Sunday, April 14, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Sunday Matinee

~ No Tuxedos Required ~

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Saturday, April 13, 2019

“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

Demosaurus Hypocriticus - (Bozo Sapien)

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that democrats and the ivory tower media are making such a fuss about DJT's proposal to send illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities. This the liberals and media should be applauding! Sanctuary cities actively invite illegals to come there for safety, and all the president proposes is sending those cities more of what they said they were willing to take, and he's even throwing in free shipping. After all, Sanctuary city leaders, and apparently indirectly city voters, have been willing to provide the millions of dollars in tax resources to welcome them the past two years. 

Sanctuary cities are indeed the most humane option for the million or so illegals that arrive each year, and their mayors should specifically request receiving illegals for humanitarian reasons and even compete for illegals. The inhuman alternative is releasing illegals to areas unprepared to suddenly handle tens to hundreds of thousands of needy people, which would be inhumane because they would get far less care, less housing, less food, and less medical care than the sanctuary cities. If one illegal is good for a sanctuary city................

What Trump has brilliantly done is applied the fourth of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

The holier-than-thou media and democrat politicans have been lecturing the public for years how illegals are the ideal citizen and no walls or other efforts should be made to stop or limit their crossing into the United States. Yet when the President offers to send them more illegals, they object. These Mayors and governors are currently violating federal law by harboring illegal immigrants and refusing, at the cost of the lives and property of their legal citizens, to report their presence to the federal government.

So why do they object now??  Well, let's suppose the mayor of Oakland or San Francisco opened their doors and welcomed 100,000 illegals a year. Their progressive citizens might initially rejoice and embrace their new residents. But reality would sink in before very long, with massive hikes in taxes, crime, disease and homelessness and all, things that are already apparent in some places.  Residents would eventually revolt. Or maybe the liberals love illegals but just don’t want “them” in THEIR neighborhood (lookin' at you Malibu Babs) which makes them the greatest hypocrites of all time and deserve all possible ridicule and scorn they get from law abiding American people.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Chinese Scientist Work to Help Improve Cable News Network

Chinese scientists have implanted human brain genes into monkeys in an attempt to boost their development and provide insights into the unique evolution of human intelligence. Analysis of the monkeys' behavior and physiology showed they developed in a more human-like fashion, with better short-term memory and a faster reaction time compared to a control group. The genome of rhesus monkeys differs from ours by a few percent. That's millions of individual DNA bases differing between humans and monkeys. Researchers inserted human versions of MCPH1, a gene that scientists believe plays a role in the development of the human brain, into 11 rhesus monkeys. "Our findings demonstrated that transgenic nonhuman primates (excluding ape species) have the potential to provide important -- and potentially unique -- insights into basic questions of what actually makes human unique," the authors wrote.

The monkeys underwent memory tests requiring them to remember colours and shapes on a screen, and were subjected to MRI scans.  The authors said the rhesus monkey, though genetically closer to humans than rodents, is still distant enough to alleviate ethical concerns. However, some questioned the ethics of the experiment.

(St. Louis Post Dispatch)
H/T Broadside Betty

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Impeachment Porn And The State Of Journalism

Ricky Maddow: Moonbat Conspiratorial Rants for a Hateful, Aggrieved, and Ignorant Audience

For 2 years a completely absurd set of allegations presented as fact has dominated the airwaves and paralyzed the executive branch, specifically that the President of the United States of America was 1) a compromised tool of Moscow (New York Times November 29, 2018), 2) had colluded with Russia as a candidate (January 26, 2019), and 3) was an agent of Kremlin (NY Times article January 11, 2019). These falsehoods flashed before our eyes in newspapers, television news shows, social media one-minute stories, and in the political weaponized entertainment industry though numerous Saturday Night Live skits and countless hecklings by late night comedy hosts. Had these stories been classified as paid political advertisements and not “journalism” or “entertainment,” the onslaught of Trump-Russia smears would have represented an unprecedented multi-billion dollar negative ad campaign that would have even strained Michael Bloomberg’s wallet. But peddled as “news” these narratives hearkened back to the propaganda sheets of Pravda and the unintentionally hilarious articles on the North Korean news website.

The investigation into Trump and members of his business and political world has turned up more incriminating evidence on his bureaucratic adversaries in the “deep state resistance” and the governmental institutions, that they’ve turned into a Maginot Line with the guns pointed down Pennsylvania Avenue. The Beltway swamp creatures have been exposed as partisan fraudsters, but what about the national press who have compensated them for promulgating their slanders?

The First Amendment allows the rigged media outlets to profiteer though it does not obligate us to support their antics, nor does it prohibit Americans from justly criticizing them. After eight years of “obey and conform lest you are a racist,” the media has returned to their Bush-era identity of encouraging the most obnoxious “patriotic” dissent imaginable, with no violent language or genitalia foam costume being too extreme.

The entire Russia episode was nothing more than salacious “impeachment porn” (an appropriate analogy considering the involvement of an actual adult movie “performer” in the investigation) intended to drive the audience to an intense frenzy. However the feature concluded not with the desired euphoric climax but abrupt disappointment, leaving their fantasy of seeing President Trump (and his children) perp walked out of the White House in handcuffs unfulfilled.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Would You Like To Reclaim Your Time There Darlin'?

Reeking of desperation and adult bedwetting, democrats once again demonstrate the 
need for Term Limits!

~Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

As The Table Turns.....

