Friday, April 2, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

 Meanwhile, Back in Moscow........

The Leonid & Friends' Chicago Styled Cover of the Classic 
Steve Winwood / Jimmy Miller's "I'm A Man"

Brought To This Week By Your Illustrious Blog Editrix Sitting' in for BluesJunky

Thursday, April 1, 2021

DELTA AIRLINES Gets Involved in Politics, Georgia House Plans to Makes Them Pay.

Activist and Imaginary Governor of Georgia - Tank Abrams

Georgia House Republicans have voted to strip Delta Air Lines of a jet fuel tax break worth tens of millions of dollars Wednesday after the company condemned the state’s new laws that protects voters from fraud and illegal voters.  According to FORBES,  Delta has joined a growing list of corporate executives and Hollywood soft skulls who have criticized the new legal vote safeguards amid a debate over boycotting Georgia's biggest companies.

The move was in response to CEO Ed Bastian condemning Georgia’s voting bill, who described it as “unacceptable” and not matching “Delta's values." I'm not sure what Delta thinks it's values are outside of what should be their obvious concern about making air travel safe. 

A number of prominent Georgia-based companies condemned the law after pressure grew from holier-than-thou activists like Tank Abrams. The bill, introduced towards the very end of the legislative session, was not taken up by the Senate before it adjourned and has not yet become law.

The media, who are carrying the water for Georgia's inbreed  democrats, continue to repeat misinformation that the bill would shorten early voting hours, limit early voting and outlaw non-poll workers handing out water or food to waiting voters, all of which have proven to be a false narrative. Surprise Surprise!

Let's hope this is a start of messaging to corporations to stay in they lane and ignore the self righteous overly-woke activist and take care of their own business.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

When Deep Thinking Goes Off the Rails

Like most people, I like to think I'm a deep thinker. I do my best thinking in the shower. As readers of this blog I'm sure you would agree it doesn't always translate to this page. (I see you nodding your head in agreement). Some people, it seems, let their deep thinking lead them straight into the land of crazy. As days go by, it's becoming more and more apparent we are being ruled by deep thinkers who regularly wander said land of crazies.

Case in point is revealed in this quote from our betters at the Washington Post that claims some inside the WH think Biden's infrastructure bill’s emphasis on major physical infrastructure investments ‘reflects a dated nostalgia’ for white, working-class, male workers".  Yes, somehow these nut sacks have managed to connect some unrelated dots to conclude roads and bridges are racist and sexist.  And it’s pretty obvious that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, has wandered off the beaten path into crazy. This is why satire is so difficult to write anymore. Check this out:

Subtract roads??? WTF! I want nice wide, smooth roads and dependable bridges to run my 345HP Infinity road-burner on.

Secretary Pete, who couldn't fill a pothole in South bend, was pretty jazzed by Vox’s piece on “Gen Z’s high-speed rail meme dream,” and we all know how well that high-speed rail project in Democrat-run California went. Barky Obama had promised us a nationwide network of high-speed trains, but even the New York Times assessed that “the projects have gone mostly nowhere” despite billions of tax dollars having been thrown down a hole.

Biden's infrastructure bill's wasteful high speed train & bike lane boondoggle investments reflects the influence of the young black female Ivy Leaguers and the utopian Greenies in Biden's orbit who have zero understanding of anything outside their narrow personal experience.  Hatred for all things even remotely related to white working class men blinds them to their own basic needs. I guess they just can’t help themselves, loathing America's backbone is their nature.

Are we just gonna not repair, improve, or help anything or anyone that seems “white”? Is that where were at now?

Our friends @Def-Con have a good run down of what all is in the Biden's Infrastructure bill. Go See.


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Your Wednesday Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers. 
You May Talk Among Yourselves

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Mother Jones Whines People Keep Stealing the Language of Wokeness

The notorious progressive nutsack, Mother Jones, has their panties all in a wad because the left's sacred mantra of 'wokeness' is being disrespected.  Recently, there was comparison made of white supremacy to what was called “woke” supremacy. What was so upsetting and off-putting was the author of such vile thought - one of three black GOP congressmen, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC). 

After being criticized in a Washington Post op-ed, the senator responded with his own piece, clarifying his comments.  “Woke” supremacy was as bad as white supremacy because, according to him, “Woke culture is speeding our country toward ideological and literal segregation.”  As one example of evidence, the Senator stated that more and more universities like Columbia had announced they would be holding multicultural graduation ceremonies, excluding white students, as well as the university-wide commencement. Sounds like segregation to me.

According to Mother Jones, the goal of right reasoning people like the honorable Sen Scott, is to take the radical messages like BLACK LIVES MATTER and muddle it enough until it means something like its opposite.
"So it goes with any message of social transformation. Wokeness becomes synonymous with oppression itself. Black Lives Matter is spun into “blue lives matter.” “I can’t breathe” is adopted by anti-maskers as their smirking slogan. The mantras and catchwords of movements that challenge the status quo are co-opted by reactionaries who want to quash those efforts.  Perhaps no phrase has undergone this type of distortion more prominently than the phrase “Black Lives Matter.” The “all lives matter” rhetoric was just the beginning of the co-optation. 
Today, at any right-wing gathering, you can find supporters of the “blue lives matter” cause (supposedly in support of police officers) and “babies’ lives matter” (for the anti-abortion movement). They’re flipped on their head, turned inside out, repurposed to sneer at the people they were meant to rally, and generally made to seem comical and ridiculous—a rhetorical minstrel act, essentially, whose theme is the old American standby that there’s no greater racist than the anti-racist, no greatest tyrant than the slave who wants to be free."
Comical and ridiculous—a rhetorical minstrel act is exactly what "Wokeness" is!

