Last week was the 40th anniversary of Watergate and the media have taken a look back at the state of investigative journalism; they're not happy with what they've found. They're shocked, shocked that investigative journalism has gone the way of the 8 track player! Sure, there are a handful of little-known sources they've found, but they're the exception, not the rule. "We need investigative journalism!" they cry from their Ivory Towers!
Let me ask you big-time mainstream vintage media advocates of investigative journalism a simple question. Have you looked in the mirror lately? As much as you whine about the lack of investigative journalism, you fail to see the reason for its alleged decline is, well, you.
The journalism profession has become little more than a public relations firm working for the Left and any cause it deems vital, no matter how apathetic the public is about it. While media sources spent precious minutes on Mitt Romney's stupid behavior in high school, barely a passing mention or time spent doing a serious story about the national security leaks coming out of the Obama White House. Remember the story about Obama bullying a student in school? No? Not surprising because you guys didn't think it was important enough to address. But Mitt Romney, he's fair game!
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your point of view), bloggers are doing what Woodward and Bernstein were doing during Watergate. I know you media types don't consider blogging to be legitimate journalism because of the lack of accountability when a story is factually wrong (by the way, has the New York Times recovered from the Jayson Blair fiasco?). However, the blogosphere is proving you don't need to go to Columbia to point out corruption in the world around us. And given the state of what passes for mainstream journalism these days, the blogger sitting at home in his PJs is out-hustling the big name reporters you rub shoulders with at dinner parties where the topic of the so-called death of investigative journalism is discussed over Brie and Chardonnay.
Maybe the reason the media are lamenting the "death" of investigative journalism is because you're afraid to dig into their own side's misdeeds. After all, it's always much more fun to try to take down the high and mighty when you have a personal vendetta, right? Ah, but when you realize your side, the one you've put so much personal stake into, is no better than the side you hate, it's not so fun, is it? There was a time when investigative journalists would put their feelings aside and go after the crooks, letting the chips fall where they may. But when you can't separate the personal from the professional, you're going to play favorites and, in doing so, help to kill investigative journalism through politically blind neglect.
If you really give a damn about investigative journalism, stop playing favorites and start sending out reporters to shine a flashlight into the dark corners of the Left. Sure, you may not get invited to as many dinner parties with those Leftists, but at least you won't get scooped like the National Inquirer did on the John Edwards story. Or are you just in it for the big bucks and the shrimp cocktails?
Maybe you in the media could take a short lesson on how to go about it here.
The world economy on the verge of collapse, the Mideast about to explode, wars in two countries, the president throwing the Constitution out the window once again, the DOJ involved in the murder of U.S. LEOs, jobless rate at an all time high and what does the lame stream media report????? Romney and a Hoagie sandwich! The alphabet media is a 100% lefty/socialist/marxist propaganda machine and nothing more.
ReplyDeleteThe rise of great Conservative blogs like yours DS is the only way for Americans to get the truth behind the left's disgusting calculated dismantling of the America our Forefathers founded..
Well said, Jack!
DeleteThe "Fourth" unseen branch of government, is, well, unseen, unheard, and just plain uninterested.
ReplyDeleteExactly my point. They stand in the corner and whine the room is to small......
DeleteExcellent post. If it weren't for the sheer neglect of the MSM in doing their job in 2008, we would not have our current president.
ReplyDeleteI have begun to refer to ABC News as the All Barack Channel, or the All Barack Campaign. The agenda of the main-stream media outlets is ridiculously apparent. They don't even attempt to hide it anymore.
ReplyDeleteWhen referring to the MSM, "investigative journalism" is no longer a part of its mission.
Good post.