Monday, February 29, 2016

Leonardo Dicaprio's Oscar Statue Reported Stolen


LOS ANGELES - The LAPD told MFNS they are investigating a break-in at the posh home of Academy Award winner Leonardo Dicaprio. Mr. Dicaprio reported to authorities he was victim of a home invasion early Monday morning, and his Academy Golden Oscar Statue was stolen. 

According to shaken and bloodied Dicaprio, after arriving home about 4:30 am from the Academy Award after-parties, two individuals described by Dicaprio as ski-mask wearing California Black Bears forced their way into the residence and proceeded to rough up Dicaprio, destroyed his DVD of 'The Revenant', crapped on the kitchen floor, then ran away with his Oscar Statue. 

The LAPD spokesman refused comment on rumors Dicaprio was sodomized by the bears, but witness at the scene told us Mr. Dicaprio held a death grip on his belt buckle and declined repeated request from officers to sit during the interview and investigation.

A Good Monday Morning

Joe Biden's Academy Awards Appearance Checklist

Saturday, February 27, 2016

In Spurious Defense of Donald J.Trump

By Conrad Stankie III
Capital Improvements Coordinator
Middle Finger News Service HQ. NY.

Donald Trump is a great American. In the past nine months, he has done a masterful job of uniting millions of Americans from all different backgrounds, admittedly mostly by uniting them in their deep hatred and fear of Donald Trump. But that’s simply because they’ve not gotten to know him the way I have.

If only he had more TV exposure, then people would see the light.

I know all about the trash talking dished at The Donald. Unflattering slurs, like he’s a narcissist, a racist, a sexist, that he often insults people using coarse language unsuitable for a serious presidential candidate, that he lashes out at anyone who dares say a negative word about him, that he has a hair-trigger temper, that he is unpredictable and mentally unstable, and that he flaunts his wealth every chance he gets. And these are just his supporters talking. Don’t get me started about his detractors.

But these attacks are unfair. The Donald Trump I know is one to admire. Listen to my heartfelt defense of the man, who, God willing, will be the next President of this great nation.

Claim: Trump is not fit to be President. This is
totally untrue. He is every bit as fit to be our next
President as any other flamboyant reality star. In
fact, he'd crush 'Jersey Shore's Snookie' hands 
down in a head to head race for the White House.
Unfair. So he has a healthy opinion of his own point of view. So he harps on how he’s greater than everybody else. So he flaunts all the properties he owns worldwide. So he brags about how tough he is and how he’s the best deal maker since Thomas Jefferson engineered the Louisiana Purchase from France. So he likes to blow his own TRUMPet. Does that make Trump a narcissist?

I happen to know for a fact that you bragged to your dad about your third place ribbon in your middle school science fair. Do you see me calling YOU a narcissist?

Did it ever occur to you that just maybe underneath all of Trump’s bravado, there is a fragile little boy begging to be loved? That all of his braggadocio may be masking the excruciating pain of not having any friends as a young boy, or ever? No, I didn’t think so. You’re so heartless.

Sure, Donald Trump has a lot of money, no doubt about it. But he made his billions the old fashioned way, by starting off with millions, specifically inheriting a 2 million dollar stake in his father’s real estate empire. But that’s all he got and not a penny more. Think about it. $2 million couldn’t even buy a major league baseball team these days. And when you do the math, $2 million is a lot closer to ZERO dollars than it is to a billion. So if you round down, in a way he started out almost penniless.

It is true that he owns a fair number of properties, after all, his career was in real estate. He’s owned Trump Park, Trump Towers, Trump Plaza, Trump Casinos in Atlantic City and Las Vegas, approximately 14 golf courses all featuring the Trump name, a fleet of Trump helicopters and his own Boeing 757, Trump One. Okay, so he’s not very original when it comes to naming things. Or humble.

