Thursday, June 14, 2018

'It was like summer camp on steroids.' - Obama's Air Force One and Drug and Booze Fueled Press Pool Travel

White House stenographer Beck Dorey-Stein has made some salacious claims in her upcoming memoir, 'From the Corner of the Oval' due out next month. While we’re way beyond debating whether or not Barky had a “scandal-free” administration as he and his lapdogs in the media claim, the former President's stenographer has penned the new book with several revealing claims from her copious notes taken during her time in the Obama WH, and travel to over 60 countries over five years aboard Air Force One.

In 2012 Beck Dorey-Stein was 25 years old working part-time jobs when she casually answered an ad on Craigslist for a stenographer. Two interviews later, she was offered a job in Barack Obama's White House. Her assignment - with mic in hand - was to record everything the president said, type it up, and release the transcript to the press office and presidential archive. She also made copious notes on the details of her personal life in the WH and witnessing Obama's life in midair.

Her new job would give her insight into the obscure party culture within the press pool, a glimpse of the president's personal life, and would even land her in a hot and heavy sexual relationship with a White House staffer. Air Force One, where pool reporters had their own press cabin,  has everything one could ask for in comfort – endless entrees, snacks, cocktails. "Traveling with the president was like summer camp on steroids."

The “steroids” in this case would be a steady supply of pharmaceuticals, which staffers were constantly taking while cheating on their significant others on the road, such as senior staffer Jason Wolf.  Boarding Air Force One for the first time, she thought she saw actor Jim Carrey sitting near the front of the plane. He turned out to be the man she fell hopelessly in love with, Jason Wolf,  the man she left her hotel room door ajar for in foreign cities.

On her first trip out, Beck found herself in $500-a night hotel rooms with breathtaking views of Cabo San Lucas before continuing on to Costa Rica, Tanzania, Laos. She'd listen to old-timer boozy party animals tell stories about the different administrations, presidents, and international incidents they've witnessed. She describes experiencing 'the best sleepover parties ever' where everyone took their drug of choice on long flights – Sonata, Xanax or Ambien – which made any "awkward intimacy with colleagues suddenly just funny and bizarre."

With the end of Obama's term in sight, Beck wanted to be outside the HRC bubble and away from what felt like power players in Washington hungry to prove something. It was hard for her to imagine not traveling together with this crew of colleagues she had circled the globe with in Air Force One. 

The author wound up staying on with the Trump administration, or what she describes as the 'insane clown posse', and the White House executive parking lot now filled with Porsches and Maseratis' instead of Priuses and Chevys. "What was once joy has become 'a waking nightmare. I'm now a stenographer in the Trump administration". She's has very little if any restricted access to the president, and one of the few people who hear EVERYTHING.........

The Daily Mail has more on her book HERE.

(Random House Pub)
H/T Sweet Loretta of Notting Hill

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Media, DJT and the Mind Voodoo Medicine Men

Of course, returning from what seems a very successful summit and a call from overseas for a Nobel nomination, the notorious left-wing news propaganda site 'Salon' decided it was a good time to post an interview, that has been widely linked, with an allegedly noted Psychiatrist discussing the state of Donald Trump’s mental health. 
NB - In an interview with Dr. John Gartner, a former professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University Medical School and co-editor of "Rocket Man: Nuclear Madness and the Mind of Donald Trump," labeled Trump “a madman” and explained why he believes Trump suffers from “malignant narcissism.”
Gartner, of course, hasn’t personally evaluated Trump. Still, he’s sure Trump “truly doesn't care if he destroys us all. In fact, there's a part of Trump that would almost take glee in it.” Gartner added for good measure, “He's impulsive, he's erratic, he's seeing the world in a grossly distorted way. 
How does Gartner know? “Trump tortures anyone who doesn't give him what he wants.” Oh... 
The president, according to the shrink, is in a state of deterioration. A characteristic of malignant narcissists like Trump is that “when they gain power, they become more inflamed in their grandiosity and in their paranoia.” In Trump’s case, what many would see as a show of confidence expected of a leader, Gartner sees as a delusion of “papal infallibility.”......[ ] 
The interview and long distance diagnosis represented just one more small-minded attack on the President. Instead of taking on his policy decisions in a civilized argument, the media has once again resorted to slandering his mental health instead. Since CNN's poodle boy Brian Stelter’s opinion wasn't enough, the media once again trots out a pseudo-medical expert like Dr. Gartner who doesn't know, nor has ever even been in the presence of the subject, but with enough lack of professionalism to be willing to support their claims.

And I don't know about you guys, but I have about as much respect for Psychiatrist as I do psychics. They're both cons, talk a bunch of crap and take peoples money. Besides Dr. Gartner, you don't need no costly, high highfalutin' degree in Psychiatry or such voodoo of the mind stuff to pronounce someone you don't know to be crazy, cause we can hear the same nonsense about DJT's mental health every day from that whacked-out bint Joy Behar on 'The View'. And she just has an English degree.....and probably makes a whole lot more money than you.  🙌


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Democratic National Committee Turns To Hollywood for Help in Messaging for 2018/2020. No Really.

