Friday, August 10, 2018

Yes Virginia, "In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act"

Yesterday the left lost their lunch over remarks perceived as incendiary or inflammatory by commentator Laura Ingraham. From the pages of DailyKos and Splinter to even writers at the formerly respectable RedState stridently went after Ingram for her commentary, some even calling for her punishment. I happen to have been watching when she responded to remarks by the loony leftist Alexandria Ocashew-Cortex and her repeatedly gleeful commenting on America’s changing demographics.

From what I heard, I give Ingraham the benefit of the doubt and believe she was referring to assimilation, not race:
"Because in some parts of the country, it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people and they’re changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us don’t like. From Virginia to California, we see stark examples of how radically in some ways the country has changed. Now, much of this is related to both illegal and in some cases legal immigration that of course progressives love."
I read her comments as referring to assimilation because of context, the inclusion of legal immigration, and her past statements. She's become a big target for the left, but far from being the robe wearing racist they make her out to be. She's adopted three children from foreign countries, and not here to clean her pool or cut her lawn, eh Hollywood?

But still, to some these latest comments by Ingraham somehow prove her inherent racism, because as we all know, any white person born before 1970 is a closet racist.  The demographic change she notes goes hand-in-hand with the political changes being foisted on the country, and that is what she comments on, Politics.  There ARE enclaves of immigrants (both legal and illegal) who would prefer NOT to assimilate into American society and culture, and even some elements that would prefer to radically alter it. There ARE fewer and fewer people who identify as strictly “American” and would instead prefer to be a member of the growing number of hyphenated groups.

What leftist media keyboard stalinist refuse to acknowledge is that not every negative comment about immigrants or black celebrities, sports heroes and politicians is born of racial or ethnic animus. Those who make those connections through their righteous indignation and their propensity to signal their virtue while seeing a racial/ethnic bogeyman behind every tree, one has to ask: who is the one preoccupied with race or ethnicity??

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