Saturday, January 12, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, January 11, 2019

Dem's Newest Attack on Liberty, HR1 - Seizing States' Control of Elections

While the news has been dominated by the Government shutdown and Border Wall arguments, not much attention has been payed to the Democrats top legislative priority. It isn’t health care, immigration, or taxes.  No, their first attempt to seize more power and newest scheme to further erode liberty is to centralize power over elections in Washington, D.C.  H.R. 1 is number one on the legislative agenda because democrats proved to themselves they couldn't even win a rigged election, making HR1 the priority of House Democrats, leftist groups, deep-pocketed dark money and those who use, by hook or crook, the election process rules to help win elections, or at least to cause chaos and throw it to the courts.

PJM - The bill is a 571-page dreamscape of wild wishes and federal mandates on states. The Constitution decentralizes power over American elections and puts states in charge. H.R. 1 would undo that. Decentralization promotes individual liberty. When power over elections is centralized, it is easier for that power to be abused. When power over elections is decentralized, no single malevolent actor can exert improper control over the process. That is precisely why Democrats are so eager for Washington, D.C., to have more power over our elections.

Here's a few of the details of HR1: 

  • H.R. 1 has 218 cosponsors. It forces states to implement mandatory voter registration. If someone is on a government list -- such as receiving welfare benefits or rental subsidies -- then they would be automatically registered to vote. Few states have enacted these systems because Americans still view civic participation as a voluntary choice.
  • H.R. 1 also mandates that states allow all felons to vote. Currently, states have the power under the Constitution to set the terms of eligibility in each state.
  • H.R. 1 would force states to have extended periods of early voting, and mandates that early voting sites be near bus or subway routes.
  • H.R. 1 also undermines the First Amendment by exerting government control over political speech and undoing the Supreme Court’s Citizen’s United decision.
  • H.R. 1 mandates same-day voter registration and would obliterate state registration procedures. Same-day registration is the practice that enabled sufficient voter fraud in Minnesota to give Al Franken a seat in the Senate.
  • H.R. 1 limits the ability of states to cooperate to see who is registered in multiple states at the same time. Democrat Congressional nominee Wendy Rosen was able to vote for President Obama twice in the same election in Maryland and Florida -- a federal felony -- because Maryland does not participate in interstate cross checks of rolls.
  • H.R. 1 would nullify state laws that permit election observers to work as partners with election officials to file a formal challenge to a suspicious voter registration. Election watchdogs have been essential players in ensuring that the dead and ineligible do not cast ballots.

Democrats know they can rely on leftist lawyers who populate the bowels of the DOJ Voting Section to oppose voter ID, citizenship verification, and any other law that might impact their ideological and partisan preferences. These same lawyers abused this power when it was in effect, despite being sanctioned repeatedly by federal courts for abusing it. The lawyers who abused power are still employed, or enjoying sojourns as opinion columnists in the Washington Post. - READ MORE

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Rumor Verified: Jim Acosta Does Have Little Lady Hands

Screenshot via Acosta's Tweeter

Jim Acosta confirmed long time whispers of fans of CNN and professional watchers of the media that said the media mouthpiece of the anti-Trump Resistance and self adsorbed, grandstanding  jerk regularly went to great lengths to hide his small effeminate hands from the viewing public. But Thursday, while attempting to mock DJT and the border wall with a self made video posted on the tweeter, Acosta accidentally showed the world ...tens of hundreds of his resistance fans his rumored embarrassing girly hand.  In the past, with instructions to his cameraman, most viewers saw only short glimpses of Acosta's exaggerate hand in a death grip on the shaft of electronic media's all powerful phallic symbol as he reported to the nation, not the relaxed, small teen like digits he himself exposed. 

One unnamed fellow reporter laughed as he watched Acosta's video and said no wonder that petite female White House intern could wrestle a microphone out of Jim's hands, he's lucky she didn't break his wrist. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Just When You Think the Trump/Russia Conspiracy Can't Get Any More Weird, They Throw In Jesus For Good Measure

The seemingly unending saga of the greatest political conspiracy in modern history is getting weird now. Not that it wasn't weird before, but it's officially even weirder now that it looks like Mueller has little or nothing on DJT or to show for his time and money, and has the disappointed left scratching the ground like hungry armadillos for something - anything.

Take note comrades, there have been rumblings across the pond over the past few months about how the sale of this one painting - the most expensive art sale ever, of an extremely rare da Vinci that might not even be a da Vinci, or if it is, it might have been painted by Leonardo's cousin Billy Ray da Vinci - and might be one of the keys to unlocking the whole Trump/Russia conspiracy. But Jesus, really? A painting?

Trump-Russia journalist Zev Shalev has written the narrative out in such a way that he thinks it's time we all pay attention. First of all, some basic facts. The painting in question is called "What Are You Doing Up In That Tree, Jesus?" the Salvator Mundi, quite an unusual perspective for a da Vinci, a depiction of Jesus with an orb in one hand and doing some kind of Jesus hand sign with his other. It's known in art circles as an homage to the Mona Lisa, which was kind of da Vinci's big break and eventually playing a large part in having a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle named after him. The Salvator Mundi was recently sold for $450 million in what was the most expensive art transaction of all time.

The buyer? Mohammed bin Salman, crown prince of Saudi Arabia, because all murder-happy Muslim crown princes like to come home to a nice picture of Jesus over the mantel after a hard day of ordering journalists bone-sawed to death. He seems to have overpaid for the painting, by about $300 million. The seller? Dmitry Rybolovlev, the fertilizer oligarch, one of Putin's closest associates and just happens to know you know who......

Got your attention now? - READ MORE

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS and MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage ~

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

DJT To Put His Chips On The Table In Address To The Nation

DJT will take to the airwaves in an address to the Nation at 9:00PM ET tonight that will be carried by the networks who first insisted they would not air it but then decided to go with it after Count Schmuckula and the San Francisco Dragon Lady asked for time for a Democrat response on CNN.  DJT is also planning a trip to the border this Thursday, that you can guarantee the media will turn into a sh*tshow of an event if protest show. The President has stated he was strongly considering declaring a national emergency over the issue of border security and the decades-long lack of any via active sabotage by the Democrats and their GOP confederates.

Considering that we potentially have upwards of 10% of our population residing here illegally, which is a massive drain and cancer on every aspect of our society and economy, which not coincidentally serves to bolster the Democrats and their allies who seek the overthrow and destruction of America as founded for their benefit. It's a national crisis on a par with war. In fact, all things considered, it is a war since our government, society and way of life are in mortal danger. It's just that the enemy is essentially an internal one, both the 20-30 million illegal aliens and the Democrat Party itself.

And now that the Democrat-Left controls the House, beyond all the impeachment rhetoric, we have the insane talk of abolishing the electoral college as well as trying to further destroy the Senate (as if the 17th amendment wasn't enough) being belched up all over the place from the usual gaggle of Leftist sub-morons and potential tyrants. And then I have to read about Nancy Pelosi's dentures clattering out some galling remark that Trump wants to abolish Congress.
