Saturday, June 23, 2012

Orwellian Obama

Matthew - Saturday 6/23

Matthew's Week End Commentary:
In his novel 1984, George Orwell introduced us to a political system -- Ingsoc, or "English Socialism" -- that made use of a variety of rhetorical and memory-control tricks that had definite political purposes. Mostly these were devices which were intended to ensure that The Party's point of view always prevailed, or which denied a political opponent the ability to make a point or express an idea which the The Party found politically inconvenient, anathema, or seditious. One of these devices was called Doublethink.
Doublethink involved the simultaneous belief in two contradictory ideas combined with the ability to use each argument in a way that jibed with political orthodoxy, as each might be needed. The person using Doublethink would then replace one truth as needed with another, and then trick themselves into believing that point which was necessary to have always been the absolute truth, while simultaneously forgetting that they had ever held any other position on a subject.
For example: take the contradictory ideas that "Water is Wet" and "Water is Dry"; if political orthodoxy required that Water was, indeed, dry, then this became the absolute and everlasting truth, and no other fact about Water could ever be advanced, or had ever existed. Conversely, if The Party should suddenly require that all it's people should believe the opposite, that Water is Wet, then this became the absolute, unassailable truth, and no other truth could have ever existed, or ever did exist. In this way, The Party was able to tell egregious lies and have them instantly believed by millions who had exercised an ability to instantly forget or dismiss any inconsistency. 
 Barack Obama is the consummate practitioner of Doublethink. It oozes from every utterance, every staged speech, every policy position. Every Obama utterance or action contains a certain self-canceling duality.
Here are some examples:  
 * "The Rich" are demonized on a near-daily basis for being greedy, avaricious destroyers, pillagers of their country and malefactors par excellance...until someone needs their money to run a political campaign, in which case, The Rich become the greatest people on Planet Earth, True Progressives, the Defenders of Democracy.
 * Even the category, "The Rich" is constantly defined downwards, so that the guy who makes $250,000 a year is suddenly equated with the billionaire. When it comes to deciding who will get eyedrops, bandaids or chemotherapy from a government-sponsored healthcare-rationing bureaucracy, suddenly the guy who makes $125,000 a year is considered rich. When it comes to deciding who gets a mortgage renegotiation, the guy who makes $100,000 a year is rejected as being "wealthy", while the guy with $50,000 a year, and who will re-default on his newly-arranged rate, is suddenly held to be a better risk.
 * This administration continually talks up "economic progress" while it hands out Food Stamps in unheard of numbers.
 * This administration talks about fairness in the tax code and enforcement, that "The Rich" should pay their "fair share" as a "Patriotic duty", while 53% of the people in this country pay no income taxes whatsoever.
 * It is the Republican Party and the Big Banks which brought us to the brink of insolvency by making risky bets with the public's money, but government led by a democratic (small 'd' intentional) President, planning to borrow $5 trillion over three years to largely spend on more failed welfare programs, new welfare programs, bailing out deadbeats, unions and Obama political cronies is somehow an "investment in our future".
 * This President lectures our citizens about their responsibilities as "Citizens of the World", and then gives Air Force One the greatest workout in history. he decries the "Illegal" war in Iraq, and then starts another in Libya, and perhaps another in Syria or Yemen is on the way. This President claims to want to strengthen our old alliances, and then insults the British, undermines the Israelis, and lectures the Europeans about Austerity Measures that he won't even consider for his own country.
 * This President talks a good game about Freedom, and then conspires over an open mike with a representative of a Russian Dictatorship to sell us down the river when he doesn't have to worry about re-election. This President talks about Freedom while a Chinese Dissident is arrested inside a U.S. Embassy with the full blessing of the State Department.
