Wednesday, February 26, 2020

If Bernie Fails, He Can Always Run For Mayor of Havana

Democrats are not only mad about Sanders praise of Castro's little island utopia, but they are also terrified at his ascension to the top of their party.  That's their own fault. He has never claimed to ever identify as a dem. You lay down with dogs, you will get fleas. They know that those who remember Castro and his oppressive communism will take their anger out on Democrats from the top of the ballot to the bottom if Bernie is the nominee.

But one place that had glowing praise for comrade Sanders' kind words about the mass murderers who ran the Cuban Revolution was the official voice of the Cuban Communist Party, the newspaper Granma, who thought Bernie's comments were just top shelf.

Granma wrote“his comments sparked the anger of the most extremist sector of Cuban-Americans in South Florida, who oppose any rapprochement with the Caribbean island.”  Cuban exiles and Cuban Americans took to the tweeter and pointed out that the literacy program carried out by Castro after coming to power was highly politicized and were actually just a communist reeducation propaganda program to control the masses.

Bernie could have given a mea culpa. He might have taken the opportunity on 60 Minutes to apologize for his past praise of commie dictatorships and thugs like Fidel Castro. Instead, he went full bore commie and dared people to vote against him for it. This they are going to do with relish. If Bernie really thinks his views on communism don't matter, then he's a fool and deserves to lose.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Jim Acosta Travels to India to Have Foot Inserted In his A$$

In the past we have documented the very entertaining ongoing animosity between Donald Trump and CNN's Soft Skull Chief WH Reporter, Jim Acosta, who has a history of arrogant disrupting of press conferences. I'm beginning to believe DJT is starting to enjoying kicking Acosta around like a soccer ball.

The President and First Lady have been in India this week to talk trade deals and tariffs and to tour the country. During a presser in New Delhi this morning, he called on Acosta. The exchange came after Acosta again embarrasses his network by asking if the President would pledge to reject any foreign interference in the upcoming presidential campaign. (boot insertion begins).
Trump’s right on the money about the big New York Times story on supposed 2020 “Russian interference” that CNN had to walk back. I’d say to CNN that maybe they should stick to “reporting” about simpler things like the President's eating habits. But considering they can’t even get that right, either, I’m at a loss to advise as to what type of reporting they should fall back on. And since all the circuses have closed down, Acosta has to work have work too. 

H/T Sister Toldjah

Monday, February 24, 2020

Infamous Carnivorous Leader Visits Land of Sacred Cows

The President and First Lady are on a state visit to India this week, where they were greeted like rock stars at a massive rally.  But for the media there must be something negative to say about it, right?  There must be some sort of #Resistance angle to please the soft skulls. We can't let him victoriously visit another country without nitpicking every single little thing that happens, or could happen. So Fear not America. The "Most Trusted Name In News' is on the case! The Queen of Smirk, Kaitlan Collins, and her cohorts Kevin Liptak, and Vivian Salama of CNN dug deep for the story:
What's a beef-lover to do in India? The President, whose diet is often a rotation of steaks, burgers and meatloaf, faces a potential shock as he prepares to travel to three Indian cities this week. His trip includes stops in Gujarat state, Agra and Delhi, where Hindus are the majority and cows are revered as sacred. 
A person close to the President who has dined with him on several occasions said Trump has salad with a meal every now and then -- but other than that, "I have never seen him eat a vegetable...." 
So DJT faces a "potential shock." Not an actual shock, but a potential one. Hey, it could happen. It only took three reporters to bring you the important information that Trump likes to eat beef and most Indians don't.  News Flash Kaitlan: Hindus and Muslims eat meat Sweetheart. Obama loved wagyu beef and hamburgers and other delicious meat products, when he wasn't eating dogs. I didn't know or care what he ate when he visited India, and neither did CNN or anybody else.

It makes sense that CNN considers this a story, since most of their audience is made up of late-night comedians. They went nuts over Trump getting more ice cream than his guests, so I'm sure they'll have fun with this too. Potential shock brings potential humor. Hey, it could happen.  Trump also mispronounced a bunch of Indian names, in case you needed to know that. So, I dunno. Impeach him again, I guess?

