Thursday, September 1, 2016

⟼⟼⟼⟿ ▌☺

Trump has seized control of the news cycle for the next 24 hours. The primary topic of discussion will be his talks with Peña Nieto and his speech on immigration. And Hillary? She just lied again about her emails.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

DC Rally for Refugees a Big Dud

Lackluster Acts Perform for an Audience of 300.

A pro-refugee rally was held at the Washington Monument at the National Mall on Sunday. “DC Rally 4 Refugees” was organized by the Tides Foundation with the help of many different groups, including the usual suspects: CODEPINK, The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Amnesty International, and the Human Rights Campaign. Speaker after speaker walked on stage to deliver the usual bumf about why we must open our borders. Sprinkled in with the academics and professional activists were a few artists reciting “poetry” and singing protest songs.

The rally’s official color was orange–the color of many life vests–and the rally’s symbol was a stylized life vest. Attendees and speakers had been asked to wear orange in solidarity with refugees. As with many gatherings, the speakers were largely an occasion for like-minded people to socialize with each other. The signs and costumes in the audience were more interesting than the presentations.

Rally attendees did their best to keep the anti-immigration protesters out of sight by creating a human wall around them. The irony was not lost on me. And what any leftist goofball rally these days be with a little self loathing white hate, eh? 

Math is Hard for Stupid people

The signs were condescending, the speakers incoherent, and the organizations backing it all subversive, but there is good news: attendance was low. For a rally about one of the Left’s favorite topics, launched by groups with such deep pockets, located on the National Mall, and held on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., I thought thousands would show up, but there could not have been more than 300 people. The event was planned well in advance too–I first heard about it two weeks ago–and the organizers even made special t-shirts for the event.

Donald Trump announces rallies just one day in advance, and attracts thousands. If that isn’t sign for hope, I don’t know what is.

See More Stupid People Here

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Mainstream Media Admits It May “Never Recover” from 2016 Election

AntiMedia - In a revealing statement that flew largely under the radar earlier this month, members of the mainstream media admitted it would never recover from its irresponsible and negligent coverage of the 2016 presidential election. A recent column published in the New York Post referred to the media’s reporting as “the complete collapse of American journalism as we know it.”

In his article for the Post, Fox News contributor Michael Goodwin discussed the media’s pro-Clinton bias – one recognized by supporters of virtually every other presidential candidate, from Bernie Sanders to Jill Stein to Gary Johnson and, of course, Donald Trump. Even Americans who don’t necessarily have a horse in the 2016 race notice the slant.
“By torching its remaining credibility in service of Clinton,” Goodwin wrote, “the mainstream media’s reputations will likely never recover, nor will the standards. No future producer, editor, reporter or anchor can be expected to meet a test of fairness when that standard has been trashed in such willful and blatant fashion.”
Indeed, he is correct in this regard. The Clinton machine has effectively infiltrated corporate media. Last year, the Intercept reported MSNBC failed to disclose that multiple pundits who spoke favorably about Clinton were actually employees of a consulting firm hired by her campaign. More recently, embarrassing DNC leaks released in July revealed DNC officials attempted to craft narratives painting Sanders in a negative light to undermine his campaign. They also organized a secret fundraiser with the Washington Post and were careful to keep it under the radar.

There is no question the mainstream media has sided with the political establishment in its decision to craft narratives that paint Clinton as a competent leader who is the only option in the face of a catastrophic Trump presidency. Indeed, in spite of Clinton’s lack of popularity among the general population, the media continues to suggest she is the only thing standing between America and its descent into fascism.

While the degree of negative press Trump has received is undeniably staggering, Goodwin failed to recognize — at least in this article — that like Clinton, Trump is wildly unpopular and  the mainstream media is undoubtedly fervent in their coverage of Trump.  Therein lies the problem: rarely does the mainstream media devote as much time to questioning Hillary Clinton, her rhetoric, and her policies.

From the corporate media’s flagrantly irresponsible coverage of the Iraq War during the Bush years to the media’s ongoing blackouts of relevant news in favor of more superficial, inconsequential stories, Goodwin’s assertion that 2016 is the year American journalism died is as factual as the content churned out by Fox News.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Playing the 'Race' Card Early

It was well beyond question Hillary Clinton would play the race card. The only issue was when. Modern Progtards are born without forearms, which affords them the ability to have so many such cards up their sleeves. Playing their ace card this early and this forcefully does not demonstrate strength on Hillary's part. It's clearly a flashing neon testament to her insecurity and weakness. Other than a lack of a pair of 'nads', she has nothing else to run on.

The racist cries are usually saved for closer to the election, when polls tighten and Democrats worry about turnout. A little fear mongering goes a long way to motivate the otherwise uninterested and Low-Fo voters. That it comes in August reeks of desperation, an aroma permeating the Clinton campaign in recent weeks.

This election is months ahead of schedule when it comes to progressives' panic level. The next 2 1/2 months either will be something to behold or the ugliest invective-filled nightmare this country has ever seen.

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

H/T Blues Junky - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director. 

Obama: Mosquitoes Remain Non-Partisan

"Most infected people don’t show any symptoms. But the disease can cause brain defects and other serious problems. There is no such thing as a Republican position on Zika or Democrat position on Zika because these mosquitoes bite everyone. I agree." - President's Weekly Address
Once again we find proof of the strength of America. While tittering on the edge, America has indeed actually survived intact the purposefully inept 8 year rein of our leisure oriented Fearless Leader and his merry band of Intellectually Challenged Affirmative Action Ivy leaguers.  

The United States According to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

You Click Now and Make Yuge!

You Click Now and Make Yuge

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Moving Headlong Toward The Dark Ages

Baltimore to Ignore Behavior and Homework in School Grading

The coming dark age: The Baltimore school system this week revealed that it is ordering its teachers to ignore student behavior and not count homework in determining school grades. And what could be worse? 
The school system also now recommends that teachers do not factor homework into overall grades or give students marks below 50%. Community Superintendent for Zone 2 George Roberts says low marks can damage a student’s feeling of self-potential. “The power of the zero is extremely powerful and frankly hurtful to a student,” Roberts said. “If a child gets a zero on an assignment, it’s that much harder for the child to come out of.” 

What Baltimore and America is instead going to get is badly behaved students who simply don’t know anything.  Modern bought and paid for political slaves of dependency. Keep them fed and moneyed and keep them plentiful, and make sure they get dumber and dumber. If they ever wake up it will be the villagers with torches and pitch forks time.

But what the Hey? As we have all learned, ya don't have to be very smart to became a millionaire rap artist now do ya?