Saturday, May 30, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You by BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, May 29, 2020

Another Grim Milestone of Yet Another Day of America

Whatever George Floyd did in terms of why he was arrested in the first place and from the look of how he was behaving while being arrested cannot ever justify the taking of his life.  I don't buy the official story either that he died at the hospital perhaps from some other cause.  He died at the hands of that officer and the others who did not intercede to prevent it.

With that out of the way, we now have the city of Minneapolis in flames, as well as copycat rioting in other cities to "protest" Floyd's killing. In fact, thugs evidently were able to pull off an Assault on Precinct 13 attack on a police station and set it on fire.  Even more disturbing is the attack on a woman in a wheelchair by these poor, misunderstood little darlings who were no doubt turning their lives around and reacted in a way that should not be criticized because moral relativism or some such thing.  This kind of behavior is as horrendous as that of the police.  But I suppose I'll be criticized for being too blindly pro-law enforcement for mentioning it?

Worst of all are the pronouncements from what I consider to be down there with pedophiles, sex-traffickers and drug dealers as the lowest form of humanity: the self-promoting political opportunist.  Bipedal turds like Colin Kaepernick, Cookie Milano and Frances Fisher whose contributions to our cultural heritage are less than nil, yet are openly fomenting race wars.  To paraphrase a famous bit of First World War propaganda, "white elitist Leftists will fight to the last poor, ignorant black man."  Not to pat myself on the back but if that doesn't crystallize the history of Democrat racism and racialism in this country, I don't know what does.  It cannot be stated enough that as horrendous and abhorrent as a white policeman killing a subdued black suspect is, this particular kind of incident is rare.   The vast majority of violent crimes in America's cities, by orders of magnitude, are committed by blacks against other blacks.  In either case, it's the Democrat-Media Complex that makes sure the former is always in the public eye and the latter is covered up.  That's because it keeps them in power and has kept them in power, especially on the state and local level, for decades.  That's why, all things considered, it is not hyperbole to openly and emphatically label the American Left and Democrat party as evil.

This incident, and virtually every other incident involving white law enforcement and minority perpetrator took place in jurisdictions that are and have been controlled by Democrats.  In part or in toto, Democrats comprise the majority of mayors, city councils, DAs, police commissioners and chiefs, aldermen, as well as state legislatures, attorneys general and governors in some instances.  They write the laws, they train the officers, they enact the policies. And yet year after year, blacks and other minorities vote for them blindly because they are told that Democrats are the solution to their problems - problems that only get worse and get blamed on the white man, conservatives, Republicans, capitalism, etc. etc. etc.

Again, it's either an amazing coincidence or damned good luck that the tragic and completely unjustified killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis cop came just as Democrats were running out of excuses to continue the General Tso's Sicken lockdown - - and that the revelations about Barack Obama's direct knowledge of and more than likely participation in the plot to sabotage the 2016 election and then overthrow President Trump with the Russia Collusion hoax/fraud are coming to light. - J.J. Sefton


 Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Well, I Think We Know Who WILL NOT Be Biden's VP Choice

Senator Lady Amy Klobs (D-Minn)

George Floyd's death in police custody is renewing criticism of Sen. Amy Klobuchar's prosecutorial record. Before she became a senator and a top contender for Joe Biden's vice presidential spot, Klobuchar spent eight years as the Hennepin County attorney, in charge of prosecution for Minneapolis. And while in that position, she declined to prosecute multiple police officers cited for excessive force, including the same officer seen kneeling on Floyd's neck as he protested.

Ex-Minneapolis police officer Derick Chauvin saw at least 10 conduct complaints during his 19-year tenure before he was fired Tuesday, according to a database that documents complaints against police.  As The Washington Post noted in March, Klobuchar "declined to bring charges in more than two dozen cases in which people were killed in encounters with police" as Hennepin County attorney.  Instead, she "aggressively prosecuted smaller offenses" that "have been criticized for their disproportionate effect on poor and minority communities." And as the Viking Snow Princess undergoes vetting to become a possible VP candidate, that track record is being scrutinized again with a fine tooth comb fork.