[Allah's Buttboy]

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Bernie Scores the Coveted Marianne Sparkleshine Stardust Williamson Endorsement

Saturday, February 22, 2020

So Few Words Can Be So Telling

In a sea of Cajun Cuisine and World Class restaurants of New Orleans sits a little eatery that has become one of my favorite off the beaten path places.  Decorated in blue and white of the Greek Isles with a delightful Paris style sidewalk cafe out front for when weather permits.  Run by an amazing little man who, like myself, has never completely lost all his accent, and when I visit makes a point to come to my table and respectfully kiss my hand in the camaraderie of the old country. And always the flirt tells me "Oh, if I was only 30 years younger."

I had dinner with an old acquaintance there yesterday.  While we dined, a couple came in and were seated just behind and slightly to the side of my dinner partner. They had Mardi Gras tourist written all over them.  From what little I overheard of their conversation while we ate, they sounded somewhat like I hear when I have occasion to speak to someone at NPR, New Englander sounding.  The woman's mannerism didn't suggest to me at all any Class and Distinction, more like Liberal Elitist Snobbery. You know the type. The ones who do things like order water with three ice cubes and shit like that?  

During our after dinner coffee we spent a pleasant few minutes with the owner at our table and he then turned to the tourist and greeted them for some small talk.  As we prepared to leave, I heard the woman tourist asked the owner if he was a Greek?  He said as he slowly picked up the dinner bill from their table, "I'm an American." And as he folded their bill and stuck it into his shirt pocket, he added, "A Proud American".  He then thanked them and said he hoped to see them again and turned and walked away.  I watched the woman's reaction to his confirmed my intial impression of her.

It was as if he had plunged a dagger into her chest. Every bit of expression disappeared from her face, not in shock of his comping what was not an inexpensive meal, but that he was so adamant about being a 'Proud American' in this day and age. She silently mouthed "proud?" to her partner who's back was to me but looked as if he slightly nodded in approval of her disgust

I so wanted to say something to them both. I have an enormus backlog of cuss words built up. But my Better Angels had one hand over my mouth, and another was tugging at my arm in the direction of the exit.  But believe me, My Heart Was Singing.......

Friday, February 21, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater - Mardi Gras Edition

~ Laissez les bons temps rouler!! ~

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Theater Music Director

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Leftist Twitter Mob and MSNBC are not The Real America

The Democrats are on the precipice of nominating an avowed, unapologetic socialist. It scares the hell out of some Democrats and it should scare the hell out of the remainder of America, especially those living in the suburbs. The support for socialism is not as great as one would think. Leaving aside the Leftist Twitter mob and MSNBC, the American electorate is not exactly enamored with socialism as they would want you to believe.

It would be a horrendous case for the GOP to lose suburban voters to a party led by a socialist like Bernie Sanders and partly supported by the largesse of people like George Soros and Tom Steyer. In reality, suburban voters are tired and leery of both parties. The question then becomes, given the reality there are two choices, do they vote for the socialist?  Do they allow their communities to become dumping grounds for illegal immigrants? In Virginia, against the backdrop of the 2019 election results, we can see in microcosm what Democrats have in store.

Did all those suburban voters who turned Virginia blue really bargain for a trampling of their Second Amendment rights? Did they really want violent criminals released from their prisons? Did they really want the wonders of being transgender taught in their nice suburban schools? Perhaps the suburban voters were wary of Trump’s personality, but did they really bargain for this?

The GOP must first scare the living daylights out of suburban voters when it comes to the Democrats, especially if it is Bloomberg or Sanders, although they all have socialist visions dancing in their heads. It starts with a “We the People” argument, not a “government does all” argument. A return of power to the people, not the Courts, would be a great first step.

What do suburban voters want? If you talk to them, from various polls, they want what most everyone wants- safe streets devoid of crime is one thing. Does it make sense, then, for a city to harbor criminals? Another concern is health care. If the GOP could ever create a coherent message in this area, the Democrats would be DOA. But, they haven’t.  Imagine the accomplishments Trump would have under his belt if fellow Republicans assisted instead of becoming commentators at The Bulwark.

If Democrats themselves do not want a socialist, why would suburban voters? Why would they even even support socialism-lite and woke political correctness in the form of Buttigieg or Bloomberg? The country, including suburban voters, needs to be saved from the Democrat Party who will think not one iota about running over Constitutional rights to remake this country in their image. They will trot out the “Scandinavian model” and look to places like Denmark, but if Virginia is any indication, their lust for power will be undeterred.

Suburbia needs to get out of bed, smell the coffee and do the right thing. Their ignorance is no excuse to destroy the Republic.

[Excerpts from RedState Diaries]

  ~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~