"We’re a messaging strike force" - Mathew Littman, former Joe Biden speechwriter 

Because Killing Babies and Taking Away Constitutional Rights
Isn’t Enough of a Winning Message. 

While DJT is in Singapore negotiating World Peace, Hollywood Liberals trying desperately to remain relevant are yelling F*ck Trump on national television. They can't seem to do the math.....but messaging is their business. What could go wrong?

"The Democratic National Committee and members of Congress are turning to Hollywood for help with voter turnout and messaging ahead of the midterm elections and 2020 presidential campaign, quietly consulting with a group of actors, writers and producers here."
"DNC Chairman Tom Perez, several House members and other top elected officials have already met with the group, formed by members of the entertainment industry in the wake of the 2016 election, that participants liken to a TV writers’ room, complete with producers of such programs as “Veep.” 
"The existence of the group and details of the meetings have not been previously reported. The group has discussed targeted voter-registration programs with visiting Democrats, as well as the party’s framing of issues ranging from abortion rights to gun control. In one recent meeting, a Midwestern senator sought advice about how to discuss gun control with conservative-leaning voters in his or her state, multiple participants said........"
"One of our strengths is an incredibly creative community that knows how to message and knows how to reach people and can come up with hopefully some kind of messaging for the DNC and others that can help going forward,” said Craig Zisk, a director and producer involved in the group. “We do it for movie posters, we do it for TV Guide slug-lines, and we want to be able to do that for the DNC."

The vast majority of movies and TV shows are mediocre or flops, but by all means enlist those “creative” people responsible for so much failure to mold the Democratic Party message. That the DNC really thinks anyone or anything in Hollywood will be helpful in delivering votes just shows how elitist and out of touch they are. America has begun rejecting the celebrity echo chamber novice political opinion, and if democrats are hanging their hopes on Hollywood delivering voters with flowery worded posters and thinly veiled TV propaganda, they will continue their slide into chaotic irrelevancy. Carry On!

* Thank You MJA for the Linkage! *

Monday, June 11, 2018

Irrelevant Gasbag & Soy Boy Prime Minister Team Up to Help Trump Re-election Campaign

Who’d a thunk it? Here we have Robert De Niro and Justin Trudeau, who personify elitism and hypocrisy, teamed up this weekend to do their part in helping re-elect Donald Trump. As if working in concert, the duo made their initial contributions to the Trump campaign within hours of each other over the weekend. Trudeau went first.

Long before the G7 summit, Trudeau had proclaimed: "World at ‘pivot point,’ needs to embrace free trade." Trudeau stated in an interview aired Sunday that the reasoning behind implementing new U.S. tariffs on Canada was "insulting and unacceptable. Canada is “polite, we’re reasonable but we also will not be pushed around," Trudeau added.

Aboard Air Force One heading for the Singapore Summit, Trump learned of Trudeau’s swipe and instantly directed his staff to unfix his name to the G7’s final communique. He also noted this of the much ballyhooed “pro-free trade” Canadian Prime Minister, by taking to the tweeter:
“Canada charges the U.S. a 270% tariff on Dairy Products! They didn’t tell you that, did they? Not fair to our farmers!” 
It is said one of  Donald Trump’s darkest talents is his ability to identify an opponent’s delicate spot and stab it remorselessly. *cough* CNN *cough* From his knack for condescending nicknames (Low Energy Jeb, Little Rocket Man) to inviting Bill Clinton’s accusers to the second presidential debate, there’s no denying the man has a skill for knifing sensitive spots. And now he has found Canada’s vulnerable flank: Dairy Tariffs. 

As the CBC reminded:
"Canada levies a tariff of 270 percent on milk, 245 percent on cheese and 298 percent on butter in an effort to keep U.S. and other foreign dairy imports out.” These tariffs exist almost exclusively for the benefit of the agriculture sector of Quebec, a province with a unique stranglehold on Canadian politics." 
Now, Trump having successfully pointed out that the Canadian Dairy Emperor is a hypocrite and has no free trading clothes, he has begun righting the ship of tariffs and I'm sure to the delight of American dairy farmers. A more basic contribution to his re-election, this one courtesy of Justin Trudeau, would be hard to imagine.

Hard to imagine, that is until Sunday evening.

Not to be outdone by a mere Canadian prime minister in the drive to re-elect Trump, actor Robert De Niro stepped to the nationally televised stage in NY City at Broadway’s Tony Awards. Standing in front of an audience of glitzy wealthy American liberal elites, De Niro proceeded to drive the TV censors crazy by launching his profanity-laced tirade of expletives that sparked a roaring reaction from the audience, with most standing up to cheer.

