Friday, January 19, 2018

Little Bitch on Blades Says He Will Shun Meeting With VP Pence

Looking Fabulous Like He Just Raided Nancy Kerrigan's Costume Closet

It's an honor to be a members of the US Olympic Team and represent the country on the biggest sports stage in the world. But one figure skater has decided to use the occasion to throw a gay diva temper tantrum and says he will not under any circumstance meet the Vice President Pence, who is set to lead the U.S. Olympic delegation to South Korea. This uptight little Rump Ranger is taking something that is supposed to be apolitical and about competition and sportsmanship and turning into a bitchy Trump resistance moment.

From USA Today:
Adam Rippon, the 2016 U.S. men’s figure skating champion who is believed to be the first openly gay U.S. Winter Olympian, criticized the White House’s selection of Vice President Mike Pence to lead the 2018 U.S. Olympic delegation to South Korea in a phone interview with USA TODAY Sports. 
Rippon, 28, who was selected to his first Olympic team earlier this month after finishing fourth at the U.S. national championships, said that he would not meet Pence during the traditional meet-and-greet between the official delegation and U.S. athletes in the hours leading to the opening ceremony. 
Rippon didn't hesitate at all to show he regularly has his head up his ass too: 
"I don’t think he has a real concept of reality. To stand by some of the things that Donald Trump has said and for Mike Pence to say he’s a devout Christian man is completely contradictory." 
"I don’t think the current administration represents the values that I was taught growing up. Mike Pence doesn’t stand for anything that I really believe in."
Of what values do you speak? Sodomy and disrespecting your own country? I guess in liberal terms those are values, but to normal people they seem pretty disgusting. Rippon also said he will skip the White House post-Olympic celebration hosted by President Trump. I'm sure The Don will be Okay with that, he prefers to be around winners anyway. 

It will be interesting to see if NBC Sports Olympic skating commentator Tara Lipinski and her embarrassingly clownish effeminate appendage, Johnny Weir choose to fawn a little extra over Rippon and his feminine out-fits. Truth be told, he placed 4th in the US Olympic trials and is 28-years-old, so he could be just an also-ran. And if he doesn't shut his mouth he'll have a good chunk of Americans viewers just waiting to see him spectacularly falls on his ass.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!
[USA Today]
H/T Broadside Betty

Thursday, January 18, 2018

That's Not Very Comforting.......

Amid all the actually crazy shit going on in the world, people are now vaping Tide pods.

The Most Hated Doctor In America

Official White House doctor Ronny Jackson performed a thorough examination on President Trump, and like most Americans the president could stand to lose a pound or two, but the doctor declared Trump healthy and "Fit for Duty".  What's interesting was how the media responded. Surely the cognitive exam showed that the President was suffering from dementia or early onset Alzheimer’s or was just flat-out crazy. After all the Left and the Mainstream Media for over a year now have been beating their drums that Trump is clinically insane. Dr. Jackson, a highly trained and respected military doctor must have picked up on that, right?

What struck me as was the sheer amount of media that suddenly decided that they actually knew better than a trained, veteran doctor. They thought they knew better just because they had consulted Wikipedia and WebMD. In their sheer frustration even declared the man who Barack Obama hired as his doctor was a bought and paid for Trumpet fraud.

Dr. Jackson seen here colluding with President Barack Obama to conceal his successor's
medical records and fake their physical exams in the coming years…

This entire sordid episode is just more unending illustration of how completely unhinged the Left has become. The party that is supposedly all about science and rational thought is decidedly irrational, especially when presented with evidence that contradicts their worldview. Literally every attempt to discredit Trump and remove him from office has failed. Russian collusion didn’t work. Obstruction of justice didn’t work. Racism didn’t work. The 25th Amendment ship has now sailed. It will be interesting what new insanity will the Left try next. 

[Sparta Report]

Two Time "DMF ASSHAT OF THE YEAR" Award Winner Takes Trump's Top Honor.

Let's all raise a glass to the first place winner of Donald Trumps 'Fake News Awards', none other than the New York Times Paul Krugman, who boldly proclaimed on the day of President Trump’s historic landslide victory that the economy would never recover. 

Mr. Krugman (Anthropological Classification - Bozo Sapien) is no stranger to these pages and long time readers will remember Krugman as a two time winner of the prestigious Diogenes Middle Finger 'AssHat of the Year', 2011 and again in 2014.

Please join us in congratulating Mr. Krugman in his newest honor and for helping show to America that an Ivy League Education and a prestigious job with the NY Times doesn't necessary mean you have class or common sense. But I'm sure his cat is impressed....

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Now That Trump Has Passed A Mental Fitness Evaluation With Flying Colors, Could the "Unbiased" Media Maybe Suggest a Mental Evaluation of These Two??

Barack Obama Once Wrote: Becoming Donald Trump Was The American Dream.

Barky Day Dreaming of His Own Styrofoam Greek Columns

Donald Trump's name pops up a lot in books from the 1980s and 1990s. At the time he was most everyone's symbol for American wealth and success, here and abroad.  And apparently, Barack Obama once associated the current president with American success as well. In 1991, as a 29-year-old professional college student and soon-to-be Harvard Law School grad, Obama wrote a paper with a friend Robert Fisher called “Race and Rights Rhetoric.” Obama summed up the average American’s mindset with the following sentence: "I may not be Donald Trump now, but just you wait; if I don't make it, my children will." 

