Monday, September 2, 2019

Tariq Nasheed Explains This Weekend Chicago Shooting Stats

Tariq Nasheed is a popular Black Nationalist and Afro-Centric propaganda filmmaker who has taken on the job of polishing the turd of black history revision. He's also "they're turning the frogs gay" Alex Jones crazy.  Nasheed took to Black Twitter Friday to inform his followers and all of Chicago of his latest installment of crazy......
So I know you're not surprised at the reaction to this latest glowing example of black cultural psychosis.....
And it goes on and on......

~ Thank You Big Fur Hat @IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Scientist Says She’s Received ‘Yoda-like advice’ from Shrubbery

I'm not old enough to remember the sixties. I am a child of children of the sixties & seventies, and have worked with many who were there and were part of making the sixties the sixties. So I am very aware that there was a time when if someone told you that a tree spoke to them, it was a very good sign the there was some 'Orange Sunshine' or 'Brown Microdot' floating around somewhere. But when you hear statements like that today, it gives you pause. And if weren't for those intrepid intellectual truth seekers of New York Times, you might never have learned about the scientist who was advised by an oak tree to pursue her studies. Which brings us to Dr. Monica Gagliano......
from the NYT:
"Monica Gagliano says that she has received Yoda-like advice from trees and shrubbery. She recalls being rocked like a baby by the spirit of a fern. She has ridden on the back of an invisible bear conjured by an osha root. She once accidentally bent space and time while playing the ocarina, an ancient wind instrument, in a redwood forest. “Oryngham,” she says, means “thank you” in plant language. These interactions have taken place in dreams, visions, songs and telekinetic interactions, sometimes with the help of shamans or ayahuasca. 
Back in 1973, an explosively popular book, “The Secret Life of Plants,” made pseudoscientific claims about plants, including that they enjoy classical music and can read human minds. The book was firmly discredited, but the maelstrom made many institutions and researchers reasonably wary of bold statements about botanical aptitude. 
Regardless, last year Dr. Gagliano published a heady and meandering memoir about the conversations with plants that inspired her peer-reviewed work, titled “Thus Spoke the Plant.” She believes, like many scientists and environmentalists do, that in order to save the planet we have to understand ourselves as part of the natural world. It’s just that she also believes the plants themselves can speak to this point. 
“I want people to realize that the world is full of magic, but not as something only some people can do, or something that is outside of this world,” she said. “No, it’s all here."

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead, and the white knight is talking backwards, and the red queen's off with her head, remember what the dormouse said.
Feed your head. - Grace Slick


Saturday, August 31, 2019

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

~ No Tuxedos Required ~

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, August 30, 2019

Saturday Down South - Week #1

Yes indeed, it is at long last College Football season again.  Fresh jerseys, refurbished helmets, new cleats and all new, longer and much improved fake weaves to flow from beneath the helmets. (I hear they give you that extra half-step on your competitor). The Expert Sports Monkeys have picked their top 25, conference champions, National Champs and even the Heisman Trophy winner. And more often than not, they will be wrong. But the season starts in earnest this weekend.  

The SEC is already off to a 2-0 start, with Florida getting things rolling with a 'W', looking like.....the Florida we all know. Texas A&M got their 'W' at home looking like a real, possible could be genuine maybe SEC West contender. In all fairness, this being Week 1 with mostly over matched non conference warm ups for Division One teams, everyone is jazzed, rough around the edges and prone to mental argument against early polls & rankings. 

There are few games of real importance this first week, but a couple worth paying attention to.  One is Auburn vs. Oregon. The ducks return 10 starters on offense from a team that went 8-4 and finished unranked last year, and somehow are now pre-season #11. Yeah they have a QB that is NFL bound........the same one that went 8-4 in the Pac 12 last year! Am I missing sumpthin here?? The ducks, who have won hands-down the DMF 'Ugliest Uniforms in College Football' award every year there has been a DMF 'Ugliest Uniforms in College Football' award, have to play Auburn's freshman QB.... and one of the best D lines in the country.  Uh...Advantage Auburn.