 * Barack Obama craps all over democratically-elected Republicans and Conservatives the world over, refuses to confront Syrian, North Korean or Iranian dictators potentially armed with weapons of mass destruction, and then turns the organs of the American government against it's own people; the IRS audits political enemies, the ATF allows Mexican drug gangs to buy weapons in America which are then used to kill American citizens, the EPA invents rules as it sees fit and confiscates or prevents the use of private property. He rules through a series of unelected, unaccountable "Czars" largely through fiat. When this President doesn't like American immigration law, or the individual state's right to defend itself from foreign invasion when the federal Government won't, he files lawsuits against them, or circumvents the role of Congress by granting Amnesty through Executive Order. He then has the nerve to consider himself the New Reagan.
 * Barack Obama blames his political enemies for "Gridlock" in Washington, but never admits that his administration has never advanced an agenda they knew the other side couldn't accept, nor that Harry Reid has kept most of the Obama Agenda off the table for years, failing to call for votes in the U.S. Senate and never failing to avoid pointing this out.
 * Barack Obama claims to be “saving or creating” jobs, “cutting deficits”, “saving GM”, and that this is sound economic policy, while simultaneously raising the national debt by $5 trillion in under three years with money that is largely borrowed, and which will be borrowed at the expense of future economic growth. The immediate result is always more important than the long-term impact for Obama, be cause he is a creature of the here-and-now.
 * Isn’t it rather strange that the “composite Woman” that the Obamatards chose to advertise their cradle-to-grave ambitions is named “Julia”? That was the name of the semi-heroine in 1984; you know, the one that lead Winston Smith to his eventual downfall? There couldn't be a subliminal message there, right?
 * Not paying for something readily available on store shelves at ridiculously-low prices (i.e. contraceptives) is a War on Women, but denying them an extra breast cancer screening or two under ObamaCare isn’t?
 * Somehow, the government “mandates” that health insurers cover pre-existing conditions, that the banks lend to people who will obviously default, that auto companies only build vehicles that no one will buy, that Wall Street submit to regulations that will stifle investment and creativity, and dumps billions of extorted taxpayer dollars into bankrupt Green Energy firms, and hundreds of billions more into failed Stimulus Projects, and Obama still has the nerve to talk about how his “solutions” to our problems are in the finest traditions of the Free Market?
 * The President talks about avoiding the Past, and yet, does nothing but speak of it. He inherited this, that or the other problem; everything is the past Republican regime’s fault; anything anti-Obama is about “turning back the clock”, when it isn’t a cause to invoke the legacy of Jim Crow. Barack Obama does nothing but look backwards while his (written by other people and stuffed into a teleprompter) rhetoric is all about looking forward.
 * The Obama’s decry the ostentatious and crass consumerism of our current society, and yet, they vacation in Hawaii, Spain, Martha’s Vineyard, and Vail. They have “date nights” consisting of a one-evening flight from Washington to New York, a fancy hotel and dinner, and a show, only to fly back in the A.M. The First Lady wears nothing but designer clothes (and they pointed fingers at Sarah Palin for her alleged $50,000 wardrobe?); the Obama Children attend an upscale, fancy-shmancy school that is notoriously lacking in a middle class student body (where are the academic diversity bean counters in that situation, one wonders?). The Obamas are the typical Socialist Duo, who hypocritically piss all over the bourgeois while living an even grander lifestyle at someone else’s expense.
 * Only in Obama’s America can you make more money living on government assistance than you can by working for a living . Only in Obama’s America can you deprive the private sector of $3 trillion (to pay for Obamacare, bailouts, and the Porkulus Bill), plan to borrow another $2 trillion to keep the Welfare State afloat, and then berate business for not creating enough “opportunities’ on the remaining , limited capital. The only opportunities being created are for the Washington, DC set and their brain-dead, unionized minions, and that’s being paid for by money we don’t even have.
Update: I forgot one: 
This President claims to be running the "most Transparent administration in History", and then he allows the Attorney general of the United States to claim Executive Privilege in order to avoid answering a simple question: who is the dumbass who got a Border Patrol Agent murdered, and why is that shithead still employed?

