Sunday, March 17, 2019

No One is Watching Except Bored Emotional Support Animals In Airport Lounges

It must be tough driving to work knowing not one show on your entire network can beat the morning crap-fest 'Squinty & Meat Puppet' in the ratings. (Lookin' at you prime time Fredo)

Yet CNN is still trying to pretend they're a "news" channel, but their efforts at red meat shitheadery (Cuomo, Lemon, etc.) ring false somehow. It's just a pale cargo-cult simulacrum of the eight-headed shouty-fest that the other two networks have perfected. The wall-to-wall bash Trump sugar high is wearing off. And to think, the guy that has presided over CNN's race to become a laughing stock, Jeff Zucker, was promoted to Chairman of one of Warner's new media companies in addition to CNN. I guess picking on CNN is starting to feel like kicking a puppy for peeing on the floor......

But this chart from @roadmn is BRUTAL. Clicky to Bigify


~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music, Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

~ Thank You HOT COFFEE@Rumor Mill News Reading Room for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Science Be Hard

What's Her Name and Her new Friend, Bill Nye The Fake Science Guy

In the newest attempt by the Left to grease the wheels for ridiculous environmental policy is the “racial gap” in air pollution. This is nothing more than the standard leftist emotional appeal to force their radicalism using guilt and by parading cultural marxism as a science. An article in USA Today , the McDonalds of News, claims that Blacks and Hispanics disproportionately breathe air that's been polluted by non-Hispanic whites, but let’s actually think about that data for a second.

The article focuses on pollution caused by “non-Hispanic whites” which happens to be 60% of the population, and how that majority of the population creates more pollution, in other words, more people have a larger effect than less people.  Yes, this is science according to the Left. This is how the Left will attempt to cede control of everything under the guise of equity, the claim being that because whites consume more they are more responsible for pollution, and since Hispanic and Black minorities live in urban areas which have far higher air pollution it must be white people’s fault. Even in the study the author admits that pollution has been greatly reduced, but they need to focus on the “racial inequity”, which is their pseudo-intellectual way of saying “we are actually reducing pollution, but I want radical policy changes so I’m going to make it racist”.

The rhetoric on environmental issues from the Left is as astounding as it is dishonest. When you hear the statements about how close we are to the brink of no return with global warming, ever hear them speak about stopping countries like China and India from pushing us over this supposed brink? That whites are responsible for pollution and it’s hurting brown people is now racist. It’s just as dumb as saying whites eat more bread, whites drive more cars, whites own more homes and making that a reason why the whites are somehow racist solely based on the fact that they are the majority. The only solution I can seem to find them suggesting is that whites need to stop being the majority and this will solve the problem.......
“These findings confirm what most grassroots environmental justice leaders have known for decades, ‘whites are dumping their pollution on poor people and people of color,’” said Texas Southern University public affairs professor Robert Bullard, who was not part of the research. Bullard, often called the father of environmental justice, is African-American.

Does This Diversity Thing Rock or What!

Man Meets Man, Men Become Women, 
Women Beat Up Women Who Want To Be Men?

Okay, this is one of the few times Diogenes has needed both a calculator and the Urban Dictionary to figure out what the hell an article was about:
"In what has been described as a “horrifying” incident two women were attacked by a group of men who identified themselves as “transgender women” at the Portland State University “Law and Disorder Conference” which billed itself as a “provocative space for comparative critical dialogue between activists, revolutionaries, educators, artists, musicians, scholars, dancers, actors and writers”. 
The women were attacked in a coordinated assault as they sat at a table which sold feminist books and literature. The men destroyed the books and marked up the table display with permanent markers. One of the women was also marked up by the men. 
Predominantly male conference onlookers by all reports allowed the attack to take place, watching in stunned silence. Two males affiliated with the same group as the feminists - Deep Green Resistance - were also in attendance and the “trans women” threw a projectile at the head of one of them.
According to reports, the transgender males or “trans women” took issue with the feminist content in the Deep Green Resistance materials. Specifically, a portion of the materials reflected the feminist position that social roles based on sex are undesirable and harmful to women........"
Now Diogenes is just a little confused as to what happened here.

Notice in italics part of the article that says the “predominantly male onlookers allowed the attack to take place.” Keep in mind that’s assuming that the male onlookers were actually male.” Diogenes would not rush to judgement on that lest I be taken as a BLTaphobe.

Also, even if the males were actually male, which they probably might or could have possibly been or not, why in the world would the onlookers defend feminists against their transgender attackers? That could, or may not possibly so or possibly not, be construed as a sexual hate crime against an oppressed group.

Best leave all the bitches alone and let them slap each other senseless until small trickles of blood drip from their collective noses.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Monday, March 11, 2019

In Case You're Wondering Who's Really Responsible for Someone Like Ilhan Omar Getting Elected to Congress....

Dec 22, 2016 - According to the Refugee Processing Center, the Obama administration has already welcomed 23,248 individuals to the United States as “refugees” through the first 11 weeks of the 2017 fiscal year – almost doubling the 13,786 who were accepted for the same period in 2016. Obama’s goal is to bring in as many refugees into America as possible through a concerted effort – before Trump takes over the presidency.

Barack Obama is speeding up the “refugee” resettlement process before he turns over the White House keys to his successor, President-elect Donald Trump – in an effort to boost the numbers so high that it is now projected that they will exceed his target of 110,000 for this fiscal year by nearly 600.

Conservative Review Senior Editor Daniel Horowitz points out that even though Obama is planning on bringing 110,000 refugees into America this fiscal year, Trump will be able to block the remaining 80,000 or so slated to arrive on U.S. soil after he takes over the reins from the lame duck president.
"Think about this: We’ve brought in 3,000 Somalis in just two-and-a-half months. That is outpacing our typical 8,000-10,000 that we’ve unprecedentedly brought in almost every year for over two decades. Thousands more have come from other countries in the Middle East and North Africa. 
Clearly, Obama is trying to front-load refugee resettlement and set it in motion for the remainder of the fiscal year – even after he leaves office. There is believed to be a political motivation to the influx of refugees in specific states – in order to transform them from red to blue ….."
The expert on immigration and legal matters is amazed that the Obama administration continues its push to bring more and more Somali refugees into Minnesota and Ohio – despite the fact that Minneapolis and Columbus have reported numerous terror recruitment problems inside of their communities dominated by relocated Somalis.

He added that the “fundamental transformation” of America initiated by Obama has seen an inflated number of Somalis and Syrians infused into modestly to moderately populated cities – such as Erie, Pennsylvania and Bowling Green, Kentucky.
“They are bringing the refugees in so fast right now that it’s difficult to find places to house them. I’ve been hearing stories from my sources that some are being secretly housed in Muslim-owned hotels and being held there until openings can be found in local apartment complexes. Housing is always the key for this program. That’s why I often tell people to be wary of government-subsidized housing projects being built in your city because this is often a precursor to refugee resettlement, especially if you have a liberal mayor at the helm of your city.”

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Educational Crash Course #952

 Another Installment of Diogenes'
Public Service Educational Series:

"Medieval History 101"
Major Discoveries and Advancements in Knowledge

in 15th Century Eastern Europe

 Socialism for Fun, Fame and Profit:
A lecture by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Saturday, March 9, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director