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Big Tech Billionaires Plotting to Burn Large Piles of Cash

LinkedIn Co-Founder Reid Hoffman, who notoriously backed a group that “spread disinformation during the 2017 Alabama special election for U.S. Senate,” is now being joined by other Big Tech billionaires to set fire to large piles of cash in an attempt to boost the Democrat's nominee for president. According to Vox Recode “sweeping plans” are “poised to make these billionaires some of the country’s most influential people when it comes to shaping the November results.” These billionaires plans include funding divisive partisan news sites.
NB - OpenSecrets revealed that “political operations are pouring millions of ‘dark money’ dollars into ads and digital content masquerading as news coverage to influence the 2020 election.” One of those progressive operations is dubbed Courier Newsroom, which “has faced scrutiny for exploiting the collapse of local journalism to spread 'hyperlocal partisan propaganda'. Courier Newsroom is owned by the leftist nonprofit ACRONYM. 
OpenSecrets reported that ACRONYM had “received financial backing from Investing in US, an investment vehicle funded by Silicon Valley donor and billionaire LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman.” Recode said that Hoffman’s “aides have indicated that setting up partisan news sites that masquerade as journalism is one of the priorities of its group of allied donors.” According to Recode, Hoffman has put around $10 million into ACRONYM. 
Tech billionaires, “particularly Moskovitz and Powell Jobs,” are unleashing “millions into some of the country’s most ambitious voter-registration programs — almost all of it behind the scenes..."  About a dozen voter-registration groups, which included failed Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams’s leftist group Fair Fight, gathered Powell Jobs’s “Emerson Collective headquarters in mid-March to raise money for their 2020 plans, sources told Recode.”
Beware citizen of any and all new News / Website that has or will pop up in near future claiming to be Pro-Trump. There could be outrageous things said in the name of support of DJT.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

This Should Bring Democrat Strategist Night Sweats

Voices on the left, from the Democratic National Committee to the biased mainstream media to the hideously uninformed late-night comics propagandist, will do anything to avoid saying that what’s bad news for the country is good news for the Democratic opposition to Trump. They know the economy is Trump’s hole card because the success of his tax-cutting & deregulation that set loose the economy and American jobs has been so obvious even the mainstream media couldn’t cover it up. 

When the Chinese coronavirus dropped a hammer on this red hot booming economy, democrats saw, and the media promoted, circumstances taking away one of DJT's biggest weapons in the upcoming election.  According to Politico, top Democrats are worried even a partial economic recovery going into the fall could be a boost DJT's re-election bid.  An economic recovery every American should want to see is exactly the “general election scenario that Democrats are dreading.” This, at least partially, explains the present media scare-mongering disguised as news reporting.

The report kicks off with a scene-setter from an early April online meeting of a “top officials from both parties” where former Obama administration economist and current Harvard professor Jason Furman made a startling prediction.
“We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country. You could easily have 1 to 2 million jobs created a month in those four reports before November."
He said he believes warnings of another Great Depression are overblown, inaccurate predictions.  He added that third-quarter GDP released at the end of October "could be double-digit positive economic growth."  For most Americans, regardless of politics, that would be news worth cheering about. Small businesses shuttered, hardships for millions who rely on those salaries, and giant squeeze on charities. Who could think it was bad news that this might be about to change?

This telling paragraph in Politico’s report has an answer to that:
Furman’s counterintuitive pitch has caused some Democrats, especially Obama alumni, around Washington to panic. "This is my big worry," said a former Obama White House official who is still close to the former president.
Asked about the level of concern among top party officials, he said:
"It’s high — high, high, high, high.’” “Even today when we are at over 20 million unemployed Trump gets high marks on the economy, so I can’t imagine what it looks like when things go in the other direction. I don’t think this is a challenge for the Biden campaign. This is the challenge for the Biden campaign. If they can’t figure this out they should all just go home."
[Western Journal]

Monday, May 25, 2020

Yoko Ono - Unsung Hero of the NYC Chinese Virus Pandemic

It's said she may have saved countless lives as well as rid large areas of feral animals.......

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Sunday, May 24, 2020

In Light of Being the Presumptive Democrat Nominee, We Look Back at the Continuing Adventures of Tail Sniffer Joe

Navy Specialist ready Vice President Joe Biden for a portion of cake and ice
 cream at First Lady Michelle Obama's White House Birthday celebration
 Tuesday Night.
 Biden wowed the guest by besting his record of eating 19 wax
 candles from the cake, three more than last year.

Soon to be released from captivity to take on DJT in political battle for office of the leader of the free world, we take a moment before the sacred observance of Memorial Day to say a few FINAL nice words about the public service of the man who would be President, former VP and Court Jester of the Obama Administration, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., with a small taste of archival material from the drank archives of DMF. 


Joseph R. Biden Railroad Station Christened
A Slice Of Life With Tailsniffer Joe…
On the Road with Joe Biden
Joe Biden's Secret Mission
The Single Most Interesting WikiLeaks Email Release Yet

Could Biden Prove to be a Problem Inauguration Day
Joe Biden Does Chile
Joe May Be Absent for a Little While......
Joe Biden Takes Flying Lessons
The Secret is Out: Joe Biden's New Book


Friday, May 22, 2020

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

Ladies and Gentleman, we'd like to introduce a new group
 from across the pond. They've not been long together but I'm
 sure you'll agree, these lads are sure to go far.....

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director