Sunday, November 24, 2019

This Thanksgiving Don't Forget to Use Proper Gender Pronouns

As a public service of DMF, we'd like to help clear up any confusion 
you slugs have as to proper use of gender pronouns.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Friday, November 22, 2019

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Norma Desmond Drama Queen Of American Politics Soundbite Mini-Series is Not Playing Well in Peoria.

Anyone who has watched Adam Schiff's overly dramatic readings of his closing statements, as he looks directly into the television camera at the end of his House Committee to Lynch the President, I'm sure cannot help but be reminded of a badly scripted Hollywood production. The whole charade is for the purpose of cable news sound bites, grist for mill and media distribution. The left is trying to mobilize a modern day social media version of a vintage Hollywood film torch-bearing mob to throng the White House and drive Trump out of office.

But that's not what's happening.

People go about their lives. Nobody has been gathered around the water coolers at work, muttering 'Did you hear what Schiff said that guy said that Trump said?' Few among the American people are talking about this because they don't care. Not at work, not on the street. The American people are SICK of this convoluted 3-year democrat poopy-diaper baby tantrum.

The media is more concerned with celebrity opinion and political propaganda than telling the truth. But at least the media isn’t hiding their lies anymore.  In our intellectual environment today, we see an explosive growth of lying politicians once the media starts lying to us even a little. I’m not a prude when it comes to dishonesty. I expect people to lie, and some much more than others. All of us expect politicians lie as they try to get what they want. We certainly don’t expect the truth from these undisciplined attention addicts who will say anything to get elected. Today's leftist have taken the art to new heights once believed impossible in a free and patriotic America.  

The only thing that holds politicians in check is a spotlight from the press, and today the press is locked in the dark dank sphere of the democrats. We know the media lies to us because the politicians are never shamed into telling the truth. Every day the media reports bring fresh revelations of un-named sources about leaks,  wrongdoing and attempted cover-ups, with no evidence what so ever. Just headlines. More headlines, more soundbites.

In spite of what the media and democrats have been saying about voter support for impeaching DJT, the writing has been on the wall for weeks suggesting a path to disaster come election time. Several days of impeachment inquiry hearings have not helped them with voters they need most, independents. The latest Morning Consult poll, released Tuesday shows a dramatic drop in their support for the impeachment folly as well as a dramatic drop in their support for the inquiry:

The poll showed 47 percent of independents opposed the inquiry, compared to 37 percent last week. Meanwhile support for the inquiry by independents fell 7 points to 40 percent.
The democrats are day-by-day obviously falling further into disarray. And as the philosopher who's name slips my mind at the moment once said: "You can lead a dead horse to water but you can't double-down in the wake of keen partisans observers of tongue-wagging, else meet with an ignominious end in the land of contradictions."

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Impeachment Theater Allows Americans a Glimpse of the Unseen Unelected Who Actually Rule Over Us, Instead of Just the Minor Functionaries We Get to Vote For.

American voters have been introduced to the idea that the elected President of the United States can be accused of "undermining" foreign policy determined by the permanent bureaucracy, which spends billions of our tax dollars but is not even slightly interested in our input.

We've been told top bureaucrats who supposedly serve at the pleasure of the president are actually entitled to their jobs and firing them is a crime, with the president presumed guilty unless he can prove he had an acceptable reason for terminating or reassigning them.

We've learned that Made Men of the bureaucratic empire and its political wing, the Democrat Party, cannot be investigated for corruption unless the most exquisite preliminary rituals are followed and the investigators can demonstrate the absolute purity of their intentions.

Outside of Impeachment Theater, we've been told it's heroic for the bureaucracy to organize "resistance" against the elected president and congressional representatives, if the Washington empire disapproves of the voters' choices.

We've discovered obscure lower-court judges can hijack entire segments of national policy on a whim. Some of these imperial proclamations have been expressly premised on the notion that American citizens have less to say about their own government than foreign nationals do.

We've learned a president the imperial bureaucracy likes can issue executive orders that cannot be reversed by presidents it disapproves of.  The people are belatedly informed that some matters are settled forever on the "one man, one vote, one time" principle. The essence of self-government, the true right that matters above all others, is the right to say "no."

