Monday, March 17, 2014

Democratic Panic Has Set In.

Dems in Distress

Mo Dowd
 NYT - With the health care sign-up period coming to an end this month, Democrats in Congress are looking over at the White House and realizing that the president is not only incapable of saving them, but he looks like a big anchor tied around their necks.

The state of relations between congressional Democrats and the administration has been deteriorating every week, but now it’s hitting a new bottom — and not only with the extraordinary open feud between the C.I.A. and the Senate intelligence committee. Hill Democrats are seething at Obama, fearing that the onetime messiah is putting them in a slough that will last until — or through — 2016.  Top Democrats who were fans of the president and prone to giving him the benefit of the doubt now say they’ve completely lost confidence in the White House’s ability to advance an agenda and work with them in a way that’s going to give Democrats a fighting chance in November.

Obama’s approval ratings will shape the midterms, and some  Hill observers compare
his crumpling numbers to an illness. The president didn’t do the basic things to take care of himself, and now he’s gone terminal and contagious. The closest the president came to getting a leg up on mounting a defense was on Friday when he told Ryan Seacrest in a radio interview that he had been unfairly maligned for his mom jeans: “Generally, I look very sharp in jeans.” 

Due to the inability of the president and congressional Democrats to move their agenda through Congress, the president is having to govern through executive order and revising federal regulations.  Republicans have latched on to this to make the case around the country that Obama is a dictator and an imperial president. But governing through executive order isn’t a sign of strength. It’s a sign of weakness.

And it’s that weakness that has Democrats scared to death.

The Media’s Blind Worship Of Hillary Already Making Them Look Stupid

"If a recent column about Hillary Clinton, I expect better from Hillary Clinton” by Sun Sentinel op-ed writer Gary Stein is any indication of how far the media will go in its blind worship of her, this year should be entertaining.
Wringing his hands and whining, Stein lamented that his hero actually made a statement comparing Vladimir Putin to Adolph Hitler. Stein is unabashed in his love for Hillary; and although he is a “non-partisan” member of the media, since Hillary IS a Democrat, he loves her regardless of what she does.

So how did Hillary upset Stein? “She used the Hitler comparison,” which in his world can only be done after someone has murdered millions of people. Anything less in Stein’s universe is “lazy hyperbole.”
He goes on to make sure that we all understand that he loves Hillary and is really only making his comments to help her be a more perfect being, so he points out that Hillary is “very smart.” That acts as a shield against charges that he has been disloyal to the Democrat goddess. If he had left the matter at that point, he would have just loved like a lovesick Democrat sycophant no different from most other Democrat sycophants; but he had to press on.
Stein goes on, imploring all of us to “read your history books, folks.” In doing so, he completely casts aside the old adage that says “Better to be thought a fool and remain silent than to speak and remove all doubt.” Stein is obviously so dense that he seems to believe that Hitler committed all of his atrocities on the first day he came to power. He clearly has no idea that Hitler marched into Austria’s Sudetenland to “liberate ethnic Germans living in oppression under Austrian rule,” and that Putin has said he is going into Ukraine to “liberate ethnic Russians.”
This fool Stein wants us to read history; but in his rush to perfect Hillary Clinton’s public image, he wants her to stop saying “[This is like] what Hitler did back in the ’30s” when talking about Russian thug Vladimir Putin. Lying about history seems to hold a certain charm for Democrats."

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, March 16, 2014

You are a Marxist - but don't worry

Few ideas have been more thoroughly discredited and rejected by history than those of Karl Marx.  All the major nations which once adhered officially to Marxism have abandoned that model. It's not surprising.

Frankly, the remedies Marx proposed for the ills of the world now sound a bit demented. He thought we should abolish private property. People should not be allowed to own things. At certain moments one can sympathise. But it's like wanting to ban gossip or forbid watching television. It's going to war with human behaviour. And Marx believed the world would be put to rights by a dictatorship of the proletariat; which does not mean anything much today.


