Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Media Manufactured Outrage of the Day: Stimulus Check Recipients Receive Letter from DJT

Please tell me, if you can, what is objectionable about the president of the United States sending the following letter to people along with their stimulus checks. Here's the complete text of the letter:
My Fellow Americans, 
Our great country is experiencing an unprecedented public health and economic challenge as a result of the global coronavirus pandemic. Our top priority is your health and safety. As we wage total war on this invisible enemy, we are also working around the clock to protect hardworking Americans like you from the consequences of the economic shutdown. We are fully committed to ensure that you and your family have the support you need to get through this time. 
On March 27, 2020, Congress passed with overwhelming bipartisan support the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), which I promptly signed into law. I want to thank the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate for working so quickly with my Administration to fast-track this $2.2 trillion in much-needed economic relief to the American people. 
This includes fast and direct economic assistance to you. 
I am pleased to notify you that as provided by the CARES Act, you are receiving an Economic Impact Payment of $______ by Direct Deposit. We hope this payment provides meaningful support to you during this period. 
Every citizen should take tremendous pride in the selflessness, courage and compassion of our people. America’s drive, determination, innovation and sheer willpower have conquered every previous challenge – and they will conquer this one too. Just as we have before, Americans will triumph yet again – and rise to new heights of greatness. We will do it together, as one nation, stronger than ever before. 
President Donald J. Trump
That’s it.

Apparently you either get the letter with your check or you receive it in the mail separate from your direct deposit if you’re getting the money that way. It’s hard to imagine a more innocuous, nonpolitical letter. And yet, you know the media.....

USA Today breathlessly informs us that “Donald Trump letter to stimulus check recipients stirs objections”
At the bottom of the page – in bold, one-inch-high characters – the letter is signed “Donald J. Trump.” 
A former taxpayer advocate at the Internal Revenue Service called the letter “unbelievable” and said it makes the agency “look like it is the handmaiden of one administration and one party.” 
“This will harm the IRS and its ability to appear nonpolitical and nonpartisan,” said Nina Olson, executive director of the Center for Taxpayer Rights. “If I were there, I would be strongly advocating against this.”
What? There is no mention in the letter of any party. There is credit given to a bipartisan group in Congress that passed the bill. There is thanks given to the Senate (Republican-controlled) and the House (Democrat-controlled). It’s hard to imagine a less political letter.

Whether the media like it or not, DJT is the sitting president, and as such it’s part of his job to communicate with the public. Pretending there’s something controversial about this letter is the media’s way of trying to de-legitimize any interaction between Trump and the public, and indeed, the very idea that he has any business speaking to us.

And you can detect the bias in this whole thing, before the story was even written, in the fact that they went out and sought a comment about the appropriateness of the letter. Had it been Barky Obama's letter, they'd be praising him for his leadership, compassion and caring for each and every individual citizen.

But as the media often demonstrates, they’ve learned nothing.

[Western Journal]
[USA Today]
~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The New Worst Year Ever

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Democrat Rep. Opening Up Selected Businesses is Racist

Today's episode of Democrat Moonbattery:

Just when you think you have heard it all, lo'and behold along comes a whirlwind of stupid and the morons start falling out of the trees. Such was the case at a Biden campaign virtual town hall. I give you a Democrat Member of the US House of Representatives, Marsha Fudge:
I Guess the illustrious Congresswoman is unaware of this ongoing activity?
You simple cannot win with these people.  If black democrats weren’t able to focus through a lens of race for every single thing they discuss, they wouldn’t be able to say anything at all. They perpetuate the hate that consumes the soul. And these are the Biden base supporters he cannot win without.

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Liberal Media Intelligentsia Self Protection Club

If you listened to all the 'Very Smart People' in the Washington press corps over the last few weeks whinging about how this time Trump had crashed and burned once and for all, that he is broken and beyond salvation and his Presidency is all but over, I'm guessing you're not buying and probably think otherwise. And they don't care. They don't have to be right. 

