Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Your Tax Dollars in Action.....

Tsarnaev family received over $100,000 in taxpayer funded welfare benefits

"The Tsarnaev family, including the suspected terrorists and their parents, benefited from more than $100,000 in taxpayer-funded assistance — a bonanza ranging from cash and food stamps to Section 8 housing from 2002 to 2012, the Herald has learned.
“The breadth of the benefits the family was receiving was stunning,” said a person with knowledge of documents handed over to a legislative committee today.
The state has handed over more than 500 documents to the 11-member House Post Audit and Oversight Committee, which today met for the first time and plans to call in officials from the Department of Transitional Assistance to testify."..... MORE

Until last September, the entire family was non-citizens, at least two of them were on terror watch lists, one of them had been arrested for assault, and one of them had a warrant out for her arrest for shoplifting. And they still managed to get welfare checks!

The next time you hear a liberal argue that we don’t need welfare reform or tighter immigration , link them to this article.

2013 NBA Cy Young Winner Jason Collins

Socialists Are Confused By Breasts

 Or, at least, they think we are.
From the N.Y.Post:
"New York City is looking to hire — for up to $73,000 a year — someone to encourage breast-feeding in Brooklyn.
A “Breast-Feeding Empowerment Zone” will target specific areas in Bedford-Stuyvesant and Brownsville to “encourage and support” suckling, The Post has learned.
The initiative will offer a range of measures to bolster breast-feeding — including a media campaign, home visits, consultations, and community mobilization, according to the Health Department, which also aims to focus on “male involvement in breast-feeding.”
This, of course, is classic lefty socialism. We need to hire someone, we need an initiative, we need a grant and a media campaign and community mobilization to explain how breastfeeding works. Because it's a new thing, this breastfeeding. Brand new. No one's really ever done it before.

Liberalism means tearing down all of the values and traditions and the unbroken chain of human experiences, treating us all like helpless and victimized children, and then re-installing -- by government initiative and social-welfare busybodies -- what we never really lost in the first place.

And tell me again,  just why is it government's role to engage in "community mobilization"?

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Forward Into the Past: CNN Becomes "CNN Classic"

After CNN's disastrous coverage of the the Boston terror attack and in danger of falling  in the ratings behind "The Truth is Overrated Network", better known as MSNBC, the pioneering  cable news network makes a bold move for the future.
The New Yorker - In a sweeping format change that marks the end of an era for the nation's first cable news outlet, CNN announced today that it would no longer air breaking news and would instead re-run news stories of the past “that we know we got right.”
The rebranded network, to début nationwide on Monday, will be called “CNN Classic.
Breaking news is hard,” said the newly installed CNN chief, Jeff Zucker. “You have to talk to sources, make sure their stories check out O.K., and then get on the air and not say anything stupid. I, for one, am thrilled to be getting out of that horrible business.”
CNN Classic will begin its broadcast day on Monday, Mr. Zucker said, “with round-the-clock coverage of Operation Desert Storm.”

Mr. Zucker did not indicate what impact the new format would have on such CNN stars as Wolf Blitzer, saying only, “I can’t promise that Wolf will be a part of CNN’s future, but he will continue to be a big part of our past.
The CNN chief scoffed at reports that other cable news outlets had eclipsed his network once and for all, throwing down this gauntlet: “We are going to win May sweeps with Hurricane Katrina......” 

Media research organizations and journalism departments from two well known universities gathered last week and spent forty-eight hours watching and combing CNN in the hopes of finding any information whatsoever called off their search early they confirmed today.

After monitoring every minute of CNN’s broadcast for two whole days, all we  found was hearsay, rumors, falsehoods, and a steady stream of inane commentary, as well a one very obnoxious British chap” one participant said. “Everything but information.” The announcement was the second black eye for CNN, which earlier in the week recanted all of its reporting dating back to mid-2009.

The new
CNN chief Jeff Zucker acknowledged that the network had experienced “a rough patch” since he took over earlier this year, but added, “At least no one was watching.”

2013 White House Science Fair Projects you didn’t get to see:

This team won the President’s Science Award for an Advanced Laser Imaging Scope 
that positively identifies homosexuals.

And this scale model Democratic Elevating Robotic Platform could provide valuable
assistance to those making their way to America.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Topless Lesbian Hate Group Attacks Archbishop


In an astonshing display of gentleness in the face of a vile attack, the head of the Catholic Church in Belgium, Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, remained calmly seated with eyes closed in prayer as four topless women attacked him with shouts and curses and doused him with water.

It’s not the first time the bishop has been attacked for standing up for the Church’s teachings on homosexuality and expressing his concern for those who live the homosexual lifestyle. The incident took place at the ULB University in Brussels where the archbishop was participating in a debate on blasphemy laws.

The four women, representing the pro-abortion and homosexual group FEMEN, took to the stage where they disrobed to reveal black-painted slogans on their bare chests and backs, such as ‘my body my rules,’ and 'anus dei is coming.' They also held signs reading ‘stop homophobia’. The women doused the archbishop with water from bottles formed in the image of the Virgin Mary.

For most of the attack, which lasted a number of minutes before the women could be forced off stage, Archbishop Leonard sat drenched with water with eyes closed in prayer. After the ordeal, the archbishop kissed the image of the Virgin Mary on one of the water bottles that was used in the attack. Le Soir reports that one of the interveners said of the archbishop: “He was very calm and maintained a position of prayer. I have to believe he was praying for us.” 


*Irony Alert*
I wonder it it has ever dawned to these women people, that unlike the Catholic Church who just sees it as sinful,  they are surrounded by 300,000 people that would just assume see them headless for their lifestyle.......

Barry and Babs at the Library......