In reality, there are really only two occasions when Trump discusses his enormous wealth: When he is being televised – and when he’s not. In fairness, he only brings up his long list of resorts and office towers to attract well-endowed women in their twenties to do a photo op with him, usually at the opening of a Hooters restaurant. Either that or to point out how many jobs he’s provided for thousands of people – of which many are only slightly above the minimum wage (but don’t worry,  they’re most likely held by Mexican immigrants – who will soon be shipped back to Mexico, opening the door for real Americans to take back these jobs)

Claim: Trump is a Sexist: Totally Untrue. In fact
in a poll of 1000 young, struggling, unemployed
actresses who were asked: Who would you prefer
to marry, Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders? -
Trump won by 82%
Pul-lease. No man in America respects women more than Donald Trump. I dare you to name another presidential candidate who cares more about America’s sexiest models than The Donald. He cares about them so much he even married one.

It’s possible that on one or two (hundred) occasions, Trump may have referred to women as bimbos, dogs, fat pigs, slobs, or disgusting animals, and has at times said things in interviews like “a young and a beautiful ass is all a woman needs to be successful in life.

But he was taken out of context. For example, the complete quote was this: “I love the ladies. And I probably should not say that a young and beautiful ass is all a woman needs to be successful in life. The microphone’s not on, is it?”  See? A simple misunderstanding.

Simply not true. The fact is Donald Trump is all about family. He may be one of the most family-oriented men ever to run for the White House. In fact, he loves family so much, he’s gotten married three times. And none of the presidential candidates has worked harder than Donald Trump to keep Mexican families together, where they belong, with each other, in Mexico. 

It is true that on one occasion, Donald Trump referred to Mexican immigrants as “criminals and rapists.” But he was only referring to the 90% of Mexican immigrants he believes are dangerous thugs. If asked, he will quickly tell you that the other 10% are composed of people who are absolutely NOT criminals and rapists, although they do tend to be unreliable parents, slackers at work, and cheap tippers, according to the Donald. 

As for Muslims, Donald will be the first (and only) person to tell you unapologetically that Muslims love him. Millions of Americans misinterpreted his words when he proclaimed that we should keep all Muslims out of America. He was only acting out of concern for their own safety. He was trying to keep them safe from the rampant gun violence on America’s streets by keeping them safe at home in the neighborhoods of Syria and Iraq, protected by American drone strikes.

Ridiculous. I’m sick and tired of flimsy attacks, usually lobbed by Harvard psychologists who are experts on personality disorders,  that Donald Trump might somehow be mentally and emotionally unstable to hold the most important job in the world. First of all, he held the top job on The Apprentice, and that show did quite well in the ratings for several years. 

Trump’s critics argue that, with his mercurial temper and tendency to lash back at anyone who is critical of him, it would only be a matter of time before Trump presses the button to start a nuclear war against Russia, perhaps in response to Putin posting a nasty comment about him on Twitter. First of all, Trump is not nearly that volatile. It would undoubtedly take at least a couple of dozens negative tweets before he would ever even consider pushing the button. And besides, I am sure, that if The Donald decided to declare WWIII against Russia, or Iran or Norway for that matter,  they probably had it coming. The Norwegian ambassador should have known better than to make a snarky joke about Trump’s hair.

So please keep an open mind about Donald Trump. He can’t possibly be the worst person ever to be elected President. That honor would go to Millard Fillmore.

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Republican 2016 Dilemma

"The Republicans ought to be comfortable in their catbird seat, surveying nothing but knee-high cotton, corn as high as an elephant's eye and blue skies for as far as anyone can see. They have the happy prospect of running against a Democratic foe awash in scandal and chicanery. Few voters like her, nobody trusts her and she seems as likely to land in prison as in the White House.
But the Grand Old Party dare not break out the bubbly, not just yet. It's caught in a curious dilemma. The party elites, with their hands on the familiar levers of the party apparatus, are the helpless hosts of a party they can't control. They huff and they puff and then huff some more, but at the end of the day they're only exhausted, frustrated, and out of breath." — Wesley Pruden, The Washington Times

Al Sharpton Promises To Leave America If Donald Trump Wins The Presidency

I think Al Sharpton has all but guaranteed a Donald Trump presidency with a tantalizing new offer. The accomplished race-hustler says he’s leaving the US if Trump wins the White House. This may be the best endorsement of all time because I honestly can't think of a better incentive to bring out the votes than this.

