Monday, February 16, 2015

The Strange Regret Of Ex-Obama Aide

Since the election of Barack Obama, the members of Democrat Party elite 
have become More and More Bizarre....  
John Podesta is a man on a mission, beyond electing libs to public office
The longtime Democrat super-operative and counselor to presidents who is expected to help honcho a Hillary Clinton run for the White House has made a true confession — and a rather strange one at that — with announcement of his “biggest failure of 2014.”
Fox News reports that John Podesta, who has just left his job as a close Obama confidant and consultant, has told his twitter followers that he regrets “once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files.”
For the man who, according to The New York Times, “helped save Bill Clinton’s presidency from the fires of scandal and impeachment,” bringing secret government files on UFO’s to the light of public scrutiny has long been a passion.
And since the founder of the ultra-liberal, Soros-backed Center for American Progress and fan of the defunct TV show “The X-Files” made his disappointment over the continued secrecy of the UFO files a tweet, naturally his followers lit up Podesta’s twitter feed.