We've learned over the past three years that the American people no longer have that right in most cases, but their nominal employees in the federal government do.  If the imperial bureaucracy makes a demand of you, good luck with trying to work up a "resistance" movement.  Good luck getting any favorable attention from the media that has fused with that bureaucracy and enjoys a revolving door of employment with it.  But if you, the Little People, cast votes the imperial bureaucracy doesn't like... well, watch out.  They'll fight you every step of the way and spend untold millions of YOUR dollars against you.  Then they'll get in front of cameras and expect you to applaud them as heroes.  It was always a swindle to convince the American people that democracy serves as a failsafe check against authoritarian power.

We were fooled into thinking our government could never become dictatorial, no matter how much power it claims, because we can always vote the bums out.  Guess what, kids?  As we've seen since 2017,  most of the power and money is controlled by people you never get to vote against. You learn that the people you don't vote for are very capable of defending their privileges against the people who DO.  And you learn that far more issues than you ever suspected are considered "settled."

* Compiled from a Thread Reader Compilation of Tweets by John Hayward.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS and 
 Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Did Schiff's Star Witness Just Out Himself as Source for Whistleblower Complaint?

Vindman says he does not know the whistleblower’s identity, which conflicts with earlier testimony. Adam Schiff stops Nunes from completing his question.

Vindman, on October 29: “I do not know who the whistleblower is.”

Vindman and his lawyer, today: “I won’t tell you the name of the intel analyst I deliberately leaked to, because it would out the whistleblower.” 

Pick one, Vindman. Because one of those is a lie.

[Sean Davis Tweeter Box]

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Monday, November 18, 2019

Chick-fil-A Caves to Gay Mafia

Chick-fil-A has finally bowed to pressure from soft skull leftist, sympathetic media and hate-filled gangs of pink haired sissies after years of bad press and protests. Chick-fil-A will move away from  currently donating to more than 300 charitable organizations. The company will no longer donate to the Salvation Army, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Paul Anderson Youth Home, all of which sparked criticism in the past from the gay fascist due to the organizations’ traditional christian views on homosexuality.

Chick-fil-A surpassed $1B in sales in 2001 and eclipsed the $5B mark in 2013 and becoming the third-largest U.S. fast-food chain with $10.5B in sales. Only McDonald’s and Starbucks bring in more revenue among fast-food chains.

More than 100 gay and animal rights protesters showed up to opening day at Chick-fil-A’s first Toronto store in September. After protests and a boycott by a local group of gay protesters, the landlord behind a Chick-fil-A pop-up store at a mall in Reading, England, announced eight days into the lease it would not renew with the chain because the mall is meant to “offer an inclusive space where everyone is welcome."........everyone except Chick-fil-A.

The sexual deviant community took issue with the organizations in the past due to the FCA’s employment purity statement, which speaks out against sex outside marriage and "homosexual acts."

The Salvation Army has long been a target of radical gays accusing them of discrimination in the past. The organization has repeatedly denied those accusations, most recently on Monday afternoon after Chick-fil-A’s announcement:
"We’re saddened to learn that a corporate partner has felt it necessary to divert funding to other hunger, education and homelessness organizations.  We serve more than 23 million individuals a year, including those in the LGBTQ+ community. In fact, we believe we are the largest provider of poverty relief to the LGBTQ+ population."
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, November 17, 2019

...And to Them, You Are the Problem.

Herbert Marcuse and his gang of radical leftist/humanist pseudo-intellectuals knew exactly what they were doing. They knew you could not overthrow a free society by convincing the adults of their day to surrender their status quo and habits. So, they decided to invest in the children through education, media, and entertainment. Then, when the children became adults, they would reject the world of their parents and upend society for the radicals themselves. I give you the result:

The left is now living in some crazy high fantasy novel, where women have d**ks and pregnant men are on maternity leave from Victoria's Secret. The earth is to end in ten years, countries don't have borders, cops are villains and terrorist are religious scholars.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~