Saturday, January 19, 2019

Glaring Example of How Out of Touch the Self Absorbed Media is With Most Americans

Longtime CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin lamented during a round-table discussion his fear that many Americans would dismiss the news media as a “bunch of leftist liars” in the wake of the BuzzFeed story (and the epic media circle jerk it spawned) that was squashed publicly as being false by special counsel Robert Mueller’s office. EARTH TO JEFFREY TOOBIN: where have you been?

Mr. Toobin seems totally unaware a large part of america may trust what their local news man tells them about the rise in taxes for trash pickup, but after two years of the media, in particularly his network, day-in and day-out running false or repeating unverified and inaccurate stories, attributed to unnamed sources just to damage people and bring down a president, does he really believe the media has any credibility left. Especially CNN!! They still cling to a reputation long since past, and I guess Mr. Toobin, like most of the national media imagines himself a cut above. But this video is as funny as it is sad watching them try and distance themselves from a story they reveled gleefully in just hours before while trying to save face....

Friday, January 18, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required * 

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Pelosi Takes Heat For Ignoring Her Minions Antisemitism

Nancy Pelosi is taking serious heat for appointing newly elected Rep. Ilhan Omar to the highly influential House Foreign Affairs Committee. This is a shocking move even for Pelosi. The Freshman Congresswoman Omar is an openly anti-semitic and anti-Israel and seems proud of the fact, so the question is why is she anywhere near anything to do with foreign relations? While the Democrat party has long been ripe with closeted antisemitism, this looks like a bone thrown to the new far left progtards in her party to appease them, a move Nan may live to regret. 

Republican leaders came out to denounce the move and to call for Pelosi to rescind the appointment. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had this to say:
“I would love to know what changed because Democratic leaders just promoted a pro-BDS Democrat to a key committee that deals with the State of Israel. Anti-Semitism has no place in Congress and certainly not on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.”
In what can only be explained as an utterly bizarre interview…the newly anointed Democrat Rep. from Minnesota appeared on CNN to discuss some of her rather disturbing behavior on Twitter. It’s very rare that we give CNN credit for anything, but during the interview Jim Sciutto and Poppy Harlow didn’t hold back any of the serious questions that actual journalist should be asking of the radical anti-Israel Congresswoman.

Near the end of the video, Harlow switched gears and started asking Omar about a tweet that she sent out in 2012. Harlow read the tweet aloud, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” The CNN host asked her about her tweet, saying, “You’ve commented a lot since then, trying to explain that, and I wonder just what your message is to Jewish Americans who find that deeply offensive?” I uh—don’t know how my comments would be offensive to Jewish Americans.”


Dear Nan. You're Grounded.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Women's March Leadership Is Even Too Radical For The DNC

The Democrats Can Run, But They Can't Hide From Their Party's Inbred Bigotry

The Democratic National Committee Removed Its Name 
From List of Event Sponsors.

The annual Women’s March is just three days away, but the Democratic National Committee has quietly withdrawn its support less than 24 hours after March leader's refused to denounce the notorious anti-Semitic hatemonger Louis Farrakhan on national television. The groups leaders, a La Raza supporter and radical Hispanic activist, a rag-head pro-Palestinian anti-Semite, a black Louis Farrakhan lover and a self-loathing ugly white chick named BOB; I ask why any decent American would take these people seriously?

Tuesday, march leaders Tamika Mallory and Bob Bland took to the airwaves on ABC’s morning democrat infomercial and leftist propaganda hour, “The View” to address “criticism of their leadership and allegations of antisemitism that have been levied against them by former members of their leadership team. They only dug themselves a deeper hole.  The View’s” Sunny Hostin called out Malloy about photos she took with Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, which she captioned with the acronym, GOAT, meaning greatest of all time. “I didn’t call him the greatest of all time because of his rhetoric,” Mallory said. “I called him the greatest of all time because of what he’s done in black communities.” She failed to say what she believes Farrakhan has done for her people. (other then extort money and teach hate for white people). 

The DNC baled on the march and joins a laundry list of liberal organizations that once proudly supported the Women’s March but are no longer sponsors, including EMILY’s List, the Center for American Progress, and NARAL Pro Choice America. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which labels the Nation of Islam as a “hate group,” also withdrew its sponsorship. It’s been a rough year for the Women’s March, which lost more than half of its 550 sponsors from 2018 for its event this year. 

Last July, the Women’s March sent out a press release announcing its opposition to President Trump’s Supreme Court pick, “XX,” clearly demonstrating the group intended to attack whomever the president selected, regardless of qualifications.


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Former Bronx Bartender Pledges to Gang-Bang 'We The People' with Her Prog Agenda

MEDIAITE – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocked her critics in a Washington Post interview, telling them to “enjoy being exhausted for the next two years while we run train on the progressive agenda.”
According to Urban Dictionary — not always a reliable source, but useful in this case — “run train” is colloquially defined as “to gangbang” someone with “several friends.”Ocasio-Cortez’s pledge to gang bang the progressive agenda comes in the transcript of an extensive interview with the WAPO, in which she was asked about “conservative media” setting her up as “another boogeyman on the left.”
This is one case where I have to say I am very glad I didn’t know what ‘run train’ means. I’d never heard of it until today. She seems to have acquired the 'Biden Syndrome'.....her mouth outruns it's supply line. Surprisingly the same WAPO gave her four Pinocchios last month, but this will not continue as she becomes more entrenched in the Democrat party.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director