In a way to early SEC East Conference game, one of my projected two SEC losses for week one (the other being Ol' Missy) we wait and see how much coach Kirby lets his Georgia Bulldogs run up the score on hapless Vanderbilt to pad their stats to fuel the hype machine and the professional sports monkey's hard-ons, and throw a little mania to the most obnoxious fan base in the SEC.

Alabama draws first blood this season from Duke. The bad news is that Bama will not only be short 4 players due to suspensions, they have lost both their starting defensive anchors and play callers to season ending injury. This could complicate their season later in the year, or maybe not. But for now, all this increases Duke's chances of winning from 996-1 to 995-1.

LSU opens 2019 hosting Georgia Southern. This is not a team coach Oeaux is taking lightly. They went 10-3 last year and play a triple option offense that is rarely used these days, and is very difficult to defend against. Georgia Southern and their triple option inspired one of the more memorable and hilarious epic rants by Nick Saban during an Alabama press conference a couple of years ago when questioned about playing FBS teams. Ya Gotta watch it.

I really don't expect the Tigers to show a whole lot of their revamped offense as not to give much away to the Longhorns who they face in Austin next week. But it wouldn't surprise me if GS keeps it close till they've shown all their cards, then the Tigers go full throttle and knock off some of their own rough edges in the process.


And to Kick Off the Season, All SEC Teams Got a Single Wish
 from SEC Fairy Godmother

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Savor The Media’s Outrage

Image via Middle Finger News Service Archives 1/20/2017

The NYT’s leaked transcript from a few weeks ago wrecked any chance of anyone falling for their “All The News That’s Fit To Print” baloney again – when the scribblers are hassling their editor because the paper isn’t calling Trump “racist” often enough, you’ve Old Yeller’d objectivity. When you openly plan to replace American history with a garbage narrative designed to undermine the moral foundation of its citizenry’s right to self-government in order to solidify your own caste’s hold on power, you’ve chosen a side in the Octagon, so don’t be shocked if someone figuratively busts a chair over your skull.

For years, these pompous hacks have clobbered ordinary folks whose only “crime” is making fun of Obama at a rodeo, or making a funny meme about liberals, or understanding that there are only two genders. They pored over the social media accounts of lesser mortals, highlighting thought crimes and sometimes thoughtlessness with malignant glee. They tried to teach us rubes the lesson that disobedience and defiance bring cancellation. They took normal people and hauled them up onto the Aztec altar of human sacrifice to have their beating hearts cut out to appease the demon demi-gods of wokeness.

You must have a heart of stone not to burst into uncontrollable, hysterical laughter at the agony of the failing New York Times and the rest of the media over how conservative activists are going to apply the same internet colonoscopy to lib journalistas as they apply to us. This is righteous retribution, and the screaming and hollering about it is further evidence that there’s plenty of dirt to dig up.

Welcome to Accountability City. Population: All you liberal media jerks. - Read More

Senator John Tells It Like It Is.....

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

It's Back To Making Chicken Salad Sandwiches, and Callin' People Misogynist & Racist On the Senate Floor

Kirsten Gillibrand  Gives Up Seat In Dem Clown Car

Tens of People Devastated at the News.

And of course, in a wee bit of sarcasm, DJT trolls the Dems.....

 ~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Will The Buttigieg Campaign Be Mugged By Lesbians??

Looks like Democrats have plans to go all-in with identity politics for 2020, just as soon as they can iron out their racial and gender confused hierarchy of identities. And that is going to be fun to watch!

Ironically, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who has used identity politics as a starting whistle and a key selling point in his campaign to become the first openly gay president, might just find himself the victim of this spreading virus of identity politics.