It would be hard to understate the value of De Niro’s contribution to the Trump campaign seeing all the media publicity it garnered. Taking Hillary's snooty “basket of deplorables” snobbery to an entirely new level, De Niro and his fellow Hollywood/Broadway light in the loafers elitist snoots effectively gave the middle finger to average Americans from coast to coast. One can only be amazed at the powerful combination of such utter, blatant and quite vivid hypocrisy (from Trudeau) combined with the even more haughty arrogance of a famous and rich liberal actor (De Niro) as they collectively made Donald Trump a truth-telling hero to Americans. Even some in the media had to agree. 

Justin Trudeau and Robert De Niro. Helping re-elect Trump to keep Making America Great Again. Who knew?


A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Reasons Why The Left Is Losing - And Deserves To Lose

America has changed since the fateful Inauguration of the 45th president. Unemployment has dropped to unprecedented & historic lows, the stock market is up by one third and for the first time on a long time, a majority of the public appear to have a positive view about their future. Meanwhile, in the past 6 months the democrat’s have seen their 15+ point lead in the generic ballot dwindle down to the margin of error, a measly +3.  The much vaunted Blue Wave appears be to look more like a Tidy Bowl Commercial than a revolution,  a giant sucking sound of their dreams of regaining Congress flushing down the toilet. Hopefully nothing but disappointment will greet Democrats in November rather than the sweet joy of Resistance revenge. Bless their hearts, the poor dears have survived by howling at the sky and counting the days until Mueller personally impeaches Trump, and still grappling with the existence of the Electoral College they don't understand. The left has become a caricature of a nursery school full of crying children run by drunken samurai.

Here are three reasons off the top of my head why I believe the left are losing, and most deservingly to keep losing.

First, the left’s pathological disdain for American values. In the 18 months of  Donald Trump's presidency, the American people have been told on a daily basis he’s a fascist, a Hitler in progress, not to mention racist, mentally unstable and of course a stupid liar, too. And yet his America First agenda has seen a resurgence of past US foreign policy moral clarity, strong and persistent economic growth that has notably benefited blacks, Hispanics (that's POC to the 'Woke') and women.

Between the daily Chicken Little warnings not coming true and the Democrats and their media lackeys chronic glass-is-half-empty response to every positive development, Trump’s polls have gone up as theirs have fallen. It’s a mystery that even Joe Biden should be able to solve; America is a center-right nation at heart and while we may have been hoodwinked by Hope and Change in 2008, we have no love for a party who won’t cheer for good news. There isn’t a single thing the Democrats and the left supports that’s objectively good for America. To the contrary, they are clearly on the wrong side of history, the rule of law, and even constitutional rights.

Second, America celebrates merit and achievement and believes everyone should have equal opportunity while the left clings to hoary feminist myths of gender pay gaps and glass ceilings. Instead of celebrating cabinet-level appointments of powerhouse women like UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, democrats dismiss or denigrate the First Lady and First Daughter at every opportunity. The left cherishes the narrative that they and they alone are the champions of Civil Rights.  Barky Obama’s incessant identity politics and the maxing out of the race card in the past decade has set back race relations decades, at least. What this is starting to show America is that the left does not, in fact, care about women or minorities, they only care about power. The Trump election seems to have ripped the mask right off and all the virtue signaling they can muster won’t cover the ugly inconvenient truth up again.

Thirdthe personal is now political and the political is personal.  The left got their wish. Decades of thinking globally and acting locally has had intended results that most Americans didn’t know were part of the plan all along. Like The Paris Accord, a disgraceful boondoggle and sell out of the American taxpayer to global elites who profit from the Climate Change hoax industry and a massive transfer of wealth to developing countries that Obama willed upon the American economy.

Hollywood and media celebrity have a platform to berate Trump and over 60 million voters who supported him. Yet, acting like a disturbed teenager who cuts themselves, their T.V. shows, movies, songs, and even SNL skits rub their own wounds of the 2016 election with salt as they pretend to laugh.  And the peaceful residents of places like Berkeley, Cal. have to endure repeated ‘days of action’ with masked Antifa thugs smashing, harassing and burning and beating. If you listen to the media or Democrat leaders, these masked fascists are heroes. It doesn’t help that SJW fascists have turned college campuses into indoctrination camps complete with kangaroo courts that leave young men to be guilty by accusation. These are the same SJW lunatics who attack anything that triggers their fascist fetish. Nothing is safe. Not movies, music, video games, or private citizens.

But the Twitter mob has overstayed its welcome, and you can look back to the disgusting reaction to Barbara Bush’s passing as one of the countless incidents that exposed the left as enemies of decency. You deserve to continue losing ground in the war for the soul of America, and to lose every election from now on. We’ve seen California, and we don’t like what you’ve done to a beautiful state that gave America and the world so much.

* Thank You MJA for the Linkage! *

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater: Saturday Blues Matinee

* No Tuxedos Required *

Educational Crash Course # 831

Another Installment of Diogenes'
  Public Service Educational Series:

"Wisdom of the Founders 101"

Next in Series:

LectureFuc Sleeping Your Way To Sucess in Journalism
With NYT's Reporterette Ali Watkins


Educational Crash Course Series Archive

* Thank You MJA for the Linkage! *