Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Nixon Scandal Template

“On August 8, 1974, Richard Nixon announced his resignation as of noon the following day, thus avoiding the humiliation of certain impeachment. It was a solemn moment in the life of the nation. The change in leadership took place with no soldiers with fixed bayonets in the streets to keep civil order. The nation accepted the departure of its disgraced president and welcomed his successor peacefully.”
This is how Harry Rosenfeld described that day forty years ago in his autobiography, “From Kristallnacht to Watergate: Memoirs of a Newspaperman."  The book evokes the long effort to get at the truth behind a June 17, 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex. Rosenfeld was the metro editor at The Washington Post at the time.

Many readers were not even born at that time and, for them, it is a useful lesson in the way a combination of tenacious journalism and the wheels of government combined to result in the historic resignation of a president who had won an impressive reelection.

Despite the slavish coverage of Barack Obama by much of the nation’s mainstream press, the fact remains that the “phony” scandals he wants to dismiss are in the news every day, building a momentum that could lead to his resignation in the face of impeachment.

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Who Helps This Man Put on His Pants Every Morning????

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Obama Administration’s Foreign Policy Lexicon:

“An evacuation is not an evacuation, it’s an ‘ordered departure’. (I would have thought that an ordered departure is what happens at National Airport every couple of hours when a plane takes off on time).
A coup in Egypt isn’t a coup, it’s a ‘change in government.’
The war in Afghanistan isn’t really a war, it's an 'overseas contingency operation.’
What happened in Benghazi was not really a terror attack, it was a spontaneous riot – as the Secretary of State at the time says ‘What difference does it make?’
This is the first administration in history ever to launch a lexicological war on the enemy. They’ve thrown the book at them – the dictionary – and it really isn’t enough." - Charles Krauthammer 

John Kerry Travels Back in Time

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Okay, we're talking Middle School here, 6th -7th and 8th graders - flowering young ladies and raging male hormones in tennis shoes. Not the halls of higher education. But the self appointed defenders of our liberties at the ACLU believe a school system cannot ban "I LOVE BOOBIES"  bracelets from campus.

I'm a stanch defender of free speech, but I also believe in decorum and appropriateness. We are talking about children for the most part, not socially aware teenagers.  And lest we forget, this is the same organization that has done more then it's share of terrorizing school systems unable to afford the cost to defend themselves over Christmas plays and student discipline.....

Opposing Views:
"After an entire year of deliberation, a U.S. appeals court ruled today that an Easton Pennsylvania school district cannot ban “I (heart) Boobies!” bracelets.
The bracelets are distributed by the non-profit Keep a Breast Foundation and are
 intended to promote breast cancer awareness amongst young people. 
The case began a year ago when two middle school students, Brianna Hawk and Kayla Martinez, filed suit after being suspended for defying their school’s ban on the bracelets. When a lower court judge ruled in favor of the girls, the school district appealed the ruling, eventually brining the case to the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
The American Civil Liberties Union represented the girls in the case. The ACLU legal team argued that students have a right to discuss important social issues, even when that discussion is prompted by bracelet slogans.
"It explicitly says school children talk about important things, and when they (do) ... that's the kind of speech we want to protect and promote," said Mary Catherine Roper, an ACLU lawyer working on the case."
Who gets to define "Important Things" these days, Ms. Roper. And what about the liberty to set rules and regulations within an organization? And where are you when speakers invited to college campuses are intimidated into canceling their appearance because of there opinions (free speech)?

I believe the ACLU could better serve the defending of our liberties (but I don't believe that is their real intention) by standing up for the civil liberties of people attacked by racist thugs on the streets, or protecting us from blatant intrusions by the government into our private lives. But then again, that's not what it's founders (or useful idiots as Stalin liked called people like them) really had in mind now did they.....

The First Lady's New Initiative:

Using Hip-Hop to Fight Obesity
US NEWS - In June, first lady Michelle Obama appeared in a hip-hop music video that featured rapper Doug E. Fresh, singer-songwriter Jordin Sparks and TV medical personality Dr. Oz. The catchy song urged kids to "work hard/eat right" and "tell somebody/it's your body/c'mon." The song was just the first of a 19-track album, the majority of which are hip-hop, to be released by the Partnership for a Healthier America, the anti-obesity nonprofit that launched in conjunction with Michelle Obama's Let's Move! anti-obesity campaign, and a New York-based group called Hip Hop Public Health.
Let's Move! Executive Director and White House assistant chef Sam Kass says the White House is fully behind the initiative to use hip-hop – and other genres of music – as a tool to get kids to live healthier lives..."
"I think hip-hop in particular – so many kids love hip-hop. It's such a core part of our culture ...and particularly in the African-American community and the Latino community which is being disproportionately affected by those health issues......." 
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I know when I think of a healthy happy life, Hip- Hop culture always comes to mind.  Sex, guns, bitches, ho's, crotch grabbing, murder and retribution, and of course the racist underpinnings thereof make a perfect launching pad for a young healthy mind and body. Propagandize their mind, their ass will follow.

"I didn't think this woman could besmirch the office of the First Lady any more than she had already done. Once again, the Obama's degrade the appearance of the office to new lows."

Well, at least the golf courses are still open......