Sharpton was giving a press conference for God knows what at a Center for American Progress event on Thursday. When asked about the GOP frontrunner, Big Al did his best to ensure a Trump victory.
"If Donald Trump is the nominee, I’m open to support anyone, while I’m also reserving my ticket to get outta here if he wins, only because he’d probably have me deported anyway."
Clearly Sharpton understands our nation’s immigration laws in the same way the he understands our tax laws, but that’s beside the point. The real news is that Sharpton, like so many whiny liberals, is going to exit America if Trump takes it all in November. He said it. It’s on video. I consider that to be a legally binding agreement. No backsies.
This could be the single uniting incident that brings us together as a country after 8 years of Obama tearing us apart.
The Problem is Al Sharpton is completely full of shit. He has a PhD in manure shoveling. What he says and what he does are two entirely different things. He has no intention of leaving if Trump wins; there’s no money in to for him. The only way Sharpton is going to abandon the US is if someone pays him to do it.
Hey wait, Trump might still be the man to make this happen. He’s a billionaire and can easily afford to pay Sharpton to get the hell out. Either that or, if Trump wins the presidency, he could threaten to prosecute Sharpton for tax evasion and the race-hustling reverend would probably leave on his own.
I don’t care how it happens as long as it happens.
I know I can free up a little time for you if you need some help packing there big guy.... 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

I Had That Dream Again Last Night.....

Facebook Employees Keep Scratching Out “Black Lives Matter” And Writing “All Lives Matter” On Company’s Wall.

Mr. Zuckerberg is not Amused 

"Black Lives Matters doesn't mean other lives don't."
Guess Mr.Zuckerberg hasn't been paying much attention. 


Bernie Sanders Supporter Redefines the Term 'Grassroots Support'

You Can Burn One for Bernie and His Campaign

Bernie Sanders supporters can take the phrase "Feel the Bern" to a
whole new level by buying weed pipes with the campaign's 
logo from  the Portland-based Stonedware Company.  

Ariel Zimman, a 29-year-old from Portland, told the Center for Public Integrity she will donate 10 percent of all proceeds she gets from sales of ceramic marijuana pipes emblazoned with the Vermont senator's campaign logo to the Sanders campaign. Supporters who want to take the campaign slogan "Feel the Bern" to a whole new level — most likely "Burners for Bernie" — will have to shell out $60 for a pipe and $30 for a chillum, according to Zimman's website

Sanders has previously introduced a bill in congress to end the federal prohibition on recreational marijuana and allow states to decide on legalization. But like most legislation Mr. Sander puts forth, everyone just ignores anyway. 

The 29-year-old told the Center for Public Integrity that she's already donated about $150 to the Sanders campaign and plans to send about $200 more in about a month. That's out of roughly $3,000 in pipe sales. "There is profit on my side of the business, but I'm also doing it for their profit as well."

H/T mySA

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Obama Reportedly Vetting Republican Governor for SCOTUS

The Spectacle 
Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval's office says its the first he's heard of it, but sources "close to the Nevada governor's office" are saying that the Obama Administration has begun the Supreme Court vetting process for the Republican moderate and former Federal district judge.
Supposedly, Harry Reid has been running interference for Obama as the plan comes together - a plan that makes very little sense when you consider Obama and Reid would be selling out their liberal constituents for ease of process, and, ostensibly, to protect a Republican Senate. But, apparently, the process continues unabated, and looks, at least for now, promising. 
Brian Sandoval, the centrist Republican governor of Nevada, is being vetted by the White House for a possible nomination to the Supreme Court, according to two people familiar with the process.
Sandoval is increasingly viewed by some key Democrats as perhaps the only nominee President Obama could select who would be able to break a Republican blockade in the Senate…Sandoval met Monday with Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid, a fellow Nevadan with whom he enjoys cordial relations.
A person familiar with the conversation said that while Sandoval told Reid he had not made a final decision on whether he would accept a Supreme Court nomination, he would allow the vetting process to move forward. Another person in Nevada familiar with the process confirmed that the process is underway.
It's not that Sandoval is a bad guy. He's been mentioned routinely as a good, Republican choice to replace Harry Reid, and his name has been tossed around for Vice President a few times. But he's not exactly the scintillating legal mind that Barack Obama claims he wants on the court. 
He reportedly likes Justice Sandra Day O'Conner as a model for judicial excellence, which means he likes to go where the wind takes him on everything from Constitutional law to his lunch order.
There are obvious benefits to putting a moderate Republican forth. It would be the best conservatives could do, probably, with the prospect of President Donald Trump breathing down their necks, or worse, President Hillary Clinton or President Bernie Sanders. It also helps the Administration demonstrate their willingness to cooperate, however fake the willingness is, which would give a boost to people like Sen. Mark Kirk who want to push Sen. Mitch McConnell to open the confirmation process, rather than deny the President his SCOTUS pick. 
It's a good opportunity to troll: after all, how could Republicans in the Senate possibly refuse to confirm a member of their own party?  Obstructionism might cost the GOP the Senate, which would pave the way for either a President Hillary or Sanders to nominate the Westminster Kennel Club dog show judges if they so chose. Or worse, Barack Obama.
This seems like a weird gamble. But it also might just be a red herring, designed to play on Republican fears - after all, President Trump is looking likely, and any Republican would be better than whomever he'd nominate, probably. Scared enough and you'll go along with the Plan A.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Has Trump Stalled in His Voter Percentage?