Attorney General William Barr is assembling a “team” to investigate the origins of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign, an official told Fox News on Tuesday. Republicans repeatedly have called for a thorough investigation of the FBI’s intelligence practices and the basis of the since-discredited Russian collusion narrative following the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe — and they now appear to have assurances that a comprehensive review was underway.
The rats are scrambling at the FBI and DOJ— and I do mean the Obama-Clinton rats! AG Barr assembles 'team' to look into counterintelligence investigation on Trump campaign in 2016 -Lou Dodds@The Tweeter
William Barr said before a senate committee Wednesday U.S. intelligence agencies engaged in spying directed at the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.
"I think spying did occur. But the question is whether it was adequately predicated and I am not suggesting that it wasn't adequately predicated. ... I am not suggesting those rules were violated, but I think it is important to look at that. And I am not talking about the FBI necessarily, but intelligence agencies more broadly."
Progressives are in hilarious full straight-jacket meltdown.......
"HOO BOY. The giant takeaway is that Bill Barr is a fucking right-wing idiot Fox News-infused conspiracy theorist dipshit just like your uncle, and in this scenario, you don't actually love your uncle. Either that, or he plays one really well on TV. 
All of this -- made-up stories about the Deep State sending spies to the Trump campaign, made-up stories about the Obama administration improperly obtaining FISA warrants on Carter Page -- is a collection of conspiracy theories Devin Nunes made up after (ALLEGEDLY!) snorting some hot yacht powder off a sexxxy cow's teat. The Obama administration did not spy on the Trump campaign. They did not "wire tapp" Donald Trump. The warrants on Carter Page were obtained after Page left the campaign (though Page had been on their radar for ages) and no, they were not based solely or even mostly on the Steele Dossier, no matter what Devin Nunes's lie memo tries to insinuate. 
This is all hallucinatory bullshit from people who probably should be examined by the nearest neurologist. WHAT FUCKING MADNESS ARE WE DEALING WITH?"
Discuss among yourselves.....

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Leftist "Moral Test" and Intimidation Tactics

A group of organizations have formed a coalition to pressure companies not to hire people who have worked for the Trump administration, including former secretary of DHS, Kirstjen Nielsen, who resigned from her post on Sunday. The group known as “Restore Public Trust”, who claim to be non-partisan, organized the coalition and released an open letter urging the blacklisting of 27 current and former Trump administration officials who were involved with President Trump's border security policies.

The letter,  sent to the chief executive officers of all Fortune 500 companies, states chillingly that the listed individuals "should not be allowed to seek refuge in your boardrooms or corner offices. Allowing them to step off of the revolving door and into your welcoming arms should be a non-starter.” In addition to Nielsen, the list includes former White House chief of staff John Kelly, Trump spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and former DOJ spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores. Conspicuously missing from the list are the Obama officials who carried out the same policies at the border.

The Restore Public Trust executive director Caroline Ciccone is a former director of the left-wing advocacy group Americans United for Change, and a former Obama administration staffer. In 2016, Americans United for Change National Field Director Scott Foval was caught on camera suggesting that the AUC paid mentally ill and homeless people to instigate violence at Trump campaign events. "We have mentally ill people that we pay to do sh*t -- make no mistake," Foval is heard saying in a Project Veritas video.

The blacklist letter, according to RPT spokesman Karl Frisch, was a warning shot to “corporate America, who need to think twice about what that will mean for their brand to be associating with somebody who is responsible for one of the most horrific policies this administration put forward and that speaks volumes. Do they want to be famous for this?”

I'd rather be "famous" for trying to instill order at the border under extreme and stressful circumstances than for paying mentally deranged people to start fights at political rallies. But maybe that's just me.

(Nice Deb)
~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Monday, April 8, 2019

Mayor Pete Just had To Go There, Didn't He......

Mayor Pete and the First Lady of South Bend 

I was thoroughly prepared to (mostly) be nice and just ignore the homosexuality of Mayor Pete Buttgig, the honorable Mayor of South Bend Indiana, as just another one of the multitude of occupants of the Democrat presidential candidates clown car seeking the 2020 nomination. I said I was, until I read this in USA Today:

“That’s the thing that I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand,” Buttigieg said of the vice president, who has opposed same-sex marriage. “That if you have a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.” 
It’s unusual for Democratic presidential candidates to talk about faith as often as Buttigieg does. It’s groundbreaking that he uses his marriage to another man to illustrate his personal relationship with God. Buttigieg gets easy applause lines at Democratic-friendly audiences, as he did Sunday, for criticizing Pence when he talks about being gay. (His first mention of Pence on Sunday, when Buttigieg described coming out while Pence was serving as Indiana’s governor, generated boos and hisses.)....."
He just had to go there. So if he’s going to campaign as the 'homosexual candidate', then we certainly have every right to note his sexual orientation in discussing him. Butt, of course, there’s more: if Mr Buttgig is going to introduce religion into the campaign by criticizing evangelical support for Donald Trump and Mike Pence, then he has also introduced religious criticism of his position concerning Christianity and homosexuality. He might come to regret that.

But I will admit to some amusement at the fact that Mr Buttgig’s wife Chasten Buttigig, gave some guidance on the pronunciation of the candidate’s name: “boot-edge-edge,” “buddha-judge,” “boot-a-judge” and “boo-tuh-judge.” A homosexual male named “booty judge”? It is to laugh. And how long ago was it that we were told that it was nobody else’s business what other people do in their bedrooms?  Seems that nowadays that is something that homosexuals believe they should shout from the rooftop. It seems to me that any expectation of privacy on that matter was ended by Mr. Buttgig himself.

So, we have a Democratic candidate criticizing the religious faith of other people, calling them hypocrites. OK, fair enough! It also means that we can criticize Mr Buttgig’s odd interpretation of Christianity and what the Bible allows. Let’s have at it!

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~