Sunday, July 29, 2018

Will the APA Soon Designate TDS an Official Mental Disorder?

While the mental afflictions of reactionary, anti-Trump progressives have not yet been classified as an official diagnosis, the symptoms we have witnessed over and over and come to call 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' include uncontrollable crying, loss of bowel control, nightly pillow biting, helplessness, marathon viewing of CNN, screaming at the sky and spending excessive time on social media sites. Mental Health Professionals have taken note and are finally speaking up about this strange phenomenon. 

The Hill
"Therapists in the U.S. say they have seen a rise in politically-related anxiety. Though a condition has not been officially named, therapists and patients have referred to it as “Trump Anxiety Disorder,” according to a report from Canada’s CBC News. 
Elisabeth LaMotte, the founder of the D.C. Counseling and Psychotherapy Center in Washington, D.C., told CBC that there is a “collective anxiety” among her patients related to President Trump’s rhetoric and policies."There is a fear of the world ending. It's very disorienting and constantly unsettling." 
The American Psychological Association (APA) found in a recent online survey that stress levels following the election are the highest they’ve been in a decade. And the majority of respondents reported stress over the 2016 election and the future of the nation as factors. The APA also found a correlation between stress levels and electronic news consumption....."
In the earliest stages of the disease, TDS victims lose all sense of proportion. The later stages of have a profound effect on the victim's vocabulary as sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole. As TDS progresses, the afflicted lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality. In the advanced stages the afflicted lose touch with reality. Opinion becomes unmoored from fact and stuttering and uncontrollable slobbering may set in. 

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

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