Saturday, March 19, 2022

Who's Next? Tolstoy, Pushkin, Tchaikovsky ??

America spent 50 years and trillions to keep the Soviet Union at bay, only to become a gay retarded version of the same. The American Left have become a cancerous pustule on the nation.

Your accomplishments and accolades are no longer yours, but subject to the whims of organizations who will interpret not your successes, but your political, geographical and cultural associations. Guilt by association is still guilt, and wrong think will not be tolerated.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Friday, March 18, 2022

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Middle Finger Symphony Music Chair of Music

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Throwback Thursday - Hillary Clinton Arrested for Impersonating a Book Author

Writers Guild Makes Citizens Arrest

from the 'Great Moments in History' archives - July 2014

(MFNS) NYC - Former First Lady, Secretary of State, pretentious Hag and would be famous literary personality, Hillary Clinton, was surrounded and captured at a book-signing today by a vigilante group representing the the Writer Guild of America invoking a Citizens Arrest.

Witness said Mrs. Clinton rose slowly from her seat and said "I've been expecting you". As Mrs. Clinton was led away she was heard to mumble "Mark My Word You Bitches! You all will pay for this after my coronation!"

Speaking for the writers vigilante group to reporters was the Writer Guild President, Dame Edith Bronson, author of such classic works as 'The Soul of a Squid" and ' The collect poems of Hugo Chavez':
"I, as well as my colleague, Professor of Biography Dr. Paul Menlo LeSquirt, today took the bold step to remove from the public eye an embarrassment and menace to the reputation of the literary world. 
Not since the publication of Barack Obama's auto-biography has so much fiction been passed on to the public as a non- fiction volume, and with all the pre-publication  pomp and promotion usually reserved for great works of  literature such as 'Harry Potter' and '50 Shades of Gray'. 
We simple could not in good conscience any longer allow Mrs. Clinton to soil the reputation of the literary world and the time honored craft of book authorship."  
Mrs. Clinton's Book "Hard Choices" has had dismal sales and failed to reach #1 on the NYT book list before or after it's debut, and has dropped quickly on falling behind such powerhouse tomes as 'Little Blue Truck' by Alice Schertle and last years "Farmer's Almanac" 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

WH to Unleash The Giggler to Tout Admin's Achievements

According to reports, Kamala Harris is being deployed by the White House to travel the country and gaslight America on the administrations “achievements” while 46* jets off to Europe for photo-ops and further embarrass America after the Giggler's disastrous attempt at schmoozing last week with our Allies.

The Hill reports the vice president will be spending coming weeks crisscrossing the country touting infrastructure (of which not a dollar has been spent yet) expanded broadband access (which not one home has yet received any benefit) and key executive orders signed by Biden (which were basically reversals of DJT's EO's).
"Harris will meanwhile assume a more typical schedule for a vice president during non-pandemic times. That will stand in stark contrast to her recent efforts overseas. Her past three-day sojourn to Eastern Europe was meant to reinforce U.S. support for the region against Russian aggression, however an awkward appearance at a major press conference dominated media coverage."
I would like to introduce our main speaker, The Vice-President, Kamala Harris"...........(crickets)...(giggling)...
Kamala: "I would like to tell you about all the accomplishments of the Harris/Biden Administration".....(crickets)...(giggling) .." 

Every appearance she makes will be a reminder of how incompetent and dangerous this administration is. Lets hope her staff and speech writers do more than copy & paste from Wikipedia articles like they obviously did for her European trip.

The Giggler begins her gaslight tour in deep red Southwest Louisiana this Friday, which tells me this whole thing was dreamed up on the fly.

You Presence is Commanded for the Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread

You May Talk Among Yourselves. 
Please Keep All Weapons In Plain Sight

Monday, March 14, 2022

NYTs: Dems Up Sh*t Creek and Joe Dropped the Paddle

Our betters at the New York Times ran another “Democrats Think Joe Biden Needs a Reset” article. This one came out just before Daylight Savings Time, when everyone resets their clocks, an annoying chore but one that’s actually achievable. Resetting the dem's political reality with Biden at the helm has them biting pillows as they fall asleep at night.