by Robert Janicki
"I've previously posited that there will have to be a winnowing of Republican presidential candidates before the real odds can be determined in the GOP presidential nomination process.  We have now had our first serious campaign suspension as Jeb Bush withdrew his withering and failing candidacy shortly after the South Carolina polls closed on Saturday night.
 Bush's withdrawal can only help Cruz and Rubio.  It's difficult, practically impossible, to believe that any Bush supporters would migrate to Trump after what Trump has done to Jeb.  That said, many of Jeb's supporters may well jump to either Rubio or Cruz in an act of defiance for Trump's shameless treatment and denigration of Bush.
 As it stands now, the combined Cruz/Rubio voter percentage numbers are greater than Trump's numbers.  The question than becomes one of where Trump will get the necessary votes in subsequent primary elections to break through the voter percentage ceiling we have seen so far.  The only thing that the South Carolina primary has really demonstrated is that Trump's floor has dropped in comparison to the cumulative numbers of the other candidates.  Trump has not increased the ceiling number in his voting support.
 The next primary in Nevada, without Jeb Bush, may be an indicator of which direction Trump's voter base percentage is moving in relation to the combined Cruz/Rubio percentage of voters.  If the combined Cruz/Rubio percentage of voters continues to grow, this could be a serious blow to Trump's chances of garnering a majority of delegates prior to the GOP convention. 
 All that said, the longer the other two GOP candidates, Carson and Kasich, continue their very questionable candidacies, the advantage, if there is much, goes to Trump, especially as the GOP campaign moves to those states with winner take all rules in place by each state GOP organization.  This has to be Trump's plan to play off the other four GOP candidates against each other as he racks up larger numbers of delegates through the winner take all primaries.
 It remains to be seen if Carson and Kasich will see the light and suspend their candidacies before the important "winner take all" primaries.  Failure to do so will only enhance Donald Trump's strength in delegate numbers and could actually push him over the magic number of 1237 delegates necessary to win the GOP nomination outright before the Republican convention in July. 
 Will the Republicans coalesce around one candidate to meet Trump head to head?  Only time will tell, but the longer that Trump can string out the infighting among the remaining four Republicans, the greater his chances to win the GOP nomination."
Originally Posted at Righting on the Wall 

Monday, February 22, 2016

A Tolerant White Leftist's View of the South

While perusing a very well known scummy west coast bay area leftist website (I refuse to link and give them traffic) that you feel you have to take a shower after reading, I learned the managing editor of this website (who I had an epic bitch-slap fight online with once) recently called out to her readers for massive contributions for a new server in order to continue to spew their tolerant leftist ideology. Their retarded minions gleefully came through to the tune of over $79,000. She gratefully thanked the readers and then revealed the server only cost $8,000, and with the rest of the proceeds she and her new husband would buy a used travel home (RV).

She then announced that she would take paid maternity leave, and she, new baby and her unemployed baby daddy (who she recently just married after she expelled his demon seed) would travel the country and report back and learn them up real good about the rest of the US of America. 

And long story short, lo' and behold, they actually had the courage to lowered themselves and wander into South Carolina and the rest of the uncivilized and destitute hillbilly racist south in the guise of covering the presidential primaries for her readers. 