In the game of professional punditry there clearly exists a special set of rules designed for one sort of person: Liberal's parade of bomb-throwing, hate-mongering, race-baiting bottom feeders. That breed which makes their daily bread from grifting the leftist soft skulls by generating an endless flood of books, magazine articles, broadcasts, speeches and videos all telling the soft skull liberal base over and over again that their bigotries are noble and their paranoia is real. Of course, part of the downside of wallowing in the wingnut sewer and trafficking in slander and lies is that, sooner or later, you become a toxic mess.

Your stink becomes unacceptable to the general public, which is where the Sunday morning talk shows -- the Mouse Circus -- comes in. Because despite having long ago devolved into a sinkhole of Beltway twaddle, it is still viewed by altogether too many people as a bastion of Very Serious people. It's the strip-mall of political opinion where casual shoppers go to feel smart and validated.

And so a bargain is struck; the bottom feeders deliver a temporary hike in the only thing these show's owners really care about -- audience share -- and, in exchange for being teevee friendly and keeping the worst of their batshit crazy on a leash for a few minutes, their Mouse Circus deburrs the bottom feeders' public image, replates and burnishes their credibility and temporarily transfuses them with Seriousness, which can then be redeemed at ten times its face value back among the soft skulls.

And in the key to that bargain we will now call "The Biden Rule": an agreement that the moderator will never, ever ask the bomb-thrower, the hate-monger or the race-baiting goon sitting directly across from them a single question about their bomb-throwing, hate-mongering or race-baiting activities. Instead they will be represented to the public merely as a liberal / Never-Trumper commentator or talk radio host or pundit who, at worst, might be known for some "controversial" opinions, which the moderator will never bothers to explicate.

Obvious rapacious hucksters like Al Sharpton find a safe and nurturing environment within the American political media for the same reason that clowns and flakes and demagogues like Never-Tumpers Rick Wilson and Jennifer Rubin, and anti-trump race baiters like MSNBC Nutty Negress Joy Reid and NPR's Yamiche Alcindor prosper within the same media midden pile because they are needed for the media to keep their Sunday freak shows running.

I'd say there's a revolving door between naked political pimping and network punditing, but as the case of the NYT's Paul Krugman amply demonstrates, there is no door at all anymore.  If you pay any attention at all to the Beltway Media Club you will not fail to quickly notice that their highest priority is the mutual defense and protection of fellow Club members.  No matter how many times they publicly shit the bed they can always rely on the likes of Chuck Tard of 'Meet the Press' or 'This Week with Georgie Stephanopoulos', to hose them down, fluff them up and sit them down in front of the camera for their newest rehabilitation session. The Beltway Fixers will always, always, always fish bottom-feeding ghouls out of the gutter, hose them off and put them back in front of a camera.

A Good Monday Morning

Ah....Those Southern Spring Mornings

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Lysol Injections and UV Enemas...

"Collective fear stimulates the herd mentality, and tends to produce ferocity towards those who are not regarded as members of the herd. " -- Bertrand Russell

Excerpts from a longer essay by our friend 
Matthew Noto @My planet, My Rules

We've reached Peak Fucktard.  I thought we had achieved this ignominious goal several times before -- the elevation of an Affirmative Action hire to the Presidency; handing out mortgages to people who couldn't pay them back; the destruction of the Western University as a beacon of enlightenment; the elevation of the Kardashians to billionaire status -- but I have obviously been mistaken. No, it took a most-unusual combination of unforeseen factors to bring every last fucktarded waste of gametes out from the closets. Plague, economic ruin, politics, a media-induced panic, have all combined to ensure that the Human Race, particularly the American Breed, could take collective leave of their feeble senses to such an extent as to make one weep for the future of Humanity as a whole.

Mind you, half (at least) of the human race was a disease unto itself, and something akin to herd animals. The behavior of this particular Herd made it abundantly clear that civilization stood upon a knife edge, seeing as it was the half that expected all the rewards of civilization without having to contribute anything of value towards it's continuation.  They simply multiplied, made enough noises to make their shepherds attentive to their basest emotions -- discontent, anger, moron, jealousy, fear, a pretense to self-esteem founded largely upon the lack of esteem of the self -- to respond in some fashion.  Usually a fashion that was intended to shut the herd up while the shepherd went back to planning how to profit from the fleecing to come.