'“It seems as if al-Qaeda, or its Arabian Peninsula branch, has succeeded in terrorizing the United States of America again, but this time without – as of this writing – detonating an ounce of C4. It doesn’t strike me as a wise idea to preemptively shutter 21 different American embassies across the Middle East and North Africa in response to NSA-collected terrorist chatter. What message does this post-Benghazi, “don’t say we didn’t tell you” move send to the citizens of the Middle East, who, it is our hope, understand the United States to be a powerful and fearless country dedicated to openness and to the defeat of fanaticism? We have already muddied any message of fearlessness by turning our embassies into bunkers. Now, we are admitting that these bunkers aren’t safe. What next? Virtual embassies on Facebook? Ambassadors who never leave Washington?" - Jeffrey Goldberg,  Bloomberg
image via Earl of Taint

On Saturday, as embassies around the globe remained closed due to terror threat, and while his national security team met for emergency session, President Obama golfed for his birthday. He headed over early to Andrews Air Force Base in order to get in a round of golf before heading to Maryland’s Catoctin Mountains to Camp David.

Sense of Events: Stop now and read this

"Conservatives have for years attempted to put our finger upon precisely why Barack Obama strikes us as queer in precisely the way he does. There is an alienness about him, which in the fever swamps is expressed in all that ridiculous Kenyan-Muslim hokum, but his citizen-of-the-world shtick is strictly sophomore year — the great globalist does not even speak a foreign language. Obama has been called many things — radical, socialist — labels that may have him dead to rights at the phylum level but not down at his genus or species. His social circle includes an alarming number of authentic radicals, but the president’s politics are utterly conventional managerial liberalism. His manner is aloof, but he is too plainly a child of the middle class to succumb to the regal pretensions that the Kennedys suffered from, even if his household entourage does resemble the Ringling Bros. Circus as reimagined by Imelda Marcos when it moves about from Kailua Beach to Blue Heron Farm. Not a dictator under the red flag, not a would-be king, President Obama is nonetheless something new to the American experience, and troubling......." Keep Reading
h/t  Donald Sensing @Sense of Events

Who ever had the weekend of August 3 in the "Sydney Leathers Will Do Porn" pool , step right up and claim your prize.....

Not two weeks after ratting out Anthony Weiner to, the girl on the other end of Carlos Danger’s boneheaded decisions has already jumped into bed with porn producers Vivid Entertainment. We all knew this was coming, but 10 days? Leathers works quicker than Weiner reportedly gets off.
Ms. Leathers, you’ve made your bed, and you’ve masturbated in it, and now you have to lie in it. Hope it’s sunshine and lollipops from here on out, because there’s a long life ahead.  
"I’m Sydney Leathers. Anthony Weiner and I had a “sexting” relationship for several months, and that came out in the press, so here I am! We had phone sex several times a week while this was going on. We did send each other pictures. They were pretty much all nude. He would always compliment me on my breasts, my ass. He would tell me stuff about my feet, and how good I looked in heels. I responded back and basically told him anything I thought he wanted to hear. Here’s my fully nude video. Check it out."
I'm not linking to the site for obvious reasons, so guys, if your interested let the googling begin......

Monday, August 5, 2013

America's Sym-Phony Conductor

Woke up this morning with a case of 'Influential'

Seems some one in this universe believes me to be not just the trouble maker I am, but actually 'Influential'. That would be my blogger friend Adrienne @ Adriene's Corner.
I Thank You My Dear for setting aside all rational and logic and nominating my humble endeavor here.

It is truly an the honor for a fellow blogger to recognize you and the time and trouble we take to make reading a blog fun and interesting. Thank You Very Much Adrienne.

I am bound by the rules in accepting to answer 7 question. But before I do, I am also bound to nominate a fellow blogger(s) whom I believe are truly "Influential".

One quickly comes to mind with no thought. That would be "The Looking Spoon."  Jared's witty and his graphics are astoundingly well done and aways on target. No matter where you go in the conservative blogosphere, you will sooner or later find the Looking Spoon graphics, a testament to Jared's talent and influence.

I hereby declare The Looking Spoon Most Influential Blogger, I will post his question on his facebook page.

As for my questions from Adrienne, here goes it:
1. Why did you start a political blog and when?
Diogenes Middle Finger was originally intended to be a music industry blog that quickly morphed into a satirical blog thanks to our great Leader and his sidekick. There was just to much material to go on not to turn in that direction. The readership since it's launch has more than doubled every year in it's three years of existence thanks to the linky love of my fellow blogger friends and reposting by some well know "Big Hats' and crew" 
2. If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would it be?
    Big Fur Hat.....but he's paying for the food.
3. What book on politics would you most likely recommend to someone just waking up?
 Useful Idiots by Mona Charen, the best one volume exposing our dangerous friends on the left.
4. What book would you recommend to wake someone up that hasn’t yet? 
Nineteen Eighty-Four. We're living it.
5. If you were free to live in any city/town you choose in the U.S., which would you choose and why? 
I still have 5 years left on my 10-30 year sentence, I'll get back to you on this one. 
6.  Paper or plastic?
Paper! if you have ever had a little to much adult beverage and given your cat a paper bag to play with, you will know why.
 7. If you could visit one nation you have never visited before, what nation would that be? 
Iceland, I want to bitch-slap Björk'.