Photo of Russian Downed American Drone

Middle Finger News Service 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Joe Biden Does Chile

Barack Obama: (Unintentional) Man of Liberty

Shades of Thomas Paine

Obama may not realize it, but he is doing more for the cause of liberty in the United States than any president in recent history. Uninspiring and ineffective, he hasn't lately been able to do much of anything to actually curtail liberty as much as he'd like. However, like a chained dog, growling and foaming at the mouth, biting isn't necessary to tell everyone just how risky the institution of government is with fascists at the helm wielding enormous power.

* Obama has ensured that stocks of guns and ammunition in the hands of Americans are at all-time highs. He has motivated millions of Americans to get their concealed carry permits. If they weren't allowed to in their state, many changed the laws so they could.
* Obama has demonstrated the frantic ineptitude of government more clearly with his signature Affordable Care Act than ten thousand pages of postulation by the Cato Institute ever could.
* Obama has drawn into sharp focus the real nature of US foreign policy: make it up as you go, hope no one notices. American support for foreign adventures is at a historic low.
* Obama has best revealed the nature of US crony-capitalism more starkly than any other president. While cronyism has been around since before President Grant, never have the people been so aware of the self-dealing Solyndras and CGI.  
*Obama has taught everyone a lesson in the dangers of fiat currency. Never before has the money printing of the Fed been so overt and so well publicized. Many are making the connection between prices, wages and the Fed that never had before.
* Obama helped highlight the link between the military and the police by placing thousands of conspicuous, otherwise useless MRAP armored vehicles at neighborhood police stations across the country. * By beating the dead climate-change horse all through the worst winter in living memory for many Americans, Obama helped demonstrate the enormous gulf between politician's interests and the interests of the people.
* We all got a lesson on the lesser-known amendments with the IRS scandal, Lois Lerner and Obamacare. Who was paying so much attention to the 5th, the 9th and 10th before all this?
* With numerous well-publicized golf outings and lavish vacations, Obama, with the help of Joe Biden has ensured that the American people are well aware of the plush life of politicians enjoyed at citizen's expense. No phony GW Bush photo ops showing Obama with a chainsaw clearing brush in Texas. This man is all "let them eat cake", and he's not about to hide it.
* Obama discredited the IRS, CIA and NSA more handily than any dissident ever could.
Can you name a guy who has pushed more people into action and outrage over the disgusting US political machine?  I can't.
Can you name a better promoter of the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments? I can't.

Let's all take a moment to be glad we don't have a more capable president who can wear the mask and fool the people more effectively.  

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ukraine Deploys Gay Army to Stave Off Russians Invasion

Middle Finger News Service

(Kiev) - Ukraine is planning to deploy large numbers of  flamboyantly gay men along the border with Crimea in hopes of scaring off Russian soldiers currently preparing to enter the territory.

According to our sources, this “gay army” will be armed only with Glow-in-the-Dark Dildos and Multi-Caliber Butt Plugs.  Their mission will be to act as flamboyantly homosexual as possible causing the homophobic Russian Army to flee back to its homeland.

A military spokesman in Kiev told MFNS:
“Ukraine is a small country. We don’t have a lot of tanks or battleships. And we stupidly gave up our nuclear weapons in the 1990s. But we still have plenty of gays, and if there is one thing Russians fear more than atomic warfare it’s explicit displays of homosexuality.
“It will start small. Just a simple show along the border with a few hundred shirtless men. But once the Lady Gaga starts blasting, things are gonna get wild. Hopefully all the pumping, grinding and gyrating will have them headed back to Moscow."
Russian soldiers have occupied the Crimean peninsula following a revolution in Ukraine which swept a pro-European government to power.  Moscow claims it is simply safeguarding the interests. But interviews with the occupying forces suggest that Ukraine's new strategy just might do the trick. "I can take bullets. I can take bombs. but if I have to watch gay people prance along the border all day, I’m going home" said Russian soldiers we talked to.

Recruitment for the campaign has reportedly been strong, with nearly half of Kiev's gay male community signed up for the patriotic task of defending Ukraine from aggression.   Victor, a 34-year-old hairdresser told us, "My partner and I are marching together and we're bringing a full set of butt plugs. I can't wait."