And the Herd had learned that if you make enough noise, you get something for it. Perhaps not exactly what you wanted, but a close approximation of it, from the shepherd. The shepherd simply tossed out goodies -- the herd cared not whence they came -- and it was better than nothing.  Mostly because "better" meant the herd would have to take action of it's own accord, and being sheep, discovering they lacked the collective brainpower and motivation to do little more than graze and make an occasional noise. No, the Herd was a good, comfortable thing. The shepherd, even if he shaved your ass every spring to take your wool and occasionally ate one of your comrades or children, at least could be counted upon to react to your noises. To show initiative, intelligence, ambition, even common sense, was to imply that there was something wrong with the Herd, and the Herd is always touchy and seeking slights, real or imagined, so as to justify more noise and more attention from the shepherds.

And then came the scourge of the Flu Manchu.

The Herd Mentality took over. Suddenly, the Herd was unsafe going about it usual business of aimlessly roaming the pastures. The Herd was now under attack from a force the shepherds could not overcome by simply reacting to mere noise and mollifying same with some shiny object or lofty promise. The sheep became terrified. If the shepherds couldn't understand what was happening, and the supply of shiny-objects-for-noise suddenly dried up, then what was the Herd to do?

The only thing the shepherds -- guided by people they refer to as "experts" whose claim to expertise is highly questionable -- could think to do was to shove the Herd into the barn, where it came into contact with other Herds similarly imprisoned by their shepherds, herders, and tenders. That barn got pretty crowded very quickly. Some sheep didn't make it in and succumbed to the Asian Snot Storm, which made the sheep sad, since they all believed they were going to live forever -- because they made the noise that said they should, and the Shepherd reacted by destroying the veterinary system they would depend upon in an act of Social Justice -- and this was a tragedy.

And it gave the sheep, perhaps for the first time in their lives, a sense of their own mortality; and this was, like, unfair...and stuff. The Sheep expected to survive, because someone else had studied to be a vet, and someone else had built the veterinary hospital, and someone else had been expected to pick up the tab when the sheep fell ill, and the shepherd had promised eternal life at someone else's expense. Someone the sheep referred to as "a deplorable", but whom they had never seen, having never ventured far from the Herd.  But the Shepherd insisted they existed and the sheep always believed the shepherd, even when they couldn't understand what he was talking about. Because new shiny object arrived before the perturbation coalesced around understanding.

The Herd began to doubt. The Shepherd was no longer believed. He couldn't be believed, for the reality the Sheep had now experienced -- vicariously, on television -- did not match the fantasy the Shepherd had constructed, and even sheep -- stupid, unthinking, unmotivated, easily-silenced-by-promises sheep -- had to notice.  And so they looked to someone else for leadership.

Even though the Herd had been trained from it's earliest stages to regard The Orange Ranchero with little more than reflexive disgust and fear of imminent fascism (the sheep did not know what this was, and could not recognize it when the shepherds engaged in it, but they were assured that if someone else did it, it was a bad thing), they still needed someone to lead them. The Shepherd inspired no more confidence; his vast array of mental distractions -- Global Warming, "The Patriarchy", "Gun Control", "Free" whatever, and others -- suddenly didn't seem so important, and the shiny object trick had finally worn thin.

And the Orange Ranchero did things, the sheep knew not what, and demanded results (something the shepherd, certainly, never asked for) from these nebulous "experts", and he had even dared to disregard the Plantation the sheep had been used to grazing upon in favor of another group inimical to the Herd, called "capitalists". The sheep are confused. They don't know what to do, or who to believe. They are torn between their loyalty to the Herd and their now-resurgent self-preservation instinct.