And the more woke we become, the more talk of safe spaces from white people, segregated events and suppression of free thought. The left are in a frenzy of excesses, and there are very real efforts to not only suppress speech but also to punish violations of new orthodoxies.  The left are protesting problems that they themselves allowed to fester and grow, covering their tracks by ever changing excuses, changing lexicon, and placing blame elsewhere.

The "Woke Supremacy" Sen. Scott spoke of is real.  It operates in bad faith, strawmanning complex systems and individuals as racist, misogynistic, etc. for power over people.  If "Black Lives Matter," then so do "All Lives Matter".

[Mother Jones]
[Washington Post] 

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Monday, March 29, 2021

A Good Monday Morning

"We call it Baked Noir. It’s a new sub-genre." - EARL OF TAINT

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Joe Biden & CO. Taking a Wrecking Ball To The Republic

If I had told you five years ago that Joe Biden would put a man who thinks he is a woman in charged of the nation's healthcare policy, one in favor of using children as a test bed for gender reassignment cultural experiments. Or that he would politicize the US military,  or nominate some of the the most hate filled, unamerican, anti-white bigots to high level cabinet and policy decision positions, all while allowing hundreds of thousands illegals to pour over our border, your first reaction would probably be:  Joe Biden President???

Yes, the President of the United States, who just said he "doesn't criticize" China for its goal of becoming "the most powerful country in the world." That Joe Biden, who was Court Jester of the Barky Obama Administration, now being used to engineer the most wide sweeping transition of the republic since reconstruction. You'd have to be a fool of epic proportions to believe this man, one who was once a sharp minded and respected legislator, who now can barely make a public statement without notecards, is the one swinging this wrecking ball.

Just this weekend we learned Biden's DHS Head, Alejandro Mayorkas just fired almost all the members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, a bipartisan panel made up of leaders appointed by both Democrat and Republican DHS secretaries of old, that has existed and provided expertise and advice for years to the secretary’s office.

This would seem the worst possible time to axe such a support, when they are in a middle of a border crisis, with the Biden making all kinds of mistakes and bad policy moves. The Council was non-political and actually knew their stuff. They would see what is going on and wouldn’t be able to be buffaloed. *so down comes the axe*

Meanwhile, Biden has been criticized for appointing yet another retired general to head up the Pentagon, one many believe won’t speak his mind when dealing with a new president and will wreak havoc on civilian-military relations. Yesterday, the new Pentagon chief, General Lloyd Austin, announced US Special Operations Command had made appointment of its first “chief of diversity and inclusion.” This attack of morale, good order, and discipline comes in the form of mandating  “diversity and inclusion” (diversity and inclusion do not, apparently, extend to heterosexual males, particularly if they are white).

This takes place as Army Special Forces can no longer attract enough candidates to the selection course to fill vacancies, if anything like standards are maintained. This new Chief of Diversity & Inclusion who brings diversity, inclusion, thick glasses, and a double chin to U.S. Special Operations Command is Mr. Richard Torres-Estrada. What is glaringly absent from his resume is anything remotely related to being part of an organization that has a critical mission.....and a single day spent in uniform. The idea that you are going to pluck a goober like this from a failed organization like the Washington Metro (though they are very happy wallowing in their failure and not terribly concerned about doing anything except failing, so there is that) and have him oversee efforts to ensure more of the right kind of people make it to the top of the Special Operations community is nothing short of bizarre. His tweeter account includes statement comparing DJT to Hitler.

Under a sane president, this deliberate effort to divide the military into opposing camps based on race, ethnicity, and “gender” could have been mitigated. Unfortunately for all of us, we don’t have a sane president.  What next? A soviet style Political Officer on all ships and Subs, Bomb Wings and Infantry Units to maintain the proper diversity and gender balance???

This all follows Biden's his handlers decision to give Biden Rep. Marcia Fudge to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development, who, with her $50 Billion budget favors racial equity by planting diversity in your neighborhood and turning your little slice of America into her own familiar Cleveland ghetto.

Then there's Secretary of Energy: former governor of Michigan Jennifer Granholm, a fossil fuel hating bundle of sweetness who spent most of last year's campaign season on daily MSNBC programs ranting like a meth head calling most all Republican Nazis, and says you WILL drive an electric car if she has anything to say about it!  And at Transportation, little Pete Buttigieg, former mayor  that couldn't fill a pothole in South Bend, but does know a lot about trains, and wants you to rediscover the wonders of a bicycle seat, and unconstitutionally tax your freedom of movement. 

Most of all the nominees, this Vanita Gupta chick is the most dangerous of all. Picked as Biden's associate attorney general, her public record has proved extreme to say the least. She's an avowed leftist and accused of lying about her stance on defunding the police, qualified immunity, drug legalization, and capital punishment. Her twitter account is most damaging.  This is just a sample of what has come to light this last week.

For four years the mantra of the media was DJT was a danger to our democracy. But ladies and gentlemen, what every that perceived danger DJT supposedly posed, it was nothing compared to what we now face.  REAL danger from within by the leftist to our republic. Not imagined, but real.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: - Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music


H/T-Nod To The Gods