Sunday, April 9, 2017

Korean Fat Kid Gets All Spooky and Stuff Again

South Korean radio Sunday reported the North Korean DPRK has resumed its broadcast of mysterious sets of random numbers over state run radio, believed to be coded orders to its spies in the south, and Japan. From Yonhap News Agency - Seoul :
"From now on, we announce tasks of mechanical engineering review for the Unit 21 expedition members of the remote education university." North Korea's state-run Pyongyang Radio said at 12:15 a.m. "Number 69 on page 602, number 79 on page 133, number 18 on page 216." A total of 70 sets of such five-digit numbers were read out twice. 
The North resumed the Cold-War era type broadcast in June of last year amid escalating tensions with the South. Many believe them real clandestine orders.

Others believe because the North Koreans have been isolated from the rest of the world for so long, and their only state approved joke book so old, to save time in the telling them they just refer to them by number. The DPRK had previously suspended such radio broadcasts years earlier when it's believed their vacuum tube burned out. 

A Note to the Loyal and Loving Readers of DMF

Over the weekend we raised the hood on DMF and made a few changes. Some are noticeable, some are not.  Among the changes are the new Domain Address and new and better Analytics for Moi, and we sexed-it-up with a few cosmetic changes and a small tweak that should make the page load faster for yous guys.

Unfortunately, one change seems to have hidden all of your brilliant comments. They still show in my disqus dashboard so they are not lost.  So for the time being, if you happen to be the first to comment on a post and the comment link is not showing, just click on the Post Title to get to the comment box. When the new squirrels get settled in and up to full speed, that should iron itself out. - Mommy Dearest of DMF

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Saturday, April 8, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought to you by BLUESJUNKY - Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, April 7, 2017

Kim Jong Un Reportedly Flees to Open Sea After Informed of Syrian Air Strike

Middle Finger News Service

Kim flees Pyongyang by tugboat under cover of thick morning fog 
to safety aboard DPRK Poo Class Submarine off the coast.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Gettin' It Done

In a matter of a few short hours, Donald Trump Bombed Syria and Nuked the democrats in the Senate. And while we are on the subject of Syria, let's respond to a widely known conspiracy site who regularly fancifully over-analyze things, and bullshits their readers.

In their latest "There is ZERO motive for President Bashir Assad to weaponize chemical weapons against his people." their grand conspiracy motive of Assad's gas attack, according to their expert analysis, is being used as a ploy of the CIA and the Deep State to mislead Trump and into an escalation of war. It was really Assad's enemies who did the dastardly deed.

These geniuses overlook one obvious point. The insurgent, nor the rebels nor ISIS have an AIR FORCE!

No, Assad is friggin' crazy and under the thumb and protection of Russia, and Putin has the same motive all tin pot dictators always have had: They are testing the new American president.

Trump has said over and over America was his main concern. With every new administration come tests from foreign enemies of the United States. Why did Assad burn his own people with chemical weapons? Because Assad and the Russians wanted to slap President Donald J. Trump in the same way every enemy of this country in the world enjoyed slapping around Barack Obama. Like all presidents before him since the Cold war started, Barack Obama was tested by our enemies. In April 2009 the new administration was tested by North Korea, and found a response of weakness. In April 2017, it is President Donald J. Trump who is tested.

And how well did Trump do on his first major test? Even the Senate and House Minority Leaders couldn't criticize him on this one. 

Kim Jong Un Awakens to Shock of Trump's Cruise Missile Strike on Syria

The Midget Climbs Up Into Maxine Waters Territory

It's a bit scary when a supposed learned Professor and former Presidential Cabinet Member lowers himself (in this case climbs up) to the rhetorical level of crazy-ass Maxine Waters. But that's just what Robert Reich seems to have done. In a recent column Reich lays out his reasons Donald Trump should be impeached. And only after a little over two months in office. Let's take a look at the good Doctor's reasoning, shall we........
"By my count, there are now four grounds to impeach Donald Trump. The fifth appears to be on its way. 
First, in taking the oath of office, a president promises to “faithfully execute the laws & the constitution.” That’s Article II Section 2. But Trump is unfaithfully executing his duties as president by accusing his predecessor, president Obama, of undertaking an illegal and impeachable act, with absolutely no evidence to support the accusation."
No evidence, Huh? You who yell about the Russian thing with no creditable evidence. Maybe you should keep your eyes on the news. The actions taken by your boy Barky at the end of his administration, along with the Susan Rice investigation may just yet have you and a lot of lefties wiping egg off your face. The Obama Administration will long be known for it's scandals, scandals you turned a blind eye to in your partisanship. 

The president also swears to Protect and Defend the Constitution Against Enemies, Both Foreign and Domestic. Of course, no matter what truth comes out I'm sure you will deny it as propaganda of the far right..........and with absolutely no evidence to support the accusation.
"Second, Article I Section 9 of the Constitution forbids government officials from taking things of value from foreign governments. But Trump is making big money off his Trump International Hotel by steering foreign diplomatic delegations to it, and will make a bundle off China’s recent decision to grant his trademark applications for the Trump brand – decisions Chinese authorities arrived at directly because of decisions Trump has made as president."
Bob, Mr. Trump, like all presidents, have put his personal interest into trust. And Trump's interest are run by his children while in office. Sure he will eventually gain from it, just as every private citizen/former president does. I don't remember you having a problem with Barky raking in the big buck residuals from his books while in office......hmmm. Elected as a backbench senator, he left office a multi-millionaire.

As for the Chinese trademark deal, it was a decade old request and the decision to rule in Trump’s favor predates his election as president.  You know, the election no one believed he could win.
"Third: The 1st Amendment to the Constitution bars any law “respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” But Trump’s ban on travel into the United States from 6 muslim countries – which he initiated, advocated for, and oversees – violates that provision."
Least we forget, Bob, the list of concerned countries that the Trump administration outlined in the executive order was based on the one signed into law in Dec. 2015 by the former Obama administration. And for the same reason, anti-terrorism! Where were you and your ACLU cohorts then?  
"Fourth: The 1st Amendment also bars “abridging the freedom of the press.” But Trump’s labeling the press “the enemy of the people,” and choosing who he invites to news conferences based on whether they’ve given him favorable coverage, violates this provision."
The press has indeed become a threat to America. They refuse to tell the truth and actively protect corrupt politicians. And you Dr. Reich, having been in the WH. should know that the Presidential Administration has the right to grant or deny credentials to anyone they wish. Press conferences are not set in law. They are a tradition. If a news agency is there to ask tough questions so be it. But to lie about, or twist the words of the administration policy or just to be instigators, they themselves dampen the whole free press' abilities to report the truth, and the president to effectively speak to the nation. 
"A fifth possible ground if the evidence is there: Article II Section 3 of the Constitution defines “treason against the United States” as “adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” Evidence is mounting that Trump and his aides colluded with Russian operatives to win the 2016 presidential election. Presidents can be impeached for what the Constitution calls “high crimes and misdemeanors.” The question is no longer whether there are grounds to impeach Trump. The practical question is whether there’s the political will."
What High Crimes and Misdemeanor? Treason? SHOW US THE PROOF. All you have here is the rumors propitiated by the media and Democrats in congress. The fact someone spied on the DNC and not Trump doesn't mean they were in cahoots to steal an election! And NO ONE has proved the Russians even did the spying in question in the first place. It's got CIA written all over it

Dr. Bob, perhaps you and your lunatic friend  Maxine should have a nice lunch together and come up with a better list. So far, just fog. No smoke, No fire.