Saturday, June 17, 2017

Mitch "The Statue Slayer" Being Eyed As Possible 2020 Dem Candidate

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, Son of Moon - Brother of Mary, made a national production out of tearing down several historic monuments, including Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the U.S. and hero of the The Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812. The removal of other 100 year old historic statues, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and P.G.T. Beauregard, made Landrieu into a hero of the "Ignorance is Strength" American Taliban who seek to erase the history that isn’t compatible with their radical sensitivities. 

But to those with finely-tuned political antennae and top shelf bullshit detectors it was clear that Landrieu’s pandering and demagoguery had less to do with any sincere conviction and everything to do with getting noticed, (Mitch even got himself a Black Mistress) and launching a career in Democratic party politics on the national level. That is exactly what is happening. 
"Democrats looking for new blood to revitalize their party are taking a close look at New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, who is suddenly being discussed as a dark-horse presidential nominee. That Landrieu is a new face from outside Washington makes him even more intriguing to hard-nosed Democratic strategists. "I find him to be an incredibly fascinating political figure,” said Jamal Simmons, one of the Washington Democrats turning an eye toward Landrieu. When you think who are the non-Washington figures in the left that ought to have a say in where we go, I think a lot of people would point to him. Now, as the party looks to rebuild, Democrats say Landrieu and other non-establishment politicians like him could be the future of the party." - The Hill 
But Mayor Mitch has several hurdles to overcome, not the least of which is being a white male in a party that has embraced identity politics as religious dogma. The only white male who has a chance would be Uncle Joe Biden who has coyly hinted at a desire to run. That however would put him at odds with those on the far left who will settle for nothing less than a woman – or a minority – as a candidate (unless it’s Hillary) in 2020.

The early handicapping favors freshman California Senator Kamala "I Slept My Way to the Top" Harris who has both the right pigmentation and a vajayjay, although she would have to tone down her bitch on wheels angry black woman act to appeal to more than the party base.

So Stay Tuned. As everyone should know by now, Louisiana is notorious for its long line of flamboyantly slimy politicians. Mitch is just our latest edition.

Educational Crash Course # 473

Another Installment of Diogenes'
Public Service Educational Series:

"Musicology 101"

Journalism 101:
 "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength."
A Round-table Discussion with the Editorial Board of the NYT & WAPO

Friday, June 16, 2017

Okay, Now That's Just Downright Offensive!

I know it was just a short three hour phony show of unity by democrats solely for media purposes, but seeing this lying leftist bag of bones wearing LSU Colors is disgusting. Not only a slap in the face to an Historic Southern University, but to the best sports conference in the country, The SEC. Whoever's idea it was to hand her that shirt needs a good kneecapping! Yeah, I said it!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Al Sharpton: There Not Be Enough Black People Sellin' Weed

Calls For More Diversity In White-Dominated Weed Industry 

Reverend Al Sharpton has a new beef with white society. Yeah, I know you're shocked. When it comes to spewing bullshit, the MSNBC host and race-hustling extortionist has few equals. Rev. Al has been a fixture of the racial grievance industry and ranks as an elder statesman in a time when, thanks to Barack Obama and the Democrats, race relations are at the lowest point since before the civil right era. 

What’s big Al’s beef now? There aren’t enough black people selling dope. According to the Huffington Post “Rev. Al Calls For More Diversity In White-Dominated Weed Industry”.  
"Rev. Al Sharpton says he does not personally consume marijuana, but that’s not stopping him from calling for more black representation in the white-dominated weed industry will be the keynote speaker at the Cannabis World Congress Business Exposition in New York on Friday. The event will mark the first time Sharpton will speak publicly about the decriminalization of marijuana use and call for an increase in diversity and better inclusion of people of color within the industry.
“Just because I don’t use marijuana as a Minister, does not mean I have the right to impose my moral values on others. However, I will challenge the cannabis industry and its distributors in states where it is legal ensure that we are not disproportionately excluded from business opportunities.” 
The event marks the fourth annual year for cannabis expo, which is recognized as the leading trade show and conference for the legalized cannabis, medical marijuana and industrial hemp industries. It will include a series of speakers and exhibits that will highlight ways to open, invest in and grow businesses focused around marijuana.
Based on crime statistics one could point out that Sharpton is only telling half of the story. While blacks may be underrepresented in the legal marijuana business, they are dominant when it comes to self-employed street corner pharmaceutical and marijuana sales. And after Barack Obama did very little to help blacks for 8 years, it seems the good reverend could find a better cause to forward the black community then pushing affirmative action in the weed dealing business.  But, this clown long ago became a parody of himself.

So......When Will the Left Begin Policing Itself??

The Left has been calling for unprecedented levels of “Resistance”. This includes even the Former Attorney General of the United States, Loretta Lynch, calling for “blood in the streets”.  David Simon, the writer for the television show 'The Wire', urged people to “pick up a brick”.  Film producer Paul Schrader wrote, “I believe this is a call to violence” 

Angry lesbian Lea DeLaria of “Orange Is the New Black” proclaimed that she was ready to “pick up a baseball bat and take out every f–kin republican and independent I see.”  Even Hillary's running mate Tim Kaine urged people to “fight in the streets”. Protestors have called for violence against Trump and the Republicans as part of their rhetoric, even before Trump had taken the oath of office. Colleges students have been passing out fliers calling for violence against Trump and his administration.