So the Dems met in Philadelphia last week where they reportedly hoped Biden "would offer a winning strategy heading into a challenging midterm election season." (that quote in itself is funny) It seems some now realize what the far-left has done and a “winning” strategy is preferable to a losing one. The retreat was held on the one-year anniversary of Biden’s $1.9 trillion inflationary stimulus plan, which, while it kept food on the table of millions, was shelled out mostly to people who needed no help, and bought a lot of 25 inch rims and leased a lot Benzes down in the hood.  

But 46* is now getting hit from both the right and left. 

From the Times:
Democrats are toiling to retool their message and refocus their agenda. They are worried that the accomplishments they helped deliver to Mr. Biden are being drowned out by concern over the rising price of gas and a focus on their legislative failures. And they are looking to the president, who addressed them at the retreat on Friday, to help them reframe the conversation....
C’mon, Joe, “reframe the conversation” so Americans stop whining about inflation and rising gas prices. Biden told Democrats at the retreat Friday that this may be the most important off-year election in modern history and if Republicans rout Democrats and regain control of the House and Senate the only thing he'll have then is a veto pen, which he probable forgot where he put. 

The Times didn’t seem very convinced that Biden would help Democrats refashion message before November. He’s the president, not Don Draper selling Heinz ketchup.

"Gone was the talk of a transformative agenda to remake the country’s social safety net," which was once a centerpiece of Democrats’ utopian sales pitch to voters. "The words “build back better” were all but forbidden among the groggy lawmakers who arrived in Philadelphia in the wee hours of Thursday morning."

Rep. Praline Jaypal from Washington, who leads the leftist Progtard Caucus, was said to have joked that “Build Back Better” had become like Voldemort in Harry Potter -- that which must not be named. Joe Manchin really sucked the life out of the party, didn’t he?

Some Democrats advise a thrilling move to the center that focuses on “kitchen table issues” like Rep. Sleepy Jim Clyburn executive actions federalizing elections masquerading as voting rights and reform (handcuffing) policing. Rep. Raul Ruiz, chairman of the Hispanic Caucus, wanted Biden to remove the cap on the number of refugees who can be resettled in the US this year. You know, stuff that keeps America up all night. 

I wonder if they ever thought of just not being preachy or condescending.  Nancy Pelosi's heir apparent, the big eared genius and the second coming of Chicago Jesus, Hakeem Jeffries, offered a more compelling message: Democrats "care about everyday Americans" and Republicans don't. 

Yeah, that's a message with all the hallmarks of a landslide. 

But for now their message is it's just all Putin's fault and Republicans appear to be rooting for Putin over Ukraine......

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Kamala Be Puttin' Her Finger All Up In Vlad's Putin's Chest. Uh-huh!

Appearing on MSNBC's 'The Cross Connection' (known affectionately here at DMF as 'The Crazy Black Girl Hour') hosted by Tiffany Cross, her panel of this weeks melanin superior Karens actually tried to paint Kamala Harris as a tough prosecutor who intimidated Russian dictator Vladimir Putin with her remarks in Poland earlier this week. (insert SNL fake canned laughter here).

I shit you not. MSNBC analyst Errin Haines proclaimed:
"Yet another piece of her lived experience that she really brings to this role as Vice President in this moment of crisis, and that is her role as prosecutor, right? This is somebody who is used to kind of taking on bad guys for a living. And so, her really be putting her finger in the chest of Vladimir Putin and saying that there will be consequences."
*Dictators world wide cower in their bunkers*

Fellow angry black girl Nola Haynes, gave a mixed take on Harris's performance. On the one hand, she described Harris as "strong" and "assertive," and as having delivered the right message to Putin. But on the other hand, when Cross asked whether Putin had received that message, Haynes said:
"I’m going to be blunt here. Putin is a sexist so probably not. On top of that, there’s the race component. So taken together, the intersectionality of her race and gender, he probably dismissed what she had to say."

GEE, Ya think! Just watching the crazy bitches cost me an IQ point. 

Of course the ladies never uttered a word about Harris's juvenile demeaner or her cackling response when questioned about the refugee crisis. Kamala's tipsy sorority girl act angered many in Eastern Europe doing the heavy work of helping. Nor did they mention President Zelensky's former spokeswoman, who tweeted that it would be a "tragedy" if Harris ever became president, a sentiment that most all American would not disagree with.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Friday, March 11, 2022

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Middle Finger Symphony Music Chair of Music