Crossposted @The Lunatic's Asylum 

Matthew is a friend and weekly contributor to DMF 
Stop by and give him a shout at the above link

Fast & Furious vs. Wide Receiver

Diogenes - Saturday 6/23

Click on image to enlarge
h/t  Straight Talk

Friday, June 22, 2012

Educational Crash Course #201

Another Installment of Diogenes'
  Public Service Educational Series:

"Saving Endangered Species 101"

Next in Series:
The Evils of a Privileged Society:
with First Lady Michelle Antoinette Obama 


Educational Crash Course Series Archive

Obama's Next Political Ploy

Gay Marriage, Immunity for Illegals.....
Next Up: Mortgage Debt Ploy.
Diogenes - Friday 6/22
If Obama can declare immunity for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens he can also unilaterally order the broad refinancing of mortgages on millions of “underwater” homeowners, including those people given taxpayer backed loans they could not afford in the first place.
The New York Times’ Paul Krugman told the liberal “Take Back the American Dream” conference on Tuesday:
"One of the benefits of such a move, would be some additional economic activity at a time when the economy is sluggish. But another benefit is clearly political and could provide the votes Obama needs to be re-elected."
This from the World Tribune:
"A big theme of the conference was that Obama’s recent grant of amnesty to an estimated one million illegal aliens was because of pressure from progressive activists and that Obama will use his presidential power to act on mortgage debt relief or forgiveness if liberals take to the streets."
"New liberal groups are emerging on a regular basis to provide Obama with the political cover for taking this unprecedented and extraordinary action. The Home Defenders League has been formed to fight foreclosures and evictions and publicize the campaign. Another, the New Bottom Line, is run by veteran Soros operative Tracy Van Slyke."
"But concern about the taxpayers or the homeowners who are paying their mortgages was not in evidence at the progressive conference, which is searching for a new class of victims/voters to function as a constituency for Obama’s re-election effort. These activists also want a scapegoat, in addition to Wall Street and the banks......" 
Read More Here 

Fishnet Friday


Thursday, June 21, 2012

2012 DNC Convention Schedule

Reaganite Republican

Dems to Meet in Charlotte Sept. 3, 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention
(Sept. 3, 2012) @ Charlotte, North Carolina:

4:00 PM  Opening Flag Burning Ceremony

4:05 PM  Singing of "G-D America" Led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright

4:10  PM Pledge of Allegiance (to Obama) 

4:15 PM  Ceremonial 'I Hate America' by Michelle Obama

4:30 PM  Tips on Dodging Sniper Fire - Hillary Clinton

4:45PM  Al Sharpton Leads Castrati Choir in 
Performing 'Great Balls of Fire'

5:00PM  UFO Abduction Survival - Joe Biden

5:30 PM  Eliot Spitzer on 'Family Values' (via satellite)

5:45 PM  Special Tribute to Delegates (all 57 states) 

6:00 PM  [Presidential Smoke Break] 
6:30 PM  Vegan hors d'oeuvres, foreign mineral water served

7:30 PM  Airing of Grievances by the Clintons

9:00 PM  Innovation Online by Anthony Weiner

9:15 PM  Tribute Film to Freedom Fighters at Gitmo - Michael Moore

9:45 PM  Personal Finance Seminar - Charlie Rangel

10:00 PM  Denunciation of Recalcitrant Gun-Clingers followed by festive Charlton Heston piñata - Rosie O'Donnell

10:45 PM  Ceremonial Waving of White Flag for Iraq and Afghanistan 

11:00 PM  Obama Energy Plan Symposium/Tire Gauge Demo

11:15 PM  Free Governor Blagojevich Rally

11:30 PM  Obama Tongue-Bath, performed by Chris Matthews

11:45 PM Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish - Obamessiah Presidin'

12:00 AM Official Nomination of Obama by Bill Maher

12:01 AM Obama Accepts Nomination as Lord and Savior
12:05 AM Celestial Choirs Sing

2:00 AM  Goose-Stepping New Black Panthers March Past/Salute Presidential Review Stand in Honor of Now-Eternal Regime

 3:00 AM  Biden Delivers Acceptance Speech  

Note: One omission: Memorial recognition of Obama's surrogate son, Trayvon, will be in conjunction with the 12:05 AM event.


"Behind Every Successful Man..........."

Diogenes - Thursday 6/21

None of us know her fundamental beliefs except that almost everything in Michelle’s Obama's life prior to her taking up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. was critical of just about everything American.
I have no hatred for Michelle Obama, only contempt and disgust. She and her husband are a unintended consequence of political correctness and a perfect example of what happens when the race card is allowed to trump common sense, tradition, and patriotism. She's far more interested in self-gratification, shopping trips, extravagant vacations, a fawning press, and has cost the taxpayer untold millions.
The Obama presidency is a fluke, a hiccup caused by white guilt and black ignorance, an experiment that's gone awry and needs to be shut down in November while there's still enough time to give ourselves the antidote to their misguided pestilence.
And I'm sure the clowns will be glad to get their clothes back........

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

El Bandido Loco


Alec Baldwin Focus of a Criminal Investigation.