Another of these gaseous forms -- which calls itself "Journalists" -- circulates among the Herd. These "Journalists" insist they are due a certain level of deference and that they are entitled to be believed, because, like the "experts", they are living off the cachet their profession built up over centuries, but then discarded for it's own self-interest. These rascals are continuously whispering in the Herd's collective ears a cacophony of word vomit that is supposed to be uncritically regarded as "Truth" (because the "Journalist" is aware the Sheep regard thinking as a chore not suited to Herd life, and best left to someone else to do on it's behalf) and spiteful mendacity directed at The Orange Ranchero -- a relic of their distaste for him, based upon his frequent exposure of their own stupidity and hypocrisy, and their dislike of his "style", which is of a sort their own Herd regards as "common".

So that when The Orange Ranchero speculates about the possibilities of a certain drug being used to treat the Wuhan Fluhan, the Sheep -- with their limited capacity for independent thought, poor reading comprehension skills, and general jerkoff obtained through several generations of inbreeding -- drink Fish Tank Cleaner, and one of them dies, it's Orange Ranchero's fault. At least that's what the "Journalists" said he said. And the Herd, used to accepting whatever is tossed their way without thinking about it, took that as Bible Truth, and the "Journalists" said "Aha!

We told you you were fucktards! That's why you should listen to us! We know everything!" Including that they knew that The Orange Ranchero never told anyone to drink the aquatic version of Tidy Bowl, but that was too good a dig to make at El Presidente, because he doesn't participate in the annual White House Correspondents Association Dinner, which the herd of "Journalists" considers a sacrament, but which The Orange Ranchro regards with the same displeasure one does upon finding the Sheep's poop on the soles of his boots.

And the Shepherds, the "Journalists", the other brain-damaged Herds, and the "expert-because-worthless-diploma-and-government-job" all simultaneously make The Big Noise that Orange Ranchero is a modern-day Doctor Mengele.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Friday, April 24, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Michigan Lawmakers Consider Move to Reign In Frau Whitmer

The Plastic Face Lady - Govenor Frau Whitmer (D-Michigan) 

Lawmakers in 
Michigan are considering bills that would strip Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of some of her powers after her decision to extend  Michigan’s stay-at-home order for two weeks beyond its original April 30 expiration  The Wolverine State has been rocked by protests and unrest for weeks over the restrictive measures, with some state lawmakers calling a special legislative session on Friday to reel in the Frau Whitmer. Armed protesters descended on the governor’s home Thursday after news of the extended order broke in a demonstration dubbed “Operation Queen’s Castle.”

Critics have accused the 48-year-old first-term Democrat governor of overstepping her authority with a series of measures.  The April 9 revisions to her initial stay-at-home order included bans on visiting friends and relatives or traveling to vacation homes, and halts on sales of items such as furniture and gardening supplies. But marijuana, lottery tickets and alcohol had been declared "essential," while lawn care, construction and fishing in a motorized boat had been declared nonessential amid the outbreak.

On Monday, Whitmer said she would take a 10 percent cut to her $159,300 annual salary and her staffers would take cuts of 5 percent as the state grapples with the financial fallout of the coronavirus shutdowns. Gee Gretch, that's real generous of you.

[New York Post]
[Detroit News]
~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Award for 'Best Staged Media Theatrics' of the Week Goes to The Duo of Squinty & Meat Puppet

Joe Scarborough opened today's 'Morning with Squinty & Meat Puppet' by mentioning that rather than watching DJT's press conference yesterday, he listened to the Rolling Stones to calm his nerves.  Squinty Joe, known for his scripted rants he stays up nights writing, because we all know he's not sharp enough to 'Off the Cuff It', opened up on his tens of hundreds of viewers with a pretend meltdown which didn't fool me a bit, literally screaming and pounding the table as he railed against DJT and an unnamed "network" [obviously Fox News] regarding the coronavirus.

Dutifully playing her appointed part, Meat Puppet Mika almost acts concerned about her husband's mental health as they went to break, asking Scarborough "do you need to go listen to the Stones, or are you okay?"

This is media Faux outrage and play for attention at it's best. I present to you the winner of 'Best Staged Media Theatrics' of the Week":

[NewsBusters Video]