Thursday, June 14, 2018

'It was like summer camp on steroids.' - Obama's Air Force One and Drug and Booze Fueled Press Pool Travel

White House stenographer Beck Dorey-Stein has made some salacious claims in her upcoming memoir, 'From the Corner of the Oval' due out next month. While we’re way beyond debating whether or not Barky had a “scandal-free” administration as he and his lapdogs in the media claim, the former President's stenographer has penned the new book with several revealing claims from her copious notes taken during her time in the Obama WH, and travel to over 60 countries over five years aboard Air Force One.

In 2012 Beck Dorey-Stein was 25 years old working part-time jobs when she casually answered an ad on Craigslist for a stenographer. Two interviews later, she was offered a job in Barack Obama's White House. Her assignment - with mic in hand - was to record everything the president said, type it up, and release the transcript to the press office and presidential archive. She also made copious notes on the details of her personal life in the WH and witnessing Obama's life in midair.

Her new job would give her insight into the obscure party culture within the press pool, a glimpse of the president's personal life, and would even land her in a hot and heavy sexual relationship with a White House staffer. Air Force One, where pool reporters had their own press cabin,  has everything one could ask for in comfort – endless entrees, snacks, cocktails. "Traveling with the president was like summer camp on steroids."

The “steroids” in this case would be a steady supply of pharmaceuticals, which staffers were constantly taking while cheating on their significant others on the road, such as senior staffer Jason Wolf.  Boarding Air Force One for the first time, she thought she saw actor Jim Carrey sitting near the front of the plane. He turned out to be the man she fell hopelessly in love with, Jason Wolf,  the man she left her hotel room door ajar for in foreign cities.

On her first trip out, Beck found herself in $500-a night hotel rooms with breathtaking views of Cabo San Lucas before continuing on to Costa Rica, Tanzania, Laos. She'd listen to old-timer boozy party animals tell stories about the different administrations, presidents, and international incidents they've witnessed. She describes experiencing 'the best sleepover parties ever' where everyone took their drug of choice on long flights – Sonata, Xanax or Ambien – which made any "awkward intimacy with colleagues suddenly just funny and bizarre."

With the end of Obama's term in sight, Beck wanted to be outside the HRC bubble and away from what felt like power players in Washington hungry to prove something. It was hard for her to imagine not traveling together with this crew of colleagues she had circled the globe with in Air Force One. 

The author wound up staying on with the Trump administration, or what she describes as the 'insane clown posse', and the White House executive parking lot now filled with Porsches and Maseratis' instead of Priuses and Chevys. "What was once joy has become 'a waking nightmare. I'm now a stenographer in the Trump administration". She's has very little if any restricted access to the president, and one of the few people who hear EVERYTHING.........

The Daily Mail has more on her book HERE.

(Random House Pub)
H/T Sweet Loretta of Notting Hill

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