 Mr. Congeniality Strikes Again

He was like crazy, you know?” said witness Goren Veljic, a photographer who snaps wedding pictures outside the building. “There was an eruption of mad. I think something’s wrong with him.”
Baldwin later compared the incident to the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin:
I suppose if the offending paparazzi was wearing a hoodie and I shot him, it would all blow over.The actor added that people like the photographer “need to be deported to some island.”  
What a Liberal Class Act! 
Read More Here

Media Snark.....

A Harley Biker is riding by the zoo in Washington, DC when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion’s cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch.
Whimpering from the pain, the lion jumps back, letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A report has watched the whole event. 
The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, ‘Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I’ve seen a man do in my whole life.’ 
The Harley rider replies, ‘Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right.’ 
The reporter says, ‘Well, I’ll make sure this won’t go unnoticed. I’m a journalist, you know, and tomorrow’s paper will have this story on the front page… So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?’ 
The biker replies, “ I’m a U.S. Marine and a Republican .”
The following morning the biker buys the paper to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on the front page: 
… and THAT pretty much sums up the media’s approach to the news these days ..
via Stealth Magnolia 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hey Vintage Media: Investigate This..........

Diogenes - Tuesday 6/19
Last week was the 40th anniversary of Watergate and the media have taken a look back at the state of investigative journalism; they're not happy with what they've found. They're shocked, shocked that investigative journalism has gone the way of the 8 track player! Sure, there are a handful of little-known sources they've found, but they're the exception, not the rule. "We need investigative journalism!" they cry from their Ivory Towers!
Let me ask you big-time mainstream vintage media advocates of investigative journalism a simple question. Have you looked in the mirror lately? As much as you whine about the lack of investigative journalism, you fail to see the reason for its alleged decline is, well, you.

The journalism profession has become little more than a public relations firm working for the Left and any cause it deems vital, no matter how apathetic the public is about it. While media sources spent precious minutes on Mitt Romney's stupid behavior in high school, barely a passing mention or time spent doing a serious story about the national security leaks coming out of the Obama White House. Remember the story about Obama bullying a student in school? No? Not surprising because you guys didn't think it was important enough to address. But Mitt Romney, he's fair game!
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your point of view), bloggers are doing what Woodward and Bernstein were doing during Watergate. I know you media types don't consider blogging to be legitimate journalism because of the lack of accountability when a story is factually wrong (by the way, has the New York Times recovered from the Jayson Blair fiasco?). However, the blogosphere is proving you don't need to go to Columbia to point out corruption in the world around us. And given the state of what passes for mainstream journalism these days, the blogger sitting at home in his PJs is out-hustling the big name reporters you rub shoulders with at dinner parties where the topic of the so-called death of investigative journalism is discussed over Brie and Chardonnay.
Maybe the reason the media are lamenting the "death" of investigative journalism is because you're afraid to dig into their own side's misdeeds. After all, it's always much more fun to try to take down the high and mighty when you have a personal vendetta, right? Ah, but when you realize your side, the one you've put so much personal stake into, is no better than the side you hate, it's not so fun, is it? There was a time when investigative journalists would put their feelings aside and go after the crooks, letting the chips fall where they may. But when you can't separate the personal from the professional, you're going to play favorites and, in doing so, help to kill investigative journalism through politically blind neglect.
If you really give a damn about investigative journalism, stop playing favorites and start sending out reporters to shine a flashlight into the dark corners of the Left. Sure, you may not get invited to as many dinner parties with those Leftists, but at least you won't get scooped like the National Inquirer did on the John Edwards story. Or are you just in it for the big bucks and the shrimp cocktails?
Maybe you in the media could take a short lesson on how to go about it here

Monday, June 18, 2012

Obama's Law Mentor Speaks

Diogenes - Monday 6/18

 "President Obama must be defeated in November"
But not for the reasons you might think.....

Over the weekend, you may have noticed an article at the Huffington Post about how one of Barack Obama’s former professors at Harvard Law, Roberto Mangabeira Unger, proclaimed that the president “must be defeated” in a YouTube video titled “Beyond Obama,” but did you actually watch the video and listen to what he had to say?
Barack Obama took courses in “Jurisprudence” and “Reinventing Democracy” with Professor Unger at Harvard Law School, and you just know that he’s had to have seen this video by now which was made in May before the bold pivot to the left with last week’s unexpected Presidential Order on the children of illegal immigrants.
He might come off as a bit of a humorless, pompous ass, sure, but don’t hold that against a Harvard professor!


A Good Monday Morning