Saturday, March 24, 2012

Democrats Call for Bill Maher to Apologize

From the New York Times:
To the Editor:

Re “Please Stop Apologizing,” by Bill Maher (Op-Ed, March 22):

 We’re both women who have worked in Democratic politics and the media for decades and find Bill Maher’s misogynist treatment of women candidates deeply disturbing. Coincidentally we both hail from Alaska — where women are treated as equals — so perhaps our threshold for this kind of behavior is less than here in the Lower 48.
 Mr. Maher has implicitly attempted to tie his own demeaning attacks on women to the unrelated issue of partisan-motivated fake outrage, which we agree is tiring. While others have been held to account for their sexism, Mr. Maher remains unrepentant for his attacks on women in public life.
 How can we expect women to run for office when they are essentially told to “lighten up about” and accept misogynist attacks? The Women’s Media Center has found that such attacks on women candidates have a measurable negative effect on how voters view them.
 Our message to Mr. Maher and his ilk is: Please start apologizing.
Washington, March 23, 2012

Ms. Lee is the former executive director of the Democratic Governors Association. 
Ms. Powers is a political commentator who worked in the Clinton administration.


Mahar has a history of going far beyond the normal satire people open themselves up to by being part of public life. His ugly, sexist and misogynistic attacks on women don't entitle him to hide behind comedy or large contributions to political campaigns.


Google Creates New Social Network for Al Quaeda

Google's New Goats +
Google Inc., in it's never ceasing quest for advertising revenue today announced it's new social  network "Goats + " geared toward the terrorists organization, Al Quaeda, hiding  in mountain caves and dessert hideaways.

Google spokesman Ben Sputt said "todays announcement marks the first chapter in Google's humanitarian phase, reaching out to a population that because of security reasons are not fortunate enough to be able to use the normal social networking platforms such as Facebook or Google +  as way to stay in touch with friends and lovers in the goat community."

 Al Quaeda freedom fighter, Ahmed Al Sahiit, thanked Google in an encoded dispatch to the Mountain View, California headquarters released to the media in a press briefing today saying " it's very cold and lonely up in the mountain caves, and sometime our trusted goats are our only warmth and Lovers. It is good to be able to stay in touch, after they find new companionship, with our favorite goats after being separated due to helicopter raids or  falling  bombs from the air by the filthy running dog imperialist infidels. We find the kindness and concern of the infidels at Google almost heartwarming. Praise be to Allah."

Google is rumored to have promised new high level closed loop security for Goats + communication in return for copious amounts of advertising revenue from the Mideast economies heretofore unreachable.

Al Quaeda leader, Ayman Al Zawahiri, was not available for comment, but is rumored to be jubilant at the announcement.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Don't Let the Media Worms Get to Your Head!

New From Diogenes' Cellar Laboratories!


Joe Is At It Again....

Weekly Standard
"Yesterday, a reporter from the Irish Times responsible for the foreign press pool report of a breakfast with Joe Biden and Irish prime minister Enda Kenny noted that the "[vice president of the United States] seems to have an inexhaustible supply of Irish sayings." But it wasn't just Irish sayings--Biden also threw in a dirty joke at the official White House reception."
"You know there’s and old Irish saying," Biden said. "There’s all kinds of old Irish sayings. (Laughter.) At least my Grandfather Finnegan, I think he made them up, but it says, may the hinges of our friendship never go rusty. Well, with these two folks that you’re about to meet, if you haven’t already, there’s no doubt about them staying oiled and lubricated here. Ladies and gentlemen -- (laughter) -- now, for you who are not full Irish in this room, lubricating has a different meaning for us all."

 Seems Biden can’t show up at any event without acting like the manager of a used car lot. 

Being more apt to be found in the hall of elks, on the 7th days eve, in a green suit of leisure with white shoes pulling a draft, slapping backs and yacking it up; the second in charge of the great nation yet pulls at our legs, and leaves us all to beg for more spirits to quell our hysteria. Winnebago Man cometh.


Your Government in Action.....

The food stamp program, managed by the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing food stamps to more than 46 million people in the USA.

Meanwhile, the Park Service, also managed by the Department of Agriculture, threatens to prosecute those who "Feed Wild Animals".........because the animals may grow dependent upon us and not take care of themselves.

Monday, March 19, 2012

I told them I didn't want to be on the Left!

This is where it all began........
(only known existing photo of Diogenes)


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Krauthammer Schools the PBS Libs.......Again.

You can't see it in the video, but rhetorically Charles Krauthammer again pulls his saber and drives it deep into Nina Totenberg's bag of leftist propaganda, this time on the so called Republican "War on Women" and public opinion. .....Its a beautiful thing to behold.

"Liberal echo chamber elite cocooning.”


I Didn't Know Groucho Ever Meet Barack Obama

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”— Groucho Marx


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Obama Signs Executive Order Allowing for Control Over all US Resources

With last years military maneuvers on the west coast that look suspiciously like crowd control and intelligence gathering practice, along with recent drone overflights of U.S. cities, now quietly the White House announces to little fanfare this little jewel.... 

You can read the whole Executive Order for yourself Here.

In short, the 'National Defense Resources Preparedness' order gives the Executive Branch the power to control and allocate energy, production, transportation, food, and even water resources by decree under the auspices of national defense and national security.  The order is not limited to wartime implementation, as one of the order's functions includes the command and control of resources in peacetime determinations.
Section 101. Purpose. This order delegates authorities and addresses national defense resource policies and programs under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (the "Act").
(b) assess on an ongoing basis the capability of the domestic industrial and technological base to satisfy requirements in peacetime and times of national emergency, specifically evaluating the availability of the most critical resource and production sources, including subcontractors and suppliers, materials, skilled labor, and professional and technical personnel;
"Executive Orders created for national defense and national preparedness are not new in American history, but in each instance they brought about a Constitutional crisis that nearly led standing Presidents to hold dictatorial power over the citizenry......" 

"The Obama administration appears to be preparing for a long drawn out war in the Middle East, or at the very least, an expected crisis that will require the need to override Constitutional authority and claim dominion over all resources in the United States under the guise of national security...." - The Examiner 

[snip] violent OWS uprisings in major cities this summer that raise fears that could very well cost him the White House?

H/T sig94

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Looking Through Some Old Business Records and Found This.......


Our Teleprompter President’s Oratory

 A Comparative Analysis 
Conservative Resources

Barack Obama is renowned for his speechifying, but comparing him to historical figures is downright dispiriting because of the wide chasm that separates him from them. If Obama is a great orator by today’s standards, then we have a problem with our standards.

The man reads from his teleprompter like a pro but has little of import to say, lies shamelessly, uses eighth-grade language, leans heavily toward long-windedness, and stumbles over his own tongue like a stroke victim when the teleprompter is unavailable. This passage from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address, delivered to a divided nation during the Civil War, shows how far standards have slipped:....Keep Reading........

H/T Larwyn's Linx

And now a word from Sigmund.......


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Diogenes has Bugs

Seems our recent yearly computer operating system reinstall and cleanup wasn't the usual 1-2-3 success we usually achieve, and things are a bit wonky on both machines. 

 We hope it was only a bad update or corrupt file, but we leave that up to the monkeys to decide. In the meantime, I'm taking a short vacation to play with some new toys. 

I leave you with my thoughts of the whole situation......