Thursday, April 25, 2013

What Kind of Leftist Are You?

Take COSMO’s Latest Hot Quiz to Find Out!

1. You are at a party when someone jokes that Obama “only celebrates one half of black history month.” What do you do?
A. Explode into a seething ball of rage, point your finger in the jokester’s face, and swear profusely.

B. Be too shocked to say anything. Write an anonymous post on Ask Metafilter when you get home.

C. Laugh nervously, and defend yourself against the girl who starts yelling at you.

D. Look at the cute girl across the room to see how they react.

E. Laugh loudly and continue to drink yourself into a stupor.

2. You find out that one of your coworkers doesn’t support gay marriage. What do you do?

A. Tell everyone in the office that your coworker “hates fags,” loudly complain to HR, make up a fake harassment claim, and try to get him fired.

B. Anonymously complain to HR and write a blog post about it. Wonder how someone can still hold such retrograde views in this day and age. “It’s 2013!”

C. Nothing. The guy may believe in something appalling, but he’s a nice enough guy and you’ve never seen him do anything wrong. Maybe you can befriend him and try to change his mind later.

D. Tell the cute girl in the office that you don’t understand how people can still hold such retrograde views in this day and age. “It’s 2013!”

E. Take the guy out for Chick-Fil-A on his day off.

3. A men’s rights group is holding a meeting somewhere in your general vicinity. What’s the proper course of action?

A. This.

B. Change your facebook profile picture and share an article from Feministing. Difference: made.

C. Eh, whatever. Men's Rights Activist  are stupid, but they have a right to free speech.

D. If you’re a woman, show up to the protest in your underwear. If you’re a guy, loudly communicate your displeasure within earshot of the barista.

E. Go to the meeting.

4. Uh-oh! You meant to take the freeway exit for Sunnyvale Lane, but you accidentally took the exit for MLK Boulevard. What do you do now?

A. Are you INSINUATING that there’s SOMETHING WRONG with MLK BOULEVARD? Huh? Are you SAYING that it’s DANGEROUS or something? These people are UNDERPRIVILEGED and SUFFER FROM RACISM EVERY DAY and YOUR PRIVILEGE is showing, BIGOT!!!

B. Are you INSINUATING that there’s SOMETHING WRONG with MLK BOULEVARD? Huh? Are you SAYING that it’s DANGEROUS or something? These people are UNDERPRIVILEGED and SUFFER FROM RACISM EVERY DAY and YOUR PRIVILEGE is showing, BIGOT!!! *locks doors and rolls up windows*

C. Oh crap, this is a dangerous neighborhood. Let me turn around and get back to the freeway. Good thing I have that pepper spray in the glove compartment…

D. Buy drugs.

E. Oh crap, this is a dangerous neighborhood. Let me turn around and get back to the freeway. Good thing I have that pistol under my jacket…

5. What’s your firstborn’s name?

A. “Medical Waste”

B. Aiden

C. Alexander

D. >Implying I want kids

E. Arianna

6. In what kind of society would you be a conservative?

A. …That’s racist!

B. I believe that the revolution is a state of being.

C. You know, that’s an interesting question. I never thought about that…

D. I dunno. What if I wanted to smoke weed and not go to work? What if I wanted to get laid, man? I think if I could do all those things and still be a conservative, I’d be that.

E. A society with something to conserve.

How Did You Answer?

Mostly A's:

You are a true true believer. You don’t just drink the kool-aid, you chug it straight out of the vat. You're probably in college, have a  Tumblr blog, or working for the Cathedral in some capacity,  a journalist or grad student. If reality mugs you, you'll excuse reality for being underprivileged.

Mostly B's :

 You are a true believer. If aliens observed your behavior, they might conclude you were an undercover klansman who really likes recycling. You love to join left-wing progressive causes whose meetings look like a Norwegian Heritage conference crossed with a Seder.

You feel guilty for being white, but only enough to do some theatrical gesture that makes you feel better. You can explicitly condemn and implicitly endorse an idea without ever being aware of the contradiction. A housing project is just not environmentally sound in your neighborhood!

Mostly C's:

You’re a moderate leftist. You don’t like all that crazy stuff that’s so far out there, but you agree with most of the goals of leftism. Equality is good, human rights are good, but free speech is good too.

Maybe there’s a left-wing or centrist cause you support, but it’s probably nothing to do with identity politics or grievance-mongering. Mostly you just go with the flow.

Mostly D's

You’re a rice leftist. You love the weed, porn, easy sex, low standards, and lack of discipline that leftism demands. You drink the kool-aid because that’s what’s served at the party. If most of the hot chicks/alpha males in your area changed their tack, you probably would as well. You’re just one google search away from becoming a really bitter asshole.

Mostly E's

You're a leftist apostate.  If you had tenure or a trust fund, you'd burn the ears of every other leftist on this list. As it is, you’re probably muddling along, making the right gestures, and hoping the Day of the Rope comes during your lifetime.


DAILY MAIL has Tavon White's picture

Tavon likes his money
He makes a lot they say
The World's Most Interesting Newspaper, the Daily Mail, comes through again, posting a picture of Tavon White.

Tavon is the head of the Black Guerilla Family prison gang inside a Baltimore jail, where he fathered five babies by four lady prison guards. Thirteen female corrections officers essentially handed over control of a Baltimore jail to gang leaders. The officers were charged Tuesday in a federal racketeering indictment.

I'm not sure why the Washington Post and other American media  outlets hadn't posted Tavon's picture. Perhaps they were trying to battle racial stereotypes. After all, without pictorial evidence, how could anyone have guessed that Tavon White is black? Or maybe they couldn't find a picture of Tavon at age 12 like they found of Trayvon?