According to Politico, the Lesbians are less interested in sexual orientation than in gender when it comes to electoral justice next year.
"Campbell Spencer, a lesbian and political consultant, moved to Washington in the 1990s to work in LGBTQ advocacy, worked in the Obama White House and now serves on the board of the LGBTQ Victory Fund, which this year issued its first-ever endorsement of a presidential candidate: Pete Buttigieg......"
Spencer herself will not be voting for Buttigieg. 
“Mayor Pete, he’s a trailblazer, but I’m one of these women who thinks we are way overdue for having a woman in the White House. That’s a lens through which I’m going to filter my decision." 
It feels like a slap in the face to just go directly to the white gay guy, when for decades you’ve been trying to elect a woman and it didn’t happen last time. If Pete Buttigieg is elected it won’t feel like a vindication of Hillary Clinton. If a woman is elected, it will."
Hillary had her own chance to win an election, a chance handed to her by the DNC on a silver platter, and she blew it. And one of the ways in which she blew it was by making the election about identity politics and her own entitlement when voters wanted the election to be about themselves.

And while democratic leadership and their media activists cheerleaders remain obsessed with identity politics, it is not terribly attractive or important to democrat voters as Monmouth poll discovered earlier this year:
"Fully 87% say the race of the nominee does not matter. Just 5% say it would be better for Democrats to nominate a person of color. Similarly, 77% say the gender of the nominee does not matter. Just 7% say it would be better for Democrats to nominate a woman."
So the question is, will lesbians mug Mayor Pete and throw him under the bus in the primaries in favor of Senator Lizzy or the Voodoo Queen Kamala in an attempted vindication of Hillary Clinton???

Monday, August 26, 2019

When She Goes Down, the Left Will freak Out in a Festival of Freaking Outness Unparalleled in American History

Excerpts From Kurt Schlichter@Townhall 
Progressives’ ghoulish glee over the death of an old man turned into barely constrained panic when, later that day, it was revealed that their heroine Ruth Bader Ginsberg was just treated for pancreatic cancer yet again. Their disgraceful joy at David Koch’s passing was yet another reminder of the harsh truth that leftists want you dead or enslaved. Koch’s sin was that he disagreed with liberals (though, in important ways, also with conservatives). For that, these cretins danced around like idiots celebrating his succumbing. And they’ll celebrate when you die too. Always believe people who tell you they hate you and want you dead.
RBG’s latest successful MMA bout with the Grim Reaper is a reminder that we conservatives need to gird our loins for what’s coming when she finally leaves the Supreme Court for good. But our anticipatory loin girding is merely prudent preparation. 
We conservatives don’t want people to die simply because they have different political beliefs.  But she’s very old and she’s very sick and facing that reality is not the same as high-fiving it.   
Not wanting her to die a horrible death is not to sugarcoat the damage she has done with her utterly upside-down vision of our founding document, but to simply reaffirm a point that never should have been an issue but is an issue because of the shameful behavior of liberals like we saw with Koch.
Her constitutional jurisprudence consists of disregarding what she dislikes that’s in the Bill of Rights and making up stuff that’s not in it but that she feels – not thinks, feels – should be in it. 
She’s a terrible justice and conservatives would love to see her step down. But our side expressed no delight in her latest suffering comparable to the giddy revelry that greeted Koch’s kicking the bucket. We’re not monsters, though how long that remains true is up in the air. When you establish New Rules they tend to come back and bite you on the Schumer. 
The Democrats are already prepping the battlespace with this cheesy narrative.
The last time Democrats failed to get their way they tore the country apart. And when this all goes down, the left will freak out in a festival of freaking outness unparalleled in American history. 
The Dem candidates will go nuts. Big Chief Warren will be on the warpath, Bernie will call for revolution, Harris will say whatever she thinks is useful, Biden will start talking about how JFK visited him in the White House, and Beto will continue to be a furry. 
We’ll get lots of the “Orange man bad, orange man not nominate a judge because he bad” babble from the libs and their gimp media. Maddow will cry, Don Lemon will pound an umbrella drink and Tater Stelter will sweat profusely as he reads off the teleprompter about how Trump is literally Hitler. 
The Fredocons will weigh in with their patented brand of sissy submission to their elite tops. We’ll be informed how taking back the Supreme Court like the geebos of Conservative, Inc., promised for three decades is actually not who we are and how we’re better than that. -  Read More

 ~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~