This quote came to light following the publishing last year of Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, a 1,460-page biography of the former U.S. president by David J. Garrow. The quote was taken from the duo's law paper and was previously unpublished. Here’s the full excerpt:
 “[Americans have] a continuing normative commitment to the ideals of individual freedom and mobility, values that extend far beyond the issue of race in the American mind. The depth of this commitment may be summarily dismissed as the unfounded optimism of the average American—I may not be Donald Trump now, but just you wait; if I don't make it, my children will.”
Asfar as the book, the New York Times Book Review called it "a bloated, tedious and...ill-considered book that is in desperate need of editing, and way more exhausting than exhaustive.” It's not fair to dismiss a book based on one poor review, especially when it's the snooty elitist New York Times Book Review bunch. There is much they really don't want to read about their hero, never-before-seen (or at least rarely ever shared) insights, like Obama’s aforementioned thoughts on Trump and details on his very serious relationship with Sheila Miyoshi Jager, the white girl kept quietly in the shadows that he proposed marriage twice before settling for south side Michelle.

[New York Times Book Review]
H/T gop-tea-pub

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Squinty and Meat Puppet To Be Honored for Responsible Journalism. No, Really...

As if you really need any more evidence the left and their mouth pieces in the media have gone full Tard, we learn the blathering duo of Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski of NBC News' ugly stepsister MSNBC will be honored for the high practice of their honorable chosen craft of Trump bashing leftist propaganda Journalism.

"Two of most wildly irresponsible members of liberal media, MSNBC anchors Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, are going to receive an award for being part of “a distinguished group of journalists and First Amendment leaders that exemplify responsible journalism and who practice their constitutionally guaranteed duty to seek and report the truth.” 
That’s not a joke, the Radio Television Digital News Foundation (RTDNF) will actually be honoring the Morning Joe co-hosts during the organization’s annual First Amendment Awards dinner on March 8 in Washington, D.C. The couple will specifically receive the Leonard Zeidenberg First Amendment Award for “a radio or television journalist or news executive who has made a major contribution to the protection of First Amendment freedoms.” 
Well, one can certainly understand why they would be picked for such an honor, considering their important contributions....
"In just the past week, Scarborough and Brzezinki have attempted to diagnose Donald Trump with a myriad of mental illnesses while also labeling him an “evil” “racist” who loves Nazis. Over the course of the past year, the pair have routinely offered similarly unhinged commentary against the President. But apparently hurling outrageous accusations that violate every principle of journalistic ethics makes them eligible for an award."
I think the RTDNF announcement is to get ahead of Trump's "Fake News Awards" that Squinty and Meat Puppy are sure to score a win of some kind..... 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Who Knew You Could Buy a Journalist for the Price of a Hooker?

A contributor to the scuzzy feminist website 'Jezebel', and purportedly a self described comedian (?) Sara Benincasa, tweeted out Saturday that she would offer $300 to any journalist who asks Trump his opinion on our nation’s relations with the country of Wakanda and gets him answering on video. If you're like me, you too have no idea where Wakanda is. Just so happens Wakanda is the name of the fictional place where the Marvel's cartoon superhero Black Panther comes from. Um-Kay....

Granted, a story of this caliber would, in fact, be a step up from Benincasa’s usual fare know for pieces like “I am So Not Sorry About My Vagina, and Other Apologies We Should Retract.” (sorry but I don't link to this website). In her lengthy thread on the tweeter, Benincasa encouraged others to offer monetary incentive saying she would start up a crowdfunding or Venmo thingy whereby any others who wish to thank the intrepid reporters bravery can add to the purse. Benincasa recommended that journalists who wanted to score the $300 prize could “casually drop the name of Wakanda in among a list of other things he’s never heard of, like Estonia and Ethics.”
"I am offering $300 to the journalist who very seriously asks Trump his opinion on our nation’s relations with Wakanda and gets the question and answer recorded live on video. I know $300 doesn’t sound like a lot to some people but I also know what most reporters make so...$300. @SaraJBenincasa 
According to The Media Research Center, the Huffington Post’s Jason Linkins tweeted, “I will match Sara’s $300.” Best known for his articles in the HuffPo headlined, “Trump Era Ignorance Triumphs Over Shakespeare,” “James Comey Calls Donald Trump A Liar (Because He Is),” and “The Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory is Emblematic of the Trump Era,” the offer seems to fall in line with the rest of Linkins’ political narrative. TV Guide editor Alex Zalben threw in his two cents, tweeting:
 “If you follow this up with a question (that he answers) about whether Wakandan/American relations are complicated by them granting asylum to the terrorist fugitive James Buchanan Barnes, I will double the offer.” 
She also encouraged successful journalists to “donate the money" somewhere like the Committee to Protect Journalists. The CPJ recently placed President Trump on a list of authoritarian leaders with the label, “world’s worst press oppressors.” He was the winner of the “Overall Achievement in Undermining Global Press Freedom,“ and runner up for “Most Thin-skinned.” Trump was listed along with world leaders who use actual terrorism to influence the press. But that doesn’t matter. It’s all anti-Trump, which means it must be worthwhile, right?

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning