink in, try this: There is a liberal case to be made for Donald Trump. The prospect of Trump defeating Clinton this November is not necessarily the apocalypse that some would lead you to believe. Here are some of the reasons why.
1.) He’ll Change the Conversation
Perhaps the best thing I can say about Trump is that he speaks his mind. This sometimes leads to some pretty outlandish things, but not always.  Trump has spent much of his time lately, railing against free trade and NAFTA, as well as the gross inequality in our system. Trump often talks about raising taxes on “hedge fund guys,” and he has acknowledged that the primary process is skewed in favor of the establishment.
Like Sanders, Trump is neither beholden to special interests, nor coordinating with a Super PAC. This alone sets him apart from the other candidates in the race — especially Hillary Clinton. The parties pick the candidates, and regardless of what their policies are, the people fall in line with them eventually. Power never truly changes hands.
Excusing the fact that Trump, himself, is a corporate interest, he would shake the current system to its core — which needs to happen....."
2.) That said, most of his policies are DOA
In all likelihood, Trump will not accomplish anything. He has made serious enemies in both parties and the media, whom he feels have slighted him, and I cannot see him working with those people. Trump holds grudges. He has filed more frivolous lawsuits than anyone in the public eye — or maybe we just hear about them more. Either way, politics do require compromise to one degree or another, and without it, nothing gets done. As such, when Trump finds himself up against institutional and bureaucratic resistance, it is unlikely he will deliver. For example, his wall — paid for by Mexico — is never going to happen. Ban all Muslims from entering the U.S.? Slim chance if any.
Even if he does work with Congress, he is still not going to get his social policies passed. The Senate with its filibuster and cloture rules is enough of a check on that, even if Democrats do not have a majority. Basically, we will not have immigration reform, but we will not have people rounded up in the streets and deported. 
But most important of all: I do not need to trust Donald Trump in the same way I would have to trust Hillary Clinton were she elected. The reason for this is very simple: Trump represents the GOP brand, and Clinton claims the mantle of progressive. If Trump fails to accomplish anything in office, or if he manages to do whatever damage he can do, he will represent the Republicans. Moreover, rightly or wrongly, he represents America’s crypto-fascist element. The best way to discredit both of these groups is to let them fail on their own. Trump will not succeed as a president.
On the flip side, if Hillary Clinton screws up by compromising too much (which is likely) or doing too little (also likely), progressivism will take a big hit in the public eye, which is something we cannot afford....."
3.) The 2020 election looms
Now we arrive at the point where I start sounding old Jud Crandall from Stephen King’s “Pet Semetary.” [sic] Progressives and Democrats should be focusing on the election in 2020 because 1) it is a census year — meaning the makeup of the House of Representatives for the following decade will depend on down-ballot voting — and 2) there may be more openings on the Supreme Court...."
4.) I’m Not Afraid of Donald Trump
Some of you might be reading this and thinking to yourselves: “That’s all well and good, but Trump is dangerous.” I understand those feelings. Donald Trump’s messages on social policy have been mixed at best, and fascistic at worst. His approach to climate science is frightening considering the dire situation our planet is in. Trump is also the kind of man who would use the office of the president to aggrandize himself, and punish his detractors — well, attempt to do so, like in his many libel and slander suits. Over the last twenty years the powers of the president have expanded considerably as commander-in-chief, and that’s concerning, too. Additionally, there is the matter of the Supreme Court of United States. 
We have no way of predicting who Trump would appoint, but we can speculate with Hillary Clinton. While she has said that her litmus test for nominees will be commitment to overturning Citizens United v. FEC, there is little reason to trust her given how much she benefits from the current campaign finance system...."

So there you have it. The anti-establishment Dem's calling to jump the curb and vote for the anti-establishment Republican. Believing they will make gains or recapture the senate in the next mid terms as the out of office party, hate Hillary as much as we do and believe Trump will be just a blow-hard failure and so damage the brand that a progressive will walk right into to the White House in in 2020 and save us all!

Things are gettin' crazier and crazier.  


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Being President Is Hard


Read Further of the Immense Trials and Tribulations of a President