The Loony Left

"It is a world of opposites where progressive is regressive.
It is the land of Cheech and Chong."

by Sam Huntington

No one I know on the right believes that capitalism is perfect. No one I know on the right thinks that our economy should operate without any regulation or oversight. What we do believe on the right is that they, who govern least, govern best. And while I think there should be oversight, we should pay as much attention to those who are doing the oversight, as we are to those whose corporate behaviors we intend to monitor. I am confounded by the fact that placing government in an oversight role is akin to hiring a fox to guard the hen house.

But what is it, exactly, that the leftist believes about the economy? There are several variables, of course. Some of these people are Keynesian ideologues who dream about a welfare state through industrial democracy. Others believe government should nationalize the economy and govern through central planning. One might recall that the Soviet Union tried central planning, too. Yet, some on the American left persist. It is the classical demonstration of insanity—at least according to Albert Einstein. Still other leftists are anarchist communists. Amazingly, while many of these people denounce globalization, they seek to impose it through their illogical support of the United Nations.

Still other leftists advocate in favor of Marxian economies. They seek to make a distinction between Marx the philosopher, and Marx the economist. I suspect they do this in order to mask their goal of imposing communism on the rest of us. It is convoluted even for leftists, which is why I think they frequently do not make any sense. They regurgitate the talking points, but they have no idea what the hell these words mean.

And then we are blessed with the left-libertarian, libertarian socialists, and the outright anarchists, who demand a decentralized economy run by trade unions, worker’s councils, and cooperatives —people I like to think of as fascists in mufti. Leftist will argue that a society without substantial equality will distort the development of not only deprived persons, but also those who privileges undermine motivation and their sense of social responsibility. It is a collectivist mentality, and might I add, the bane of a free society—for whom better to dictate to everyone else than the leftist with all the best ideas?

Ah, but there’s the catch. Leftist ideas are not the best ideas; among clear-thinking people, they are unfathomable. Who but a mentally deficient person can prefer regulation in place of free markets, or bureaucracies more than corporations, or government controlled insurance plans, rather than private insurances, and more government control over the economy rather than less.

We do have to acknowledge the consistency of the American left, however, for in spite of all that history tells us about the failure of communism and socialism in the 20th Century, American leftists remain committed to irrational notions. Still, we must remind ourselves that it was not an easy task to produce such troglodytes: it has taken more than three generations to brainwash these people. As we have seen, leftists live in a bizarre world. It is a world of opposites where progressive is regressive. It is the land of Cheech and Chong.

Listen carefully now; you may even hear the leftist protestations in the background. “The state of our economy proves that we need more government, not less.” Except that it was government that placed us in this position to begin with. At best, George Bush had it only half right. Reducing taxes is a good thing, but not while increasing government spending. Compassionate George seemed incapable of understanding that if taxation is a tourniquet around the neck of a robust economy, government spending is a gunshot wound to the head.

I personally think Milton Friedman had some very good ideas about free market capitalism, but I do not think he had all the answers. The problem is that, looking around, there is no one on the other side of this argument that can compete with Friedman. So where are all of those good ideas from the left? Answer: there are no good ideas on the left. If anything, leftist economic policy has made things worse —much worse.

When government policy seeks to diminish capital investments, no one in a proper mental state will want to risk their capital. Without capital, businesses cannot remain competitive. A non-competitive business is only a few steps away from closing its doors. This doesn’t matter to leftists, however. What matters is that government regulates businesses —for their own good.

Still, our topic is far too complex for the space allocated to a blog post. For example, we have not even touched upon corrupt government, which forces corporations to find some way of profiting within a sullied framework. If businesses want to survive in a corrupt environment, they have to find some way of accommodating the devil; and they do find ways.

Our question to the leftist provocateur remains: who will hire American workers when government bureaucracy replaces the American corporation? Who will pay salaries when businesses have been taxed or regulated out of existence? When businesses fold, when workers are unemployed, when the US no longer manufactures anything, when the economy is destroyed (we’re close to that now), then who will carry the tax burden for the United States?

 Oops. I guess the left didn’t think about that.  

(Always on Watch)