Their commentary below would make even southern hating native sons like John Grisham proud, and shows just what bigoted ill informed neanderthals the left can be. I had to censored some of the language, but just keep in mind, this was written by a Woman.

Taking Vicious, Belated Pleasure 
In General Sherman’s March To The Sea

"There was a methy, crunchy-faced man in the gas station, glaring fire at us. My husband let his testosterone rise, ready to strike like a viper, should the need arise, at the man he contemptuously described as “what all those Confederate punks looked like,” while I snapped pictures of the massive slavery flag rising over the appliance parts shop next door.
If it were a romantic comedy, we’d eventually come to love Georgia. I guess. We would put a ring on Georgia, and move to Macon. But it was feeling more like a danse macabre, and we’d be ending up tethered together in the chicken coop.
My husband was getting pisseder and pisseder.
An Internet pal caught us just in time to turn from Augusta to Athens, where he promised home-fried chicken and a new pie, so we turned onto 78, a little two-lane highway with rolling fields and hills. My husband didn’t even see them; instead, “Stonewall Grill” was the first thing to catch his eye. 
“I’m not eating anywhere named after these dead slaver f***s!” he growled. It was lucky we had people in Athens, then, or we would have starved. But my husband amended his thought: “I’d eat at the F**k Stonewall Jackson Grill, if it were owned by black people,” he relented. He took some cheer in that.
 “Maybe the Stonewall is a gay bar!” I said, and he laughed for the first and last time. 
Then we saw a plantation house.
We didn’t see a single banner of the Stars and Bars raised for “heritage.” Charleston seems to have amended its ways in that at least, after nine nice people were murdered in church.
There had been plenty of memoria to the Confederacy in Charleston, of course, but we breezed right by those. Instead, we’d gone with a compatriot to Sullivan’s Island, where Stephen Colbert and maybe Bill Murray live, and where the graceful, gracious beach houses didn’t look too much like they were built with slave blood mixed into the mortar, mostly because the houses were built out of wood. We’d eaten delicious fresh shrimp, and the baby loved grits, and we took ugly pictures with South Carolina’s hilarious former governor and current Lowcountry congressman, that guy who was f***ing that lady for Jesus.
But Georgia was a different story, with its mean-faced men, and its massive, sky-high boner for the “states’ rights” to own black people, and its Stonewall this and f**k-you that. As we drove through those pretty hills, my husband took great and uncivilized glee ideaing on Sherman’s march to the sea. He knew he shouldn’t, he said; he knew there were war crimes, he said; but these forests were chopped down by slaves to make fields, and the ditches were dug by them, and f**k these f**king f**ks who moon over and long for their f**king heritage of GETTING TO OWN F**KING SLAVES.
My husband takes it personally. His forebears were Kansas Free-Soilers, and 10 out of 12 of his great-whatever uncles died fighting these pricks. He takes pride in his people; he takes their actions as a reflection of his personal virtue. Just as these people must do, but they’re taking pride in viciousness and idiocy. They’re also taking pride in losing, and their South Will Rise Again.
When it does, my husband says, we’ll put it back down. Tra la la, tomorrow is another day.
Are there unracist white people in the South? MAYBE. And are there racist people every place else? LOOKIN’ AT YOU, BOSTON. But Shy could not get over this death cult of white Southerners longing for “gentility” and also “treason,” raising their traitor flags while calling the rest of us un-American commies, saying “love it or leave it” when they’re the only ones who have. While we’re at it, f**k you too Daughters of the Confederacy, whitewashing the Civil War into “states rights” (to own people) and the “Southern way of life” (of owning people).
The only thing Shy left out in his ranting was calling these mother f***ers sister-f**king hillbillies, probably because that would be classist, and we are nice.
Which is a long way of saying that Atlanta, we’re in you (Memphis, we’ll be in you Tuesday night), and won’t you come and meet us tonight, from 5 to maaaybe 8, at the Euclid Avenue Yacht Club? 
We even promise not to burn anything down. Probably. But were probably not moving to Macon."
Gee, I really hope she's not joshing' about Macon and they mozy on back to their man butt sex paradise by the bay before someone indeed gets the idea to tethered them together in the chicken coop and charge the locals a $1.25 to see a real live pair of Bozo sapiens

The Bush Family Can Finally Breathe a Sigh of Relief