Vox published a call to violently riot in protest of a Trump visit. The City of Berkeley let the AntiFa protestors begin a street fight and riot in order to silence a pro-Trump speaker. The Huffington Post, lets not forget, published an article stating that violence was a good response to Trump - and this before he was even the official nominee. The author even said it was a logical response to Trump. Kathy Griffin… you can make up your mind if that was a call for violence or an approval of the sentiment, but in the end, its the same thing. And there's Snoop Dog and his video executing the president. There’s been others. There continue to be others.

The Left has bred this problem. The Left has allowed this problem to grow. The Left (Democrats, Hillary supporters, Bernie Bros, Antifas et al.) must tone down their repeated calls for violence. Otherwise, what happened yesterday is only going to be the least of what will happen. Calling for violence because your side lost an election, when the systems and processes for peaceful change still exist, is not acceptable!!  But if you insist on violence, you will most certainly lose.........

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

James Hodgkinson: Primed By Hate, Triggered By the Media

 Hodgkinson: "One of my favorite TV shows is “The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC."

It comes as no surprise to me that after months of media drum banging, comedians portrayed holding a severed head and plays depicting political assassinations, etc... that someone on the left would go over the edge. I really didn't expect it to be a middle aged white guy though. I guess it shows just how deep the hate has become on the left.

James Hodgkinson, the Belleville man accused of shooting at congressmen and aides during practice for a congressional baseball game today, had written a number of letters over the years to the editor of the Belleville News-Democrat. In them, he often railed against hateful Republicans and tax policies.

He seemed obsessed about income equality. He was a fan of little left-wing midget Professor Robert Reich and his 
pseudo-socialist economics, who has recently stopped just short of calling for violence resistance. And no surprise either, he is a big fan of Ricky Maddow and his progtard friends at MSNBC riding their popular anti-Trump media wave of fake news exploitation.

Here's a few quotes:
"The best book I’ve read in a while is “Aftershock” by Robert B. Reich."  
"I don’t believe all of the messages on Fox News but I still think they get some of it right. Change channels to MSNBC and get a better, balanced opinion. One of my favorite TV shows is “The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC." 
"As for my loving President Obama, I say when people look at the other side, the choice is obvious." 
"It’s time for the Republican congressmen to grow up. Maybe if they weren’t so full of hate, they could see what they are doing to this country" 
"I believe that anyone who increases his wealth in time of war is a war profiteer, and as such should be brought up on such charges. I also believe this includes President Bush, Vice President Cheney, most of their cabinet, all the people of Halliburton and anyone in the oil business. These people should pay for the crime of war profiteering and being traitors to their country."  
Today we witnessed what a steady dose of left-wing hate and ideology does to the human brain. And what can happen when ones hate and misunderstanding of the facts can do...... Primed by Hate, Triggered by the Media. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Just Another Reason I Don't Give a Rats A$$ About Professional Sports


Downtrend -The National Basketball Association finals have just gone into the record books but the winners of the trophy may be looking at making a political statement. The Golden State Warriors rebounded from a good old-fashioned ass-beating by LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers to post a 129-120 win on Monday night after which they were crowned as NBA champions. 

But before the fizz had gone off the champagne, reports are out that the Warriors are likely to snub President Donald Trump by declining to make the traditional visit to the White House. According to the liberal blog Raw Sewage Story, Golden State Warriors refuse to visit White House after winning NBA title: reports: 
"The NBA champion Golden State Warriors unanimously agreed to skip the customary White House visit, according to reports, although the team hasn’t yet commented. The team, led by superstars Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant, unanimously decided not to accept congratulations from President Donald Trump.Warriors coach Steve Kerr has ripped Trump as a “blowhard” and “ill-suited” for the office, and player David West said the president was a poor role model. “All the tactics that he used to get elected are the very things that someone like me, who works with youth on a consistent basis, are the things that we try to talk our young folks out of being,” West said. “We try to talk our young people out of being bullies. We try to talk our young men out of disrespecting women. We try to talk our young people into being accepting of other people’s opinions and other people’s walks of life.” 
The White House visit is a longtime tradition for winners of major sports championships. The ongoing politicization of the games is a big turnoff to fans as the NFL can attest to after the Colin Kaepernick national anthem fiasco.

Sports is an escape valve from the day to day grind and troubles of the world yet multi-millionaire prima donnas are increasingly using their personas to push an extreme left political message that will ultimately result in people tuning out and finding something better to do.

UPDATE: As it turns out, this story (at least for the time being) is false, propagated by someone in the rabid snarling anti-Trump Sports Media. Ironically it came from a blog named "A Shred of Truth". But I stand by my opinion basketball is a useless waste of good time.....much like soccer.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Amateur Diplomat Dennis Rodman to Visit North Korea And Spend Some Quality Time With Flathead

Amid heighten tension over threatening missile launches and the detention of 4 american citizens, the androgynous cross dressing freak of nature and Basketball legend Dennis Rodman is said to be on his way to North Korea to visit his long time pal, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.
Business Insider- North Korean officials confirmed that Rodman was expected to arrive in Pyongyang, North Korea's capital, on Tuesday. A senior US official also confirmed Rodman's trip and said he was not there in an official capacity.  Rodman declined to answer questions when he was spotted by CNN journalists at Beijing International Airport. Rodman has visited North Korea at least four times — his last trip being in 2014 where he and former NBA All-Stars played an exhibition game as a "birthday present" for Kim Jong Un.  Rodman has in the past defended his trips as "basketball diplomacy" and called them a "great idea for the world."  However, Rodman has been accused of ignoring North Korea's human rights atrocities, including the case of American citizen Kenneth Bae, who was held prisoner and sentenced to forced labor by the regime for allegedly planning to overthrow the North Korean government.